I would support the U.S. if we attacked Iran

In the coming days we will probably be presented with intel from the same people that told us Iraq had WMDs and was an imminent threat. Do not just believe them. The warhawks should be subjected to the highest possible scrutiny when they try to make the case for the war they have wanted very badly for decades.
Your side is making the case for war. Check out sen. coons.
My "side" is that we should never again trust the stated motivations that the government gives to take us to war. Been lied to too many times. What's your "side"? Will you just obediently get on the war wagon as soon as the flags start waving and Lee Greenwood gets called in to sing his tired old song?
No O. I will do my homework before I choose a position.
In the coming days we will probably be presented with intel from the same people that told us Iraq had WMDs and was an imminent threat. Do not just believe them. The warhawks should be subjected to the highest possible scrutiny when they try to make the case for the war they have wanted very badly for decades.
Your side is making the case for war. Check out sen. coons.
My "side" is that we should never again trust the stated motivations that the government gives to take us to war. Been lied to too many times. What's your "side"? Will you just obediently get on the war wagon as soon as the flags start waving and Lee Greenwood gets called in to sing his tired old song?
No O. I will do my homework before I choose a position.
We'll see, Republicans are awfully easy to convince that war is a very good idea.
Iran hasn’t done anything.


3 oil tankers seized...Swift Boat harassment and disruption of freedom of navigation through the Strait of Hormuz...an attack on Saudi oil production that effects a large number of countries and the global economy....


That specific part of middle east was stable till your orange clown start choking Iran with sanctions and pulled out from nuclear agreements.

If you are Iran. What do you think you should do?

The whole world will blame Trump (and his supporters) and will be held accountable if a war with Iran starts today.
You are such an idiot with no knowledge. Before trump came in there was an isis caliphate killing and maiming 100s of thousands of people. Syria was in a civil war, more people being killed, Russia meddling. Iran is the number one state sponsor of terror in the world and has been for a long time. Giving them 150 billion made it worse. That part of the Middle East was stable. You are clueless.

The hate for trump has turned into a religion. Proponents fancy themselves superior only because they are believers. They are the supremely ignorant ones as it has become a waste of time anymore for me to point out the facts. They cannot win an argument but as fervent religious zealots they don’t think they need to.

Trump, who all liberals thought would have us in WW3 six months in has been judicious and levelheaded. He is easing us out of the Middle East quagmire slowly but surely because thanks to fracking we are energy independent. We no longer have as important national security issues there as we used to. We don’t need them. Why do we have to spend our treasure and blood so the rest of the world can make a profit, so they can freeload? You let Iran directly attack one of our ships or facilities and kill Americans and they will open up a can of whoop ass, but right now trump is doing everything right for America.

Very ignorant rebuttal. Very.

When Trump came in to power the ISIS are already loosing in Syria started by Obama. Trump came in at the right time and right place just like the economy.

Syria still on civil war today.

True Iran is sponsor terrorism. Trump is making it worse. Iran just bomb Saudi Arabia. How do we even know Iran did the bombing? It could be Israel just to start war? Good job Trump.

Part of that region was stable. That is correct. And thats a fact. Was there a shooting of drone, was there a taking over of a tanker by Iran??? Before Trumpits moron start messing around in that spot.

If a war starts today. The economy world wide will be affected other countries will suffer tremendously just because of one idiot policy. World will end up hating us.

So. If US interest is no longer needed in that region. So why is this moron sending warships in that region looking for a fight?

Iran will not attack. Repeat will NOT attack any tanker or Saudi Arabia or UAE or Kuwait unless Trumpits start bombing Iran.

If we go to war. HELL NO. Trump is not doing everything what is right for America. Domestic policies sucks. Foreign policies sucks and in shambles. Aside from that his hair looks good.
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3 oil tankers seized...Swift Boat harassment and disruption of freedom of navigation through the Strait of Hormuz...an attack on Saudi oil production that effects a large number of countries and the global economy....


