I won't stand for the NA anymore either, now that I know its

  • The Constitution is outdated.
  • The Constitution was written by rich, white slave rapists.
  • America is a racist country.
  • America is a greedy country.
  • We stole land from the Indians.
  • We stole land from Mexico.
  • The National Anthem is racist.
  • The Pledge of Allegiance is irrelevant.
  • America's economy is unfair.
  • America needs to be fundamentally changed.
... all brought to you by the same group of people.

Absolutely, and it's why I have said for a long time that American liberals, or regressives as you call them, hate their country.
Using yesterdays standards today, is just an excuse for their perpetual outrage.
Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

Regressives, not so much.

Blood letting was a common medical procedure in the late 18th Century, there was no need for an FAA in the early 19th Century, Citizens of the Colonies defeated the greatest military force in the world in the late 18th Century and in the early 19th century our nation once again defeated England when we had no standing army.

There is nothing regressive in thinking that the old ways are outdated, and that a nation of 300 million + is different than the one which existed in the colonies while writing the Constitution of the US; a document which was amended by the Bill of Rights within a couple of years after it was voted for and promulgated as the law of the land.

It is the crazy right wing which is regressive, and the new iteration of the Republican Party which opposes affirmative action, voting rights, civil rights, gay and lesbian rights, climate change & the EPA, food safety and the FDA, voting and democracy itself. It has become a reactionary and an authoritarian party which opposes labor unions, equal opportunity and equal rights, and a President who seeks to oppress the First Amendment Right of NFL Players and coaches and the press including NBC, CNN, the NY Times, Wash. Post and even citizens who oppose his efforts at authoritarianism.

Let's see if someone can offer a rebuttal to all these ^^^ allegations, and not point fingers at anyone but Trump, Pence and their fellow travelers.
Why rebutt them? You'll just make up more shit and sling it.
  • The Constitution is outdated.
  • The Constitution was written by rich, white slave rapists.
  • America is a racist country.
  • America is a greedy country.
  • We stole land from the Indians.
  • We stole land from Mexico.
  • The National Anthem is racist.
  • The Pledge of Allegiance is irrelevant.
  • America's economy is unfair.
  • America needs to be fundamentally changed.
... all brought to you by the same group of people.

Absolutely, and it's why I have said for a long time that American liberals, or regressives as you call them, hate their country.
Using yesterdays standards today, is just an excuse for their perpetual outrage.
Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

Regressives, not so much.

Blood letting was a common medical procedure in the late 18th Century, there was no need for an FAA in the early 19th Century, Citizens of the Colonies defeated the greatest military force in the world in the late 18th Century and in the early 19th century our nation once again defeated England when we had no standing army.

There is nothing regressive in thinking that the old ways are outdated, and that a nation of 300 million + is different than the one which existed in the colonies while writing the Constitution of the US; a document which was amended by the Bill of Rights within a couple of years after it was voted for and promulgated as the law of the land.

It is the crazy right wing which is regressive, and the new iteration of the Republican Party which opposes affirmative action, voting rights, civil rights, gay and lesbian rights, climate change & the EPA, food safety and the FDA, voting and democracy itself. It has become a reactionary and an authoritarian party which opposes labor unions, equal opportunity and equal rights, and a President who seeks to oppress the First Amendment Right of NFL Players and coaches and the press including NBC, CNN, the NY Times, Wash. Post and even citizens who oppose his efforts at authoritarianism.

Let's see if someone can offer a rebuttal to all these ^^^ allegations, and not point fingers at anyone but Trump, Pence and their fellow travelers.
Thanks for the confirmation.
  • The Constitution is outdated.
  • The Constitution was written by rich, white slave rapists.
  • America is a racist country.
  • America is a greedy country.
  • We stole land from the Indians.
  • We stole land from Mexico.
  • The National Anthem is racist.
  • The Pledge of Allegiance is irrelevant.
  • America's economy is unfair.
  • America needs to be fundamentally changed.
... all brought to you by the same group of people.

