I would support the U.S. if we attacked Iran

I’m not suggesting we do attack Iran, and I hope we can avoid military conflict, but they have given us enough reason to crack some heads. Iran’s behavior will only get worse. The thing is I don’t feel Trump will call for military strikes in his first term at least because I get the feeling he thinks a military conflict will hurt his chances to be re-elected.
war--military strikes should be the last resort
....what is this ''enough reason'''?...lot's of wars have been started over lies/bullshit/etc

...JESUS F CHRIST!!---if military action IS necessary, election crap is NOT to be part of the equation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
.you need to read some military history
..and yes, I served 8 years

Iran has been proving us towards military action. Now I agree military action should always be the last resort, but there is no ways of solving this problem with diplomacy. Now I repeat for like the fifth time in this thread I’m hoping that Israel takes care of Iran before we have to. If you think Trump isn’t weighing the consequences of his re-election with how he deals with this situation you’re naive.
I’m not suggesting we do attack Iran, and I hope we can avoid military conflict, but they have given us enough reason to crack some heads. Iran’s behavior will only get worse. The thing is I don’t feel Trump will call for military strikes in his first term at least because I get the feeling he thinks a military conflict will hurt his chances to be re-elected.

When are you heading down to the MEPS to sign up?

Never. What does that have to do with anything?

You said that you would support a war with Iran. GG simply asked when you were going to enlist. You said never.

You say that you support a war with Iran, yet you are unwilling to enlist and put your money where your mouth is.

I can support and not enlist. You and him really have no sensible point to make. My tax dollars pay for the U.S. military and I’m a citizen of this country. My opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s.

Unlike you, I actually served in the US Navy for over 20 years, and was in 4 war zones. Interestingly enough, most people who have seen war tend to want to see a peaceful diplomatic solution be worked out over going to war.

Everyone wants diplomacy over war, but it’s impossible to have a diplomatic resolution to this problem because we’re talking about Iran.
I’m not suggesting we do attack Iran, and I hope we can avoid military conflict, but they have given us enough reason to crack some heads. Iran’s behavior will only get worse. The thing is I don’t feel Trump will call for military strikes in his first term at least because I get the feeling he thinks a military conflict will hurt his chances to be re-elected.
I want to hear more first

Hear more lies? Nothing but lies from the White House.
You may hate Trump, but he is still president. Be responsible and listen to what he tells you. I lived thru Kennedy telling us about the Cuban Missile Crisis, and that was based on lies, and then as now you need to know what is going on from the chief-not from the tabloids or opposition party.

From lying hypocrite POTUS? Absolutely.
Don't act like you are better than him-you are NOT! And I don't even like him.
When are you heading down to the MEPS to sign up?

Never. What does that have to do with anything?

You said that you would support a war with Iran. GG simply asked when you were going to enlist. You said never.

You say that you support a war with Iran, yet you are unwilling to enlist and put your money where your mouth is.

I can support and not enlist. You and him really have no sensible point to make. My tax dollars pay for the U.S. military and I’m a citizen of this country. My opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s.

Unlike you, I actually served in the US Navy for over 20 years, and was in 4 war zones. Interestingly enough, most people who have seen war tend to want to see a peaceful diplomatic solution be worked out over going to war.

Everyone wants diplomacy over war, but it’s impossible to have a diplomatic resolution to this problem because we’re talking about Iran.
Obama, Russia, Germany, China, UK and France had a diplomatic solution with Iran

Trump destroyed it
Never. What does that have to do with anything?

You said that you would support a war with Iran. GG simply asked when you were going to enlist. You said never.

You say that you support a war with Iran, yet you are unwilling to enlist and put your money where your mouth is.

I can support and not enlist. You and him really have no sensible point to make. My tax dollars pay for the U.S. military and I’m a citizen of this country. My opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s.

Unlike you, I actually served in the US Navy for over 20 years, and was in 4 war zones. Interestingly enough, most people who have seen war tend to want to see a peaceful diplomatic solution be worked out over going to war.

Everyone wants diplomacy over war, but it’s impossible to have a diplomatic resolution to this problem because we’re talking about Iran.
Obama, Russia, Germany, China, UK and France had a diplomatic solution with Iran

Trump destroyed it

You know news broke that Iran has had a secret nuclear facility this whole time, right?
You said that you would support a war with Iran. GG simply asked when you were going to enlist. You said never.

You say that you support a war with Iran, yet you are unwilling to enlist and put your money where your mouth is.

I can support and not enlist. You and him really have no sensible point to make. My tax dollars pay for the U.S. military and I’m a citizen of this country. My opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s.

Unlike you, I actually served in the US Navy for over 20 years, and was in 4 war zones. Interestingly enough, most people who have seen war tend to want to see a peaceful diplomatic solution be worked out over going to war.

Everyone wants diplomacy over war, but it’s impossible to have a diplomatic resolution to this problem because we’re talking about Iran.
Obama, Russia, Germany, China, UK and France had a diplomatic solution with Iran

Trump destroyed it

You know news broke that Iran has had a secret nuclear facility this whole time, right?

