I wonder what its like to be white?

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As you can see in this thread , one way to understand what it is like to be white , is rage. The white man is in a rage , mad at the world and all people in it.

That's one thing which makes him so dangerous.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?
Oh, please. You are a Caucasian with a guilt complex. Give it up. That speaks more to your personality defects and self hate issues than anything else. Get a shrink.

I have a shrink , she is Iranian. A most interesting Persian woman. And I do have a lot of defects , and I do hate a lot of things about white people. My shrink thinks I have an historical chip on my shoulder. I don't like many things whites have done.
I agree. So, are you white, too? Just wondering, sweet heart.

No, I am of mixed race but consider myself as a black man. Both my parents were black , but both of their parents were not. Strange though, at one point in American history , if a white person had as little as one percent black blood , they called them black.
Well, be that as it may. I don't have much of any privilege, in fact, that is so uninformed and ignorant it sounds humorously stereotyped. What "rights and privileges" do you think I have that YOU don't?
YOu have seen what you wanted to see.

And dismissing what people say that you disagree with?

That is just you being close minded.

Would you like to support your claim with an argument?

Keep it concise and to the point. Try to not be crazy.

Your too late ,I already know I am crazy ; I am suggesting the white race does not know they are. They have this high opinion of themselves , and anyone who disagrees with that , is considered inept.

I asked you to support your claim.

You, of course, completely failed to even try.

Which indicates that you know that you are just talking shit.

SO the question now is, why are you purposefully talking shit?

MMM, you are a leftist and a racist...

I bet you are here to try to stir up a race based flame thread, in hopes of scaring minorities and liberals into getting mobilized to fight Trump.

Whatever I am ,I have your attention

I am honored

I am curious , explain to me why you are reading this?

Understanding lefties and their vileness, allows me to understand what is destroying my nation.

Understanding gives me a comforting illusion of control.

Calling you lefties on your complete bullshit also soothes my rage.

I note that you have done NOTHING to support any of the nonsensical claims you have made.

YOur lack of even trying shows that you know that you are lying, instead of being sincerely deluded.

Nothing will soothe your rage , because its the rage of a dominant immigrant. Everyone in the US are immigrants except the native Indians. The US began the destruction of America when they dismantled the Indians. Your selfish rage likes to forget that history.

There is nothing that can prove this to an enraged white man.

THat was a bunch of nonsense.

I was born here. That is the opposite of an immigrant. You don't get to change the meaning of common words just because you are a leftist.

Everyone in the US is not an Immigrant. That is moronic nonsense. Try to be less of a liar.

The die off of Indians was almost completely caused by disease, centuries before the US existed. Question the crap people are pouring into your mind.

My rage is righteous. I forget NOTHING.

Your rationalization for refusing to support your arguments is noted and ridiculed.

Liberals: Al the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Do you admit you are a racist?
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?
Oh, please. You are a Caucasian with a guilt complex. Give it up. That speaks more to your personality defects and self hate issues than anything else. Get a shrink.

I have a shrink , she is Iranian. A most interesting Persian woman. And I do have a lot of defects , and I do hate a lot of things about white people. My shrink thinks I have an historical chip on my shoulder. I don't like many things whites have done.
I agree. So, are you white, too? Just wondering, sweet heart.

No, I am of mixed race but consider myself as a black man. Both my parents were black , but both of their parents were not. Strange though, at one point in American history , if a white person had as little as one percent black blood , they called them black.
Well, be that as it may. I don't have much of any privilege, in fact, that is so uninformed and ignorant it sounds humorously stereotyped. What "rights and privileges" do you think I have that YOU don't?

Well lets start with these 17;
17 Deplorable Examples Of White Privilege
As you can see in this thread , one way to understand what it is like to be white , is rage. The white man is in a rage , mad at the world and all people in it.

That's one thing which makes him so dangerous.

Standard lefty ploy.

Insult someone and then pretend the the natural anger generated is somehow evidence of something wrong with the person you insulted.

Does it bother you to be so dishonest?
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?
A dork or a jock?
Your too late ,I already know I am crazy ; I am suggesting the white race does not know they are. They have this high opinion of themselves , and anyone who disagrees with that , is considered inept.

I asked you to support your claim.

You, of course, completely failed to even try.

Which indicates that you know that you are just talking shit.

SO the question now is, why are you purposefully talking shit?

MMM, you are a leftist and a racist...

I bet you are here to try to stir up a race based flame thread, in hopes of scaring minorities and liberals into getting mobilized to fight Trump.

Whatever I am ,I have your attention

I am honored

I am curious , explain to me why you are reading this?