Absolutely, and it's why I have said for a long time that American liberals, or regressives as you call them, hate their country.
Using yesterdays standards today, is just an excuse for their perpetual outrage.
Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

Regressives, not so much.

Blood letting was a common medical procedure in the late 18th Century, there was no need for an FAA in the early 19th Century, Citizens of the Colonies defeated the greatest military force in the world in the late 18th Century and in the early 19th century our nation once again defeated England when we had no standing army.

There is nothing regressive in thinking that the old ways are outdated, and that a nation of 300 million + is different than the one which existed in the colonies while writing the Constitution of the US; a document which was amended by the Bill of Rights within a couple of years after it was voted for and promulgated as the law of the land.

It is the crazy right wing which is regressive, and the new iteration of the Republican Party which opposes affirmative action, voting rights, civil rights, gay and lesbian rights, climate change & the EPA, food safety and the FDA, voting and democracy itself. It has become a reactionary and an authoritarian party which opposes labor unions, equal opportunity and equal rights, and a President who seeks to oppress the First Amendment Right of NFL Players and coaches and the press including NBC, CNN, the NY Times, Wash. Post and even citizens who oppose his efforts at authoritarianism.

Let's see if someone can offer a rebuttal to all these ^^^ allegations, and not point fingers at anyone but Trump, Pence and their fellow travelers.
Thanks for the confirmation.

LOL, what a stupid response. But, thanks so much for proving you're incapable of offering a comprehensive response to the points above. Spin it as you wish, it is not the principles of the United States I object to, it is the lack of principle and complete dishonesty of clowns like you, who build straw men and seem to believe they are reasonable and expository; They are not.
  • The Constitution is outdated.
  • The Constitution was written by rich, white slave rapists.
  • America is a racist country.
  • America is a greedy country.
  • We stole land from the Indians.
  • We stole land from Mexico.
  • The National Anthem is racist.
  • The Pledge of Allegiance is irrelevant.
  • America's economy is unfair.
  • America needs to be fundamentally changed.
... all brought to you by the same group of people.

Absolutely, and it's why I have said for a long time that American liberals, or regressives as you call them, hate their country.
Using yesterdays standards today, is just an excuse for their perpetual outrage.
Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

Regressives, not so much.

Blood letting was a common medical procedure in the late 18th Century, there was no need for an FAA in the early 19th Century, Citizens of the Colonies defeated the greatest military force in the world in the late 18th Century and in the early 19th century our nation once again defeated England when we had no standing army.

There is nothing regressive in thinking that the old ways are outdated, and that a nation of 300 million + is different than the one which existed in the colonies while writing the Constitution of the US; a document which was amended by the Bill of Rights within a couple of years after it was voted for and promulgated as the law of the land.

It is the crazy right wing which is regressive, and the new iteration of the Republican Party which opposes affirmative action, voting rights, civil rights, gay and lesbian rights, climate change & the EPA, food safety and the FDA, voting and democracy itself. It has become a reactionary and an authoritarian party which opposes labor unions, equal opportunity and equal rights, and a President who seeks to oppress the First Amendment Right of NFL Players and coaches and the press including NBC, CNN, the NY Times, Wash. Post and even citizens who oppose his efforts at authoritarianism.

Let's see if someone can offer a rebuttal to all these ^^^ allegations, and not point fingers at anyone but Trump, Pence and their fellow travelers.
Thanks for the confirmation.

LOL, what a stupid response. But, thanks so much for proving you're incapable of offering a comprehensive response to the points above. Spin it as you wish, it is not the principles of the United States I object to, it is the lack of principle and honesty of clowns like you who build straw men and seem to believe they are reasonable and expository
Ah, personal insults. Even better, thanks.

The Regressives are so easily triggered.
  • The Constitution is outdated.
  • The Constitution was written by rich, white slave rapists.
  • America is a racist country.
  • America is a greedy country.
  • We stole land from the Indians.
  • We stole land from Mexico.
  • The National Anthem is racist.
  • The Pledge of Allegiance is irrelevant.
  • America's economy is unfair.
  • America needs to be fundamentally changed.
... all brought to you by the same group of people.

