I wonder what its like to be white?

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I heard a very interesting concept today from a white guys pet Native American. Whites are great at brainwashing people. This NA said Blacks owe slave transporters and owners reparations. How do whites get such delusional ideas into the heads of their would be white uncle toms and tontos?

This is what they did to the Cheyenne ,in their cunning relations;

History and cultural relations - Cheyenne
From what I have learned whites simply kept redrawing the line until the natives ran out of real estate. They broke treaty after treaty after treaty until the NA's had no where else to go.

This is what they did to the Sioux in their relations ;

I heard a very interesting concept today from a white guys pet Native American. Whites are great at brainwashing people. This NA said Blacks owe slave transporters and owners reparations. How do whites get such delusional ideas into the heads of their would be white uncle toms and tontos?

This is what they did to the Cheyenne ,in their cunning relations;

History and cultural relations - Cheyenne
From what I have learned whites simply kept redrawing the line until the natives ran out of real estate. They broke treaty after treaty after treaty until the NA's had no where else to go.

This is what they did to the Sioux in their relations ;

It amazes me that white people get offended when I say I dont trust their race. Its like they dont want to believe they actually did these things or they want to pretend they don't still display the same genetic tendencies to do it now.
I heard a very interesting concept today from a white guys pet Native American. Whites are great at brainwashing people. This NA said Blacks owe slave transporters and owners reparations. How do whites get such delusional ideas into the heads of their would be white uncle toms and tontos?

This is what they did to the Cheyenne ,in their cunning relations;

History and cultural relations - Cheyenne
From what I have learned whites simply kept redrawing the line until the natives ran out of real estate. They broke treaty after treaty after treaty until the NA's had no where else to go.

This is what they did to the Sioux in their relations ;

It amazes me that white people get offended when I say I dont trust their race. Its like they dont want to believe they actually did these things or they want to pretend they don't still display the same genetic tendencies to do it now.

They don't like looking in the mirror of their conquest ;

their relations with the Blackfeet tribes ;

Blackfeet Nation History
You ever wanted to get to know someone, or get someone to know you? To have and to hold a true friendship with them? How did you do? How do you fair in friendships? And if they were from a race or culture other than your own ; just how did that go?

Do the rules of friendship change when its another race your wanting to know?

Who is the most difficult to befriend / Whites , blacks , Asian , Latino?

Who is the easiest race to get to know?
For me its definitely whites. More specifically white males.. I simply dont trust them. They have a historical track record of lying, stealing, and violence that is too well documented to ignore. From my own personal encounters with specifically white males its the back stabbing and under mining they attempt when they realize just how impotent they are in comparison to my Blackness. I can say that white women have tried their best to atone for their white males in my personal and professional life in a myriad of ways.

The absolute easiest people to get to know are Tongans. I have several in my family and have yet to meet one I didnt like and grow close with. They readily admit to their African roots which was surprising to me the first time i heard a couple of them say it. The next easiest race/ethnicity to get to know for me is usually various Asians like Filipinos, Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese. Mexicans are really cool since I grew up in their culture. Both of these groups despise whites.

I don't trust hardly anyone. But my path is different , I was made to walk alone. Company is just allowed for me every now and then. And that mostly in my youth. One must know their course. Or at least have an idea of the direction. I understand more each year what I must go through. But I knowhow to get along with people , inspite of my personal venues of life. And this is what I am screaming.

How do you get along with people?

Okay your white , what is it like for a white person to get along with others? I have met hundreds of people who feel exactly like Asclepias; they have had their full of whites.

What is this race doing to people now? We know what they have done , but what are they doing now in relationships? I hope this board on race relations is not a true reflection of how all whites feel ;

or is it?? Is this what is really lurking? Is this the mass that supports Trump? Is the white race really just like Donald Trump?
You ever wanted to get to know someone, or get someone to know you? To have and to hold a true friendship with them? How did you do? How do you fair in friendships? And if they were from a race or culture other than your own ; just how did that go?

Do the rules of friendship change when its another race your wanting to know?

Who is the most difficult to befriend / Whites , blacks , Asian , Latino?

