I Won't Root For US World Cup Women Trump Haters

I searched high and low for my "give a fuck" as it pertains to anything having to do with soccer, alas, I didn't find it. If a gun was pointed to my head and had to choose between watching soccer or two mice fucking on TV (even if the screen was fuzzy) I would pick the mice. Watching militant dykes kicking a round ball doesn't jazzes me even less than watching rodents engaged in coitus.
I used to feel that way but now love it much more than that silly American bastardization of football.
That said I can't watch Australian football, rugby, or god forbid -- CRICKET!
Right now, I'm watching the womens' world cup championship soccer game. Originally, I felt pretty good that, representing the USA, these women had beaten a lot of good teams to make all the way to the final game.

That was before I found out about the despicable nasty comments that at least 3 of the women on this team (maybe more) said about President Trump. Apparently these women (Ali Kreiger, Alex Morgan, and team co-captain Megan Rapinoe) are NOT representing the USA. They are representing THEMSELVES, and nothing more.

Rapnioe even used profanity when she said she wasn’t going to the White House if the team wins the Women’s World Cup. Morgan likewise said she’s prepared to decline a possible invitation to visit President Trump at the White House.

Rapinoe started kneeling during the anthem in 2016, to show solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who did it before NFL games, to protest social and racial injustice(so he thinks). But the United States Soccer Federation then adopted a policy that requires players to stand. Now she stands, but she has been criticized for not singing and putting her hand over her heart like other players.

Kreiger stated >> "'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect"

No respect is exactly what these 3 stooges warrant, and they won't get it from me, and probably millions of other Americans as well. I hate to say it but I'd actually rather see the Netherlands win this championship, rather than have it go to these traitors.


US soccer star Alex Morgan plans to decline any White House invite after World Cup

Trump calls out Rapinoe for comments about White House visit | WTOP

Team USA star Ali Krieger rips Trump: 'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect'
"I Won't Root For US World Cup Women Trump Haters"

Of course you won't because you're not mature enough, patriotic enough, or honorable enough to put your country over your politics.
Wow, reading through this thread I’m reminded of how many misogynistic scumbags there are lurking around here. Hey, way to go assholes, the United States of America’s women’s soccer team just won the World Cup, it’s a big deal the world over. They also happen to deplore the president, maybe you should be asking yourselves why. Nah you’ll just continue being lowlife pricks. Oh btw: Trump is a womanizing piece of shit...confirmed (hmmmm maybe that has something to do with it)
Wow, reading through this thread I’m reminded of how many misogynistic scumbags there are lurking around here. Hey, way to go assholes, the United States of America’s women’s soccer team just won the World Cup, it’s a big deal the world over. They also happen to deplore the president, maybe you should be asking yourselves why. Nah you’ll just continue being lowlife pricks. Oh btw: Trump is a womanizing piece of shit...confirmed (hmmmm maybe that has something to do with it)
Agree with all that but Women's football needs to expand in Asia, Africa and indeed more of Europe for it to reach parity with the men's game.
Who was that transgender with gray hair? Was he the one who scored the winning goal? :p
Wow, reading through this thread I’m reminded of how many misogynistic scumbags there are lurking around here. Hey, way to go assholes, the United States of America’s women’s soccer team just won the World Cup, it’s a big deal the world over. They also happen to deplore the president, maybe you should be asking yourselves why. Nah you’ll just continue being lowlife pricks. Oh btw: Trump is a womanizing piece of shit...confirmed (hmmmm maybe that has something to do with it)
Everything is picking sides. Maybe you should have watched the worst teams play. For me that was a few years ago when the tournament was in Canada. No people in the stands and the level of play was terrible. There are only maybe several teams in the female soccer that are good and only a couple who are constant champion level. These women act like animals. They have no class as a group and you read about them with their issues in between tournaments. And what is worse they are near pure privileged white in color. They in affect, are racist, bigots and haters. And that tells you what the lesbians on the team are, doesn't it? Tragically there are dignified and classy women on the team. But like you and your agendas...guilt by association and hearsay. I could never see myself blowing a few hundred dollars watching one of these matches. Going to a competative high school match played by males is the same level as them anyway. We are always fooled by agendas. Then again, why do you think we purchase most of our products from Asia. All of those great intellectual quota graduates are keeping us ahead of them....bwhahaaaaa!
I'm sure you speak for all teenage soccer playing girls.

I speak for my own children...they don't take kindly to manly looking women dissing their nation's flag.

Of course you probably do...don't ya?