Absolutely, and it's why I have said for a long time that American liberals, or regressives as you call them, hate their country.
Using yesterdays standards today, is just an excuse for their perpetual outrage.
Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

Regressives, not so much.

Blood letting was a common medical procedure in the late 18th Century, there was no need for an FAA in the early 19th Century, Citizens of the Colonies defeated the greatest military force in the world in the late 18th Century and in the early 19th century our nation once again defeated England when we had no standing army.

There is nothing regressive in thinking that the old ways are outdated, and that a nation of 300 million + is different than the one which existed in the colonies while writing the Constitution of the US; a document which was amended by the Bill of Rights within a couple of years after it was voted for and promulgated as the law of the land.

It is the crazy right wing which is regressive, and the new iteration of the Republican Party which opposes affirmative action, voting rights, civil rights, gay and lesbian rights, climate change & the EPA, food safety and the FDA, voting and democracy itself. It has become a reactionary and an authoritarian party which opposes labor unions, equal opportunity and equal rights, and a President who seeks to oppress the First Amendment Right of NFL Players and coaches and the press including NBC, CNN, the NY Times, Wash. Post and even citizens who oppose his efforts at authoritarianism.

Let's see if someone can offer a rebuttal to all these ^^^ allegations, and not point fingers at anyone but Trump, Pence and their fellow travelers.
Thanks for the confirmation.

LOL, what a stupid response. But, thanks so much for proving you're incapable of offering a comprehensive response to the points above. Spin it as you wish, it is not the principles of the United States I object to, it is the lack of principle and honesty of clowns like you who build straw men and seem to believe they are reasonable and expository
Do you ever sing a different song? It's always "Thanks for proving you're...blah blah blah...", when you know for a fact that no matter what he says in regards to the topic you are trashing that you will deny it, spin it and smoke it. Proven fact.
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand
Between their lov’d home and the war’s desolation!
Blest with vict’ry and peace may the heav’n rescued land
Praise the power that hath made and preserv’d us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto – “In God is our trust,”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

War on women has begun. Who is free now. Not women or blacks.
No one sings that verse anymore. Yes, Key was a slave owner. He was, I think, talking about the "traitor" slaves who had joined the British to earn their freedom in Canada.
Does anyone know exactly what caused the left lunatics to hate white men so fiercely?
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand
Between their lov’d home and the war’s desolation!
Blest with vict’ry and peace may the heav’n rescued land
Praise the power that hath made and preserv’d us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto – “In God is our trust,”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

War on women has begun. Who is free now. Not women or blacks.
No one sings that verse anymore. Yes, Key was a slave owner. He was, I think, talking about the "traitor" slaves who had joined the British to earn their freedom in Canada.

Pfrt. I sing all that everyday at breakfast.

I'm loud and proud Missy!


Who did I hand my beer to?
Absolutely, and it's why I have said for a long time that American liberals, or regressives as you call them, hate their country.
Using yesterdays standards today, is just an excuse for their perpetual outrage.
Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

Regressives, not so much.

Blood letting was a common medical procedure in the late 18th Century, there was no need for an FAA in the early 19th Century, Citizens of the Colonies defeated the greatest military force in the world in the late 18th Century and in the early 19th century our nation once again defeated England when we had no standing army.

There is nothing regressive in thinking that the old ways are outdated, and that a nation of 300 million + is different than the one which existed in the colonies while writing the Constitution of the US; a document which was amended by the Bill of Rights within a couple of years after it was voted for and promulgated as the law of the land.

It is the crazy right wing which is regressive, and the new iteration of the Republican Party which opposes affirmative action, voting rights, civil rights, gay and lesbian rights, climate change & the EPA, food safety and the FDA, voting and democracy itself. It has become a reactionary and an authoritarian party which opposes labor unions, equal opportunity and equal rights, and a President who seeks to oppress the First Amendment Right of NFL Players and coaches and the press including NBC, CNN, the NY Times, Wash. Post and even citizens who oppose his efforts at authoritarianism.

