I wonder what its like to be white?

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As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?
Actually, white people tend to be more self aware than blacks...blacks are the ones who act like they have an inborn superiority complex....because they lack the high level of self awareness that say, whites and Asians have.

I am curious , are you aware that whites like yourself are getting stomped on in this thread?
I hold little interest in politics. You are much of the proof I need , you. Your the perfect example of an arrogant white man ,an unexpected welcomed blessing to this thread;

White Men as The Problem -

Someone as obsessed with Race as you is not interested in politics?

That is not credible.

Politics and race are horribly intertwined in this nation.

If you have to lie so much, does that not reveal to you that you are on the wrong side?

Why are you actively and purposefully on what you know is the wrong side?

I said I have little interest in politics but I do often wonder what it is like to be white? To be saturated with selfishness , and totally blind to it, is simply astounding to me.

As I already said, your claim is not credible.

You are a liar, and a poor one at that.

If you have to lie so much, does that not reveal to you that you are on the wrong side?

Why are you actively and purposefully on what you know is the wrong side?

I was kind of hoping other whites would join in on this fray ; but I can make a living off of you on this thread. Thank you for your whiteness. You certainly stand up for white.

Your words are incoherent nonsense.

Do you consider my words to be a reflection on HIllary Clinton? We are both white.

Do you consider my ideas t be a reflection on FDR? He was white.

Do you consider my crushing of your lies to be something to that Einstein is responsible for? He was white.

You are making a fool of yourself, and you are too dishonest to admit it.

Doesn't matter what you or anyone says, he might as well be a Nazi in 1930 saying "JEW" oh yeah, those Jews have their skills and talents, but their still Jews, they all the same, cause of all the trouble in the world,... its the same shit, People don't see the selfishness in themselves but they can sure as fuck see it in someone else.
The "White Wall" exists solely in your mind.

IF you think that the "white race" has an inbred superiority complex, then the only thing you are seeing is your own delusions.

I disagree ,I think the white race has a definite inbred superiority complex; they feel as if they are God's prime cattle ; I have seen this for years. And the white denial of it is equally as stunning.

And disturbing.

YOu have seen what you wanted to see.

And dismissing what people say that you disagree with?

That is just you being close minded.

Would you like to support your claim with an argument?

Keep it concise and to the point. Try to not be crazy.

Your too late ,I already know I am crazy ; I am suggesting the white race does not know they are. They have this high opinion of themselves , and anyone who disagrees with that , is considered inept.

I asked you to support your claim.

You, of course, completely failed to even try.

Which indicates that you know that you are just talking shit.

SO the question now is, why are you purposefully talking shit?

MMM, you are a leftist and a racist...

I bet you are here to try to stir up a race based flame thread, in hopes of scaring minorities and liberals into getting mobilized to fight Trump.

Actually Trump is doing a fine job of mobilizing anyone who is sane against himself.

It definately appears that the OP is getting inside some people's heads here.

Yes I am skull searching ,and I am finding some empty headed people; their whole head is sick and completely devoid of the reality of their race. I find some who are much more sane. Racism is an acid and it burns the mind of man.
Interesting how some whites want to dispose of their history, as if the attitude and mentality of their ancestors cannot be passed down through genes. Now that would be of interest , to study racism through the human genome ,where no one can lie and act so innocent of their inbred feelings towards blacks.

Because I honestly believe that some whites are just totally unaware of their racism.
A black man and a white man walk into a bakery.
The black man immediately steals three pastries and puts them in his pocket.

He says to the white, "See how good I am? The owner didn't see a thing." The white man says to the black man, "That's typical of you black people. I am going to show you an honest way to get the same result."

He goes to the owner of the bakery and says, "Give me a pastry and I will show you a magic trick." Intrigued, the owner accepts and gives him a pastry. The white man swallows it and asks for another one. The owner gives him another one. Then the white man swallows that one and asks for a third pastry and eats that, too.

The owner is starting to wonder where the magic trick is and asks, "So what did you do with the pastries?"

The white man replies, "Look in the black mans back pocket....."

Excellent joke ,I liked it. The sarcastic joking attitude of the white race is legendary, they will hang you and laugh at the noises you make while dying. They have reached for the top of the world , because they think the bottom is crowed with worthless races. They lead ; and the world follows like a pied piper. Not realizing what the world is about to do to them.
oh, i guess you do mean that "world" is black, don't you? Whites have the most power here, so everybody knows who is the world really.

Well I think that is true , Whites have the most power , and the most perversion. In my view this is exactly how God wanted it to be, he needed a perverted race to lead this world to its destruction. And whites fit that need like a glove. Your race was chosen to paint this world with confusion; and I think they have done a most stunning job of it.
To a degree , yes ; you must excuse my visit to this section, I read how many whites were lashing out at blacks in one manner or another ; I don't like that. So it barrels down to , if you can give it ,then you can take it ; so I got some lashing of my own to give.
Do you not think perhaps that whites are "lashing out" at blacks because of their behavior? Look at all the blacks lashing out at whites and cops, as if both entities are entirely bad. There are good and bad in every race.

