I wonder what its like to be white?

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Yes the white consciousness ; to have a way of thinking that effects not only the men , but a spirit of ego that even drives the women. To push them into the mirror and invade their conscious thought of themselves. They look and see , " We are truly the most beautiful women in the world." Not just in the city or state , not just in their nation , but hey , the entire earth. A consciousness whose effect spans the entire globe.

So what do you do? Well the spirit of competition entices the ego , now we have a " Miss Universe" competition that spans the globe and at first is dominated by white women. But why?

And I want to go into why.
Yes the white consciousness ; to have a way of thinking that effects not only the men , but a spirit of ego that even drives the women. To push them into the mirror and invade their conscious thought of themselves. They look and see , " We are truly the most beautiful women in the world." Not just in the city or state , not just in their nation , but hey , the entire earth. A consciousness whose effect spans the entire globe.

So what do you do? Well the spirit of competition entices the ego , now we have a " Miss Universe" competition that spans the globe and at first is dominated by white women. But why?

And I want to go into why.

I must offer apology ,I was completely wrong! I assumed that white women dominated Miss Universe ; I wonder why that was impressed on my consciousness? Strange?

Latin American women have totally dominated Miss Universe , winning about one third of the time ; notice;

This Map Shows Latin American Women Rule Miss Universe | Huffington Post
Now then , if we go by world stats ; not personal opinion or the opinion of our nation , or the "Appealing spirits in our consciousness" , but world global opinion , Then Latin American women are the most beautiful women in the world. Not black or white women , but Latinos. And if you add the other women of color who won it , then women of color are obviously the most beautiful women in the world!

Case closed! Its academic.

Here's a look at the black women who won Miss Universe , oh man , some stunning women! :

Black Miss Universe Winners

And hey , I looked at some of the white women who won it , goodness , make no mistake , white women are among the most beautiful women on earth.
Op roughly out of lets say 100 white people how many do you think are racist?

I would say 50% of them are unconsciously racist , and 25% are consciously racist , I would say the same about every 100 blacks. I would say 25% are not racist at all.

In my personal view.
Why do you think she is doing that to appear more caucasian? Most Black people want nothing to do with being a caucasian.
So you think a black woman who straightens her hair, dyes it blond, bleaches her skin and has surgery to straighten/narrow her nose is doing it to look more black? Interesting.
You still havent explained what makes you think she is doing it to look white. Cat got your tongue you racist?
I have no hatred ,I do have prejudices and I am racist to a point. And I do believe humanity can be divided into two basic skin tones ; already are.

Peace on your journey.

Now , white is one major group on earth , and I think its the most talented group to use its racism in such blind unconscious prejudice. As I think many whites commenting on this thread have shown; they just don't get it. They can't see it , and you can't show it to them.

But I will show it to them on thread anyway. Why will I do it?

I got nothing better to do.
Dude, being a racist is being hateful.
Not really. I already gave you the definition. I think I am better than any white person but that doesnt mean i hate any of them.
I don't always agree with ASCLEPIAS or MICKIEL but I respect them for their honest opinions. I don't agree with slinging insults, but I don't think either one of them do unless attacked.
Agreed on Mickiel but Asclepias is clearly a staunch racist. This isn't the first thread we've discussed the issue.

Example: Do you believe "one drop of blood" makes you one race or another? Asclepias does.
Says the guy that claims Black women straightening their hair and dying it blond means they want to look white. You do know there are Blacks on this planet with naturally blonde hair and naturally straight hair dont you?
Op roughly out of lets say 100 white people how many do you think are racist?

I would say 50% of them are unconsciously racist , and 25% are consciously racist , I would say the same about every 100 blacks. I would say 25% are not racist at all.

In my personal view.
Do you beleive we are born this way or is it something we learn?

I think both. Its similar to homosexuality , born that way, or you can adopt and learn that way. Racism is consciousness , we are born with consciousness. Born with the full rainbow coalition of human nature and emotion and environment. Our heads are like an empty bowl in other areas , but life stands ready with a full bowl of knowledge , and it starts pouring it into our heads right after we are born.
Op roughly out of lets say 100 white people how many do you think are racist?

I would say 50% of them are unconsciously racist , and 25% are consciously racist , I would say the same about every 100 blacks. I would say 25% are not racist at all.

In my personal view.
Do you beleive we are born this way or is it something we learn?

I think both. Its similar to homosexuality , born that way, or you can adopt and learn that way. Racism is consciousness , we are born with consciousness. Born with the full rainbow coalition of human nature and emotion and environment. Our heads are like an empty bowl in other areas , but life stands ready with a full bowl of knowledge , and it starts pouring it into our heads right after we are born.