Let's see if someone can offer a rebuttal to all these ^^^ allegations, and not point fingers at anyone but Trump, Pence and their fellow travelers.
Thanks for the confirmation.

LOL, what a stupid response. But, thanks so much for proving you're incapable of offering a comprehensive response to the points above. Spin it as you wish, it is not the principles of the United States I object to, it is the lack of principle and honesty of clowns like you who build straw men and seem to believe they are reasonable and expository
Ah, personal insults. Even better, thanks.

The Regressives are so easily triggered.

You get what you give. To wit:

"Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

"Regressives, not so much."

You post bullshit, you get what you deserve.
Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

Regressives, not so much.

Blood letting was a common medical procedure in the late 18th Century, there was no need for an FAA in the early 19th Century, Citizens of the Colonies defeated the greatest military force in the world in the late 18th Century and in the early 19th century our nation once again defeated England when we had no standing army.

There is nothing regressive in thinking that the old ways are outdated, and that a nation of 300 million + is different than the one which existed in the colonies while writing the Constitution of the US; a document which was amended by the Bill of Rights within a couple of years after it was voted for and promulgated as the law of the land.

It is the crazy right wing which is regressive, and the new iteration of the Republican Party which opposes affirmative action, voting rights, civil rights, gay and lesbian rights, climate change & the EPA, food safety and the FDA, voting and democracy itself. It has become a reactionary and an authoritarian party which opposes labor unions, equal opportunity and equal rights, and a President who seeks to oppress the First Amendment Right of NFL Players and coaches and the press including NBC, CNN, the NY Times, Wash. Post and even citizens who oppose his efforts at authoritarianism.

Let's see if someone can offer a rebuttal to all these ^^^ allegations, and not point fingers at anyone but Trump, Pence and their fellow travelers.
Thanks for the confirmation.

LOL, what a stupid response. But, thanks so much for proving you're incapable of offering a comprehensive response to the points above. Spin it as you wish, it is not the principles of the United States I object to, it is the lack of principle and honesty of clowns like you who build straw men and seem to believe they are reasonable and expository
Ah, personal insults. Even better, thanks.

The Regressives are so easily triggered.

You get what you give. To wit:

"Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

"Regressives, not so much."

You post bullshit, you get what you deserve.
Bullshit, from the perspective of a Regressive.

Cool, thanks.
Does anyone know exactly what caused the left lunatics to hate white men so fiercely?
Does standing up for black people's rights mean "hating" white men? Or are we talking about something else?

Anyone that bothers to look should be able to see that there are segments of our society that scorn, vilify, dismiss and demean white men.

Nope. Don't believe I'm talking about those that speak up for blacks st all. Evidence provided by that darling Penelope in this very thread.
Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

Regressives, not so much.

Blood letting was a common medical procedure in the late 18th Century, there was no need for an FAA in the early 19th Century, Citizens of the Colonies defeated the greatest military force in the world in the late 18th Century and in the early 19th century our nation once again defeated England when we had no standing army.

There is nothing regressive in thinking that the old ways are outdated, and that a nation of 300 million + is different than the one which existed in the colonies while writing the Constitution of the US; a document which was amended by the Bill of Rights within a couple of years after it was voted for and promulgated as the law of the land.

It is the crazy right wing which is regressive, and the new iteration of the Republican Party which opposes affirmative action, voting rights, civil rights, gay and lesbian rights, climate change & the EPA, food safety and the FDA, voting and democracy itself. It has become a reactionary and an authoritarian party which opposes labor unions, equal opportunity and equal rights, and a President who seeks to oppress the First Amendment Right of NFL Players and coaches and the press including NBC, CNN, the NY Times, Wash. Post and even citizens who oppose his efforts at authoritarianism.

Let's see if someone can offer a rebuttal to all these ^^^ allegations, and not point fingers at anyone but Trump, Pence and their fellow travelers.
Thanks for the confirmation.

