I would support the U.S. if we attacked Iran

You 'would' support a US attack on Iran?
It already occurred, in 1953. The US, via the CIA, disposed the Iranian government with a military coup, and put in place a US puppet government. The US also trained the Iranian SAVAK that tortured thousands & killed many.

Would Americans support a foreign government coming to the US & perpetrating a military coup to replace our government?

All of the US meddling in Iranian affairs has been nothing more than a constant, decades long attack on Iran by the US.

Now we want more attacks on Iran? Maybe we could try fixing our own problems here in our own backyard.
We will. Carpet bombing them would fix a problem with oil reserves, bomb them now.
I’m not suggesting we do attack Iran, and I hope we can avoid military conflict, but they have given us enough reason to crack some heads. Iran’s behavior will only get worse. The thing is I don’t feel Trump will call for military strikes in his first term at least because I get the feeling he thinks a military conflict will hurt his chances to be re-elected.

No country has ever given us MORE reason to attack them. From their takeover of our Embassy in 1979, to the ensuing 40 years of direct and proxy terrorist attacks on American civilians and soldiers killing untold thousands, they have begged to be wiped out.

I have a personal belief that this may have been Bush's goal. We went into Iraq and Afghanistan. Look how that looks on a map:

View attachment 279593

Its set for a classic pincer move. Invade from the east, from the west, support from NATO ally Turkey, logistic support from the Saudis. If Bush had not gotten politically bogged down in Iraq, this may well have been the complete game plan. All state sponsored terrorism would have been for the most part destroyed.

Attack Iran? Why?

Your ignorance is frightening
40 years of direct and proxy terrorist attacks on American civilians and soldiers killing untold thousands, they have begged to be wiped out.
Hyperbole much? WTF are you talking about?

And PUT ON SOME PANTS! Little slut.
You 'would' support a US attack on Iran?
It already occurred, in 1953. The US, via the CIA, disposed the Iranian government with a military coup, and put in place a US puppet government. The US also trained the Iranian SAVAK that tortured thousands & killed many.

Would Americans support a foreign government coming to the US & perpetrating a military coup to replace our government?

All of the US meddling in Iranian affairs has been nothing more than a constant, decades long attack on Iran by the US.

Now we want more attacks on Iran? Maybe we could try fixing our own problems here in our own backyard.
We will. Carpet bombing them would fix a problem with oil reserves, bomb them now.

You 'would' support a US attack on Iran?
It already occurred, in 1953. The US, via the CIA, disposed the Iranian government with a military coup, and put in place a US puppet government. The US also trained the Iranian SAVAK that tortured thousands & killed many.

Would Americans support a foreign government coming to the US & perpetrating a military coup to replace our government?

All of the US meddling in Iranian affairs has been nothing more than a constant, decades long attack on Iran by the US.

Now we want more attacks on Iran? Maybe we could try fixing our own problems here in our own backyard.
We will. Carpet bombing them would fix a problem with oil reserves, bomb them now.

Traitor squawks again.
I will not believe Iran is responsible based on anything Trump or his administration says.

Neither will other countries.
We are attacking Iran, their economy is shit now.. a bomb and getting Americans killed is not the answer.. if they want to fight they know where to find us .
I’m not suggesting we do attack Iran, and I hope we can avoid military conflict, but they have given us enough reason to crack some heads. Iran’s behavior will only get worse. The thing is I don’t feel Trump will call for military strikes in his first term at least because I get the feeling he thinks a military conflict will hurt his chances to be re-elected.

When are you heading down to the MEPS to sign up?

Never. What does that have to do with anything?

You said that you would support a war with Iran. GG simply asked when you were going to enlist. You said never.

You say that you support a war with Iran, yet you are unwilling to enlist and put your money where your mouth is.

I can support and not enlist. You and him really have no sensible point to make. My tax dollars pay for the U.S. military and I’m a citizen of this country. My opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s.

Yes, you are allowed to voice your opinion like everyone else. Just like I am allowed to point out it is easy to support something that can cause you harm
I’m not suggesting we do attack Iran, and I hope we can avoid military conflict, but they have given us enough reason to crack some heads. Iran’s behavior will only get worse. The thing is I don’t feel Trump will call for military strikes in his first term at least because I get the feeling he thinks a military conflict will hurt his chances to be re-elected.
Fuck attacking Iran

Let the Saudis do their own fighting
No US soldier should die on behalf of the Saudis
On another note, where are our so-called NATO "allies" in all of this? MIA as usual? Does anyone other than the British ever actually do anything? Where is Merkel and Macron? Watching soccer with Putin again maybe?

NATO is scouring the rolls, and they can find no record of Saudi Arabia being a member.

