I would support the U.S. if we attacked Iran

You 'would' support a US attack on Iran?
It already occurred, in 1953. The US, via the CIA, disposed the Iranian government with a military coup, and put in place a US puppet government. The US also trained the Iranian SAVAK that tortured thousands & killed many.

Would Americans support a foreign government coming to the US & perpetrating a military coup to replace our government?

All of the US meddling in Iranian affairs has been nothing more than a constant, decades long attack on Iran by the US.

Now we want more attacks on Iran? Maybe we could try fixing our own problems here in our own backyard.
We will. Carpet bombing them would fix a problem with oil reserves, bomb them now.

so, your answer to 'fixing' everything is just bomb the shit out of it? Great .........

How do we fix Washington DC? We just bomb the shit outta it?
Not a bad idea.
In the coming days we will probably be presented with intel from the same people that told us Iraq had WMDs and was an imminent threat. Do not just believe them. The warhawks should be subjected to the highest possible scrutiny when they try to make the case for the war they have wanted very badly for decades.
I’m not suggesting we do attack Iran, and I hope we can avoid military conflict, but they have given us enough reason to crack some heads. Iran’s behavior will only get worse. The thing is I don’t feel Trump will call for military strikes in his first term at least because I get the feeling he thinks a military conflict will hurt his chances to be re-elected.
I want to hear more first

Hear more lies? Nothing but lies from the White House.
You may hate Trump, but he is still president. Be responsible and listen to what he tells you. I lived thru Kennedy telling us about the Cuban Missile Crisis, and that was based on lies, and then as now you need to know what is going on from the chief-not from the tabloids or opposition party.

How was the Cuban Missile Crisis based on lies? Do tell!
Did you know we were invading the Bay of Pigs ahead of time? They lied to the Cubans and Kennedy about taking out Castro.
If Trump wants to bomb Iran in retaliation, why doesn’t Saudi Arabia handle it themselves?

They have a modern air force
I’m not suggesting we do attack Iran, and I hope we can avoid military conflict, but they have given us enough reason to crack some heads. Iran’s behavior will only get worse. The thing is I don’t feel Trump will call for military strikes in his first term at least because I get the feeling he thinks a military conflict will hurt his chances to be re-elected.
I want to hear more first

Hear more lies? Nothing but lies from the White House.
You may hate Trump, but he is still president. Be responsible and listen to what he tells you. I lived thru Kennedy telling us about the Cuban Missile Crisis, and that was based on lies, and then as now you need to know what is going on from the chief-not from the tabloids or opposition party.

How was the Cuban Missile Crisis based on lies? Do tell!
Did you know we were invading the Bay of Pigs ahead of time? They lied to the Cubans and Kennedy about taking out Castro.

Your sense of history is all fucked up. I suggest you research it before getting diarrhea of the mouth.
Arm the Saudis to the teeth and let them fight Iran. We can help by providing intelligence, etc.
And then the Wahabis wind up with more weapons!?

Yeah, which countries has Saudi Arabia attacked that did not attack them first?
I don’t think Wahabis wall around with “Wahabi” t-shirts.
They are Islamic murderers, not nationalists.
They kill in the name of Allah, not in the name of SA.
Iran hasn’t done anything.


3 oil tankers seized...Swift Boat harassment and disruption of freedom of navigation through the Strait of Hormuz...an attack on Saudi oil production that effects a large number of countries and the global economy....


That specific part of middle east was stable till your orange clown start choking Iran with sanctions and pulled out from nuclear agreements.

If you are Iran. What do you think you should do?

The whole world will blame Trump (and his supporters) and will be held accountable if a war with Iran starts today.

I imagine Iran should put Iran first. That's what Trump supports.

I imagine Iran should put Iran first. That's what Trump supports.
So you are ignorantly attempting to equate President Trump making policy changes within the US, removing oppressive job-killing Obama regulations, etc that resulted in the strongest economy / lowest unemployment / etc... here in the U.S. with Iran harassing / seeking to control international shipping through the Strait of Hormuz, seizing other nation's oil tankers, and bombing oil facilities that provide a large amount of oil to world-wide nations and effects the world-wide economy.....?!