Understanding lefties and their vileness, allows me to understand what is destroying my nation.

Understanding gives me a comforting illusion of control.

Calling you lefties on your complete bullshit also soothes my rage.

I note that you have done NOTHING to support any of the nonsensical claims you have made.

YOur lack of even trying shows that you know that you are lying, instead of being sincerely deluded.

Nothing will soothe your rage , because its the rage of a dominant immigrant. Everyone in the US are immigrants except the native Indians. The US began the destruction of America when they dismantled the Indians. Your selfish rage likes to forget that history.

There is nothing that can prove this to an enraged white man.

THat was a bunch of nonsense.

I was born here. That is the opposite of an immigrant. You don't get to change the meaning of common words just because you are a leftist.

Everyone in the US is not an Immigrant. That is moronic nonsense. Try to be less of a liar.

The die off of Indians was almost completely caused by disease, centuries before the US existed. Question the crap people are pouring into your mind.

My rage is righteous. I forget NOTHING.

Your rationalization for refusing to support your arguments is noted and ridiculed.

Liberals: Al the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Do you admit you are a racist?

I admit to having some racism , yes ; and I admit that your calling your rage righteous, is mighty white of you.
Oh, please. You are a Caucasian with a guilt complex. Give it up. That speaks more to your personality defects and self hate issues than anything else. Get a shrink.

I have a shrink , she is Iranian. A most interesting Persian woman. And I do have a lot of defects , and I do hate a lot of things about white people. My shrink thinks I have an historical chip on my shoulder. I don't like many things whites have done.
I agree. So, are you white, too? Just wondering, sweet heart.

No, I am of mixed race but consider myself as a black man. Both my parents were black , but both of their parents were not. Strange though, at one point in American history , if a white person had as little as one percent black blood , they called them black.
Well, be that as it may. I don't have much of any privilege, in fact, that is so uninformed and ignorant it sounds humorously stereotyped. What "rights and privileges" do you think I have that YOU don't?

Well lets start with these 17;
17 Deplorable Examples Of White Privilege
I am not in any way included in any way with privilege any more than you are, so don't all lump whites together. Isn't that what ethnic profiling is?
I asked you to support your claim.

You, of course, completely failed to even try.

Which indicates that you know that you are just talking shit.

SO the question now is, why are you purposefully talking shit?

MMM, you are a leftist and a racist...

I bet you are here to try to stir up a race based flame thread, in hopes of scaring minorities and liberals into getting mobilized to fight Trump.

Whatever I am ,I have your attention

I am honored

I am curious , explain to me why you are reading this?

Understanding lefties and their vileness, allows me to understand what is destroying my nation.

Understanding gives me a comforting illusion of control.

Calling you lefties on your complete bullshit also soothes my rage.

I note that you have done NOTHING to support any of the nonsensical claims you have made.

YOur lack of even trying shows that you know that you are lying, instead of being sincerely deluded.

Nothing will soothe your rage , because its the rage of a dominant immigrant. Everyone in the US are immigrants except the native Indians. The US began the destruction of America when they dismantled the Indians. Your selfish rage likes to forget that history.

There is nothing that can prove this to an enraged white man.

THat was a bunch of nonsense.

I was born here. That is the opposite of an immigrant. You don't get to change the meaning of common words just because you are a leftist.

Everyone in the US is not an Immigrant. That is moronic nonsense. Try to be less of a liar.

The die off of Indians was almost completely caused by disease, centuries before the US existed. Question the crap people are pouring into your mind.

My rage is righteous. I forget NOTHING.

Your rationalization for refusing to support your arguments is noted and ridiculed.

Liberals: Al the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Do you admit you are a racist?

I admit to having some racism , yes ; and I admit that your calling your rage righteous, is mighty white of you.

Some? It seems to be your primary attribute.

My description of my "rage as righteous" is not a "white" of me. It is an individual act.

It does not , for example, reflect at all on HIllary Clinton, despite us sharing skin tone.

It does not reflect on John F. Kennedy, despite the fact that he was also white.

It does not reflect on Jane Fonda, despite the fact that she was also white.

It does not reflect on WInston Churchill, despite the fact that he was also white.

It is something I as an individual did.

Your inability to grasp that is to be expected from a standard race obsessed racist leftist.
I have a shrink , she is Iranian. A most interesting Persian woman. And I do have a lot of defects , and I do hate a lot of things about white people. My shrink thinks I have an historical chip on my shoulder. I don't like many things whites have done.
I agree. So, are you white, too? Just wondering, sweet heart.

