I wonder what its like to be white?

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As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex ...

THis is where I stopped reading.

YOu are a fool.

I have foolish ways for sure; and some unique ways ; I can see through the white wall.

The "White Wall" exists solely in your mind.

IF you think that the "white race" has an inbred superiority complex, then the only thing you are seeing is your own delusions.

I disagree ,I think the white race has a definite inbred superiority complex; they feel as if they are God's prime cattle ; I have seen this for years. And the white denial of it is equally as stunning.

And disturbing.

YOu have seen what you wanted to see.

And dismissing what people say that you disagree with?

That is just you being close minded.

Would you like to support your claim with an argument?

Keep it concise and to the point. Try to not be crazy.
Being the racist that this poster is, he is talking as if he knows all about white people, according to his observations I suppose. Well, according to MY observations, it is not whites committing the most violent crimes today per captia, whites aren't rallying behind criminals, if they are guilty, they deserve to be punished, regardless of race. He must have low self esteem to think whites put themselves on a high pedestal. This is pure bullshit. I treat everyone according to their behavior. If the behavior of a culture is negative, they will not be accepted nor treated with respect. Period.
Well, its relative, isn't it?
Yes, and you got my response. Does looking deeper into this threaten you? You want the blue pill or the red one?

I said not in this thread , but I would discuss it in another one. No , this thread is going to stay white, not off white.

I think race and religion are going to be the destruction of humanity. And believe me , whites are going to be deeply involved.
Really? You made me laugh, you have a crystal ball that is irrefutable? You are blaming whites already for future crimes, let alone all past ones? I have to ask you, HOW does it FEEL to be a SMUG self righteous jerk?

The truth will come out. Whites commit way more crimes than blacks in America;

The TRUTH about FBI Crime Statistics by Race - Racism In America
You don't like whites, do you? Looking for every reason under the sun to justify your hate. Chi-lax. White people suck. Blacks suck. Human beings suck. But we have some redeeming qualities. We are all human in there somewhere.

I agree , well stated. But listen ,I been in the religious section for months now , stomping on Christianity and all its righteousness. So I need to give them a brief break ; I guess I stay in this section a few days and stomp on those who have been stomping on blacks.

Okay , I'll admit , part of me likes doing these things. You know ,going against the righteous grain.
Seems more like you are going WITH the grain, pretending to be some kind of iconoclast. Which you are definitely not. You are just another anonymous politically correct mafioso group-think enforcer. Sorry.
THis is where I stopped reading.

YOu are a fool.

I have foolish ways for sure; and some unique ways ; I can see through the white wall.

The "White Wall" exists solely in your mind.

IF you think that the "white race" has an inbred superiority complex, then the only thing you are seeing is your own delusions.

I disagree ,I think the white race has a definite inbred superiority complex; they feel as if they are God's prime cattle ; I have seen this for years. And the white denial of it is equally as stunning.

And disturbing.

YOu have seen what you wanted to see.

And dismissing what people say that you disagree with?

That is just you being close minded.

Would you like to support your claim with an argument?

Keep it concise and to the point. Try to not be crazy.
Being the racist that this poster is, he is talking as if he knows all about white people, according to his observations I suppose. Well, according to MY observations, it is not whites committing the most violent crimes today per captia, whites aren't rallying behind criminals, if they are guilty, they deserve to be punished, regardless of race. He must have low self esteem to think whites put themselves on a high pedestal. This is pure bullshit. I treat everyone according to their behavior. If the behavior of a culture is negative, they will not be accepted nor treated with respect. Period.

Ahhh , spoken like a real white man. Just as blind as your ancestors.
I agree. So, are you white, too? Just wondering, sweet heart.

No, I am of mixed race but consider myself as a black man. Both my parents were black , but both of their parents were not. Strange though, at one point in American history , if a white person had as little as one percent black blood , they called them black.
Well, be that as it may. I don't have much of any privilege, in fact, that is so uninformed and ignorant it sounds humorously stereotyped. What "rights and privileges" do you think I have that YOU don't?

Well lets start with these 17;
17 Deplorable Examples Of White Privilege
I am not in any way included in any way with privilege any more than you are, so don't all lump whites together. Isn't that what ethnic profiling is?

To a degree , yes ; you must excuse my visit to this section, I read how many whites were lashing out at blacks in one manner or another ; I don't like that. So it barrels down to , if you can give it ,then you can take it ; so I got some lashing of my own to give.
Do you not think perhaps that whites are "lashing out" at blacks because of their behavior? Look at all the blacks lashing out at whites and cops, as if both entities are entirely bad. There are good and bad in every race.
Well, its relative, isn't it?
I said not in this thread , but I would discuss it in another one. No , this thread is going to stay white, not off white.

