I wonder what its like to be white?

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People don't get it ; they look to everywhere else to explain human behavior , except for the creator of humans.
I beleive we are born with a sinful nature, but we are not born with sin, if that makes sense.
I beleive we are born with a sinful nature, but we are not born with sin, if that makes sense.

Well no , not " With it", as if its inside of us already , but " In it " , or in its environment. But as we grow older it can get "In " us later.
I beleive we are born with a sinful nature, but we are not born with sin, if that makes sense.

Well no , not " With it", as if its inside of us already , but " In it " , or in its environment. But as we grow older it can get "In " us later.
Agreed, so wouldn't that mean racism is taught either by our family n peers or through experiences people have in life?
I beleive we are born with a sinful nature, but we are not born with sin, if that makes sense.

Well no , not " With it", as if its inside of us already , but " In it " , or in its environment. But as we grow older it can get "In " us later.
Agreed, so wouldn't that mean racism is taught either by our family n peers or through experiences people have in life?

Yes the" Branches" of racism are taught by family , peers and experiences , but the root system of what it will be built on is already in us. Its called " Human nature."
I beleive we are born with a sinful nature, but we are not born with sin, if that makes sense.

Well no , not " With it", as if its inside of us already , but " In it " , or in its environment. But as we grow older it can get "In " us later.
Agreed, so wouldn't that mean racism is taught either by our family n peers or through experiences people have in life?

Yes the" Branches" of racism are taught by family , peers and experiences , but the root system of what it will be built on is already in us. Its called " Human nature."
Yes sir we agree. I enjoyed our discussion.
I beleive we are born with a sinful nature, but we are not born with sin, if that makes sense.

Well no , not " With it", as if its inside of us already , but " In it " , or in its environment. But as we grow older it can get "In " us later.
Agreed, so wouldn't that mean racism is taught either by our family n peers or through experiences people have in life?

Yes the" Branches" of racism are taught by family , peers and experiences , but the root system of what it will be built on is already in us. Its called " Human nature."
Yes sir we agree. I enjoyed our discussion.

I have as well ; peace.
So consciousness carries with it traces that are imprinted within us. Often people can have an anger problem and just not know it until someone or some event "Brings it out." And it could have remained dormant for years; but it was there. Lurking. Just waiting to manifest itself. So in being white , I think the race was designed to of course dominate ,but for that dominance to come out in the 20th century for sure.

During this time ; during this age ; during the years from 1925 until now , God wanted the white race doing just what it is doing now. Not to pick on the white race , God wanted Russia and the Middle East to be doing what they are doing now ; and China as well. ALL nations are supplanted to do his will.

But we are looking at white race in thread.
Now ,I don't know " Why" God created Primordial man and why he let them live so long, basically in the same condition. In my view , which I know this is debated by science , they just had very high instincts, but not high IQ. And they just stayed that way ; for thousands of years. But one thing they developed was " Hunter Gatherer instincts." Now , God basically phases them out from the earth , and ushers in humans with consciousness Now he allows the "Hunter-Gatherer" instincts to still be there , but he gives them consciousness , which is " A Spirit in man "'/ Job 32:8 ," There is a spirit IN man , and God gives them understanding."

There it is right there! This is the difference in Primordial man and Modern man. That's what God BLEW into Adam "A Spirit". The breath of life IS Consciousness ; for humans after Adam. Now , God manipulates the gametes in these different humans , he tampers with their bloodlines ;their cells. He ADDS to the hunter gatherer instinct , the instinct of " Predator." So now we have " Hunter Gatherer Predators! And EVERY human group in history that has ruled the earth , at whatever time in history , it was God who manipulated their gametes ; their instincts ; their consciousness to rule. God gave them the understanding to do that in history.

Now this is the root reason why the white man has ruled the earth; WHY the white man is a hunter gatherer predator!

Now , with that laid as a foundation , lets look at WHY the white man , or modern humans , think and do the things they do and have done.
Now I am one who believes that God created humanity and our different races and cultures were really designed by him. He designed modern man with a consciousness that can gather not only food , but " information." In other words " Knowledge!" Before Adam humanity was not like this . Primordial man had a physical brain , but he did not have that certain spirit from God in him to develop high levels of knowledge. Notice Jeremiah 10:23," O Lord I know the way of man is not in himself ; it is not IN man that walks to direct his steps."

So human consciousness was actually programed by God in basic knowledge , then Gods way of manipulating our gametes , cells and understanding , intended " Evolution of our consciousness." Our consciousness would become highly evolved. Notice Daniel 12:4, " But you Daniel , shut up the words , and seal the book, even until the time of the end; Many shall run back and forth, " AND knowledge shall be increased!"

Knowledge shall be increased. Interesting ; because humanity's knowledge has been increasing. God then is behind the scenes ,manipulating human behavior and understanding ; tampering with the leaders in humanity_ Romans 13:1- " The powers that be are ordained by God" tampering with the male and female sperm and womb , creating scientist , Atheist , religion , culture , emotions , intelligence , Politics , the whole rainbow coalition of the human experience , and did it at the genome gamete level. I tell you , God must be quite something ; his awesome mind must be incredible. And he put things in our consciousness , like down loading information into a computer. The whole experience of being human , and having a consciousness that evolves.