No, I am of mixed race but consider myself as a black man. Both my parents were black , but both of their parents were not. Strange though, at one point in American history , if a white person had as little as one percent black blood , they called them black.
Well, be that as it may. I don't have much of any privilege, in fact, that is so uninformed and ignorant it sounds humorously stereotyped. What "rights and privileges" do you think I have that YOU don't?

Well lets start with these 17;
17 Deplorable Examples Of White Privilege
I am not in any way included in any way with privilege any more than you are, so don't all lump whites together. Isn't that what ethnic profiling is?

To a degree , yes ; you must excuse my visit to this section, I read how many whites were lashing out at blacks in one manner or another ; I don't like that. So it barrels down to , if you can give it ,then you can take it ; so I got some lashing of my own to give.
Whatever I am ,I have your attention

I am honored

I am curious , explain to me why you are reading this?

Understanding lefties and their vileness, allows me to understand what is destroying my nation.

Understanding gives me a comforting illusion of control.

Calling you lefties on your complete bullshit also soothes my rage.

I note that you have done NOTHING to support any of the nonsensical claims you have made.

YOur lack of even trying shows that you know that you are lying, instead of being sincerely deluded.

Nothing will soothe your rage , because its the rage of a dominant immigrant. Everyone in the US are immigrants except the native Indians. The US began the destruction of America when they dismantled the Indians. Your selfish rage likes to forget that history.

There is nothing that can prove this to an enraged white man.

THat was a bunch of nonsense.

I was born here. That is the opposite of an immigrant. You don't get to change the meaning of common words just because you are a leftist.

Everyone in the US is not an Immigrant. That is moronic nonsense. Try to be less of a liar.

The die off of Indians was almost completely caused by disease, centuries before the US existed. Question the crap people are pouring into your mind.

My rage is righteous. I forget NOTHING.

Your rationalization for refusing to support your arguments is noted and ridiculed.

Liberals: Al the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Do you admit you are a racist?

I admit to having some racism , yes ; and I admit that your calling your rage righteous, is mighty white of you.

Some? It seems to be your primary attribute.

My description of my "rage as righteous" is not a "white" of me. It is an individual act.

It does not , for example, reflect at all on HIllary Clinton, despite us sharing skin tone.

It does not reflect on John F. Kennedy, despite the fact that he was also white.

It does not reflect on Jane Fonda, despite the fact that she was also white.

It does not reflect on WInston Churchill, despite the fact that he was also white.

It is something I as an individual did.

Your inability to grasp that is to be expected from a standard race obsessed racist leftist.

I am obsessed with ice cream , God , Jesus , the bible , my children , history , trees , fruit and women. I am not obsessed with racism , but it was forced on me by life , Mostly by white men. There are many things I cannot grasp , the unusual mentality of many whites is but one of them.

Oh ,I am also obsessed with writing.
Understanding lefties and their vileness, allows me to understand what is destroying my nation.

Understanding gives me a comforting illusion of control.

Calling you lefties on your complete bullshit also soothes my rage.

I note that you have done NOTHING to support any of the nonsensical claims you have made.

YOur lack of even trying shows that you know that you are lying, instead of being sincerely deluded.

Nothing will soothe your rage , because its the rage of a dominant immigrant. Everyone in the US are immigrants except the native Indians. The US began the destruction of America when they dismantled the Indians. Your selfish rage likes to forget that history.

There is nothing that can prove this to an enraged white man.

THat was a bunch of nonsense.

I was born here. That is the opposite of an immigrant. You don't get to change the meaning of common words just because you are a leftist.

Everyone in the US is not an Immigrant. That is moronic nonsense. Try to be less of a liar.

The die off of Indians was almost completely caused by disease, centuries before the US existed. Question the crap people are pouring into your mind.

My rage is righteous. I forget NOTHING.

Your rationalization for refusing to support your arguments is noted and ridiculed.

Liberals: Al the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Do you admit you are a racist?

I admit to having some racism , yes ; and I admit that your calling your rage righteous, is mighty white of you.

Some? It seems to be your primary attribute.

My description of my "rage as righteous" is not a "white" of me. It is an individual act.

It does not , for example, reflect at all on HIllary Clinton, despite us sharing skin tone.

It does not reflect on John F. Kennedy, despite the fact that he was also white.

It does not reflect on Jane Fonda, despite the fact that she was also white.

It does not reflect on WInston Churchill, despite the fact that he was also white.

It is something I as an individual did.

Your inability to grasp that is to be expected from a standard race obsessed racist leftist.