Got a link?
Why is it liberals always stand up for Iran no matter how egregious their behavior is?
Who's standing up for Iran? Name names.

Half of you libs on this board stand up for Iran every time their actions are called into question. They say things like Iran never attacks anyone. They tell us it’s America’s fault. They scream false flags. To you people Iran can do no harm.
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On another note, where are our so-called NATO "allies" in all of this? MIA as usual? Does anyone other than the British ever actually do anything? Where is Merkel and Macron? Watching soccer with Putin again maybe?

Dude.... Please understand what NATOs principles and goals.

Is a NATO members being attacked?

So far only this bulshit POTUS are doing the talking for Saudi. Why not let the Saudi take care their own business?

Let me guess. You are a Trump supporter.

Let me guess; you stand with Iran.
I can support and not enlist. You and him really have no sensible point to make. My tax dollars pay for the U.S. military and I’m a citizen of this country. My opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s.

Unlike you, I actually served in the US Navy for over 20 years, and was in 4 war zones. Interestingly enough, most people who have seen war tend to want to see a peaceful diplomatic solution be worked out over going to war.

Everyone wants diplomacy over war, but it’s impossible to have a diplomatic resolution to this problem because we’re talking about Iran.
Obama, Russia, Germany, China, UK and France had a diplomatic solution with Iran

Trump destroyed it

You know news broke that Iran has had a secret nuclear facility this whole time, right?

Got a link?

Netanyahu says Iran had another secret nuclear weapons development site

I know I know, it’s a Zionist conspiracy
How can we fault Iran for wanting a nuke? They saw what we did to Iraq that had no means to defend themselves.

Iran is a corrupt, criminal, evil, totalitarian regime. Iran needs regime change, although I'm not of the opinion we should go to war to make it happen.

Correct. But going to war with Iran has a long term effect on economy world wide. Whole world will blame US. Iran is not weakling country like Iraq or Kuwait.
It will be a very big mistake for us to go to war with Iran.

Middle East populations hate us now the Asians are now start hating us because of retarded leadership.

I didn't say anything about declaring war on Iran, shit-for-brains.
Let Saudi Arabia attack Iran, with our implicit help. Let the Chinese, who it is said will be hurt the most by oil price hikes use some of their new power to straighten out the situation. We have sold the saudis all kinds of military hardware, let them use it. Trumps strategy of letting allies start earning their keep must move on.

No one gives trump the credit for getting more done with sanctions than with blood and treasure. Now the pacifist Dems are calling for military action because that is not what trump has done.

Yeah, and guess who the Saudis are giving those weapons to? Al Queda, and ISIS. They have also created the worst humanitarian crisis in the world with those weapons in Yemen. Most of the hijackers on 9-11-01 were Saudis. The most radical, militant form Islam is Wahhabism. Practiced by most of the Islamic terrorists in the world. Guess where that form of Islam is practiced, supported, and exported from?
Unlike you, I actually served in the US Navy for over 20 years, and was in 4 war zones. Interestingly enough, most people who have seen war tend to want to see a peaceful diplomatic solution be worked out over going to war.

Everyone wants diplomacy over war, but it’s impossible to have a diplomatic resolution to this problem because we’re talking about Iran.
Obama, Russia, Germany, China, UK and France had a diplomatic solution with Iran

Trump destroyed it

You know news broke that Iran has had a secret nuclear facility this whole time, right?

Got a link?

Netanyahu says Iran had another secret nuclear weapons development site

I know I know, it’s a Zionist conspiracy

Not exactly trusting of Netanyahu when it comes to Iran

Let US intelligence confirm it
Let Saudi Arabia attack Iran, with our implicit help. Let the Chinese, who it is said will be hurt the most by oil price hikes use some of their new power to straighten out the situation. We have sold the saudis all kinds of military hardware, let them use it. Trumps strategy of letting allies start earning their keep must move on.

No one gives trump the credit for getting more done with sanctions than with blood and treasure. Now the pacifist Dems are calling for military action because that is not what trump has done.

Yeah, and guess who the Saudis are giving those weapons to? Al Queda, and ISIS. They have also created the worst humanitarian crisis in the world with those weapons in Yemen. Most of the hijackers on 9-11-01 were Saudis. The most radical, militant form Islam is Wahhabism. Practiced by most of the Islamic terrorists in the world. Guess where that form of Islam is practiced, supported, and exported from?

Saudi Arabia is the heart of terrorism.
You 'would' support a US attack on Iran?
It already occurred, in 1953. The US, via the CIA, disposed the Iranian government with a military coup, and put in place a US puppet government. The US also trained the Iranian SAVAK that tortured thousands & killed many.

Would Americans support a foreign government coming to the US & perpetrating a military coup to replace our government?

All of the US meddling in Iranian affairs has been nothing more than a constant, decades long attack on Iran by the US.

Now we want more attacks on Iran? Maybe we could try fixing our own problems here in our own backyard.

So many wish to forget the role of the US and how we created the rift because of our betrayal and our meddling in Iran.

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