Now with a thing like racism , parents and environment have a serious effect on the newborns racism , but they already have the apptitude ,or ingrained root of racism , IF they are not in that 25% without it in their genes.
Op roughly out of lets say 100 white people how many do you think are racist?

I would say 50% of them are unconsciously racist , and 25% are consciously racist , I would say the same about every 100 blacks. I would say 25% are not racist at all.

In my personal view.
Do you beleive we are born this way or is it something we learn?

I think both. Its similar to homosexuality , born that way, or you can adopt and learn that way. Racism is consciousness , we are born with consciousness. Born with the full rainbow coalition of human nature and emotion and environment. Our heads are like an empty bowl in other areas , but life stands ready with a full bowl of knowledge , and it starts pouring it into our heads right after we are born.
This is a good convo, let me get back with you im starting my night shift, man I need better hours.lol
Op roughly out of lets say 100 white people how many do you think are racist?

I would say 50% of them are unconsciously racist , and 25% are consciously racist , I would say the same about every 100 blacks. I would say 25% are not racist at all.

In my personal view.
Do you beleive we are born this way or is it something we learn?

I think both. Its similar to homosexuality , born that way, or you can adopt and learn that way. Racism is consciousness , we are born with consciousness. Born with the full rainbow coalition of human nature and emotion and environment. Our heads are like an empty bowl in other areas , but life stands ready with a full bowl of knowledge , and it starts pouring it into our heads right after we are born.
This is a good convo, let me get back with you im starting my night shift, man I need better hours.lol

Have a good shift , peace.
Says the guy that claims Black women straightening their hair and dying it blond means they want to look white. You do know there are Blacks on this planet with naturally blonde hair and naturally straight hair dont you?
Says the guy who claims Tiger Woods is black based on the racist "one drop of blood" idea instead of acknowledging that Woods is less than a quarter black, mostly asian and also white.

The bottom line is that only fucking dipshit assholes believe the term "cultural appropriation" is a one-way street. If that fucking dipshit wants to apply it to a white woman wearing dreadlocks, then, to be fair, he must also apply it to a black woman who straightens her hair, dyes it blond and narrows her nose. If he doesn't, then he's just a low-life, dumbass motherfucking hypocrite. What are you, Asclepias?
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Says the guy that claims Black women straightening their hair and dying it blond means they want to look white. You do know there are Blacks on this planet with naturally blonde hair and naturally straight hair dont you?
Says the guy who claims Tiger Woods is black based on the racist "one drop of blood" idea instead of acknowledging that Woods is less than a quarter black, mostly asian and also white.

The bottom line is that only fucking dipshit assholes believe the term "cultural appropriation" is a one-way street. If that fucking dipshit wants to apply it to a white woman wearing dreadlocks, then, to be fair, he must also apply it to a black woman who straightens her hair, dyes it blond and narrows her nose. If he doesn't, then he's just a low-life, dumbass motherfucking hypocrite. What are you, Asclepias?
Youre still deflecting. Why did you a Black woman dying her hair blonde means she wants to be white? Your racist beliefs are very transparent.
I think both. Its similar to homosexuality , born that way, or you can adopt and learn that way. Racism is consciousness , we are born with consciousness. Born with the full rainbow coalition of human nature and emotion and environment. Our heads are like an empty bowl in other areas , but life stands ready with a full bowl of knowledge , and it starts pouring it into our heads right after we are born.
Agreed there is a genetic component like sexual preference, but disagreed on taking the "born with a clean slate" theory too far.

In the wild, anything can kill you, including doing nothing. Therefore, xenophobia becomes a survival trait. How many here have tried to teach a dog or cat to be unfearful of a new thing? It's natural to dislike "something different" because millions of years of evolution has taught mammals that "something different" can get you killed.

Racism is xenophobia taken to an extreme. I think your posted numbers are a good starting point, but need refinement through scientific investigation:

"I would say 50% of them are unconsciously racist , and 25% are consciously racist , I would say the same about every 100 blacks. I would say 25% are not racist at all."

Trade out the word "racist" in your post for "xenophobic". Add that the reason people are this way is based on an ability (or inability) to reason. IOW, IQ.
I disapointed over you.

Racism is everything gangs like to blame negro how gangs don't like. And maybe now 10 percent of citizen in United States are racists.
"I disapointed over you."

Well, sir, "I disapointed over you" due to your inability to comprehend that you are, in fact, agreeing with me.
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