Zone1 I Would Not Want to Be The Little Sister of Jesus

No, I wasn't aware there was an explanation I hadn't heard yet. Could you just place it under the appropriate heading for me?

1. Rhetoric

2. Allegory

3. Embellishment

4. Literally life in a big fish's belly.

Later my friend!

Reality..........the majority of the Bible's history can be tested by Applied Science and History Actual. Of the entire Bible (66 books in the OT and 39 in the NT)......out of 31,202 verses contained in the bible.......there are but 120 acts of the miraculous presented. Thus, the vast majority of the history can be tested for truth. Simply prove through an act of Applied Science (facts, not theories) or History Actual (documented and producible) that provides the objective evidence that the Bible has been the parts of the Bible that can be tested when and where it can be tested.

If not...........I accept the 120 miracles as truth based upon the prima facie evidence that the Bible has never been proven to anything but on the side of truth.

What? You have never heard of the biblical explanation for acts of the "miraculous"? Its Called..............Super (as in superior) Natural (to nature). No one can explain any event that by self definition cannot be quantified by the Laws of Physics......I can no more prove how a miracle takes place than YOU can prove that it did not take place by attempting to apply the laws of physics to measure a SUPERIOR CAUSE that the laws of physics is not capable of measuring (Example........Explain where the energy came from that produced the so called big bang, instead of simply ASSUMING it created itself from nothing in contradiction to the laws of physics) that is some dogma that takes more than faith to accept.

You cannot disprov any miracle unless you have a super-natural-0-meter in your ass pocket. If God can create reality from nothing.......and make the laws of physics to govern it, what would stop God from preforming a simple Miracle such as in Jonah's circumstance? Who is going to stop the God of creation from controlling the very reality that He created?

Why believe the statements as being literal? Because the Bible is a record of EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTING (2 Peter 1:12-17) and that account stands as truth (in a prima facie manner) until YOU or anyone can provide the Objective, Testable, Repeatable evidences...i.e., documented facts that prove the testimonies false. Even the bible can be a witness in its own defense.....if not that is very FASCIST of you or anyone that claims the bible can not be used as evidence.......even eyewitness evidence.

One thing is certain...Jesus as described in the Holy Scriptures accepted Jonah's mission as a literal truth. (Matthew 12:40-41) Jonah was told to deliver a message to bring a message from God to the people of Nineveh, Jonah did not want to go, it was not because Jonah was afraid of the evil nature of the people he might was because He was prideful, he thought himself superior to those that God was warning as he (Jonah) always walked the straight and narrow and did not want to associate himself among the godless. If God inspired someone to record that Jonah spent 3 days inside a fish/whale.....what would limit the God of creation from making it happen?

Jonah even attempted to hide from God, but soon learned that was impossible (Ps. 139:7-12). God sent word a 2nd time for Jonah and he was forced to go......but he had but 40 days until God would bring judgment upon that nation (Jonah 3:1-4).

The people of Nineveh believed Jonah and God withheld its destruction (Jonah 3:5-10)
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As much as I love Him as Lord and Savior, can you imagine what all of the siblings of Jesus felt like when no doubt they probably received punishments and Jesus never did?


I am proud to be called His brother, and a begotten son of God
Yeah sure!
Prove they are not. Its simple.........all that is required is a Super-Natural-0-Meter, that can measure laws that are superior to the natural laws of physics. Miracles are called miracles for a reason.......its an act that can't be defined or quantified by the laws of Physics. :popcorn: Any attempt to declare these miraculous acts are fake by application of the natural laws of physics is per the very definition of a super (superior) natural (to nature) act. You can no more prove, via a demonstration of natural laws....that such acts are not true, than I can prove they are such, thus, the acceptance of the Prima Facie evidences from "eyewitness accounts" of the majesty of Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 1:16)........and these eyewitness accounts stand as truth, as far as any reasonable or logical person is concerned......until YOU or anyone can introduce OBJECTIVE FACTS IN EVIDENCE THAT PROVE THESE WITNESSES WERE NOT PRESENTING TRUTH.

The courts in the US sentence men to prison terms based upon PRIMA FACIE accounting from eyewitnesses on a daily basis.