Iran hasn’t done anything.


3 oil tankers seized...Swift Boat harassment and disruption of freedom of navigation through the Strait of Hormuz...an attack on Saudi oil production that effects a large number of countries and the global economy....


That specific part of middle east was stable till your orange clown start choking Iran with sanctions and pulled out from nuclear agreements.

If you are Iran. What do you think you should do?

The whole world will blame Trump (and his supporters) and will be held accountable if a war with Iran starts today.

I imagine Iran should put Iran first. That's what Trump supports.

Yea, Trump should put Americans last, like Obama did, and put foreigners first, right?
Iran hasn’t done anything.


3 oil tankers seized...Swift Boat harassment and disruption of freedom of navigation through the Strait of Hormuz...an attack on Saudi oil production that effects a large number of countries and the global economy....


That specific part of middle east was stable till your orange clown start choking Iran with sanctions and pulled out from nuclear agreements.

If you are Iran. What do you think you should do?

The whole world will blame Trump (and his supporters) and will be held accountable if a war with Iran starts today.

I imagine Iran should put Iran first. That's what Trump supports.

Yea, Trump should put Americans last, like Obama did, and put foreigners first, right?

Obama made deals with everyone where everyone made out
Trump starts trade wars where everyone loses
You 'would' support a US attack on Iran?
It already occurred, in 1953. The US, via the CIA disposed the Iranian government with a military coup, and put in place a US puppet government. The US also trained the Iranian SAVAK that tortured thousands & killed many.

Would Americans support a foreign government coming to the US & perpetrating a military coup to replace our government?

All of the US meddling in Iranian affairs has been nothing more than a constant, decades long attack on Iran by the US.

Now we want more attacks on Iran? Maybe we could try fixing our own problems here in our own backyard.
Perhaps you can enumerate the problems we have in the US...

well, I believe we do have a $23 TRILLION debt, with basically $1 TRILLION yearly deficits currently, crumbling infrastructure, etc., but that is just a start.

Wouldn't it be great if the US could try fixing our own problems, here @ home?

Much easier to deflect the attention of the population away from our problems here with wars & crap like that; I get it.

But then we spend tens of trillions on the failed great society and never ending poverty trillions so we have to engage in never ending wars to get the spotlight off of our horrid domestic policies.

I heard wars are good and easy to win so, we should just go to war with the world. Start the winning!!!

We are going into 2020 and what better way to keep the economy going than a war.
Arm the Saudis to the teeth and let them fight Iran. We can help by providing intelligence, etc.
And then the Wahabis wind up with more weapons!?

Yeah, which countries has Saudi Arabia attacked that did not attack them first?
I don’t think Wahabis wall around with “Wahabi” t-shirts.
They are Islamic murderers, not nationalists.
They kill in the name of Allah, not in the name of SA.
The Saudi Royals coddle the Wahabi and encourage their rhetoric
Iran hasn’t done anything.


3 oil tankers seized...Swift Boat harassment and disruption of freedom of navigation through the Strait of Hormuz...an attack on Saudi oil production that effects a large number of countries and the global economy....


That specific part of middle east was stable till your orange clown start choking Iran with sanctions and pulled out from nuclear agreements.

If you are Iran. What do you think you should do?

The whole world will blame Trump (and his supporters) and will be held accountable if a war with Iran starts today.

I imagine Iran should put Iran first. That's what Trump supports.

Yea, Trump should put Americans last, like Obama did, and put foreigners first, right?

Obama made deals with everyone where everyone made out
Trump starts trade wars where everyone loses

O made deals where the joke was on the US. About that trade war. China ain't doing so good.

China released even more evidence that the trade war is hurting its economy - CNN
I want to hear more first

Hear more lies? Nothing but lies from the White House.
You may hate Trump, but he is still president. Be responsible and listen to what he tells you. I lived thru Kennedy telling us about the Cuban Missile Crisis, and that was based on lies, and then as now you need to know what is going on from the chief-not from the tabloids or opposition party.

