I wonder what its like to be white?

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Things are changing for the worse, but it's not race issue. People are turning away from the Creator n leaning on their own understanding.

Race issues area definite part of the pie of destruction, it cannot be subtracted. People , for the most part , are not " Turning from God", they just never really were with God to begin with. Now there are groups of believers who are turning from God, but they are not doing it willingly , they are being deceived and keenly misled. Growing small groups are turning from their belief in creation; but they were never real believers in God. Just luke warm passive believers.

But millions of humans are "Leaning on their own understanding ", which is not a bad thing to do, its just a bad thing for a person who is conscious of God to do.
Things are changing for the worse, but it's not race issue. People are turning away from the Creator n leaning on their own understanding.

Race issues area definite part of the pie of destruction, it cannot be subtracted. People , for the most part , are not " Turning from God", they just never really were with God to begin with. Now there are groups of believers who are turning from God, but they are not doing it willingly , they are being deceived and keenly misled. Growing small groups are turning from their belief in creation; but they were never real believers in God. Just luke warm passive believers.

But millions of humans are "Leaning on their own understanding ", which is not a bad thing to do, its just a bad thing for a person who is conscious of God to do.
Well spoken, I can agree with that.
I wonder what it's like to be black and be racially profiled/ stereotyped? Perhaps, not acting that way? Hmm, could it be that simple?
I wonder what being white is doing to romance, and has done to romantic relationships?

And I want to look at that.
White people don't instinctively abandon their offspring like black males do.
Cave chimps such as yourself are an embarrassment to whites who already have enough strikes against them.
So whites are inferior to blacks or do blacks also "have enough strikes against them"?
I wonder what being white is doing to romance, and has done to romantic relationships?

And I want to look at that.
White people don't instinctively abandon their offspring like black males do.

So your suggesting that whites don't leave their children? Are you sure you want to try that as a true statement? Because its not true.

Sadly some black men do abandon their children.

But all men have done that.

So why make a false statement; or other words , tell a lie? Which opens another area in relationships ; if I ask why do white men lie in relationships , I cannot include in with that a suggestion that no other race of men lie ? That could not be true.

But its still true that white men do lie a lot in their relationships. In other words , they are good at " Deceiving." And have used that arcane ability in all other aspects of life , including business. This has affected the whole society.

So what we do in relationships effect the whole. And I want to look at that.
Relationships is basically how we treat people.
How do whites treat people?

Lets look at that.
In my personal relationships with white women , I find them to be very kind ,giving , submissive and supporting. They were not arrogant ; some were spiritual , others into new age things. They did not understand black women, and rarely understood the black experience. They had plenty of questions concerning black people , because they really did not know the answers.

And yet they stayed within a few miles reach. They were not really spending quality time with blacks. Not connecting with each other.

I was asked is "Diversity realistic"; would it help?

Well it depends ;it can help , it should help , but it depends on the people. Black and white people are posting together in this section of the site ; is it helping?

In my view , white women can be good for interacial relations in society, those who tend to be more down to earth ;not the white women who have their noses stuck up in the air. And not the fearful ones. So White women can be key in cultural exchange.
In my personal relationships with white women , I find them to be very kind ,giving , submissive and supporting. They were not arrogant ; some were spiritual , others into new age things. They did not understand black women, and rarely understood the black experience. They had plenty of questions concerning black people , because they really did not know the answers.

And yet they stayed within a few miles reach. They were not really spending quality time with blacks. Not connecting with each other.

I was asked is "Diversity realistic"; would it help?

Well it depends ;it can help , it should help , but it depends on the people. Black and white people are posting together in this section of the site ; is it helping?

Sure it helps. But I think one mistake we are all guilty of at one time or another is using the word most. Most whites, most blacks, most etc...
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