I would vote for Rep. Ilhan Omar (D)

Please explain how making a derogatory statement about a foreign country is considered treason?
Her comments go beyond mere criticism of Israel to material support and aid for terrorist entities in the Middle East.
Is that treason? During the Cold War a United States member of Congress would not dare to call for the down fall of capitalist Germany knowing the Soviets were actively trying to tip that nation over to the red side.

her comment was CLEARLY ANTI-SEMITIC and it echoed the anti-Semitism
TAUGHT in mosques thruout the world.---------she used the islamo Nazi
LINGO that was elaborated by Nazi war criminals who had escaped to the
arms of their MUSLIM BRETHEREN----in Syria and Egypt. Her dirt actually has very little to do with Israel. It is koranic
What did I say that was "bigoted"? I'm allowed to not "support" (whatever that is supposed to mean) a foreign nation, arent I? Besides, I never even said I don't support it, thats just you reading into things because you're a hyper sensitive little baby.
You are, of course, allowed to support almost anything you want but when you try to explain away facts that don't suit you by saying people have been brainwashed who don't agree with you, you reveal you have no idea why yo believe as you do. Holding strong opinions that are not based on facts is a definition of bigotry.

I strongly do not give a fuck about Israel. I strongly resent that american white boys fight and die to "support" them and are called Nazis for asking why.
Exactly when did any non-Israeli ever die in battle for Israel?

I guess it's just a coincidence that the warmongering Israel-first neoconservative movement was founded by Jewish intellectuals. The movement that traded in social conservatism for globalization and aggressive foreign policy. It's just a coincidence that the iraq war was planned and disseminated by neoconservatives.

There's a lot of funny little coincidences when it comes to Jewish influence in political theories. It always turns out bad for whitey.
Of course none of that is true. It is just another example of your bigotry that you proclaim such nonsense without any facts to support it.

Those are facts.
You are, of course, allowed to support almost anything you want but when you try to explain away facts that don't suit you by saying people have been brainwashed who don't agree with you, you reveal you have no idea why yo believe as you do. Holding strong opinions that are not based on facts is a definition of bigotry.

I strongly do not give a fuck about Israel. I strongly resent that american white boys fight and die to "support" them and are called Nazis for asking why.
Exactly when did any non-Israeli ever die in battle for Israel?

I guess it's just a coincidence that the warmongering Israel-first neoconservative movement was founded by Jewish intellectuals. The movement that traded in social conservatism for globalization and aggressive foreign policy. It's just a coincidence that the iraq war was planned and disseminated by neoconservatives.

There's a lot of funny little coincidences when it comes to Jewish influence in political theories. It always turns out bad for whitey.
Of course none of that is true. It is just another example of your bigotry that you proclaim such nonsense without any facts to support it.

Those are facts.

you are parroting the current islamo-Nazi propaganda.
I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:

O really how is one little tiny nation of jews a terriost state when its been attacked by up to 5 or wwas it 6 muslim nations at one time and won. They have been attacked many times just receenty by hamas lobbing mortors and rockets in thier nation from Palestinian land and citys.
My feeling wipe Palestine off the map

If mexico or canada were shooting missles and mortors into our citys what do you think we would do
You are, of course, allowed to support almost anything you want but when you try to explain away facts that don't suit you by saying people have been brainwashed who don't agree with you, you reveal you have no idea why yo believe as you do. Holding strong opinions that are not based on facts is a definition of bigotry.

I strongly do not give a fuck about Israel. I strongly resent that american white boys fight and die to "support" them and are called Nazis for asking why.
Exactly when did any non-Israeli ever die in battle for Israel?

I guess it's just a coincidence that the warmongering Israel-first neoconservative movement was founded by Jewish intellectuals. The movement that traded in social conservatism for globalization and aggressive foreign policy. It's just a coincidence that the iraq war was planned and disseminated by neoconservatives.

There's a lot of funny little coincidences when it comes to Jewish influence in political theories. It always turns out bad for whitey.
Of course none of that is true. It is just another example of your bigotry that you proclaim such nonsense without any facts to support it.

Those are facts.
No, those are your beliefs, not verifiable facts, and you believe them because they support what is clearly your irrational hatred of Jews; it makes you seem less crazy, at least to yourself, if you believe them.
Rep. Omar is just the first to break the ice and embolden future politicians to speak out that they are feed up with AIPAC and other pro Zionist organizations gaming the American political system for the benefit of Israel. .... :thup:
Rep. Omar is just the first to break the ice and embolden future politicians to speak out that they are feed up with AIPAC and other pro Zionist organizations gaming the American political system for the benefit of Israel. .... :thup:
I’m sure you will love living under Shiites.
I strongly do not give a fuck about Israel. I strongly resent that american white boys fight and die to "support" them and are called Nazis for asking why.
Exactly when did any non-Israeli ever die in battle for Israel?

I guess it's just a coincidence that the warmongering Israel-first neoconservative movement was founded by Jewish intellectuals. The movement that traded in social conservatism for globalization and aggressive foreign policy. It's just a coincidence that the iraq war was planned and disseminated by neoconservatives.

