I wonder what its like to be white?

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A black man and a white man walk into a bakery.
The black man immediately steals three pastries and puts them in his pocket.

He says to the white, "See how good I am? The owner didn't see a thing." The white man says to the black man, "That's typical of you black people. I am going to show you an honest way to get the same result."

He goes to the owner of the bakery and says, "Give me a pastry and I will show you a magic trick." Intrigued, the owner accepts and gives him a pastry. The white man swallows it and asks for another one. The owner gives him another one. Then the white man swallows that one and asks for a third pastry and eats that, too.

The owner is starting to wonder where the magic trick is and asks, "So what did you do with the pastries?"

The white man replies, "Look in the black mans back pocket....."
why american joke is bullshit. isnt funny .
i think only one american can tell good joke . just Louis CK
In my view, the white consciousness has had far too much " Puffed up ego" for it to ever see the effects of that in any manner that would affect the whole ; only individuals. Far too much success ; just too much dominance ; this stuff has a serious profound effect on the ego ; just being on top for too long ; generation after generation born with that silver spoon in their mouths ; way too much to eat;

they are full ; bellies fat ; way too content ; just sitting on that wall ; prepped like humpty dumpty ; no worries in the world

there not going to see it coming.

But how does the white consciousness affect relationships with other races?
You ever wanted to get to know someone, or get someone to know you? To have and to hold a true friendship with them? How did you do? How do you fair in friendships? And if they were from a race or culture other than your own ; just how did that go?

Do the rules of friendship change when its another race your wanting to know?

Who is the most difficult to befriend / Whites , blacks , Asian , Latino?

Who is the easiest race to get to know?
You ever wanted to get to know someone, or get someone to know you? To have and to hold a true friendship with them? How did you do? How do you fair in friendships? And if they were from a race or culture other than your own ; just how did that go?

Do the rules of friendship change when its another race your wanting to know?

Who is the most difficult to befriend / Whites , blacks , Asian , Latino?

Who is the easiest race to get to know?
Why are NA's always left out?
You ever wanted to get to know someone, or get someone to know you? To have and to hold a true friendship with them? How did you do? How do you fair in friendships? And if they were from a race or culture other than your own ; just how did that go?

Do the rules of friendship change when its another race your wanting to know?

Who is the most difficult to befriend / Whites , blacks , Asian , Latino?

Who is the easiest race to get to know?
Why are NA's always left out?

Who are the NA's?

Any how , when it comes to traveling , ease up, its not America who is not nice or friendly to tourist , see who is number one for being unfriendly ;

The World's Rudest Nations For Travelers

America ranked no. 7.In That poll;

Strangely France ranked number one in the rudest and friendliest poll;

The 11 Rudest Countries and 16 Friendliest Countries to Visit - Mobal

What about cities in the US?

The Friendliest and Unfriendliest Cities in the U.S.
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You ever wanted to get to know someone, or get someone to know you? To have and to hold a true friendship with them? How did you do? How do you fair in friendships? And if they were from a race or culture other than your own ; just how did that go?

Do the rules of friendship change when its another race your wanting to know?

Who is the most difficult to befriend / Whites , blacks , Asian , Latino?

Who is the easiest race to get to know?
Why are NA's always left out?

Who are the NA's?

Any how , when it comes to traveling , ease up, its not America who is not nice or friendly to tourist , see who is number one for being unfriendly ;

The World's Rudest Nations For Travelers

America ranked no. 7.In That poll;

Strangely France ranked number one in the rudest and friendliest poll;

The 11 Rudest Countries and 16 Friendliest Countries to Visit - Mobal

What about cities in the US?

The Friendliest and Unfriendliest Cities in the U.S.
Native American
You ever wanted to get to know someone, or get someone to know you? To have and to hold a true friendship with them? How did you do? How do you fair in friendships? And if they were from a race or culture other than your own ; just how did that go?