Who is the easiest race to get to know?
For me its definitely whites. More specifically white males.. I simply dont trust them. They have a historical track record of lying, stealing, and violence that is too well documented to ignore. From my own personal encounters with specifically white males its the back stabbing and under mining they attempt when they realize just how impotent they are in comparison to my Blackness. I can say that white women have tried their best to atone for their white males in my personal and professional life in a myriad of ways.

The absolute easiest people to get to know are Tongans. I have several in my family and have yet to meet one I didnt like and grow close with. They readily admit to their African roots which was surprising to me the first time i heard a couple of them say it. The next easiest race/ethnicity to get to know for me is usually various Asians like Filipinos, Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese. Mexicans are really cool since I grew up in their culture. Both of these groups despise whites.

I don't trust hardly anyone. But my path is different , I was made to walk alone. Company is just allowed for me every now and then. And that mostly in my youth. One must know their course. Or at least have an idea of the direction. I understand more each year what I must go through. But I knowhow to get along with people , inspite of my personal venues of life. And this is what I am screaming.

How do you get along with people?

Okay your white , what is it like for a white person to get along with others? I have met hundreds of people who feel exactly like Asclepias; they have had their full of whites.

What is this race doing to people now? We know what they have done , but what are they doing now in relationships? I hope this board on race relations is not a true reflection of how all whites feel ;

or is it?? Is this what is really lurking? Is this the mass that supports Trump? Is the white race really just like Donald Trump?
It is sad that so many black people stereotype whites yet get angry if whites stereotype them. There are hateful, racist people of all colors, but if somebody is stereotyping you must understand why others would also
I heard a very interesting concept today from a white guys pet Native American. Whites are great at brainwashing people. This NA said Blacks owe slave transporters and owners reparations. How do whites get such delusional ideas into the heads of their would be white uncle toms and tontos?

This is what they did to the Cheyenne ,in their cunning relations;

History and cultural relations - Cheyenne
From what I have learned whites simply kept redrawing the line until the natives ran out of real estate. They broke treaty after treaty after treaty until the NA's had no where else to go.

This is what they did to the Sioux in their relations ;

It amazes me that white people get offended when I say I dont trust their race. Its like they dont want to believe they actually did these things or they want to pretend they don't still display the same genetic tendencies to do it now.
I agree there were atrocities committed by whites in the past. It is not a genetic tendency to behave badly today. That behavior is learned, not biological.
I heard a very interesting concept today from a white guys pet Native American. Whites are great at brainwashing people. This NA said Blacks owe slave transporters and owners reparations. How do whites get such delusional ideas into the heads of their would be white uncle toms and tontos?

This is what they did to the Cheyenne ,in their cunning relations;

History and cultural relations - Cheyenne
From what I have learned whites simply kept redrawing the line until the natives ran out of real estate. They broke treaty after treaty after treaty until the NA's had no where else to go.

This is what they did to the Sioux in their relations ;

It amazes me that white people get offended when I say I dont trust their race. Its like they dont want to believe they actually did these things or they want to pretend they don't still display the same genetic tendencies to do it now.
I agree there were atrocities committed by whites in the past. It is not a genetic tendency to behave badly today. That behavior is learned, not biological.

What whites did to the Chippewa;

I heard a very interesting concept today from a white guys pet Native American. Whites are great at brainwashing people. This NA said Blacks owe slave transporters and owners reparations. How do whites get such delusional ideas into the heads of their would be white uncle toms and tontos?

This is what they did to the Cheyenne ,in their cunning relations;

History and cultural relations - Cheyenne
From what I have learned whites simply kept redrawing the line until the natives ran out of real estate. They broke treaty after treaty after treaty until the NA's had no where else to go.

This is what they did to the Sioux in their relations ;

It amazes me that white people get offended when I say I dont trust their race. Its like they dont want to believe they actually did these things or they want to pretend they don't still display the same genetic tendencies to do it now.
I agree there were atrocities committed by whites in the past. It is not a genetic tendency to behave badly today. That behavior is learned, not biological.
Do whites always try to hide the harshness of their atrocities by describing their behavior in more palatable terms? I note you termed it "behaving badly". I think it was much worse than behaving badly. I would term it "blood thirsty savages" or "genocidal maniacs". It kind of reminds me of how they describe riots by white people. Instead of calling it a riot they say "blowing off steam" or "rowdy".
You ever wanted to get to know someone, or get someone to know you? To have and to hold a true friendship with them? How did you do? How do you fair in friendships? And if they were from a race or culture other than your own ; just how did that go?