I am obsessed with ice cream , God , Jesus , the bible , my children , history , trees , fruit and women. I am not obsessed with racism , but it was forced on me by life , Mostly by white men. There are many things I cannot grasp , the unusual mentality of many whites is but one of them.

Oh ,I am also obsessed with writing.

YOur behavior on this thread proves otherwise.

When you have to lie this much, does it not reveal to you that you are on the wrong side?
Actually, as an old white gal getting shoved down in the snow outside my house by cops at gunpoint...yeah, ironic as hell. They were looking for a Black MALE robber! And I get this special treatment because I live in poor Hispanic/black community, and dared to walk outside my own house to see what the hell was going on! Being older and female and white, they didn't cut me any slack. Nope. What privileges you referring too, again?
Nothing will soothe your rage , because its the rage of a dominant immigrant. Everyone in the US are immigrants except the native Indians. The US began the destruction of America when they dismantled the Indians. Your selfish rage likes to forget that history.

There is nothing that can prove this to an enraged white man.

THat was a bunch of nonsense.

I was born here. That is the opposite of an immigrant. You don't get to change the meaning of common words just because you are a leftist.

Everyone in the US is not an Immigrant. That is moronic nonsense. Try to be less of a liar.

The die off of Indians was almost completely caused by disease, centuries before the US existed. Question the crap people are pouring into your mind.

My rage is righteous. I forget NOTHING.

Your rationalization for refusing to support your arguments is noted and ridiculed.

Liberals: Al the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Do you admit you are a racist?

I admit to having some racism , yes ; and I admit that your calling your rage righteous, is mighty white of you.

Some? It seems to be your primary attribute.

My description of my "rage as righteous" is not a "white" of me. It is an individual act.

It does not , for example, reflect at all on HIllary Clinton, despite us sharing skin tone.

It does not reflect on John F. Kennedy, despite the fact that he was also white.

It does not reflect on Jane Fonda, despite the fact that she was also white.

It does not reflect on WInston Churchill, despite the fact that he was also white.

It is something I as an individual did.

Your inability to grasp that is to be expected from a standard race obsessed racist leftist.

I am obsessed with ice cream , God , Jesus , the bible , my children , history , trees , fruit and women. I am not obsessed with racism , but it was forced on me by life , Mostly by white men. There are many things I cannot grasp , the unusual mentality of many whites is but one of them.

Oh ,I am also obsessed with writing.

YOur behavior on this thread proves otherwise.

When you have to lie this much, does it not reveal to you that you are on the wrong side?

I have fought from the wrong side all my life. You must excuse my behavior , I just don't like white superiority in any form it raises its ugly head.
THat was a bunch of nonsense.

I was born here. That is the opposite of an immigrant. You don't get to change the meaning of common words just because you are a leftist.

Everyone in the US is not an Immigrant. That is moronic nonsense. Try to be less of a liar.

The die off of Indians was almost completely caused by disease, centuries before the US existed. Question the crap people are pouring into your mind.

My rage is righteous. I forget NOTHING.

Your rationalization for refusing to support your arguments is noted and ridiculed.

Liberals: Al the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Do you admit you are a racist?

I admit to having some racism , yes ; and I admit that your calling your rage righteous, is mighty white of you.

Some? It seems to be your primary attribute.

My description of my "rage as righteous" is not a "white" of me. It is an individual act.

It does not , for example, reflect at all on HIllary Clinton, despite us sharing skin tone.

It does not reflect on John F. Kennedy, despite the fact that he was also white.

It does not reflect on Jane Fonda, despite the fact that she was also white.

It does not reflect on WInston Churchill, despite the fact that he was also white.

It is something I as an individual did.

Your inability to grasp that is to be expected from a standard race obsessed racist leftist.

I am obsessed with ice cream , God , Jesus , the bible , my children , history , trees , fruit and women. I am not obsessed with racism , but it was forced on me by life , Mostly by white men. There are many things I cannot grasp , the unusual mentality of many whites is but one of them.

Oh ,I am also obsessed with writing.

YOur behavior on this thread proves otherwise.

When you have to lie this much, does it not reveal to you that you are on the wrong side?

I have fought from the wrong side all my life. You must excuse my behavior , I just don't like white superiority in any form it raises its ugly head.

You seem to think that saying "White Superiority" a lot is some form of supporting argument.

You claims have been complete nonsense and you have not even tried to suppor them.

Yet you keep repeating them.

You are a troll.
Actually, as an old white gal getting shoved down in the snow outside my house by cops at gunpoint...yeah, ironic as hell. They were looking for a Black MALE robber! And I get this special treatment because I live in poor Hispanic/black community, and dared to walk outside my own house to see what the hell was going on! Being older and female and white, they didn't cut me any slack. Nope. What privileges you referring too, again?