Yes , I think some whites are lashing out because of that ; why in history they put the lash to many blacks ; which is why some blacks lash out at whites. You did it to us first. Its then the " Rambo effect" , you drew first blood.

Wow. Rambo effect? When little black kids are "EMPOWERED" to beat a little old man's (Hispanic Pearl Harbor) survivors dog to death, makes me wonder if blacks have any grasp of history at all out side of their own little universe. That is rhetorical question. They don't have a clue, and neither do you.

Is this where you start whining at being called a racist?
I think this is where she should call you a gook and not care if you call her racist or not.

Welcome to thread ,I needed a white like you to visit; I have a theory that racism can be passed down through the genes. You are most certainly proof of that ; you did not develop your racism on your own , you had help from your genome.
Do you not think perhaps that whites are "lashing out" at blacks because of their behavior? Look at all the blacks lashing out at whites and cops, as if both entities are entirely bad. There are good and bad in every race.

Yes , I think some whites are lashing out because of that ; why in history they put the lash to many blacks ; which is why some blacks lash out at whites. You did it to us first. Its then the " Rambo effect" , you drew first blood.

Wow. Rambo effect? When little black kids are "EMPOWERED" to beat a little old man's (Hispanic Pearl Harbor) survivors dog to death, makes me wonder if blacks have any grasp of history at all out side of their own little universe. That is rhetorical question. They don't have a clue, and neither do you.

Is this where you start whining at being called a racist?
I think this is where she should call you a gook and not care if you call her racist or not.

Welcome to thread ,I needed a white like you to visit; I have a theory that racism can be passed down through the genes. You are most certainly proof of that ; you did not develop your racism on your own , you had help from your genome.
My theory is similar. Obviously whites have varying amounts of neanderthal DNA which is not homo sapiens sapiens. This DNA undoubtedly causes whites to exhibit aggressiveness and violence towards Blacks who are by and large pure human. I think there is a threshold where if you have X amount of neanderthal DNA it causes you to have a low intellect and therefore become racist or easily influenced by racist.
Yes , I think some whites are lashing out because of that ; why in history they put the lash to many blacks ; which is why some blacks lash out at whites. You did it to us first. Its then the " Rambo effect" , you drew first blood.

Wow. Rambo effect? When little black kids are "EMPOWERED" to beat a little old man's (Hispanic Pearl Harbor) survivors dog to death, makes me wonder if blacks have any grasp of history at all out side of their own little universe. That is rhetorical question. They don't have a clue, and neither do you.

Is this where you start whining at being called a racist?
I think this is where she should call you a gook and not care if you call her racist or not.

Welcome to thread ,I needed a white like you to visit; I have a theory that racism can be passed down through the genes. You are most certainly proof of that ; you did not develop your racism on your own , you had help from your genome.
My theory is similar. Obviously whites have varying amounts of neanderthal DNA which is not homo sapiens sapiens. This DNA undoubtedly causes whites to exhibit aggressiveness and violence towards Blacks who are by and large pure human. I think there is a threshold where if you have X amount of neanderthal DNA it causes you to have a low intellect and therefore become racist or easily influenced by racist.

I agree wholeheartedly ,some whites can exhibit racism and not even be aware of it. Thus even the denial of racism is inbred.
Are You Racist? You Can Blame Your Genetics - WIT
Being white is cool. I don't have a proclivity to spend endless hours sitting on my front porch with other white folks so we can be seen by other whites on their porches or driving by in beat up cars with $1700 worth of rims and tires and another $1200 invested in a sound system that disturbs folks three blocks away. I not only speak standard English but I also learned the meaning of ask and axe at a very young age and would never walk around with half my ass hanging out of my pants because I thought it would enhance my street creed by hinting I may have actually spent time in jail. I've never had the desire to shoot at anyone or been shot at and would never even think of beating a woman or a child for any reason. I've lived with a wife and we've raised three sons in whom we instilled the value of working hard to educate themselves and be responsible and accountable for their actions in this world among lots of other things too. All in all life is good in Caucasianland and could be elsewhere too if others emulated how we approach it.
I have much more material to cover ,but I have to wait on just a few more hardcore whites to join in on thread . I kind of prefer live examples of this most unusual race. A study of whites is most perplexing ,most of their consciousness is completely devoid of their racism. It is most difficult to get them to co operate.
Being white is cool. I don't have a proclivity to spend endless hours sitting on my front porch with other white folks so we can be seen by other whites on their porches or driving by in beat up cars with $1700 worth of rims and tires and another $1200 invested in a sound system that disturbs folks three blocks away. I not only speak standard English but I also learned the meaning of ask and axe at a very young age and would never walk around with half my ass hanging out of my pants because I thought it would enhance my street creed by hinting I may have actually spent time in jail. I've never had the desire to shoot at anyone or been shot at and would never even think of beating a woman or a child for any reason. I've lived with a wife and we've raised three sons in whom we instilled the value of working hard to educate themselves and be responsible and accountable for their actions in this world among lots of other things too. All in all life is good in Caucasianland and could be elsewhere too if others emulated how we approach it.

