I wonder what its like to be white?

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Ebonics is a creation of a language. Something whites have trouble doing.
You're right, white people have trouble talking like they have a mouth full of crack vials. :D
Whites had trouble counting. Roman numerals arent very efficient and good for science.
Whites had trouble writing. They though the books the Egyptians wrote were weird.
Whites had trouble speaking. Their language is a hodge podge of every other language on the planet.
Egyptians wrote cartoons, not books.
You're just jealous of whites, because without us, you'd be back in Africa catching ebola.
You're right, I'm embarrassed that such a weenie is trying to pick me up.
Obviously you're embarrassed at being found out to be Brit or some other former colony of the Brits. You are free to your homosexual fantasies, but you should go to the Left side of the forum; that's where the Gays hang out. ;)
"Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love."
Martin Luther King (1958)
Your racist agenda will ultimately fail. You may get your 15 minutes of fame for assaulting or murdering innocent people, but you'll still end up a failure.

Are you dense? Are there bats in your belfry? This thread is a stunning victory. And I am not even half way through it; what its like to be white is a long list; I figure if I can get your attention and participation, then I can draw other whites as well. I just have a weird habit of running white off; you know ,intimidating them.

You must excuse me , an old habit.
It should be clear who has bats in their belfry and who does not to anyone who cares to scroll through this thread. Consider it as you please. You can't change what more rational people think of racists and haters. Martin Luther King knew where people who hate will end up.

I don't converse too much with this guy, much for the same reason I don't Converse with Steve McGarret and his ilk. They have a similar moral and social infection that may be contagious, I suspect they most likely caught it from each other. It causes blindness and lack of feeling so as of late i try to keep my distance lest I also get infected. I find theres a pretty nice world out there with people of all races.
"Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love."
Martin Luther King (1958)
Your racist agenda will ultimately fail. You may get your 15 minutes of fame for assaulting or murdering innocent people, but you'll still end up a failure.

Are you dense? Are there bats in your belfry? This thread is a stunning victory. And I am not even half way through it; what its like to be white is a long list; I figure if I can get your attention and participation, then I can draw other whites as well. I just have a weird habit of running white off; you know ,intimidating them.

You must excuse me , an old habit.
It should be clear who has bats in their belfry and who does not to anyone who cares to scroll through this thread. Consider it as you please. You can't change what more rational people think of racists and haters. Martin Luther King knew where people who hate will end up.

I don't converse too much with this guy, much for the same reason I don't Converse with Steve McGarret and his ilk. They have a similar moral and social infection that may be contagious, I suspect they most likely caught it from each other. It causes blindness and lack of feeling so as of late i try to keep my distance lest I also get infected. I find theres a pretty nice world out there with people of all races.

It's because this is an internet message board and is bound to attract such people.
If your wondering what it is like to be white ,then look with me at what whites did to employment.

The 33 Whitest Jobs in America
this is a result of the combination of legacy white AA and present day racism. I bet if you gave Black people 400 years of Black only AA they would dominate in most of the professions as well. Whites had that 400 years of white AA and still hate to hire other people of color.
What does the abbreviation AA stand for?
I don't understand why one sees the OP as racist. We all have fallen short and committed evil. He's just talking about how whites have affected history. He's never said he dislikes whites or that we are all evil. I think some here need to get their estrogen levels checked.
I don't understand why one sees the OP as racist. We all have fallen short and committed evil. He's just talking about how whites have affected history. He's never said he dislikes whites or that we are all evil. I think some here need to get their estrogen levels checked.

Oh, please. Lol. Think what you want, but people who have been reading these kinds of threads know better.
I don't understand why one sees the OP as racist. We all have fallen short and committed evil. He's just talking about how whites have affected history. He's never said he dislikes whites or that we are all evil. I think some here need to get their estrogen levels checked.
Agreed we all have fallen short. The problem I see here is some people blaming others for their own problems. We've seen poor people blame the rich, Left blame the Right (and vice-versa) and here we see blacks blaming whites. In that, it's a racist thread just as there are several other threads on this forum where white racists blame blacks or other minorities for their own problems.
It's because this is an internet message board and is bound to attract such people.
An excellent observation. Agreed, forums seem to attract extreme views. My guess is because it's "safe". Most of the people venting their spleen against others on forums are likely too spineless to do it in public.
It's because this is an internet message board and is bound to attract such people.
An excellent observation. Agreed, forums seem to attract extreme views. My guess is because it's "safe". Most of the people venting their spleen against others on forums are likely too spineless to do it in public.

Or, they are the type who would be walking the streets screaming at people while wearing a sign. :lol: I can picture more than a few people who frequent this place doing that! :eusa_shifty:
If your wondering what it is like to be white ,then look with me at what whites did to employment.

The 33 Whitest Jobs in America
this is a result of the combination of legacy white AA and present day racism. I bet if you gave Black people 400 years of Black only AA they would dominate in most of the professions as well. Whites had that 400 years of white AA and still hate to hire other people of color.
What does the abbreviation AA stand for?
Affirmative action.
I don't converse too much with this guy, much for the same reason I don't Converse with Steve McGarret and his ilk. They have a similar moral and social infection that may be contagious, I suspect they most likely caught it from each other. It causes blindness and lack of feeling so as of late i try to keep my distance lest I also get infected. I find theres a pretty nice world out there with people of all races.
Can't fault you there. Conversing with haters always leaves a coating on slime behind. Agreed 100% about how their moral and social infection can be contagious. OTOH, like Edmund Burke is often quoted as saying, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." IMHO, it's good to at least stand up against such racist evil as seen on this thread and elsewhere even if it's only a few brief comments.
It's because this is an internet message board and is bound to attract such people.
An excellent observation. Agreed, forums seem to attract extreme views. My guess is because it's "safe". Most of the people venting their spleen against others on forums are likely too spineless to do it in public.

Or, they are the type who would be walking the streets screaming at people while wearing a sign. :lol: I can picture more than a few people who frequent this place doing that! :eusa_shifty:
Good. If so, it's more likely they'll be social outcasts.

It's because this is an internet message board and is bound to attract such people.
An excellent observation. Agreed, forums seem to attract extreme views. My guess is because it's "safe". Most of the people venting their spleen against others on forums are likely too spineless to do it in public.

Or, they are the type who would be walking the streets screaming at people while wearing a sign. :lol: I can picture more than a few people who frequent this place doing that! :eusa_shifty:
Good. If so, it's more likely they'll be social outcasts.


white people logic. A Black person says "we are going to protect our people." = racist.

white people logic. A Black person says "we are going to protect our people." = racist.

Incorrect, but I've already given up hope that you will ever see past your own hatred. You'll just stew in your own juices until you do something supremely stupid or die of either heart disease or cancer.
white people logic. A Black person says "we are going to protect our people." = racist.

Incorrect, but I've already given up hope that you will ever see past your own hatred. You'll just stew in your own juices until you do something supremely stupid or die of either heart disease or cancer.
Correct. You just posted a picture implying the KKK and the BPP were the same. Only white people think that stupidly.
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