I am so sorry you had to experience that , I have experienced it as well.

In case you missed the 35 examples I already gave , consider this;
White Privilege: The Invisible Advantages & Apparent Disadvantages Research Paper Starter - eNotes.com
I admit to having some racism , yes ; and I admit that your calling your rage righteous, is mighty white of you.

Some? It seems to be your primary attribute.

My description of my "rage as righteous" is not a "white" of me. It is an individual act.

It does not , for example, reflect at all on HIllary Clinton, despite us sharing skin tone.

It does not reflect on John F. Kennedy, despite the fact that he was also white.

It does not reflect on Jane Fonda, despite the fact that she was also white.

It does not reflect on WInston Churchill, despite the fact that he was also white.

It is something I as an individual did.

Your inability to grasp that is to be expected from a standard race obsessed racist leftist.

I am obsessed with ice cream , God , Jesus , the bible , my children , history , trees , fruit and women. I am not obsessed with racism , but it was forced on me by life , Mostly by white men. There are many things I cannot grasp , the unusual mentality of many whites is but one of them.

Oh ,I am also obsessed with writing.

YOur behavior on this thread proves otherwise.

When you have to lie this much, does it not reveal to you that you are on the wrong side?

I have fought from the wrong side all my life. You must excuse my behavior , I just don't like white superiority in any form it raises its ugly head.

You seem to think that saying "White Superiority" a lot is some form of supporting argument.

You claims have been complete nonsense and you have not even tried to suppor them.

Yet you keep repeating them.

You are a troll.

Why are you reading what a troll has to say?
Some? It seems to be your primary attribute.

My description of my "rage as righteous" is not a "white" of me. It is an individual act.

It does not , for example, reflect at all on HIllary Clinton, despite us sharing skin tone.

It does not reflect on John F. Kennedy, despite the fact that he was also white.

It does not reflect on Jane Fonda, despite the fact that she was also white.

It does not reflect on WInston Churchill, despite the fact that he was also white.

It is something I as an individual did.

Your inability to grasp that is to be expected from a standard race obsessed racist leftist.

I am obsessed with ice cream , God , Jesus , the bible , my children , history , trees , fruit and women. I am not obsessed with racism , but it was forced on me by life , Mostly by white men. There are many things I cannot grasp , the unusual mentality of many whites is but one of them.

Oh ,I am also obsessed with writing.

YOur behavior on this thread proves otherwise.

When you have to lie this much, does it not reveal to you that you are on the wrong side?

I have fought from the wrong side all my life. You must excuse my behavior , I just don't like white superiority in any form it raises its ugly head.

You seem to think that saying "White Superiority" a lot is some form of supporting argument.

You claims have been complete nonsense and you have not even tried to suppor them.

Yet you keep repeating them.

You are a troll.

Why are you reading what a troll has to say?

Pointing out your lies and nonsense for the benefit of the readers.

Otherwise you vile leftists get to define the Conventional Wisdom though the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion, used as a form of propaganda..

YOur complete lack of any attempt to support your absurd claims and positions continue to reveal that you know that you are talking nonsense.

I have repeatedly asked you a question.

Why do you hold to a political side, when you know that you are in the wrong?
I am obsessed with ice cream , God , Jesus , the bible , my children , history , trees , fruit and women. I am not obsessed with racism , but it was forced on me by life , Mostly by white men. There are many things I cannot grasp , the unusual mentality of many whites is but one of them.

Oh ,I am also obsessed with writing.

YOur behavior on this thread proves otherwise.

When you have to lie this much, does it not reveal to you that you are on the wrong side?

I have fought from the wrong side all my life. You must excuse my behavior , I just don't like white superiority in any form it raises its ugly head.

You seem to think that saying "White Superiority" a lot is some form of supporting argument.

You claims have been complete nonsense and you have not even tried to suppor them.

Yet you keep repeating them.

You are a troll.

Why are you reading what a troll has to say?

Pointing out your lies and nonsense for the benefit of the readers.

Otherwise you vile leftists get to define the Conventional Wisdom though the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion, used as a form of propaganda..

YOur complete lack of any attempt to support your absurd claims and positions continue to reveal that you know that you are talking nonsense.

I have repeatedly asked you a question.

Why do you hold to a political side, when you know that you are in the wrong?

I hold little interest in politics. You are much of the proof I need , you. Your the perfect example of an arrogant white man ,an unexpected welcomed blessing to this thread;

White Men as The Problem -
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