That specific part of middle east was stable till your orange clown start choking Iran with sanctions and pulled out from nuclear agreements.

If you are Iran. What do you think you should do?

The whole world will blame Trump (and his supporters) and will be held accountable if a war with Iran starts today.

I imagine Iran should put Iran first. That's what Trump supports.

Yea, Trump should put Americans last, like Obama did, and put foreigners first, right?

Obama made deals with everyone where everyone made out
Trump starts trade wars where everyone loses

You are clueless and your claims are baseless. The American worker and American manufacturing are doing just fine. Billions are coming into the us treasury. China is on notice and new NAFTA is ready for approval but is being held up by Dems in the house. Mexico is paying for border security with their troops. We are negotiating new deals with japan and others on a bilateral basis. The attacks in Saudi Arabia did not tank our economy. Stop the hate.

You have no clue of what you are talking about.
You are just a trump supporter. All you have is listening to trump rotten beans.

How can you possibly know anything?
We'll see, Republicans are awfully easy to convince that war is a very good idea.

It used to be the other way around. W was really the first "Republican warmonger" President. The rest of the wars were pretty much all Democrat Presidents, or Confederate DEMOCRAT President, that got us in...

The one common theme - religion.

If the religious leader wants war, so do the paper bags in the pews....
I imagine Iran should put Iran first. That's what Trump supports.
So you are ignorantly attempting to equate President Trump making policy changes within the US, removing oppressive job-killing Obama regulations, etc that resulted in the strongest economy / lowest unemployment / etc... here in the U.S. with Iran harassing / seeking to control international shipping through the Strait of Hormuz, seizing other nation's oil tankers, and bombing oil facilities that provide a large amount of oil to world-wide nations and effects the world-wide economy.....?!


Iran hasn’t done anything.


3 oil tankers seized...Swift Boat harassment and disruption of freedom of navigation through the Strait of Hormuz...an attack on Saudi oil production that effects a large number of countries and the global economy....


That specific part of middle east was stable till your orange clown start choking Iran with sanctions and pulled out from nuclear agreements.

If you are Iran. What do you think you should do?

The whole world will blame Trump (and his supporters) and will be held accountable if a war with Iran starts today.

I imagine Iran should put Iran first. That's what Trump supports.

Yea, Trump should put Americans last, like Obama did, and put foreigners first, right?

Jesus dude - I have absolutely no respect for someone who can't make a solid point without invoking Obama. I'm totally embarrassed for you.

Not sure how you got that I was suggesting Trump put American's last when the source I provided was of Trump saying he was putting American's first and so should other countries.
We'll see, Republicans are awfully easy to convince that war is a very good idea.
...says snowflakes who had no problem with the Nobel Peace Prize Winner dragging the US into 2 unauthorized wars to help terrorists...


3 oil tankers seized...Swift Boat harassment and disruption of freedom of navigation through the Strait of Hormuz...an attack on Saudi oil production that effects a large number of countries and the global economy....


That specific part of middle east was stable till your orange clown start choking Iran with sanctions and pulled out from nuclear agreements.

If you are Iran. What do you think you should do?

The whole world will blame Trump (and his supporters) and will be held accountable if a war with Iran starts today.

I imagine Iran should put Iran first. That's what Trump supports.

Yea, Trump should put Americans last, like Obama did, and put foreigners first, right?

Obama made deals with everyone where everyone made out
Trump starts trade wars where everyone loses

O made deals where the joke was on the US. About that trade war. China ain't doing so good.

China released even more evidence that the trade war is hurting its economy - CNN


Trump promised he could make such better deals
Nobody trusts the man or takes him seriously
Trump is limited in what he can do

Bush was given nearly limitless authority after 9-11 and he abused it
Trump has zero credibility with Congress or the public, he will not be allowed to deploy troops
No War with Iran. I would not support any US involvement in the Middle east, We gain nothing and it would not make us any safer.Let the Saudi's and Israel handle their own problems.
Hear more lies? Nothing but lies from the White House.
You may hate Trump, but he is still president. Be responsible and listen to what he tells you. I lived thru Kennedy telling us about the Cuban Missile Crisis, and that was based on lies, and then as now you need to know what is going on from the chief-not from the tabloids or opposition party.