Truth can be established beyond the reason of any person to doubt otherwise......void of any application of physical facts in evidence. In lay terms.......if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and swims like a duck.......its not an eagle, its a duck.

This is like a Trans attempting to redefine themselves against their biological can get breast implants, you can have your junk cut off..........but you are still a DUCK, as a women is self defined as a mature female that is capable of reproduction, unless they are facing natural medical issues. That is why I call all trans people...........Quacks. This is a mental issue, not a biological issue, as they hate themselves to the point they want to completely change their gender and live in a fantasy world and this condition is engrained even deeper by those who enable such fantasies and play along with the mentally challenged.
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Prove they are not. Its simple.........all that is required is a Super-Natural-0-Meter, that can measure laws that are superior to the natural laws of physics. Miracles are called miracles for a reason.......its an act that can't be defined or quantified by the laws of Physics. :popcorn: Any attempt to declare these miraculous acts are by application of the natural laws of physics is per the very definition of a super (superior) natural (to nature) act. You can no more prove, via a demonstration of natural laws....that such acts are not true, than I can prove they are.....such, the acceptance of the Prima Facie evidences from "eyewitness accounts" of the majesty of Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 1:16)........and these eyewitness accounts stand as truth, as far as any reasonable or logical person is concerned......until YOU or anyone can introduce OBJECTIVE FACTS IN EVIDENCE THAT PROVE THESE WITNESSES WERE NOT PRESENTING TRUTH.

The courts in the US sentence men to prison terms based upon PRIMA FACIE accounting from eyewitnesses on a daily basis.

Truth can be established beyond the reason of any person to doubt otherwise......void of any application of physical facts in evidence.
You're already trying to prove your superstitious beliefs to yourself, and that's more than I could have hoped for.
You're already trying to prove your superstitious beliefs to yourself, and that's more than I could have hoped for.
I have nothing to prove to myself. Just pointing out that you are using nothing but Subjective Ad Hominem BS. :abgg2q.jpg:

You have provided no evidence of your beliefs....because YOU CAN NOT. Thus, the personal ad hominem attack.....the quint essential sound of the final buzzer. Game over.
Jesus is better, he really would be helpful to us, nor competing with us. Jesus will always be desirable, not acting entitled.
For sure, but I wonder why they weren't named in the Bible. 😕

God knew this thread would be produced in the future and didn't what the sisters of Jesus to be shamed for not being as good as their big brother. Things were in the Bible on purpose. Things were left out for a purpose as well.
You are Jesus' little sister.

You, Jesus, I, and all of the rest of mankind, are all the children of the same Heavenly Father, and as such, we are all brothers and sisters.
All Mankind are children of the devil.

ONLY those in whom the Spirit of God dwells, are the children of God.

All are God's creation, but not all are His children. Very few in fact
All Mankind are children of the devil.

ONLY those in whom the Spirit of God dwells, are the children of God.

All are God's creation, but not all are His children. Very few in fact

How do you tell the difference between those with Whom the Spirit of God dwells and those who don't? I am verifying myself. I don't know which one of those I am. I assume I am a child of the devil without the Spirit of God within me but sometimes I just can't tell. Is there like a list or a test to find out where one stands?

I heard about the Lamb's Book of Life but I don't know where to buy a copy.
How do you tell the difference between those with Whom the Spirit of God dwells and those who don't? I am verifying myself. I don't know which one of those I am. I assume I am a child of the devil without the Spirit of God within me but sometimes I just can't tell. Is there like a list or a test to find out where one stands?

I heard about the Lamb's Book of Life but I don't know where to buy a copy.
You don't need to worry about that -- only yourself
You don't need to worry about that -- only yourself

That's who I was talking about. How do I find out which group i belong to? Isn't there like an eternal reward or an eternal punishment for belonging to one group or the other? I just don't know how to tell which group I am in. Where do I go to verify one way or the other? Where did you go to verify one way or the other? This is valuable information and shouldn't be kept secret. The good news should be shared.
That's who I was talking about. How do I find out which group i belong to? Isn't there like an eternal reward or an eternal punishment for belonging to one group or the other? I just don't know how to tell which group I am in. Where do I go to verify one way or the other? Where did you go to verify one way or the other? This is valuable information and shouldn't be kept secret. The good news should be shared.
If you don't know, you certainly aren't.

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