Design demands a designer. This is the real back round of being human ; being white ; being you and whatever you are.
Now God will manipulate a human both before birth and after birth. So he can get to you man , any kind of way he chooses , and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. Notice Psalms 51:5 " Behold , I was shaped in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me." David was saying that he was born into an environment that was already messed up; and he was inducted into humanity by parents who were already living in such a challenging environment.

God will start on you before and after your born. Notice how young babies can be aware ;
On the Genius of Infants: Are We Really Born Racist?
Immediately we begin to learn , almost instantly we are influenced. And not just by God. We are influenced by spirits , environment , parents , society , the media , each other , books , school, ect.

So don't you think that a whole race cannot be manipulated , and some of them not even know it. We are not by ourselves ; humanity is not alone ; there is something else out there.

And it is manipulating humanity.
Now I am not the only person to believe that a whole race can be unconscious in areas ; here is the first book I suggest reading ;
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes | Julian Jaynes Society

Dr.Jaynes gives a stunning look into Consciousness , and goes into how he thinks there were primordial men who were totally unconscious , but walking around everyday. And how they "Heard the voice of gods" , a most riveting read. I don't see eye to eye with Jaynes , but I think his work is simply well done and underrated.
I wonder what it is like to be white?

If it would increase the mirrors in my house.


Where have all the white people gone?
A day of absence?
Now I did it ; I knew it

Stopped too hard and now their gone
Not even a name to carry on
Those who knew them knew them well
Those who didn't, just read thread.
Sing along Mickiel?

Well I don't care what you think
But Liberals stink
And Democrats almost as lame.
All thoses Negros and Jews
They give me the blues.
Our country's dying
And Clinton's to blame.

Feminazis are wrong
And they don't belong
In my conversative minded domain.
But lets call a truce,
Stick your head in this noose,
And don't let me hear you complain, 'cause,

I like friends with white faces
And a burning cross that you know chases
Those Jews away,
Then we call it a day.
Oh we're mighty big on the master races
We wear slip on sheets and pillow cases
Oh I like friends with white faces

Well I and my peers
We don't tolerate ***s:
Show them what an axe handle's for.
You wouldn't believe
What we did to this Hebe,
Painted Swastikas(sp?) on his front door

I'm proud as can be,
'Cause the whole E-I-B
Think I could be President some day.
But I'm just a man of letters you see
And they all spell K-K-K, 'cause

I like friends with white faces
And a burning cross that you know chases
Those Jews away,
Then we call it a day.
Oh we're mighty big on the master races
We wear slip on sheets and pillow cases
Oh I like friends with white faces

~S(w/apologies to Mr Brooks)S~
Sing along Mickiel?

Well I don't care what you think
But Liberals stink
And Democrats almost as lame.
All thoses Negros and Jews
They give me the blues.
Our country's dying
And Clinton's to blame.

Feminazis are wrong
And they don't belong
In my conversative minded domain.
But lets call a truce,
Stick your head in this noose,
And don't let me hear you complain, 'cause,

I like friends with white faces
And a burning cross that you know chases
Those Jews away,
Then we call it a day.
Oh we're mighty big on the master races
We wear slip on sheets and pillow cases
Oh I like friends with white faces

Well I and my peers
We don't tolerate ***s:
Show them what an axe handle's for.
You wouldn't believe
What we did to this Hebe,
Painted Swastikas(sp?) on his front door

I'm proud as can be,
'Cause the whole E-I-B
Think I could be President some day.
But I'm just a man of letters you see
And they all spell K-K-K, 'cause

I like friends with white faces
And a burning cross that you know chases
Those Jews away,
Then we call it a day.
Oh we're mighty big on the master races
We wear slip on sheets and pillow cases
Oh I like friends with white faces

~S(w/apologies to Mr Brooks)S~

I like poems ,but I can't enjoy a poem that uplifts the KKK because I stand so much against them. Their no joke.

But welcome back to thread , I thought I had chased the white folk off
that they didn't like my cold or were afraid of my cough
Or I think maybe it was something I said
you know , a word or two that went upside their head
Or may haps it was the truth that hurt
You know that really makes people try and sling the dirt

But welcome back again to play ,I truly hope your back to stay
Go back and get your friends , and bring them to the fray

You may have fun jumping on me , but you will find it hard to jump off
Actually I agree with much of what you're sayin Mickiel , i also suspect you've been around enough to come by your sentiments honestly.

Yet as a tenured reclusive misanthropist ,i'd encourage you not to take it so hard, human nature will never change.....
People will always claim one thing, then violate them by their own actions..>>>

So yeah, i'll hang , just another day on this rock spinning it's way to perdition , oh and....can i rub your head for luck too? :)
Actually I agree with much of what you're sayin Mickiel , i also suspect you've been around enough to come by your sentiments honestly.

Yet as a tenured reclusive misanthropist ,i'd encourage you not to take it so hard, human nature will never change.....
People will always claim one thing, then violate them by their own actions..>>>

So yeah, i'll hang , just another day on this rock spinning it's way to perdition , oh and....can i rub your head for luck too? :)

Well Thank you , and I understand you. I do tend to take some things hard. Excuse me for that. And I know that people will not change in this life.

But we too have a voice Sparky ; we can give our views , amid all these other distorted views being given in mass!

We can either remain silent and let these people scream their madness , or we too can participate.I encourage you to keep participating ;

Because I sure will ; I got nothing better to do. Peace.
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