I think race and religion are going to be the destruction of humanity. And believe me , whites are going to be deeply involved.
Really? You made me laugh, you have a crystal ball that is irrefutable? You are blaming whites already for future crimes, let alone all past ones? I have to ask you, HOW does it FEEL to be a SMUG self righteous jerk?

The truth will come out. Whites commit way more crimes than blacks in America;

The TRUTH about FBI Crime Statistics by Race - Racism In America
You don't like whites, do you? Looking for every reason under the sun to justify your hate. Chi-lax. White people suck. Blacks suck. Human beings suck. But we have some redeeming qualities. We are all human in there somewhere.

I agree , well stated. But listen ,I been in the religious section for months now , stomping on Christianity and all its righteousness. So I need to give them a brief break ; I guess I stay in this section a few days and stomp on those who have been stomping on blacks.

Okay , I'll admit , part of me likes doing these things. You know ,going against the righteous grain.
Seems more like you are going WITH the grain, pretending to be some kind of iconoclast. Which you are definitely not. You are just another anonymous politically correct mafioso group-think enforcer. Sorry.
Well, its relative, isn't it?
I said not in this thread , but I would discuss it in another one. No , this thread is going to stay white, not off white.

I think race and religion are going to be the destruction of humanity. And believe me , whites are going to be deeply involved.
Really? You made me laugh, you have a crystal ball that is irrefutable? You are blaming whites already for future crimes, let alone all past ones? I have to ask you, HOW does it FEEL to be a SMUG self righteous jerk?

The truth will come out. Whites commit way more crimes than blacks in America;

The TRUTH about FBI Crime Statistics by Race - Racism In America
You don't like whites, do you? Looking for every reason under the sun to justify your hate. Chi-lax. White people suck. Blacks suck. Human beings suck. But we have some redeeming qualities. We are all human in there somewhere.

I agree , well stated. But listen ,I been in the religious section for months now , stomping on Christianity and all its righteousness. So I need to give them a brief break ; I guess I stay in this section a few days and stomp on those who have been stomping on blacks.

Okay , I'll admit , part of me likes doing these things. You know ,going against the righteous grain.
Seems more like you are going WITH the grain, pretending to be some kind of iconoclast. Which you are definitely not. You are just another anonymous politically correct mafioso group-think enforcer. Sorry.

Well thank you Mary , your very inspiring; I have been inspiried to write more poems than I have in a while.

Mary had a little lamb whose skin was white as snow
and everywhere the lamb went , a black one showed up and spoiled the show.
No, I am of mixed race but consider myself as a black man. Both my parents were black , but both of their parents were not. Strange though, at one point in American history , if a white person had as little as one percent black blood , they called them black.
Well, be that as it may. I don't have much of any privilege, in fact, that is so uninformed and ignorant it sounds humorously stereotyped. What "rights and privileges" do you think I have that YOU don't?

Well lets start with these 17;
17 Deplorable Examples Of White Privilege
I am not in any way included in any way with privilege any more than you are, so don't all lump whites together. Isn't that what ethnic profiling is?

To a degree , yes ; you must excuse my visit to this section, I read how many whites were lashing out at blacks in one manner or another ; I don't like that. So it barrels down to , if you can give it ,then you can take it ; so I got some lashing of my own to give.
Do you not think perhaps that whites are "lashing out" at blacks because of their behavior? Look at all the blacks lashing out at whites and cops, as if both entities are entirely bad. There are good and bad in every race.

Yes , I think some whites are lashing out because of that ; why in history they put the lash to many blacks ; which is why some blacks lash out at whites. You did it to us first. Its then the " Rambo effect" , you drew first blood.

Well, be that as it may. I don't have much of any privilege, in fact, that is so uninformed and ignorant it sounds humorously stereotyped. What "rights and privileges" do you think I have that YOU don't?

Well lets start with these 17;
17 Deplorable Examples Of White Privilege
I am not in any way included in any way with privilege any more than you are, so don't all lump whites together. Isn't that what ethnic profiling is?

To a degree , yes ; you must excuse my visit to this section, I read how many whites were lashing out at blacks in one manner or another ; I don't like that. So it barrels down to , if you can give it ,then you can take it ; so I got some lashing of my own to give.
Do you not think perhaps that whites are "lashing out" at blacks because of their behavior? Look at all the blacks lashing out at whites and cops, as if both entities are entirely bad. There are good and bad in every race.