How was the Cuban Missile Crisis based on lies? Do tell!
Did you know we were invading the Bay of Pigs ahead of time? They lied to the Cubans and Kennedy about taking out Castro.

Your sense of history is all fucked up. I suggest you research it before getting diarrhea of the mouth.
Read a book, admiral JACKASS!

The Bay of Pigs was planned during the Eisenhower Administration, dumbass!
You may hate Trump, but he is still president. Be responsible and listen to what he tells you. I lived thru Kennedy telling us about the Cuban Missile Crisis, and that was based on lies, and then as now you need to know what is going on from the chief-not from the tabloids or opposition party.

How was the Cuban Missile Crisis based on lies? Do tell!
Did you know we were invading the Bay of Pigs ahead of time? They lied to the Cubans and Kennedy about taking out Castro.

Your sense of history is all fucked up. I suggest you research it before getting diarrhea of the mouth.
Read a book, admiral JACKASS!

The Bay of Pigs was planned during the Eisenhower Administration, dumbass!
We are talking about the CIA lies and Kennedy lies during the crisis-get past Ike and pay attention chuckle head.
That specific part of middle east was stable till your orange clown start choking Iran with sanctions and pulled out from nuclear agreements.

If you are Iran. What do you think you should do?

The whole world will blame Trump (and his supporters) and will be held accountable if a war with Iran starts today.

I imagine Iran should put Iran first. That's what Trump supports.

Yea, Trump should put Americans last, like Obama did, and put foreigners first, right?

Obama made deals with everyone where everyone made out
Trump starts trade wars where everyone loses

O made deals where the joke was on the US. About that trade war. China ain't doing so good.

China released even more evidence that the trade war is hurting its economy - CNN


Trump promised he could make such better deals
Nobody trusts the man or takes him seriously

Trump is ending the previous admin worthless agreements. It will take awhile to remove the stain that occupied the wh from 2001 to 2009.
I imagine Iran should put Iran first. That's what Trump supports.

Yea, Trump should put Americans last, like Obama did, and put foreigners first, right?

Obama made deals with everyone where everyone made out
Trump starts trade wars where everyone loses

O made deals where the joke was on the US. About that trade war. China ain't doing so good.

China released even more evidence that the trade war is hurting its economy - CNN


Trump promised he could make such better deals
Nobody trusts the man or takes him seriously

Trump is ending the previous admin worthless agreements. It will take awhile to remove the stain that occupied the wh from 2001 to 2009.

He claimed he could do better

Why hasn’t he?
Trump is destroying American credibility around the world
America used to be the gold standard, now we can’t be trusted to keep our own agreements. Deals that we brokered.

The world must now look to be dealing with two America’s. One Democratic, one Republican. Our positions on global politics will flip -flop accordingly.
How was the Cuban Missile Crisis based on lies? Do tell!
Did you know we were invading the Bay of Pigs ahead of time? They lied to the Cubans and Kennedy about taking out Castro.

Your sense of history is all fucked up. I suggest you research it before getting diarrhea of the mouth.
Read a book, admiral JACKASS!

The Bay of Pigs was planned during the Eisenhower Administration, dumbass!
We are talking about the CIA lies and Kennedy lies during the crisis-get past Ike and pay attention chuckle head.

Are you a Cuban? Of course you were lied to!
America used to be the gold standard, now we can’t be trusted to keep our own agreements. Deals that we brokered.

The community organizer's policy to pay terrorist regimes to NOT build nuclear arsenals was idiotic and anyone with an IQ above double-digits would have cancelled that "deal".
He claimed he could do better

Why hasn’t he?

He has done better. He cancelled that idiotic arrangement, but before Obama funded the Iranians so that they could buy weapons to shoot down our drones and bomb Saudi oil facilities. And you supported that moron. Incredible.

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