Zone1 I Would Not Want to Be The Little Sister of Jesus

Are you on drugs?

Not even on caffeine. Are you on topic?
The reality is, all I did was take things from the right wing perspective. "Oh, he's this, therefore he must be that", but when in a direction I knew such people wouldn't like.

The Bible was edited, clearly.... it's not the word of God, it's the word of humans. Simple as.

Powerful evidence but I still have to come down on the side of the Catholic. The reason why is because Ding (and Meriweather) have assured us that the bibles are not to be taken literally, because it contains rhetoric and allegory.

What other explanation could there possibly be for the stories of living in the belly of a big fish, as one example.

Must we start all over again, looking for an explanation for what we've established as deliberate lies in the bibles?

Although granted, alternatively it may be true that the Catholic church has been peddling lies too?

The question is still far from settled! Kudos to the catholics for their recent acceptance of evolution.
The question is still far from settled! Kudos to the catholics for their recent acceptance of evolution.
Recent? Snort. My Catholic grandmother (and her Catholic teachers) were accepting it in the 1930s. I think I also mentioned Catholics are welcome to believe as they wish when it comes to how God created the world.
What other explanation could there possibly be for the stories of living in the belly of a big fish, as one example.
Because they were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write these accounts in certain ways for certain purposes.
Powerful evidence but I still have to come down on the side of the Catholic. The reason why is because Ding (and Meriweather) have assured us that the bibles are not to be taken literally, because it contains rhetoric and allegory.

What other explanation could there possibly be for the stories of living in the belly of a big fish, as one example.

Must we start all over again, looking for an explanation for what we've established as deliberate lies in the bibles?

Although granted, alternatively it may be true that the Catholic church has been peddling lies too?

The question is still far from settled! Kudos to the catholics for their recent acceptance of evolution.
I never used the word rhetoric. So you are a liar. Stop lying.
Because they were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write these accounts in certain ways for certain purposes.
"WE" agreed on that two weeks ago when you said the bibles aren't intended to be believed literally. I was making the point with somebody else.

In fact, we've reached agreement on everything concerning religious beliefs that could matter and so I'm wondering what you want to argue about in the bullring?

I might be interested if somebody claims the big fish had somebody in it's belly and it was all in the bible's writers minds at the same time. But I think you walked that back by now, as not being possible.
Recent? Snort. My Catholic grandmother (and her Catholic teachers) were accepting it in the 1930s.
I don't believe that if they were practicing Catholics and you were only told by passed down information that wasn't first hand. I don't think you're deliberately lying but I've yet to discover much about your personal traits.
I think I also mentioned Catholics are welcome to believe as they wish when it comes to how God created the world.
Yes, as long as their beliefs don't cause trouble and turmoil with others. You can use this board to hoist your beliefs up the flagpole but you might not get everybody to salute them.
I don't believe that if they were practicing Catholics and you were only told by passed down information that wasn't first hand. I don't think you're deliberately lying but I've yet to discover much about your personal traits.
Of course it was first hand! By my grandmother who in the 1930s, was in nurses training, Catholic hospital. Who passed it along to you first hand that it was not? As I said before, Catholics can make up their own mind about how God's creation came about. doesn't matter how we live our lives and go about loving one another. Those who think God created everything in six 24-hour days have no greater awe than those who think it happened very carefully over billions of years.
Yes, as long as their beliefs don't cause trouble and turmoil with others. You can use this board to hoist your beliefs up the flagpole but you might not get everybody to salute them.
The Catholic Church does not do that...and nor do I. I relate my own experiences, well aware others have their experiences.
Of course it was first hand! By my grandmother who in the 1930s, was in nurses training, Catholic hospital. Who passed it along to you first hand that it was not? As I said before, Catholics can make up their own mind about how God's creation came about. doesn't matter how we live our lives and go about loving one another. Those who think God created everything in six 24-hour days have no greater awe than those who think it happened very carefully over billions of years.
Catholics can maybe have the six days and the billions of years at the same time, but it doesn't work for *6 billion people.

We have nothing more to argue about on that, as we have nothing to argue about on Catholics saying that the bibles are not to be taken as the literal word of the god.

But you may want to clarify which of the two claims is to be taken literally and which is 'rhetoric' and 'allegory'?