Do the rules of friendship change when its another race your wanting to know?

Who is the most difficult to befriend / Whites , blacks , Asian , Latino?

Who is the easiest race to get to know?
For me its definitely whites. More specifically white males.. I simply dont trust them. They have a historical track record of lying, stealing, and violence that is too well documented to ignore. From my own personal encounters with specifically white males its the back stabbing and under mining they attempt when they realize just how impotent they are in comparison to my Blackness. I can say that white women have tried their best to atone for their white males in my personal and professional life in a myriad of ways.

The absolute easiest people to get to know are Tongans. I have several in my family and have yet to meet one I didnt like and grow close with. They readily admit to their African roots which was surprising to me the first time i heard a couple of them say it. The next easiest race/ethnicity to get to know for me is usually various Asians like Filipinos, Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese. Mexicans are really cool since I grew up in their culture. Both of these groups despise whites.

I don't trust hardly anyone. But my path is different , I was made to walk alone. Company is just allowed for me every now and then. And that mostly in my youth. One must know their course. Or at least have an idea of the direction. I understand more each year what I must go through. But I knowhow to get along with people , inspite of my personal venues of life. And this is what I am screaming.

How do you get along with people?

Okay your white , what is it like for a white person to get along with others? I have met hundreds of people who feel exactly like Asclepias; they have had their full of whites.

What is this race doing to people now? We know what they have done , but what are they doing now in relationships? I hope this board on race relations is not a true reflection of how all whites feel ;

or is it?? Is this what is really lurking? Is this the mass that supports Trump? Is the white race really just like Donald Trump?
You ever wanted to get to know someone, or get someone to know you? To have and to hold a true friendship with them? How did you do? How do you fair in friendships? And if they were from a race or culture other than your own ; just how did that go?

Do the rules of friendship change when its another race your wanting to know?

Who is the most difficult to befriend / Whites , blacks , Asian , Latino?

Who is the easiest race to get to know?
For me its definitely whites. More specifically white males.. I simply dont trust them. They have a historical track record of lying, stealing, and violence that is too well documented to ignore. From my own personal encounters with specifically white males its the back stabbing and under mining they attempt when they realize just how impotent they are in comparison to my Blackness. I can say that white women have tried their best to atone for their white males in my personal and professional life in a myriad of ways.

The absolute easiest people to get to know are Tongans. I have several in my family and have yet to meet one I didnt like and grow close with. They readily admit to their African roots which was surprising to me the first time i heard a couple of them say it. The next easiest race/ethnicity to get to know for me is usually various Asians like Filipinos, Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese. Mexicans are really cool since I grew up in their culture. Both of these groups despise whites.

I don't trust hardly anyone. But my path is different , I was made to walk alone. Company is just allowed for me every now and then. And that mostly in my youth. One must know their course. Or at least have an idea of the direction. I understand more each year what I must go through. But I knowhow to get along with people , inspite of my personal venues of life. And this is what I am screaming.

How do you get along with people?

Okay your white , what is it like for a white person to get along with others? I have met hundreds of people who feel exactly like Asclepias; they have had their full of whites.

What is this race doing to people now? We know what they have done , but what are they doing now in relationships? I hope this board on race relations is not a true reflection of how all whites feel ;

or is it?? Is this what is really lurking? Is this the mass that supports Trump? Is the white race really just like Donald Trump?
It is sad that so many black people stereotype whites yet get angry if whites stereotype them. There are hateful, racist people of all colors, but if somebody is stereotyping you must understand why others would also
Who started the stereotyping? Was it Blacks or whites? To find the answer ask yourself who made up the term "white people" and why did they make up the term. The answer will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt who the guilty party is.
Racial behavior is genetic.

