I wonder what its like to be white?

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I think both. Its similar to homosexuality , born that way, or you can adopt and learn that way. Racism is consciousness , we are born with consciousness. Born with the full rainbow coalition of human nature and emotion and environment. Our heads are like an empty bowl in other areas , but life stands ready with a full bowl of knowledge , and it starts pouring it into our heads right after we are born.
Agreed there is a genetic component like sexual preference, but disagreed on taking the "born with a clean slate" theory too far.

In the wild, anything can kill you, including doing nothing. Therefore, xenophobia becomes a survival trait. How many here have tried to teach a dog or cat to be unfearful of a new thing? It's natural to dislike "something different" because millions of years of evolution has taught mammals that "something different" can get you killed.

Racism is xenophobia taken to an extreme. I think your posted numbers are a good starting point, but need refinement through scientific investigation:

"I would say 50% of them are unconsciously racist , and 25% are consciously racist , I would say the same about every 100 blacks. I would say 25% are not racist at all."

Trade out the word "racist" in your post for "xenophobic". Add that the reason people are this way is based on an ability (or inability) to reason. IOW, IQ.

Well I would not trade the word racist with Xenophobic , But I have no problem adding it to the same line.
Well I would not trade the word racist with Xenophobic , But I have no problem adding it to the same line.
I suggest putting "racist" under the general category of Xenophobia as a more specific, intense form of xenophobia.

Well I think the terms are in similar neighborhoods ; A Xenophobe is "Unduly" fearful of that which is foreign , Racism is discrimination against that which is foreign, so I think racism requires more courage and outward action towards others ; Racism is more imposing. If you get what I mean.
Well I think the terms are in similar neighborhoods ; A Xenophobe is "Unduly" fearful of that which is foreign , Racism is discrimination against that which is foreign, so I think racism requires more courage and outward action towards others ; Racism is more imposing. If you get what I mean.
I wouldn't call racism as needing more "courage". In response to fear (and the strongest fear is fear of the unknown), people and animals will often respond with the "fight or flight syndrome". Fear can lead to hate and racism is a hateful response to fear of those who are different.

I do agree that racism is more intense, more narrow than xenophobia in general, but that doesn't mean a racist will do anything about it. We have racists on this forum but I doubt many of participated in hate crimes.
Personally it's hard for me to beleive a person is born with any kind of racism.

Well remember I believe in the bible ; In Gen. 25:22 Rebekah had twins still in her womb , and they were fighting inside her womb. Each twin was a father of a soon coming nation, vs. 25. And their children were pre destined to fight against each other. In fact the origin of the Israel - Palestinian conflict , came from the Children of Isaac and Ishmael, they been fighting ever since.

Ishmael and Isaac: The Birth of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? – Musalaha - Ministry of Reconciliation

Also notice : Are we born racist? A new Israeli study has some surprising answers - Magazine

Born into the world fighting. Racist toward each other at birth.
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Well I think the terms are in similar neighborhoods ; A Xenophobe is "Unduly" fearful of that which is foreign , Racism is discrimination against that which is foreign, so I think racism requires more courage and outward action towards others ; Racism is more imposing. If you get what I mean.
I wouldn't call racism as needing more "courage". In response to fear (and the strongest fear is fear of the unknown), people and animals will often respond with the "fight or flight syndrome". Fear can lead to hate and racism is a hateful response to fear of those who are different.

I do agree that racism is more intense, more narrow than xenophobia in general, but that doesn't mean a racist will do anything about it. We have racists on this forum but I doubt many of participated in hate crimes.

Well I can see that ,not needing courage ,I should say it can lead to a false bravado. I like the way you state ,the strongest fear is the fear of the unknown.
Personally it's hard for me to beleive a person is born with any kind of racism.

Well remember I believe in the bible ; In Gen. 25:22 Rebekah had twins still in her womb , and they were fighting inside her womb. Each twin was a father of a soon coming nation, vs. 25. And their children were pre destined to fight against each other. In fact the origin of the Israel - Palestinian conflict , came from the Children of Isaac and Ishmael, they been fighting ever since.

Ishmael and Isaac: The Birth of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? – Musalaha - Ministry of Reconciliation

Also notice : Are we born racist? A new Israeli study has some surprising answers - Magazine;(sorry they closed this and are selling it)

Born into the world fighting. Racist toward each other at birth.

Also notice ;Are We Are Born Racist? - Kevin A. Thompson
Personally it's hard for me to beleive a person is born with any kind of racism.

Well remember I believe in the bible ; In Gen. 25:22 Rebekah had twins still in her womb , and they were fighting inside her womb. Each twin was a father of a soon coming nation, vs. 25. And their children were pre destined to fight against each other. In fact the origin of the Israel - Palestinian conflict , came from the Children of Isaac and Ishmael, they been fighting ever since.