Yes , I think some whites are lashing out because of that ; why in history they put the lash to many blacks ; which is why some blacks lash out at whites. You did it to us first. Its then the " Rambo effect" , you drew first blood.

No I didn't,nor did anyone alive today. There lies a major problem in discussing race relations. Why do you and others bring up history when clearly we have nothing to do with it? I drew NO blood from anyone, neither did my ancestors. You appear to be looking for excuses for your hatred and/or dislike of whites. Stop blaming others for whatever misfortunes you seem to think was caused by whites against your race.
I am not in any way included in any way with privilege any more than you are, so don't all lump whites together. Isn't that what ethnic profiling is?

To a degree , yes ; you must excuse my visit to this section, I read how many whites were lashing out at blacks in one manner or another ; I don't like that. So it barrels down to , if you can give it ,then you can take it ; so I got some lashing of my own to give.
Do you not think perhaps that whites are "lashing out" at blacks because of their behavior? Look at all the blacks lashing out at whites and cops, as if both entities are entirely bad. There are good and bad in every race.

Yes , I think some whites are lashing out because of that ; why in history they put the lash to many blacks ; which is why some blacks lash out at whites. You did it to us first. Its then the " Rambo effect" , you drew first blood.

No I didn't,nor did anyone alive today. There lies a major problem in discussing race relations. Why do you and others bring up history when clearly we have nothing to do with it? I drew NO blood from anyone, neither did my ancestors. You appear to be looking for excuses for your hatred and/or dislike of whites. Stop blaming others for whatever misfortunes you seem to think was caused by whites against your race.

Well okay , lets erase the past history of whites , lets just use 2016 , the present. Do blacks face racism?

11 Examples Of Casual, Everyday Racism In Our Society

Lets just forget ALL the past ; if you tell me the city you live in ,may I use your most recent newspaper to add to these points?
I am not in any way included in any way with privilege any more than you are, so don't all lump whites together. Isn't that what ethnic profiling is?

To a degree , yes ; you must excuse my visit to this section, I read how many whites were lashing out at blacks in one manner or another ; I don't like that. So it barrels down to , if you can give it ,then you can take it ; so I got some lashing of my own to give.
Do you not think perhaps that whites are "lashing out" at blacks because of their behavior? Look at all the blacks lashing out at whites and cops, as if both entities are entirely bad. There are good and bad in every race.

Yes , I think some whites are lashing out because of that ; why in history they put the lash to many blacks ; which is why some blacks lash out at whites. You did it to us first. Its then the " Rambo effect" , you drew first blood.

No I didn't,nor did anyone alive today. There lies a major problem in discussing race relations. Why do you and others bring up history when clearly we have nothing to do with it? I drew NO blood from anyone, neither did my ancestors. You appear to be looking for excuses for your hatred and/or dislike of whites. Stop blaming others for whatever misfortunes you seem to think was caused by whites against your race.

Well okay , lets erase the past history of whites , lets just use 2016 , the present. Do blacks face racism?

11 Examples Of Casual, Everyday Racism In Our Society

Lets just forget ALL the past ; if you tell me the city you live in ,may I use your most recent newspaper to add to these points?
I never said blacks don't face racism. A lot of it is caused by the behavior and crime. Some is just plain racial hate which is so sad. I am not from here but I currently live in Little Rock, Arkansas. The newspapers here report a lot of black crime, but whites are not exempt. Like I said, there is good and bad in every race.
Well, be that as it may. I don't have much of any privilege, in fact, that is so uninformed and ignorant it sounds humorously stereotyped. What "rights and privileges" do you think I have that YOU don't?

Well lets start with these 17;
17 Deplorable Examples Of White Privilege
I am not in any way included in any way with privilege any more than you are, so don't all lump whites together. Isn't that what ethnic profiling is?

To a degree , yes ; you must excuse my visit to this section, I read how many whites were lashing out at blacks in one manner or another ; I don't like that. So it barrels down to , if you can give it ,then you can take it ; so I got some lashing of my own to give.
Do you not think perhaps that whites are "lashing out" at blacks because of their behavior? Look at all the blacks lashing out at whites and cops, as if both entities are entirely bad. There are good and bad in every race.

Yes , I think some whites are lashing out because of that ; why in history they put the lash to many blacks ; which is why some blacks lash out at whites. You did it to us first. Its then the " Rambo effect" , you drew first blood.