In the case of whites, they must dominate everything and everyone around them. This is the whole basis for modern western civilization. They want a white planet, devoid of colored people, devoid of species that they hunt to extinction.

But they failed to finish off the colored folk, so white people are getting real depressed these days. Don't feel sorry for them. Never feel sorry for a white person. Not a single one of them.

If a white person is dying of cancer and homeless on the street, do not help them. Leave them to their fate. Remember, they wanted you dead.
This is what they did to the Cheyenne ,in their cunning relations;

History and cultural relations - Cheyenne
From what I have learned whites simply kept redrawing the line until the natives ran out of real estate. They broke treaty after treaty after treaty until the NA's had no where else to go.

This is what they did to the Sioux in their relations ;

It amazes me that white people get offended when I say I dont trust their race. Its like they dont want to believe they actually did these things or they want to pretend they don't still display the same genetic tendencies to do it now.
I agree there were atrocities committed by whites in the past. It is not a genetic tendency to behave badly today. That behavior is learned, not biological.
Do whites always try to hide the harshness of their atrocities by describing their behavior in more palatable terms? I note you termed it "behaving badly". I think it was much worse than behaving badly. I would term it "blood thirsty savages" or "genocidal maniacs". It kind of reminds me of how they describe riots by white people. Instead of calling it a riot they say "blowing off steam" or "rowdy".
I did not call the behavior of the past that, I was talking about today
It amazes me that white people get offended when I say I dont trust their race. Its like they dont want to believe they actually did these things or they want to pretend they don't still display the same genetic tendencies to do it now.[/QUOTE]

Every single 'race' has it's skeletons in the closet take your pick

fwiw, pre 'colonization', tribal wars were routine ....

You may as well be offended at the human race's collective amnesia

Racial behavior is genetic.

In the case of whites, they must dominate everything and everyone around them. This is the whole basis for modern western civilization. They want a white planet, devoid of colored people, devoid of species that they hunt to extinction.


Really? Well how's that workin' out? Seems the 'stats' might well assume whites a minority on the horizon.....:funnyface:~S~:mm:
Racial behavior is genetic.

In the case of whites, they must dominate everything and everyone around them. This is the whole basis for modern western civilization. They want a white planet, devoid of colored people, devoid of species that they hunt to extinction.

But they failed to finish off the colored folk, so white people are getting real depressed these days. Don't feel sorry for them. Never feel sorry for a white person. Not a single one of them.

If a white person is dying of cancer and homeless on the street, do not help them. Leave them to their fate. Remember, they wanted you dead.
How sad that you have this kind of hate for an
You ever wanted to get to know someone, or get someone to know you? To have and to hold a true friendship with them? How did you do? How do you fair in friendships? And if they were from a race or culture other than your own ; just how did that go?

Do the rules of friendship change when its another race your wanting to know?

Who is the most difficult to befriend / Whites , blacks , Asian , Latino?

Who is the easiest race to get to know?
For me its definitely whites. More specifically white males.. I simply dont trust them. They have a historical track record of lying, stealing, and violence that is too well documented to ignore. From my own personal encounters with specifically white males its the back stabbing and under mining they attempt when they realize just how impotent they are in comparison to my Blackness. I can say that white women have tried their best to atone for their white males in my personal and professional life in a myriad of ways.

The absolute easiest people to get to know are Tongans. I have several in my family and have yet to meet one I didnt like and grow close with. They readily admit to their African roots which was surprising to me the first time i heard a couple of them say it. The next easiest race/ethnicity to get to know for me is usually various Asians like Filipinos, Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese. Mexicans are really cool since I grew up in their culture. Both of these groups despise whites.

I don't trust hardly anyone. But my path is different , I was made to walk alone. Company is just allowed for me every now and then. And that mostly in my youth. One must know their course. Or at least have an idea of the direction. I understand more each year what I must go through. But I knowhow to get along with people , inspite of my personal venues of life. And this is what I am screaming.

How do you get along with people?

Okay your white , what is it like for a white person to get along with others? I have met hundreds of people who feel exactly like Asclepias; they have had their full of whites.