Ishmael and Isaac: The Birth of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? – Musalaha - Ministry of Reconciliation

Also notice : Are we born racist? A new Israeli study has some surprising answers - Magazine;(sorry they closed this and are selling it)

Born into the world fighting. Racist toward each other at birth.

Also notice ;Are We Are Born Racist? - Kevin A. Thompson

We are born conscious of our environment , to a certain degree , of course then we instantly grow from that degree. Our consciousness expands. Also notice ;

Are We Born Racist | Nature of Prejudice

So when people behave alike , think keenly alike , look alike , were born in proximity of each other in large mass , and have similar genes, we then can put these people in groups and call them a" Tribe." I know even that term will offend. Races were hatched like an egg , inside of a woman. The spermatozoon of a male , through a process of mature fertilizing gamete ;or his sperm ; was the origin of civilization.

Primordial man was virtually eliminated during the ice age , and I think God began a new age of man , but this time he installed consciousness into them , THEN humanity took a serious turn in history ; and soon civilization was born. I think God then manipulated the gametes of humanity , and from that race and culture was began.
Personally it's hard for me to beleive a person is born with any kind of racism.
Agreed, but can you say the same about xenophobia? I think not.

Evolutionarily speaking, it's good to have some very adventurous, fearless explorers, but let's face it: in the wild their longevity is short compared to those who don't stray from the group and are afraid of anything new or strange.
Now I believe in evolution , but I do not believe humanity popped into existence on its own power ;I believe in creation and a God. I believe a powerful thing like consciousness , can only come from another consciousness; it cannot be birthed from magical appearing matter and fluids. And I refuse to accept that we are from the idiot hierarchy of speechless apes. God created male and females AGAIN, (because he created primordial humans first , I think they did not have consciousness ; why , I don't know), then he gave them consciousness and manipulated their gametes to reproduce through females reproductive cells having the haploid ability to manipulate further their chromosomes and God actually placed within these Gametes the beginnings of every race ever born.

The first two humans with consciousness ,in my view ,were Adam and Eve. I think they were "Mid Brown" in complexion because from those melanin you can get all the colors of humanity. Melanin is darker pigment , and God tampered with Eves gametes and injected into her "Melanesian" , from which humanity developed, or evolved, language and culture. God put "Lag" in the gametes so humans could grow or proceed and develop with comparative slowness.

Some how ,and I don't understand this much , God actually can "Program Gametes " , and do things to each individual gamete that will actually grow inside every man and woman through out history , that will become the actual attitude and behavior of each race.
This is how and why , I think we are what we are.
Well I can see that ,not needing courage ,I should say it can lead to a false bravado. I like the way you state ,the strongest fear is the fear of the unknown.
False bravado is a last-chance survival tactic. Sometimes it works. Such as spreading your arms to look bigger when facing a black bear (which will get you eaten if facing a brown bear!)
Now I believe in evolution , but I do not believe humanity popped into existence on its own power ;I believe in creation and a God. I believe a powerful thing like consciousness , can only come from another consciousness; it cannot be birthed from magical appearing matter and fluids. And I refuse to accept that we are from the idiot hierarchy of speechless apes. God created male and females AGAIN, (because he created primordial humans first , I think they did not have consciousness ; why , I don't know), then he gave them consciousness and manipulated their gametes to reproduce through females reproductive cells having the haploid ability to manipulate further their chromosomes and God actually placed within these Gametes the beginnings of every race ever born.

The first two humans with consciousness ,in my view ,were Adam and Eve. I think they were "Mid Brown" in complexion because from those melanin you can get all the colors of humanity. Melanin is darker pigment , and God tampered with Eves gametes and injected into her "Melanesian" , from which humanity developed, or evolved, language and culture. God put "Lag" in the gametes so humans could grow or proceed and develop with comparative slowness.

Some how ,and I don't understand this much , God actually can "Program Gametes " , and do things to each individual gamete that will actually grow inside every man and woman through out history , that will become the actual attitude and behavior of each race.
This is how and why , I think we are what we are.
Well I can see that ,not needing courage ,I should say it can lead to a false bravado. I like the way you state ,the strongest fear is the fear of the unknown.
False bravado is a last-chance survival tactic. Sometimes it works. Such as spreading your arms to look bigger when facing a black bear (which will get you eaten if facing a brown bear!)

The peacock does the same thing with its tail.
Now I believe in evolution , but I do not believe humanity popped into existence on its own power ;I believe in creation and a God....
Do you accept that God is powerful enough and all-seeing enough to have cast out the equivalent of a handful of sand 13.8 billion years ago and know what would grow from it?
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?

The two main differences in your life were you were white are that you would not be allowed to be as openly racist as you are if you were white, nor would the color of your skin provide you with a ready-made excuse for all your failings.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?

The two main differences in your life were you were white are that you would not be allowed to be as openly racist as you are if you were white, nor would the color of your skin provide you with a ready-made excuse for all your failings.

Well I agree with you, I know; I do know ;

I do my best.
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