Do the rules of friendship change when its another race your wanting to know?

Who is the most difficult to befriend / Whites , blacks , Asian , Latino?

Who is the easiest race to get to know?
Why are NA's always left out?

Who are the NA's?

Any how , when it comes to traveling , ease up, its not America who is not nice or friendly to tourist , see who is number one for being unfriendly ;

The World's Rudest Nations For Travelers

America ranked no. 7.In That poll;

Strangely France ranked number one in the rudest and friendliest poll;

The 11 Rudest Countries and 16 Friendliest Countries to Visit - Mobal

What about cities in the US?

The Friendliest and Unfriendliest Cities in the U.S.
Native American

Its hard to get accurate data on Native Americans .
Here you are white , do you ever really listen to what other races are really saying about you? Do you care? Or is it too late with you? Okay your white , do you make it easy or hard to get along with you?

Why do people like your race if they do?

My race is perhaps the most hated race on earth. Would you believe why if I showed you? Because we never committed genocide to another race ; and other races fear and respect that. Notice this stunning truth;

Why Africans are so Hated all over the world? | SiliconAfrica

We never exterminated a single population. In this world , if you do ; you are liked.
If you ask, what is it like to be rich, successful, famous, powerful, etc., yes, that's an interesting question. But it's not the same as asking what it's like to be white, because still the majority of whites are not those things.

It's just that the white people who are, they are noticed a lot. This creates an inescapable tension in people who are not white (who are the majority on this planet) and in America probably up to 35% of the population now and growing. It creates this sense that you are not noticed, that nobody, not even your fellow colored people, really cares about you.

This isn't true, but psychologically it does have an effect.
If you ask, what is it like to be rich, successful, famous, powerful, etc., yes, that's an interesting question. But it's not the same as asking what it's like to be white, because still the majority of whites are not those things.

It's just that the white people who are, they are noticed a lot. This creates an inescapable tension in people who are not white (who are the majority on this planet) and in America probably up to 35% of the population now and growing. It creates this sense that you are not noticed, that nobody, not even your fellow colored people, really cares about you.

This isn't true, but psychologically it does have an effect.

I think its partly "The Great White Hope Syndrome"; blacks wanted a great black hope in OJ Simson, they were rooting for a killer to be aquited, those who rooted for him then are just as dangerous as the man; Whites want one in Donald Trump , a liar , unstable , tempermental and without restraint. Half the whites in the country are rooting for this man - they then are just as dangerous as the man. So the population is dangerous, I will not agree that they are not ; they are just different types of bombs waiting to explode in various situations.

The population has "Land mines" in their consciousness , that just have to be stepped on hard enough. And they will go off.
You ever wanted to get to know someone, or get someone to know you? To have and to hold a true friendship with them? How did you do? How do you fair in friendships? And if they were from a race or culture other than your own ; just how did that go?

Do the rules of friendship change when its another race your wanting to know?

Who is the most difficult to befriend / Whites , blacks , Asian , Latino?

Who is the easiest race to get to know?
For me its definitely whites. More specifically white males.. I simply dont trust them. They have a historical track record of lying, stealing, and violence that is too well documented to ignore. From my own personal encounters with specifically white males its the back stabbing and under mining they attempt when they realize just how impotent they are in comparison to my Blackness. I can say that white women have tried their best to atone for their white males in my personal and professional life in a myriad of ways.

The absolute easiest people to get to know are Tongans. I have several in my family and have yet to meet one I didnt like and grow close with. They readily admit to their African roots which was surprising to me the first time i heard a couple of them say it. The next easiest race/ethnicity to get to know for me is usually various Asians like Filipinos, Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese. Mexicans are really cool since I grew up in their culture. Both of these groups despise whites.
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You ever wanted to get to know someone, or get someone to know you? To have and to hold a true friendship with them? How did you do? How do you fair in friendships? And if they were from a race or culture other than your own ; just how did that go?