So you are suggesting that blacks should "Act White?" And then they will be blessed?

Oh and welcome to thread ,I have been waiting on you. Come now ,lets not be afraid ,I am not going to hurt you ; lets have at it. You got plenty of help so this is fair.
Being white is cool. I don't have a proclivity to spend endless hours sitting on my front porch with other white folks so we can be seen by other whites on their porches or driving by in beat up cars with $1700 worth of rims and tires and another $1200 invested in a sound system that disturbs folks three blocks away. I not only speak standard English but I also learned the meaning of ask and axe at a very young age and would never walk around with half my ass hanging out of my pants because I thought it would enhance my street creed by hinting I may have actually spent time in jail. I've never had the desire to shoot at anyone or been shot at and would never even think of beating a woman or a child for any reason. I've lived with a wife and we've raised three sons in whom we instilled the value of working hard to educate themselves and be responsible and accountable for their actions in this world among lots of other things too. All in all life is good in Caucasianland and could be elsewhere too if others emulated how we approach it.

You had the proclivity to sit on cave porches eating each other and painting yourselves blue before Blacks educated you on how to be civilized.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?

  • Get an education
  • Get a job
  • Raise your family instead of abandoning them
  • Pay your mortgage
  • Pay your taxes
  • Be honest in your dealing with other
  • Respect the property of others
That's what it's like to be "white."
Being white is cool. I don't have a proclivity to spend endless hours sitting on my front porch with other white folks so we can be seen by other whites on their porches or driving by in beat up cars with $1700 worth of rims and tires and another $1200 invested in a sound system that disturbs folks three blocks away. I not only speak standard English but I also learned the meaning of ask and axe at a very young age and would never walk around with half my ass hanging out of my pants because I thought it would enhance my street creed by hinting I may have actually spent time in jail. I've never had the desire to shoot at anyone or been shot at and would never even think of beating a woman or a child for any reason. I've lived with a wife and we've raised three sons in whom we instilled the value of working hard to educate themselves and be responsible and accountable for their actions in this world among lots of other things too. All in all life is good in Caucasianland and could be elsewhere too if others emulated how we approach it.

Lets disect your statement further. You mentioned rape as if blacks do it more than whites ; I disagree with that ; 69% of rape victums are white women.

You jelly, yes you are.
Its not an inferiority complex, it's called self awareness. Studies have shown blacks have a hard time with abstract thinking and self awareness. And this actually helps you in a way. You think you're better than you actually are and you're too stupid to even notice!
Let me guess. Studies by white people with inferiority complexes? :laugh:
A mixed team of researchers actually. Some Indians and whites. No jiggs though....unsurprisingly. Lol
If it was only indians and whites then it isnt valid.
Anything done by dindus is invalid.
Dindus must be whites? Theyve been caught in lie after lie. Remember Piltdown Man?

We finally know who forged Piltdown Man, one of science’s most notorious hoaxes

"Whoever committed the forgery, the consequences were long-lasting. The belief that modern humans evolved in Britain persisted for another 40 years — it was so ingrained that many scientists dismissed a real archaic human fossil, the Taung Child, when it was uncovered in South Africa in 1924. And the hoax weakened the public's trust in science. Even today, creationists point to Piltdown Man to justify their suspicion of evolution."
We actually agree on this. But I'd like to know what anthropology has to do with geneticism?
Let me guess. Studies by white people with inferiority complexes? :laugh:
A mixed team of researchers actually. Some Indians and whites. No jiggs though....unsurprisingly. Lol
If it was only indians and whites then it isnt valid.
Anything done by dindus is invalid.
Dindus must be whites? Theyve been caught in lie after lie. Remember Piltdown Man?

We finally know who forged Piltdown Man, one of science’s most notorious hoaxes

"Whoever committed the forgery, the consequences were long-lasting. The belief that modern humans evolved in Britain persisted for another 40 years — it was so ingrained that many scientists dismissed a real archaic human fossil, the Taung Child, when it was uncovered in South Africa in 1924. And the hoax weakened the public's trust in science. Even today, creationists point to Piltdown Man to justify their suspicion of evolution."
We actually agree on this. But I'd like to know what anthropology has to do with geneticism?
Just one of many areas that whites lie about and constantly get busted.
To show you how hidden racism really is , go to google and ask the question" Why do white men leave their children ", google will totally ignore that and automatically post stats on why black men leave their children. A stunning racism from a simple question.
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