What is this race doing to people now? We know what they have done , but what are they doing now in relationships? I hope this board on race relations is not a true reflection of how all whites feel ;

or is it?? Is this what is really lurking? Is this the mass that supports Trump? Is the white race really just like Donald Trump?
You ever wanted to get to know someone, or get someone to know you? To have and to hold a true friendship with them? How did you do? How do you fair in friendships? And if they were from a race or culture other than your own ; just how did that go?

Do the rules of friendship change when its another race your wanting to know?

Who is the most difficult to befriend / Whites , blacks , Asian , Latino?

Who is the easiest race to get to know?
For me its definitely whites. More specifically white males.. I simply dont trust them. They have a historical track record of lying, stealing, and violence that is too well documented to ignore. From my own personal encounters with specifically white males its the back stabbing and under mining they attempt when they realize just how impotent they are in comparison to my Blackness. I can say that white women have tried their best to atone for their white males in my personal and professional life in a myriad of ways.

The absolute easiest people to get to know are Tongans. I have several in my family and have yet to meet one I didnt like and grow close with. They readily admit to their African roots which was surprising to me the first time i heard a couple of them say it. The next easiest race/ethnicity to get to know for me is usually various Asians like Filipinos, Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese. Mexicans are really cool since I grew up in their culture. Both of these groups despise whites.

I don't trust hardly anyone. But my path is different , I was made to walk alone. Company is just allowed for me every now and then. And that mostly in my youth. One must know their course. Or at least have an idea of the direction. I understand more each year what I must go through. But I knowhow to get along with people , inspite of my personal venues of life. And this is what I am screaming.

How do you get along with people?

Okay your white , what is it like for a white person to get along with others? I have met hundreds of people who feel exactly like Asclepias; they have had their full of whites.

What is this race doing to people now? We know what they have done , but what are they doing now in relationships? I hope this board on race relations is not a true reflection of how all whites feel ;

or is it?? Is this what is really lurking? Is this the mass that supports Trump? Is the white race really just like Donald Trump?
It is sad that so many black people stereotype whites yet get angry if whites stereotype them. There are hateful, racist people of all colors, but if somebody is stereotyping you must understand why others would also
Who started the stereotyping? Was it Blacks or whites? To find the answer ask yourself who made up the term "white people" and why did they make up the term. The answer will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt who the guilty party is.
so all white people today started the stereotyping? i am not talking about when it first happened, we have no control over that. I am talking about the black people don't like to be stereotyped as criminals, not all blacks are. Not all whites are evil, domineering, racist superior thinking either.
Whites begin the stereotyping long ago and whites maintained that status quo to this day. They are the guilty parties and should not be surprised when they are stereotyped in return. I think they dont like the tables being turned on them so they get upset and call us racists even though they have a log in their eye.
Racial behavior is genetic.

In the case of whites, they must dominate everything and everyone around them. This is the whole basis for modern western civilization. They want a white planet, devoid of colored people, devoid of species that they hunt to extinction.

But they failed to finish off the colored folk, so white people are getting real depressed these days. Don't feel sorry for them. Never feel sorry for a white person. Not a single one of them.

If a white person is dying of cancer and homeless on the street, do not help them. Leave them to their fate. Remember, they wanted you dead.
Who are "they"?
Racial behavior is genetic.

In the case of whites, they must dominate everything and everyone around them. This is the whole basis for modern western civilization. They want a white planet, devoid of colored people, devoid of species that they hunt to extinction.

But they failed to finish off the colored folk, so white people are getting real depressed these days. Don't feel sorry for them. Never feel sorry for a white person. Not a single one of them.

If a white person is dying of cancer and homeless on the street, do not help them. Leave them to their fate. Remember, they wanted you dead.
You are so hateful yet you want whites to treat you better?
Racial behavior is genetic.

In the case of whites, they must dominate everything and everyone around them. This is the whole basis for modern western civilization. They want a white planet, devoid of colored people, devoid of species that they hunt to extinction.

But they failed to finish off the colored folk, so white people are getting real depressed these days. Don't feel sorry for them. Never feel sorry for a white person. Not a single one of them.