Do the rules of friendship change when its another race your wanting to know?

Who is the most difficult to befriend / Whites , blacks , Asian , Latino?

Who is the easiest race to get to know?
For me its definitely whites. More specifically white males.. I simply dont trust them. They have a historical track record of lying, stealing, and violence that is too well documented to ignore. From my own personal encounters with specifically white males its the back stabbing and under mining they attempt when they realize just how impotent they are in comparison to my Blackness. I can say that white women have tried their best to atone for their white males in my personal and professional life in a myriad of ways.

The absolute easiest people to get to know are Tongans. I have several in my family and have yet to meet one I didnt like and grow close with. They readily admit to their African roots which was surprising to me the first time i heard a couple of them say it. The next easiest race/ethnicity to get to know for me is usually various Asians like Filipinos, Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese. Mexicans are really cool since I grew up in their culture. Both of these groups despise whites.

I don't trust hardly anyone. But my path is different , I was made to walk alone. Company is just allowed for me every now and then. And that mostly in my youth. One must know their course. Or at least have an idea of the direction. I understand more each year what I must go through. But I knowhow to get along with people , inspite of my personal venues of life. And this is what I am screaming.

How do you get along with people?

Okay your white , what is it like for a white person to get along with others? I have met hundreds of people who feel exactly like Asclepias; they have had their full of whites.

What is this race doing to people now? We know what they have done , but what are they doing now in relationships? I hope this board on race relations is not a true reflection of how all whites feel ;

or is it?? Is this what is really lurking? Is this the mass that supports Trump? Is the white race really just like Donald Trump?
You have answered your own question. White people want us all gone, they want us extinct. They want a white planet. Heck they want most other species extinct as well.

Psychologically it's the way they are. They won't be satisfied until they lay waste to everything, and after that they will turn on each other.
You have answered your own question. White people want us all gone, they want us extinct. They want a white planet. Heck they want most other species extinct as well.

Psychologically it's the way they are. They won't be satisfied until they lay waste to everything, and after that they will turn on each other.

Once again, everyone knows you are a white kid sitting in the basement trying to role-play.
You have answered your own question. White people want us all gone, they want us extinct. They want a white planet. Heck they want most other species extinct as well.

Psychologically it's the way they are. They won't be satisfied until they lay waste to everything, and after that they will turn on each other.

I don't think the majority of white people want all races eliminated , and many of them may not cry if that happened ; they won't grieve as a whole , but some would. Just like some whites would want that to happen. You know , some of those hardcore southern boys that they keep locked up and chained in the basement. Enough whites can live with other races if they wanted to , and enough are doing it because they have to. Sooner or later racism comes out in some kind of way or another.

But can you treat others right and still be racist?

I definitely think so. With a little work , you can hide most anything.
What have the whites done to the fabric of relationships in America , and this world?

You'll be surprised at how they have been ripping at it for years ; and gotten away with it.
I heard a very interesting concept today from a white guys pet Native American. Whites are great at brainwashing people. This NA said Blacks owe slave transporters and owners reparations. How do whites get such delusional ideas into the heads of their would be white uncle toms and tontos?
I heard a very interesting concept today from a white guys pet Native American. Whites are great at brainwashing people. This NA said Blacks owe slave transporters and owners reparations. How do whites get such delusional ideas into the heads of their would be white uncle toms and tontos?

This is what they did to the Cheyenne ,in their cunning relations;

History and cultural relations - Cheyenne
I heard a very interesting concept today from a white guys pet Native American. Whites are great at brainwashing people. This NA said Blacks owe slave transporters and owners reparations. How do whites get such delusional ideas into the heads of their would be white uncle toms and tontos?

This is what they did to the Cheyenne ,in their cunning relations;

History and cultural relations - Cheyenne
From what I have learned whites simply kept redrawing the line until the natives ran out of real estate. They broke treaty after treaty after treaty until the NA's had no where else to go.
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