I feel sorry for your children.
Lass, makes it personal. But seriously, the women's team stands for gender equality. That's what unifies them beyond any personal differences. And you'd have to be blind and deaf to not know that. Trump no doubt was surprised that Rapinoe said weeks ago she wasn't going to the fucking WH if they won. She didn't say in response to his invitation. She doesn't respect him. She doesn't sing the anthem. Me neither but that
I speak for my own children...they don't take kindly to manly looking women dissing their nation's flag.

Of course you probably do...don't ya?

I feel sorry for your children.

I thought that talking about other's family was against the TOS? Just wondering.

Talk to Lass about that. She brought up her kiddies. And she mentioned mine, but I don't make any complaint.

Best to keep family out of it as far as I am concerned.

Then you should say that to that Irish thing and not just me. She bought up her kids and you said nothing and I don't see you saying anything to her so far. I'm tired of this kind of shit and I am going to do what everyone else here does.

You talk about my family and I’ll report you . Pretty simple for me.
Of course they beat the snot out of Holland

Thanks OP!

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
The Hollandish aren't chopped liver (-:

But women's soccer in the US is a beast. And the women deserve a lot more money from US soccer. The men's professional leagues offer a lot more opportunity. But the national teams are subsidized, and it's a crime considering how the women outdraw the men on TV

But is the draw large enough to give them substantial salaries right away?

Yes, it is, given that the women are earning virtually ALL of the money being made by USA Soccer for their program. They could justifiably switch salaries with the men, if salary is based strictly on performance because the women are subsidizing the men in every way possible. The women's jerseys FLY off the shelves. Every little American girl playing soccer wants one of those jerseys. The men can't give theirs away. They didn't even qualify for the 2018 World Cup. Nobody even knows their names.


If the Men were to win the World Cup, they'd get $500,000 per player. And it would come directly out of the money the women earned.

The World Cup Men's soccer tournament brings in $6 billion in revenue, the World Cup Women's soccer tournament brought in $191 million. That is the reason the pay is so different in the World Cup games.

NWSL has an attendance of over 650,000 and averaging 6,024 per game, the MSL has an attendance of over 7,000,000 and averaging 21,692 per game.

Of course they beat the snot out of Holland

Thanks OP!

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
The Hollandish aren't chopped liver (-:

But women's soccer in the US is a beast. And the women deserve a lot more money from US soccer. The men's professional leagues offer a lot more opportunity. But the national teams are subsidized, and it's a crime considering how the women outdraw the men on TV

But is the draw large enough to give them substantial salaries right away?

Yes, it is, given that the women are earning virtually ALL of the money being made by USA Soccer for their program. They could justifiably switch salaries with the men, if salary is based strictly on performance because the women are subsidizing the men in every way possible. The women's jerseys FLY off the shelves. Every little American girl playing soccer wants one of those jerseys. The men can't give theirs away. They didn't even qualify for the 2018 World Cup. Nobody even knows their names.


If the Men were to win the World Cup, they'd get $500,000 per player. And it would come directly out of the money the women earned.

The last Men’s World Cup brought in over $6,000,000,000. The Women’s World Cup brought in $195,000,000. Who should get the highest paycheck if they win it all? Who should get the highest pay for being in the World Cup?

The 1999 Women’s World Cup drew 1,194,000 which was above this year’s World Cup. The men in in 2018 drew 3,031,000. The global World Cup ratings for men are over a billion in viewership, the women hit a record this year of 700 million.

More in paid attendance, more TV viewership, bigger gate receipts, that is why men get paid more.

Now as far as the USMNT, they should disband and save us the embarrassment.

The women are 4 time world champs. As far as the money, they can make more in endorsements and increased sponsorship can equalize pay. Now the men can't even make it to the world cup, so the viewership of US men's soccer on the world stage was non existent. Since the US men could not even qualify for the world cup, they couldn't get world cup money.

I agree with you about the USA men's team. They did not qualify for the last world cup and have made it to the round of 16 one time.

I speak for my own children...they don't take kindly to manly looking women dissing their nation's flag.

Of course you probably do...don't ya?

I feel sorry for your children.
Lass, makes it personal. But seriously, the women's team stands for gender equality. That's what unifies them beyond any personal differences. And you'd have to be blind and deaf to not know that. Trump no doubt was surprised that Rapinoe said weeks ago she wasn't going to the fucking WH if they won. She didn't say in response to his invitation. She doesn't respect him. She doesn't sing the anthem. Me neither but that
I feel sorry for your children.

I thought that talking about other's family was against the TOS? Just wondering.

Talk to Lass about that. She brought up her kiddies. And she mentioned mine, but I don't make any complaint.