Wow. Rambo effect? When little black kids are "EMPOWERED" to beat a little old man's (Hispanic Pearl Harbor) survivors dog to death, makes me wonder if blacks have any grasp of history at all out side of their own little universe. That is rhetorical question. They don't have a clue, and neither do you.
To a degree , yes ; you must excuse my visit to this section, I read how many whites were lashing out at blacks in one manner or another ; I don't like that. So it barrels down to , if you can give it ,then you can take it ; so I got some lashing of my own to give.
Do you not think perhaps that whites are "lashing out" at blacks because of their behavior? Look at all the blacks lashing out at whites and cops, as if both entities are entirely bad. There are good and bad in every race.

Yes , I think some whites are lashing out because of that ; why in history they put the lash to many blacks ; which is why some blacks lash out at whites. You did it to us first. Its then the " Rambo effect" , you drew first blood.

No I didn't,nor did anyone alive today. There lies a major problem in discussing race relations. Why do you and others bring up history when clearly we have nothing to do with it? I drew NO blood from anyone, neither did my ancestors. You appear to be looking for excuses for your hatred and/or dislike of whites. Stop blaming others for whatever misfortunes you seem to think was caused by whites against your race.

Well okay , lets erase the past history of whites , lets just use 2016 , the present. Do blacks face racism?

11 Examples Of Casual, Everyday Racism In Our Society

Lets just forget ALL the past ; if you tell me the city you live in ,may I use your most recent newspaper to add to these points?
I never said blacks don't face racism. A lot of it is caused by the behavior and crime. Some is just plain racial hate which is so sad. I am not from here but I currently live in Little Rock, Arkansas. The newspapers here report a lot of black crime, but whites are not exempt. Like I said, there is good and bad in every race.

Miz Molly ,I studied your state for 15 minutes ; in just 15 minutes you know what I discovered? Your state is considered the most racist state in America. And I bet you had no idea. Here is what the people of color who live in your state think of it ;

Arkansas: Most Racist States In the U.S. | TheTopTens®
I am not in any way included in any way with privilege any more than you are, so don't all lump whites together. Isn't that what ethnic profiling is?

To a degree , yes ; you must excuse my visit to this section, I read how many whites were lashing out at blacks in one manner or another ; I don't like that. So it barrels down to , if you can give it ,then you can take it ; so I got some lashing of my own to give.
Do you not think perhaps that whites are "lashing out" at blacks because of their behavior? Look at all the blacks lashing out at whites and cops, as if both entities are entirely bad. There are good and bad in every race.

Yes , I think some whites are lashing out because of that ; why in history they put the lash to many blacks ; which is why some blacks lash out at whites. You did it to us first. Its then the " Rambo effect" , you drew first blood.

Wow. Rambo effect? When little black kids are "EMPOWERED" to beat a little old man's (Hispanic Pearl Harbor) survivors dog to death, makes me wonder if blacks have any grasp of history at all out side of their own little universe. That is rhetorical question. They don't have a clue, and neither do you.

Well ,I have one white woman requesting that I do not mention history, and another one claiming I have no grasp of history;

Will white wonders never cease?
Do you not think perhaps that whites are "lashing out" at blacks because of their behavior? Look at all the blacks lashing out at whites and cops, as if both entities are entirely bad. There are good and bad in every race.

Yes , I think some whites are lashing out because of that ; why in history they put the lash to many blacks ; which is why some blacks lash out at whites. You did it to us first. Its then the " Rambo effect" , you drew first blood.

No I didn't,nor did anyone alive today. There lies a major problem in discussing race relations. Why do you and others bring up history when clearly we have nothing to do with it? I drew NO blood from anyone, neither did my ancestors. You appear to be looking for excuses for your hatred and/or dislike of whites. Stop blaming others for whatever misfortunes you seem to think was caused by whites against your race.

Well okay , lets erase the past history of whites , lets just use 2016 , the present. Do blacks face racism?

11 Examples Of Casual, Everyday Racism In Our Society

Lets just forget ALL the past ; if you tell me the city you live in ,may I use your most recent newspaper to add to these points?
I never said blacks don't face racism. A lot of it is caused by the behavior and crime. Some is just plain racial hate which is so sad. I am not from here but I currently live in Little Rock, Arkansas. The newspapers here report a lot of black crime, but whites are not exempt. Like I said, there is good and bad in every race.