* more likely 7 billion.
Catholics can maybe have the six days and the billions of years at the same time, but it doesn't work for *6 billion people.
Really? I don't flatter myself that anyone cares in the least about my personal views on creation and how they developed through science, Hebrew language, and etymology. People most likely would say, "Let's not talk about that! Pick something more interesting! Like the weather!"
We have nothing more to argue about on that, as we have nothing to argue about on Catholics saying that the bibles are not to be taken as the literal word of the god.
You still don't have it correct. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. It teaches lessons--in many different forms. "Literal" is just one of these forms. There are several other forms. They are all easy to identify.
But you may want to clarify which of the two claims is to be taken literally and which is 'rhetoric' and 'allegory'?

* more likely 7 billion.
I have no wish to clarify anything. What is it to anyone else if someone else of faith decides to take every Biblical word literally? They, at least, absorb the lesson the account is presenting. Do you diagram every sentence you speak or write? Sometimes I find myself doing that just for a lark. The same with Biblical accounts. I dissect which form of literature is being used to present the lesson. It matters not to me if other believers just want to take it at face value. It's the non-believers who should at least be aware what it is (ie, lessons) they are discarding.
To my knowledge Jesus had no siblings.
You can find out in the Bible.


Surprisingly, in Matthew 13, the Bible reveals the names of four of Christ's physical brothers. It also reveals he had more than one sister! This information is revealed to us in the comments made by those in Nazareth, who knew Jesus and his family for many years, in response to his profound and unique teachings at a local synagogue.

From where did this Man (Jesus) receive this wisdom and these works of power? Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers James and Joses and Simon and Judas? And His sisters, are they not all with us? . . . (Matthew 13:55 - 56).
We find additional evidence that Jesus did have brothers in the Book of Acts. His remaining eleven disciples he personally taught (Judas had committed suicide), after witnessing his ascension to the Father (Acts 1:4 - 9), went back to Jerusalem. While they waited in the city for the promised Holy Spirit (verses 4 - 5), they gathered to pray together with the following people.

All these were steadfastly continuing with one accord in prayer and supplications, together with the women, including Mary, the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers (Acts 1:14).


Saint James, also called James, The Lord’s Brother, (died AD 62, Jerusalem; Western feast day May 3), a Christian apostle, according to St. Paul, although not one of the original Twelve Apostles. He was leader of the Jerusalem Christians, who with Saints Peter and John the Evangelist is one of “the pillars of the church.”

Confusion has arisen over his identity because he has often been mistaken for St. James, son of Alphaeus. Exactly what the biblical Galatians 1:19 means by designating him “the Lord’s brother” is also uncertain, although he is mentioned elsewhere in the Gospels as one of Jesus’ four brothers (Mark 6:3; Matthew 13:55). Hypotheses have been forwarded that James and Jesus were brothers (after Tertullian and Clement of Alexandria), stepbrothers (after Origen, among others), or cousins (after St. Jerome).

James evidently was not a follower of Jesus during his public ministry. Paul attributes James’s later conversion to the appearance of Christ resurrected (1 Corinthians 15:7). Three years after Paul’s conversion, James was an important leader in the Jerusalem church (Galatians 1:18–19), where he assumed even more significance after King Herod Agrippa I of Judaea in about AD 44 beheaded the Apostle St. James, son of Zebedee, and after Peter fled from Jerusalem (Acts 12:1–17). He was the chief spokesman for the Jerusalem church at the Council of Jerusalem regarding Paul’s mission to the Gentiles(Acts 15:13) and final visit to Jerusalem (Acts 21:18).
In fact, we've reached agreement on everything concerning religious beliefs that could matter and so I'm wondering what you want to argue about in the bullring?
You'll know it when you see it. :)
Well maybe it was Meriweather?
I don't lie intentionally and I don't intentionally believe in the lies either.
Maybe but I doubt it. I think that's how you processed what you were told because that's how you see it.
The reason why is because Ding (and Meriweather) have assured us that the bibles are not to be taken literally, because it contains rhetoric and allegory.
How exactly do you arrive at the blanket statement that the [entire] bible is not to be taken literally by my statement that allegorical passages should be read allegorically?

It's like you are unaware of all of the different literary styles employed by the authors of the bible. Are you?

Because it appears that you have taken a statement I made about a specific passages and changed it to I said the bible is not to be taken literally. Which I never said and don't agree with. That's dishonest.
How exactly do you arrive at the blanket statement that the [entire] bible is not to be taken literally by my statement that allegorical passages should be read allegorically?

It's like you are unaware of all of the different literary styles employed by the authors of the bible. Are you?
I said:
.........because it contains rhetoric and allegory.

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