There's a lot of funny little coincidences when it comes to Jewish influence in political theories. It always turns out bad for whitey.
Of course none of that is true. It is just another example of your bigotry that you proclaim such nonsense without any facts to support it.

Those are facts.

you are parroting the current islamo-Nazi propaganda.

Marxism - goes without saying why this is bad
Critical theory - undermines tradition
psychoanalysis - undermines morality
neoconservatism - undermines nations
I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:

O really how is one little tiny nation of jews a terriost state when its been attacked by up to 5 or wwas it 6 muslim nations at one time and won. They have been attacked many times just receenty by hamas lobbing mortors and rockets in thier nation from Palestinian land and citys.
My feeling wipe Palestine off the map

If mexico or canada were shooting missles and mortors into our citys what do you think we would do

There is an important addition to "NEW-SPEAK" -----
Rep. Omar is just the first to break the ice and embolden future politicians to speak out that they are feed up with AIPAC and other pro Zionist organizations gaming the American political system for the benefit of Israel. .... :thup:
You are really deeply delusional. Nothing she or you has said about AIPAC is true, so while her ignorant bigotry may embolden other bigots like yourself, it will have no effect on rational people.
Exactly when did any non-Israeli ever die in battle for Israel?

I guess it's just a coincidence that the warmongering Israel-first neoconservative movement was founded by Jewish intellectuals. The movement that traded in social conservatism for globalization and aggressive foreign policy. It's just a coincidence that the iraq war was planned and disseminated by neoconservatives.

There's a lot of funny little coincidences when it comes to Jewish influence in political theories. It always turns out bad for whitey.
Of course none of that is true. It is just another example of your bigotry that you proclaim such nonsense without any facts to support it.

Those are facts.

you are parroting the current islamo-Nazi propaganda.

Marxism - goes without saying why this is bad
Critical theory - undermines tradition
psychoanalysis - undermines morality
neoconservatism - undermines nations
Do you have a pill you are supposed to take at times like this?
I guess it's just a coincidence that the warmongering Israel-first neoconservative movement was founded by Jewish intellectuals. The movement that traded in social conservatism for globalization and aggressive foreign policy. It's just a coincidence that the iraq war was planned and disseminated by neoconservatives.

There's a lot of funny little coincidences when it comes to Jewish influence in political theories. It always turns out bad for whitey.
Of course none of that is true. It is just another example of your bigotry that you proclaim such nonsense without any facts to support it.

Those are facts.

you are parroting the current islamo-Nazi propaganda.

Marxism - goes without saying why this is bad
Critical theory - undermines tradition
psychoanalysis - undermines morality
neoconservatism - undermines nations
Do you have a pill you are supposed to take at times like this?

I love it.When it comes to white men and muslims, it's open season. Criticize all you like. But when it comes to Jews...its:

Of course none of that is true. It is just another example of your bigotry that you proclaim such nonsense without any facts to support it.

Those are facts.

you are parroting the current islamo-Nazi propaganda.

Marxism - goes without saying why this is bad
Critical theory - undermines tradition
psychoanalysis - undermines morality
neoconservatism - undermines nations
Do you have a pill you are supposed to take at times like this?

I love it.When it comes to white men and muslims, it's open season. Criticize all you like. But when it comes to Jews...its:

Take the pill.
Did she really refer to our closest ally in the Middle East as a "terrorist state"? That should be grounds for impeachment if not charges of treason.
Please explain how making a derogatory statement about a foreign country is considered treason? ... :dunno:
Israel Is Our Shield

For Americans, supporting jihad is treason. Israel is our strongest ally against jihad; any attack on Israel is an attack on all non-Moslems. So is verbal support for the Palestinians. Islam must be banned; Moslems must be deported, even if citizens here. Able to get away with authoritarian irrationalism by imposing tolerance of the intolerable, our self-appointed ruling class imposed this Freedom of Religion on us just to frustrate us and put us in our place. They are quisling internationalists, always have been. Ironically, that's what they used to tell us about the Jews.
Of course none of that is true. It is just another example of your bigotry that you proclaim such nonsense without any facts to support it.

Those are facts.

you are parroting the current islamo-Nazi propaganda.

Marxism - goes without saying why this is bad
Critical theory - undermines tradition
psychoanalysis - undermines morality
neoconservatism - undermines nations
Do you have a pill you are supposed to take at times like this?

I love it.When it comes to white men and muslims, it's open season. Criticize all you like. But when it comes to Jews...its:

No worries...
You are about to lose your Jew Controled Internet access.
Of course none of that is true. It is just another example of your bigotry that you proclaim such nonsense without any facts to support it.

Those are facts.

you are parroting the current islamo-Nazi propaganda.

Marxism - goes without saying why this is bad
Critical theory - undermines tradition
psychoanalysis - undermines morality
neoconservatism - undermines nations
Do you have a pill you are supposed to take at times like this?

I love it.When it comes to white men and muslims, it's open season. Criticize all you like. But when it comes to Jews...its:

It would help if you didn’t post non-facts.

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