If a white person is dying of cancer and homeless on the street, do not help them. Leave them to their fate. Remember, they wanted you dead.
How sad that you have this kind of hate for an
For me its definitely whites. More specifically white males.. I simply dont trust them. They have a historical track record of lying, stealing, and violence that is too well documented to ignore. From my own personal encounters with specifically white males its the back stabbing and under mining they attempt when they realize just how impotent they are in comparison to my Blackness. I can say that white women have tried their best to atone for their white males in my personal and professional life in a myriad of ways.

The absolute easiest people to get to know are Tongans. I have several in my family and have yet to meet one I didnt like and grow close with. They readily admit to their African roots which was surprising to me the first time i heard a couple of them say it. The next easiest race/ethnicity to get to know for me is usually various Asians like Filipinos, Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese. Mexicans are really cool since I grew up in their culture. Both of these groups despise whites.

I don't trust hardly anyone. But my path is different , I was made to walk alone. Company is just allowed for me every now and then. And that mostly in my youth. One must know their course. Or at least have an idea of the direction. I understand more each year what I must go through. But I knowhow to get along with people , inspite of my personal venues of life. And this is what I am screaming.

How do you get along with people?

Okay your white , what is it like for a white person to get along with others? I have met hundreds of people who feel exactly like Asclepias; they have had their full of whites.

What is this race doing to people now? We know what they have done , but what are they doing now in relationships? I hope this board on race relations is not a true reflection of how all whites feel ;

or is it?? Is this what is really lurking? Is this the mass that supports Trump? Is the white race really just like Donald Trump?
For me its definitely whites. More specifically white males.. I simply dont trust them. They have a historical track record of lying, stealing, and violence that is too well documented to ignore. From my own personal encounters with specifically white males its the back stabbing and under mining they attempt when they realize just how impotent they are in comparison to my Blackness. I can say that white women have tried their best to atone for their white males in my personal and professional life in a myriad of ways.

The absolute easiest people to get to know are Tongans. I have several in my family and have yet to meet one I didnt like and grow close with. They readily admit to their African roots which was surprising to me the first time i heard a couple of them say it. The next easiest race/ethnicity to get to know for me is usually various Asians like Filipinos, Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese. Mexicans are really cool since I grew up in their culture. Both of these groups despise whites.

I don't trust hardly anyone. But my path is different , I was made to walk alone. Company is just allowed for me every now and then. And that mostly in my youth. One must know their course. Or at least have an idea of the direction. I understand more each year what I must go through. But I knowhow to get along with people , inspite of my personal venues of life. And this is what I am screaming.

How do you get along with people?

Okay your white , what is it like for a white person to get along with others? I have met hundreds of people who feel exactly like Asclepias; they have had their full of whites.

What is this race doing to people now? We know what they have done , but what are they doing now in relationships? I hope this board on race relations is not a true reflection of how all whites feel ;

or is it?? Is this what is really lurking? Is this the mass that supports Trump? Is the white race really just like Donald Trump?
It is sad that so many black people stereotype whites yet get angry if whites stereotype them. There are hateful, racist people of all colors, but if somebody is stereotyping you must understand why others would also
Who started the stereotyping? Was it Blacks or whites? To find the answer ask yourself who made up the term "white people" and why did they make up the term. The answer will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt who the guilty party is.
so all white people today started the stereotyping? i am not talking about when it first happened, we have no control over that. I am talking about the black people don't like to be stereotyped as criminals, not all blacks are. Not all whites are evil, domineering, racist superior thinking either.
Whites begin the stereotyping long ago and whites maintained that status quo to this day. They are the guilty parties and should not be surprised when they are stereotyped in return. I think they dont like the tables being turned on them so they get upset and call us racists even though they have a log in their eye.
So, you are saying because whites that started the stereotyping (before my time), that the whites today deserve it? That is sad
Every single 'race' has it's skeletons in the closet take your pick

fwiw, pre 'colonization', tribal wars were routine ....

You may as well be offended at the human race's collective amnesia

No race has as many graveyards in their closet as the white race and they are actually newcomers to the human race.

No pre colonial tribal wars were not routine. In most cases they were completely unheard of. Thats just more white boy propaganda to provide a rationalization for white genocide.
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