Best to keep family out of it as far as I am concerned.

Then you should say that to that Irish thing and not just me. She bought up her kids and you said nothing and I don't see you saying anything to her so far. I'm tired of this kind of shit and I am going to do what everyone else here does.

You talk about my family and I’ll report you . Pretty simple for me.

Take your punk ass to that Irish cow and tell her families are not to be mentioned. That should be simple for you also.
I feel sorry for your children.
Lass, makes it personal. But seriously, the women's team stands for gender equality. That's what unifies them beyond any personal differences. And you'd have to be blind and deaf to not know that. Trump no doubt was surprised that Rapinoe said weeks ago she wasn't going to the fucking WH if they won. She didn't say in response to his invitation. She doesn't respect him. She doesn't sing the anthem. Me neither but that
I thought that talking about other's family was against the TOS? Just wondering.

Talk to Lass about that. She brought up her kiddies. And she mentioned mine, but I don't make any complaint.

Best to keep family out of it as far as I am concerned.

Then you should say that to that Irish thing and not just me. She bought up her kids and you said nothing and I don't see you saying anything to her so far. I'm tired of this kind of shit and I am going to do what everyone else here does.

You talk about my family and I’ll report you . Pretty simple for me.

Take your punk ass to that Irish cow and tell her families are not to be mentioned. That should be simple for you also.

Seems you already have dummy. Got anything else? It seems you got nothing on the subject of the thread other than your usual insults. BTW, you need to brush up on your insults, they are rather old and tired.
I searched high and low for my "give a fuck" as it pertains to anything having to do with soccer, alas, I didn't find it. If a gun was pointed to my head and had to choose between watching soccer or two mice fucking on TV (even if the screen was fuzzy) I would pick the mice. Watching militant dykes kicking a round ball doesn't jazzes me even less than watching rodents engaged in coitus.
I used to feel that way but now love it much more than that silly American bastardization of football.
That said I can't watch Australian football, rugby, or god forbid -- CRICKET!

I grew up playing American football. I played soccer in the spring for 2 years. I played rugby for 20 years. Both sports are better than soccer. You touch one of them with a finger and they flop down looking for the stretcher. But since I was an athlete in my younger days, I appreciate the hard work all sportsmen/women punt into their sports to be at such a level.
I searched high and low for my "give a fuck" as it pertains to anything having to do with soccer, alas, I didn't find it. If a gun was pointed to my head and had to choose between watching soccer or two mice fucking on TV (even if the screen was fuzzy) I would pick the mice. Watching militant dykes kicking a round ball doesn't jazzes me even less than watching rodents engaged in coitus.
I used to feel that way but now love it much more than that silly American bastardization of football.
That said I can't watch Australian football, rugby, or god forbid -- CRICKET!

I grew up playing American football. I played soccer in the spring for 2 years. I played rugby for 20 years. Both sports are better than soccer. You touch one of them with a finger and they flop down looking for the stretcher. But since I was an athlete in my younger days, I appreciate the hard work all sportsmen/women punt into their sports to be at such a level.
Yeah well, good on you. I can actually watch rugby but Cricket looks to me like a game for aliens. As in Martians.
Lass, makes it personal. But seriously, the women's team stands for gender equality. That's what unifies them beyond any personal differences. And you'd have to be blind and deaf to not know that. Trump no doubt was surprised that Rapinoe said weeks ago she wasn't going to the fucking WH if they won. She didn't say in response to his invitation. She doesn't respect him. She doesn't sing the anthem. Me neither but that
Talk to Lass about that. She brought up her kiddies. And she mentioned mine, but I don't make any complaint.

Best to keep family out of it as far as I am concerned.

Then you should say that to that Irish thing and not just me. She bought up her kids and you said nothing and I don't see you saying anything to her so far. I'm tired of this kind of shit and I am going to do what everyone else here does.

You talk about my family and I’ll report you . Pretty simple for me.

Take your punk ass to that Irish cow and tell her families are not to be mentioned. That should be simple for you also.

Seems you already have dummy. Got anything else? It seems you got nothing on the subject of the thread other than your usual insults. BTW, you need to brush up on your insults, they are rather old and tired.

What's tired is how people like you ignore things in some then try jumping on others.
Best to keep family out of it as far as I am concerned.

Then you should say that to that Irish thing and not just me. She bought up her kids and you said nothing and I don't see you saying anything to her so far. I'm tired of this kind of shit and I am going to do what everyone else here does.

You talk about my family and I’ll report you . Pretty simple for me.

Take your punk ass to that Irish cow and tell her families are not to be mentioned. That should be simple for you also.