NATO is content to let someone else do the work. The fact is, aside from the UK, NATO is incapable of doing anything. It's a paper tiger. The U.S. needs to drop out and set up major bases in the middle-east, where our forces are most likely needed.
On another note, where are our so-called NATO "allies" in all of this? MIA as usual? Does anyone other than the British ever actually do anything? Where is Merkel and Macron? Watching soccer with Putin again maybe?

NATO is scouring the rolls, and they can find no record of Saudi Arabia being a member.

NATO is content to let someone else do the work. The fact is, aside from the UK, NATO is incapable of doing anything. It's a paper tiger. The U.S. needs to drop out and set up major bases in the middle-east, where our forces are most likely needed.

NATO doesn't have anything to do with it. And our NATO allies are probably wishing the Breaker of Deals hadn't screwed the pooch.

Saudi Arabia doesn't want to fight Iran. They want Uncle Sugar to fight Iran for them.
“I would support the U.S. if we attacked Iran”

Of course you would – that’s the problem.

Every American should make clear his opposition to another needless, illegal war in the ME.
I’m not suggesting we do attack Iran, and I hope we can avoid military conflict, but they have given us enough reason to crack some heads. Iran’s behavior will only get worse. The thing is I don’t feel Trump will call for military strikes in his first term at least because I get the feeling he thinks a military conflict will hurt his chances to be re-elected.

When are you heading down to the MEPS to sign up?

Never. What does that have to do with anything?

You said that you would support a war with Iran. GG simply asked when you were going to enlist. You said never.

You say that you support a war with Iran, yet you are unwilling to enlist and put your money where your mouth is.

I can support and not enlist. You and him really have no sensible point to make. My tax dollars pay for the U.S. military and I’m a citizen of this country. My opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s.

Yes, you are allowed to voice your opinion like everyone else. Just like I am allowed to point out it is easy to support something that can cause you harm

Just because I personally won’t be harmed physically by military action doesn’t my support for such decision would be made without careful consideration. Conversely one that is in the military can make a reckless decision on the matter. You can voice whatever opinion you want, but that doesn’t mean you have a valid point, because you don’t.
I’m not suggesting we do attack Iran, and I hope we can avoid military conflict, but they have given us enough reason to crack some heads. Iran’s behavior will only get worse. The thing is I don’t feel Trump will call for military strikes in his first term at least because I get the feeling he thinks a military conflict will hurt his chances to be re-elected.
I'm sure Trump doesn't want to use military force, but Iran may leave him no choice. An increasing number of reports claim the cruise missiles and drones that attacked Saudi Arabia were launched from Iranian soil, and now Iran has seized another ship in the Gulf. If all of this is true, then Iran is sending a clear message that it will prevent by any means necessary other countries from selling oil if it can't. Iran must be made to pay a price for these actions. Since Iran destroyed a significant part of Saudi infrastructure and has damaged the global economy, it would be appropriate if a significant part of the Iranian infrastructure were destroyed, enough to bring its economy to ruin.
You 'would' support a US attack on Iran?
It already occurred, in 1953. The US, via the CIA, disposed the Iranian government with a military coup, and put in place a US puppet government. The US also trained the Iranian SAVAK that tortured thousands & killed many.

Would Americans support a foreign government coming to the US & perpetrating a military coup to replace our government?

All of the US meddling in Iranian affairs has been nothing more than a constant, decades long attack on Iran by the US.

Now we want more attacks on Iran? Maybe we could try fixing our own problems here in our own backyard.

Would Americans support a foreign government coming to the US & perpetrating a military coup to replace our government?

Go ahead and try....you could put all the nations on earth against the USA and they wouldn't stand a chance of invading

Good gawd this liberal "what if" scenarios are so damn pathetic

I’m not suggesting we do attack Iran, and I hope we can avoid military conflict, but they have given us enough reason to crack some heads. Iran’s behavior will only get worse. The thing is I don’t feel Trump will call for military strikes in his first term at least because I get the feeling he thinks a military conflict will hurt his chances to be re-elected.
I'm sure Trump doesn't want to use military force, but Iran may leave him no choice. An increasing number of reports claim the cruise missiles and drones that attacked Saudi Arabia were launched from Iranian soil, and now Iran has seized another ship in the Gulf. If all of this is true, then Iran is sending a clear message that it will prevent by any means necessary other countries from selling oil if it can't. Iran must be made to pay a price for these actions. Since Iran destroyed a significant part of Saudi infrastructure and has damaged the global economy, it would be appropriate if a significant part of the Iranian infrastructure were destroyed, enough to bring its economy to ruin.
Let the Saudis handle their own affairs

We have sold them billions of dollars worth of military equipment. Let them use it.

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