LOL, what a stupid response. But, thanks so much for proving you're incapable of offering a comprehensive response to the points above. Spin it as you wish, it is not the principles of the United States I object to, it is the lack of principle and honesty of clowns like you who build straw men and seem to believe they are reasonable and expository
Ah, personal insults. Even better, thanks.

The Regressives are so easily triggered.

You get what you give. To wit:

"Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

"Regressives, not so much."

You post bullshit, you get what you deserve.

True, or liberals from the old school are mostly sane.

Those on the far, far extremes of both parties are lunatics.
Blood letting was a common medical procedure in the late 18th Century, there was no need for an FAA in the early 19th Century, Citizens of the Colonies defeated the greatest military force in the world in the late 18th Century and in the early 19th century our nation once again defeated England when we had no standing army.

There is nothing regressive in thinking that the old ways are outdated, and that a nation of 300 million + is different than the one which existed in the colonies while writing the Constitution of the US; a document which was amended by the Bill of Rights within a couple of years after it was voted for and promulgated as the law of the land.

It is the crazy right wing which is regressive, and the new iteration of the Republican Party which opposes affirmative action, voting rights, civil rights, gay and lesbian rights, climate change & the EPA, food safety and the FDA, voting and democracy itself. It has become a reactionary and an authoritarian party which opposes labor unions, equal opportunity and equal rights, and a President who seeks to oppress the First Amendment Right of NFL Players and coaches and the press including NBC, CNN, the NY Times, Wash. Post and even citizens who oppose his efforts at authoritarianism.

Let's see if someone can offer a rebuttal to all these ^^^ allegations, and not point fingers at anyone but Trump, Pence and their fellow travelers.
Thanks for the confirmation.

LOL, what a stupid response. But, thanks so much for proving you're incapable of offering a comprehensive response to the points above. Spin it as you wish, it is not the principles of the United States I object to, it is the lack of principle and honesty of clowns like you who build straw men and seem to believe they are reasonable and expository
Ah, personal insults. Even better, thanks.

The Regressives are so easily triggered.

You get what you give. To wit:

"Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

"Regressives, not so much."

You post bullshit, you get what you deserve.
Bullshit, from the perspective of a Regressive.

Cool, thanks.

Gee, reading comprehension seems to be a weak point for you. I said you get what you deserve, which did not mean you deserve bullshit - it meant a personal attack something which you seem capable of comprehending. Thus, it seems mendacity is now your tool of choice.
Guys quit being dummies and playing with wry. It isnt worth the finger exercise.
Finger bang a hot chick instead.
Does anyone know exactly what caused the left lunatics to hate white men so fiercely?
Does standing up for black people's rights mean "hating" white men? Or are we talking about something else?

Anyone that bothers to look should be able to see that there are segments of our society that scorn, vilify, dismiss and demean white men.

Nope. Don't believe I'm talking about those that speak up for blacks st all. Evidence provided by that darling Penelope in this very thread.

Blood letting was a common medical procedure in the late 18th Century, there was no need for an FAA in the early 19th Century, Citizens of the Colonies defeated the greatest military force in the world in the late 18th Century and in the early 19th century our nation once again defeated England when we had no standing army.

There is nothing regressive in thinking that the old ways are outdated, and that a nation of 300 million + is different than the one which existed in the colonies while writing the Constitution of the US; a document which was amended by the Bill of Rights within a couple of years after it was voted for and promulgated as the law of the land.

It is the crazy right wing which is regressive, and the new iteration of the Republican Party which opposes affirmative action, voting rights, civil rights, gay and lesbian rights, climate change & the EPA, food safety and the FDA, voting and democracy itself. It has become a reactionary and an authoritarian party which opposes labor unions, equal opportunity and equal rights, and a President who seeks to oppress the First Amendment Right of NFL Players and coaches and the press including NBC, CNN, the NY Times, Wash. Post and even citizens who oppose his efforts at authoritarianism.