How was the Cuban Missile Crisis based on lies? Do tell!
Did you know we were invading the Bay of Pigs ahead of time? They lied to the Cubans and Kennedy about taking out Castro.

Your sense of history is all fucked up. I suggest you research it before getting diarrhea of the mouth.
Read a book, admiral JACKASS!
If Trump wants to bomb Iran in retaliation, why doesn’t Saudi Arabia handle it themselves?

They have a modern air force
Trump has not tipped his hand, so we have to wait. I don't think he wants to bomb Iran, which is why Bolton is gone.
Iran hasn’t done anything.


3 oil tankers seized...Swift Boat harassment and disruption of freedom of navigation through the Strait of Hormuz...an attack on Saudi oil production that effects a large number of countries and the global economy....


That specific part of middle east was stable till your orange clown start choking Iran with sanctions and pulled out from nuclear agreements.

If you are Iran. What do you think you should do?

The whole world will blame Trump (and his supporters) and will be held accountable if a war with Iran starts today.
You are such an idiot with no knowledge. Before trump came in there was an isis caliphate killing and maiming 100s of thousands of people. Syria was in a civil war, more people being killed, Russia meddling. Iran is the number one state sponsor of terror in the world and has been for a long time. Giving them 150 billion made it worse. That part of the Middle East was stable. You are clueless.

The hate for trump has turned into a religion. Proponents fancy themselves superior only because they are believers. They are the supremely ignorant ones as it has become a waste of time anymore for me to point out the facts. They cannot win an argument but as fervent religious zealots they don’t think they need to.

Trump, who all liberals thought would have us in WW3 six months in has been judicious and levelheaded. He is easing us out of the Middle East quagmire slowly but surely because thanks to fracking we are energy independent. We no longer have as important national security issues there as we used to. We don’t need them. Why do we have to spend our treasure and blood so the rest of the world can make a profit, so they can freeload? You let Iran directly attack one of our ships or facilities and kill Americans and they will open up a can of whoop ass, but right now trump is doing everything right for America.
In the coming days we will probably be presented with intel from the same people that told us Iraq had WMDs and was an imminent threat. Do not just believe them. The warhawks should be subjected to the highest possible scrutiny when they try to make the case for the war they have wanted very badly for decades.
Your side is making the case for war. Check out sen. coons.
Iran hasn’t done anything.


3 oil tankers seized...Swift Boat harassment and disruption of freedom of navigation through the Strait of Hormuz...an attack on Saudi oil production that effects a large number of countries and the global economy....


That specific part of middle east was stable till your orange clown start choking Iran with sanctions and pulled out from nuclear agreements.

If you are Iran. What do you think you should do?

The whole world will blame Trump (and his supporters) and will be held accountable if a war with Iran starts today.

I imagine Iran should put Iran first. That's what Trump supports.

Yea, Trump should put Americans last, like Obama did, and put foreigners first, right?

Obama made deals with everyone where everyone made out
Trump starts trade wars where everyone loses

You are clueless and your claims are baseless. The American worker and American manufacturing are doing just fine. Billions are coming into the us treasury. China is on notice and new NAFTA is ready for approval but is being held up by Dems in the house. Mexico is paying for border security with their troops. We are negotiating new deals with japan and others on a bilateral basis. The attacks in Saudi Arabia did not tank our economy. Stop the hate.
In the coming days we will probably be presented with intel from the same people that told us Iraq had WMDs and was an imminent threat. Do not just believe them. The warhawks should be subjected to the highest possible scrutiny when they try to make the case for the war they have wanted very badly for decades.
Your side is making the case for war. Check out sen. coons.
My "side" is that we should never again trust the stated motivations that the government gives to take us to war. Been lied to too many times. What's your "side"? Will you just obediently get on the war wagon as soon as the flags start waving and Lee Greenwood gets called in to sing his tired old song?

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