Seems you already have dummy. Got anything else? It seems you got nothing on the subject of the thread other than your usual insults. BTW, you need to brush up on your insults, they are rather old and tired.

What's tired is how people like you ignore things in some then try jumping on others.

Thanks, you have nothing else, I didn't think so.
Right now, I'm watching the womens' world cup championship soccer game. Originally, I felt pretty good that, representing the USA, these women had beaten a lot of good teams to make all the way to the final game.

That was before I found out about the despicable nasty comments that at least 3 of the women on this team (maybe more) said about President Trump. Apparently these women (Ali Kreiger, Alex Morgan, and team co-captain Megan Rapinoe) are NOT representing the USA. They are representing THEMSELVES, and nothing more.

Rapnioe even used profanity when she said she wasn’t going to the White House if the team wins the Women’s World Cup. Morgan likewise said she’s prepared to decline a possible invitation to visit President Trump at the White House.

Rapinoe started kneeling during the anthem in 2016, to show solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who did it before NFL games, to protest social and racial injustice(so he thinks). But the United States Soccer Federation then adopted a policy that requires players to stand. Now she stands, but she has been criticized for not singing and putting her hand over her heart like other players.

Kreiger stated >> "'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect"

No respect is exactly what these 3 stooges warrant, and they won't get it from me, and probably millions of other Americans as well. I hate to say it but I'd actually rather see the Netherlands win this championship, rather than have it go to these traitors.


US soccer star Alex Morgan plans to decline any White House invite after World Cup

Trump calls out Rapinoe for comments about White House visit | WTOP

Team USA star Ali Krieger rips Trump: 'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect'
"I Won't Root For US World Cup Women Trump Haters"

Of course you won't because you're not mature enough, patriotic enough, or honorable enough to put your country over your politics.

Hmmm....you're incredibly stupid. This whole issue came about because the women's soccer team put politics over their country.
I searched high and low for my "give a fuck" as it pertains to anything having to do with soccer, alas, I didn't find it. If a gun was pointed to my head and had to choose between watching soccer or two mice fucking on TV (even if the screen was fuzzy) I would pick the mice. Watching militant dykes kicking a round ball doesn't jazzes me even less than watching rodents engaged in coitus.
I used to feel that way but now love it much more than that silly American bastardization of football.
That said I can't watch Australian football, rugby, or god forbid -- CRICKET!

I grew up playing American football. I played soccer in the spring for 2 years. I played rugby for 20 years. Both sports are better than soccer. You touch one of them with a finger and they flop down looking for the stretcher. But since I was an athlete in my younger days, I appreciate the hard work all sportsmen/women punt into their sports to be at such a level.
Yeah well, good on you. I can actually watch rugby but Cricket looks to me like a game for aliens. As in Martians.
Cricket could be a tough one.
Then you should say that to that Irish thing and not just me. She bought up her kids and you said nothing and I don't see you saying anything to her so far. I'm tired of this kind of shit and I am going to do what everyone else here does.

You talk about my family and I’ll report you . Pretty simple for me.

Take your punk ass to that Irish cow and tell her families are not to be mentioned. That should be simple for you also.

Seems you already have dummy. Got anything else? It seems you got nothing on the subject of the thread other than your usual insults. BTW, you need to brush up on your insults, they are rather old and tired.

What's tired is how people like you ignore things in some then try jumping on others.

Thanks, you have nothing else, I didn't think so.

I've commented on the thread topic and all you bought here was the usual.
This team can support gender equality and still represent OUR nation without shitting on it with their politics.

This is old and tired. Why have a national team?

I would rather NEVER compete in international sports than have team members airing our dirty laundry to the world--a world that is much farther behind us in damn near all aspects of equality.

Are we going to be the UNITED States of America in international competition or not?

This is yet another example of why this fake union needs to end.

We are not united. Loyalty to country on the international stage means nothing.

End This Shit!!!

You talk about my family and I’ll report you . Pretty simple for me.

Take your punk ass to that Irish cow and tell her families are not to be mentioned. That should be simple for you also.

Seems you already have dummy. Got anything else? It seems you got nothing on the subject of the thread other than your usual insults. BTW, you need to brush up on your insults, they are rather old and tired.

What's tired is how people like you ignore things in some then try jumping on others.

Thanks, you have nothing else, I didn't think so.

I've commented on the thread topic and all you bought here was the usual.

LOL! I commented on the topic dummy. I also commented on another issue when two people hurled nothing but insults that had nothing to do with the topic, so before accusing me, look at your own conduct, dummy!

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