Let's see if someone can offer a rebuttal to all these ^^^ allegations, and not point fingers at anyone but Trump, Pence and their fellow travelers.
Thanks for the confirmation.

LOL, what a stupid response. But, thanks so much for proving you're incapable of offering a comprehensive response to the points above. Spin it as you wish, it is not the principles of the United States I object to, it is the lack of principle and honesty of clowns like you who build straw men and seem to believe they are reasonable and expository
Ah, personal insults. Even better, thanks.

The Regressives are so easily triggered.

You get what you give. To wit:

"Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

"Regressives, not so much."

You post bullshit, you get what you deserve.

True, or liberals from the old school are mostly sane.

Those on the far, far extremes of both parties are lunatics.

See what you know, I am actually a conservative in my life, but I voted for Hillary. How anyone could vote for Trump and his entourage is beyond me, and everyday it just gets worst. I believe in live and let live.
Does anyone know exactly what caused the left lunatics to hate white men so fiercely?
Does standing up for black people's rights mean "hating" white men? Or are we talking about something else?

Anyone that bothers to look should be able to see that there are segments of our society that scorn, vilify, dismiss and demean white men.

Nope. Don't believe I'm talking about those that speak up for blacks st all. Evidence provided by that darling Penelope in this very thread.

Those white men in the GOP who think they own female bodies. Roy Moore. What a nightmare. Bannon , what a slimy yuck. Trump is a total slime ball. The war on women is just starting. These fake evans , southern freaky men in congress.
Does anyone know exactly what caused the left lunatics to hate white men so fiercely?
Does standing up for black people's rights mean "hating" white men? Or are we talking about something else?

Anyone that bothers to look should be able to see that there are segments of our society that scorn, vilify, dismiss and demean white men.

Nope. Don't believe I'm talking about those that speak up for blacks st all. Evidence provided by that darling Penelope in this very thread.

Thanks for the confirmation.

LOL, what a stupid response. But, thanks so much for proving you're incapable of offering a comprehensive response to the points above. Spin it as you wish, it is not the principles of the United States I object to, it is the lack of principle and honesty of clowns like you who build straw men and seem to believe they are reasonable and expository
Ah, personal insults. Even better, thanks.

The Regressives are so easily triggered.

You get what you give. To wit:

"Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

"Regressives, not so much."

You post bullshit, you get what you deserve.

True, or liberals from the old school are mostly sane.

Those on the far, far extremes of both parties are lunatics.

See what you know, I am actually a conservative in my life, but I voted for Hillary. How anyone could vote for Trump and his entourage is beyond me, and everyday it just gets worst. I believe in live and let live.

Clinton is an evil, lying, back stabbing, game playing, corrupt, America hating sellout bag of shit.
I wonder how anyone could think she would be a good choice for president if they know a thing about her.

No conservative would ever vote for that fucking bitch.
Does anyone know exactly what caused the left lunatics to hate white men so fiercely?
Does standing up for black people's rights mean "hating" white men? Or are we talking about something else?

Anyone that bothers to look should be able to see that there are segments of our society that scorn, vilify, dismiss and demean white men.

Nope. Don't believe I'm talking about those that speak up for blacks st all. Evidence provided by that darling Penelope in this very thread.

Thanks for the confirmation.

LOL, what a stupid response. But, thanks so much for proving you're incapable of offering a comprehensive response to the points above. Spin it as you wish, it is not the principles of the United States I object to, it is the lack of principle and honesty of clowns like you who build straw men and seem to believe they are reasonable and expository
Ah, personal insults. Even better, thanks.

The Regressives are so easily triggered.

You get what you give. To wit:

"Liberals, REAL liberals, love this country.

"Regressives, not so much."

You post bullshit, you get what you deserve.

True, or liberals from the old school are mostly sane.

Those on the far, far extremes of both parties are lunatics.

See what you know, I am actually a conservative in my life, but I voted for Hillary. How anyone could vote for Trump and his entourage is beyond me, and everyday it just gets worst. I believe in live and let live.


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