Zone1 I Would Not Want to Be The Little Sister of Jesus

I'm focusing on the first part of your statement which you attributed to meriweather and I, that the bible is not to be taken literally. Is that what I really said?

"The reason why is because Ding (and Meriweather) have assured us that the bibles are not to be taken literally..."
I'm focusing on the first part of your statement which you attributed to meriweather and I, that the bible is not to be taken literally. Is that what I really said?

"The reason why is because Ding (and Meriweather) have assured us that the bibles are not to be taken literally..."
And I'm choosing to focus on the part of the statement in which you lied and then wrongly accused me, Christian.

The bibles are not to be taken literally because they contain rhetoric and allegory!

You can walk it back if you want to try but you're going to do it in a manner which is appropriate when talking in zone 1.
Your personal attacks and profanity are no longer going to be tolerated by 'me'., regardless of what is tolerated by others.
The bibles are not to be taken literally because they contain rhetoric and allegory!
That may be your position and you are free to state that as your position but that's not what you did. You stated it as my position and that is false and it is a lie.
You can walk it back if you want to try but you're going to do it in a manner which is appropriate when talking in zone 1.
I don't have anything to walk back because I never said what you claimed I said. You are lying and you are a liar. And that isn't a personal attack. That is a factual statement. You are lying and you are a liar.
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Your personal attacks and profanity are no longer going to be tolerated by 'me'., regardless of what is tolerated by others.
Like I said before, if you think I have violated the rules then you should report it.

As it stands right now you lied when you claimed I said the bible is to not be read literally. You based that upon my statement that allegorical accounts should be read allegorically and some accounts contain embellishments. If you want to make those statements that would be fine but the statement you claimed I made is false and should be retracted.
That may be your position and you are free to state that as your position but that's not what you did. You stated it as my position and that is false and it is a lie.
Fair enough Christian. If you want to characterize the 'big fish' story with a man in his belly as not rhetoric and allegory, then just do so. I'm not stuck on what you want to call it as long as you don't go back to square one and try to call it literal fact.

Verily I say unto you, stop being so contrary about everything!
Fair enough Christian. If you want to characterize the 'big fish' story with a man in his belly as not rhetoric and allegory, then just do so.

Verily I say unto you, stop being so contrary about everything!
I'm not the one being contrary by misstating you. You are the one being contrary by REPEATEDLY misstating me.

In fact, you just did it again - three times! - in your first sentence of this post. 1. I did not characterize the account of Jonah at all. 2. I didn't say it should be read literally. And 3. I never equated rhetoric with allegory.
I'm not stuck on what you want to call it as long as you don't go back to square one and try to call it literal fact.
But some passages are. Again... it's like you have absolutely no concept of the different literary styles employed by the authors of the books. Maybe you should google it to learn what that means and how it is applied to interpreting passages.
Fair enough Christian.
I think you should keep referring to me as Christian. First of all, I'm pretty proud of it. Secondly, it shows the contempt you hold for Christians. You don't do that with people of other faiths, do you?

Lastly, what you intend for evil, God is using for good. ;)
Good. Then we have noting on which to disagree. Or at least I haven't. We'll see about you when you get that bullring thing together.
Given your history of habitually misstating me I suspect you will do it again. I have little doubt that you won't make a post claiming I said the bible should not be read literally. You've already done it like three times even after I corrected you.

As for the bull ring, you'll see it when it happens.
Given your history of habitually misstating me I suspect you will do it again. I have little doubt that you won't make a post claiming I said the bible should not be read literally. You've already done it like three times even after I corrected you.

As for the bull ring, you'll see it when it happens.
No matter what you didn't say or did say, we had arrived at an understanding that the bibles must not be taken literally on many of it's claims.

But at the same time we can't allow the Christians to attempt to shirk responsibility for the evils the bible teaches, by allowing it be be put off as rhetoric and allegory.

On keeping slaves and murdering women and children for two instances, the bible speaks literally.

Can you think of any other instances where we could possibly disagree on the bibles' intent being either 'literal' or just 'rhetoric' and 'allegory'?
No matter what you didn't say or did say, we had arrived at an understanding that the bibles must not be taken literally on many of it's claims.
No. We didn't. This is you misstating me again. Would you care to try again?
But at the same time we can't allow the Christians to attempt to shirk responsibility for the evils the bible teaches, by allowing it be be put off as rhetoric and allegory.
Again, we are not in agreement. If you read the bible and conclude that it teaches and condones violence then you are reading the bible wrong.

Like I said before... The word of God is anything which is true because God is truth, as God is every extant attribute of reality. In other words, it doesn't necessarily have to be written in the bible to be the word of God. It only has to be the truth.

God didn't write the bible. Fallible men wrote the bible. Fallible men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit which used their fallibility to write these accounts in certain ways for certain purposes known only to the infallible Holy Spirit.

Lastly, the point of the historical accounts are true - historical battles did occur. The intent of the account is to record that history, not that God commanded it. The details are embellished for a number of reasons with the most obvious being since they were victorious they concluded God is great and on their side. In some cases the accounts were embellished to make the accounts more memorable (Genesis and Exodus to name two) so that they could be passed down orally from generation to generation more easily. In other cases the accounts were embellished so that a broader, more nuanced, truth across the books could be shown. You have to contrast the accounts of their victories with the accounts of their defeats and place that contrast in the context of their entire history to understand the broader, more nuanced truth which is this... the OT is the account of a people who cycled between remembering and forgetting God. Their experiences can be summarized by saying successful behaviors (remembering God) naturally lead to success and failed behaviors (forgetting God) naturally lead to failure. This is a true statement. Without the embellishment it wouldn't be possible to distinguish that truth from the historical accounts of victory and defeat. As it is in the accounts of defeat that they conclude that they didn't lose because God isn't great and not on their side, but because there was something God wanted them to learn.
On keeping slaves and murdering women and children for two instances, the bible speaks literally.
This seems like something we should debate in the bull ring. Because you don't understand the context of these accounts.
Can you think of any other instances where we could possibly disagree on the bibles' intent being either 'literal' or just 'rhetoric' and 'allegory'?
Tons. Because none of it is rhetoric. That's your word, not mine. You use the word rhetoric to imply regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content. I couldn't disagree more with that assessment. I use the words allegory and embellishment.
Again, we are not in agreement. If you read the bible and conclude that it teaches and condones violence then you are reading the bible wrong.

Like I said before... The word of God is anything which is true because God is truth, as God is every extant attribute of reality. In other words, it doesn't necessarily have to be written in the bible to be the word of God. It only has to be the truth.

God didn't write the bible. Fallible men wrote the bible. Fallible men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit which used their fallibility to write these accounts in certain ways for certain purposes known only to the infallible Holy Spirit.
Then stop pretending that the bibles mean something other than what is stated, if the meaning can't be understood by anybody but a spirit!

As humans we need to take each example of a story that can't work and analyze it to discover if it's literally true or is rhetoric or allegory. Or something else you choose to call it, that you haven't stated yet?

Choose something and put it to me so that I can give you some material to take to the bullring, and then I'll decide the terms with you on how the debate will be conducted.
Tons. Because none of it is rhetoric. That's your word, not mine. You use the word rhetoric to imply regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.
You shouldn't try to tell me what the word means to me!

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