Miz Molly ,I studied your state for 15 minutes ; in just 15 minutes you know what I discovered? Your state is considered the most racist state in America. And I bet you had no idea. Here is what the people of color who live in your state think of it ;

Arkansas: Most Racist States In the U.S. | TheTopTens®
I know there are racist, but of course some racism is against a behavior. I have met true hateful people here and I have also seen many blacks call whites racist simply for disagreeing with them on any topic. I was not raised in a racist atmosphere. If you look at the local newspaper articles here, there is much more black violent crime here than white. I dislike all criminals, regardless of race.
I am not in any way included in any way with privilege any more than you are, so don't all lump whites together. Isn't that what ethnic profiling is?

To a degree , yes ; you must excuse my visit to this section, I read how many whites were lashing out at blacks in one manner or another ; I don't like that. So it barrels down to , if you can give it ,then you can take it ; so I got some lashing of my own to give.
Do you not think perhaps that whites are "lashing out" at blacks because of their behavior? Look at all the blacks lashing out at whites and cops, as if both entities are entirely bad. There are good and bad in every race.

Yes , I think some whites are lashing out because of that ; why in history they put the lash to many blacks ; which is why some blacks lash out at whites. You did it to us first. Its then the " Rambo effect" , you drew first blood.

Wow. Rambo effect? When little black kids are "EMPOWERED" to beat a little old man's (Hispanic Pearl Harbor) survivors dog to death, makes me wonder if blacks have any grasp of history at all out side of their own little universe. That is rhetorical question. They don't have a clue, and neither do you.

Well ,I have one white woman requesting that I do not mention history, and another one claiming I have no grasp of history;

Will white wonders never cease?
There is a difference between mentioning history and blaming history on people alive today.
To a degree , yes ; you must excuse my visit to this section, I read how many whites were lashing out at blacks in one manner or another ; I don't like that. So it barrels down to , if you can give it ,then you can take it ; so I got some lashing of my own to give.
Do you not think perhaps that whites are "lashing out" at blacks because of their behavior? Look at all the blacks lashing out at whites and cops, as if both entities are entirely bad. There are good and bad in every race.

Yes , I think some whites are lashing out because of that ; why in history they put the lash to many blacks ; which is why some blacks lash out at whites. You did it to us first. Its then the " Rambo effect" , you drew first blood.

Wow. Rambo effect? When little black kids are "EMPOWERED" to beat a little old man's (Hispanic Pearl Harbor) survivors dog to death, makes me wonder if blacks have any grasp of history at all out side of their own little universe. That is rhetorical question. They don't have a clue, and neither do you.

Well ,I have one white woman requesting that I do not mention history, and another one claiming I have no grasp of history;

Will white wonders never cease?
There is a difference between mentioning history and blaming history on people alive today.

I think it is a difference ,yes. But all of us are a byproduct of yesterday.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?
Actually, white people tend to be more self aware than blacks...blacks are the ones who act like they have an inborn superiority complex....because they lack the high level of self awareness that say, whites and Asians have.
Do you not think perhaps that whites are "lashing out" at blacks because of their behavior? Look at all the blacks lashing out at whites and cops, as if both entities are entirely bad. There are good and bad in every race.

Yes , I think some whites are lashing out because of that ; why in history they put the lash to many blacks ; which is why some blacks lash out at whites. You did it to us first. Its then the " Rambo effect" , you drew first blood.

No I didn't,nor did anyone alive today. There lies a major problem in discussing race relations. Why do you and others bring up history when clearly we have nothing to do with it? I drew NO blood from anyone, neither did my ancestors. You appear to be looking for excuses for your hatred and/or dislike of whites. Stop blaming others for whatever misfortunes you seem to think was caused by whites against your race.

Well okay , lets erase the past history of whites , lets just use 2016 , the present. Do blacks face racism?

11 Examples Of Casual, Everyday Racism In Our Society

Lets just forget ALL the past ; if you tell me the city you live in ,may I use your most recent newspaper to add to these points?
I never said blacks don't face racism. A lot of it is caused by the behavior and crime. Some is just plain racial hate which is so sad. I am not from here but I currently live in Little Rock, Arkansas. The newspapers here report a lot of black crime, but whites are not exempt. Like I said, there is good and bad in every race.

Miz Molly ,I studied your state for 15 minutes ; in just 15 minutes you know what I discovered? Your state is considered the most racist state in America. And I bet you had no idea. Here is what the people of color who live in your state think of it ;

Arkansas: Most Racist States In the U.S. | TheTopTens®
So why don't they move?
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