Iceman/Carnage: A 9/11 Disease


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Why aren't there more movies about 9/11? There's only the play The Guys and loosely Spy Game. There's a movie about the Boston Marathon bombing --- Patriots Day. There should be more movies about 9/11.

I've offered this patriotic comic book adapted 'diary-tale,' which I didn't honestly feel comfortable posting in the Writing section (given its politically suggestive tones).

Signing off,


Iceman surveyed the scene after the devastation of 9/11. Muslim terrorists had destroyed the World Trade Center in NYC, and many speculated it was because fundamentalist Islamists had become frustrated and enraged with the West's policies regarding Israel-Palestine and Western civilization's sociocultural 'indulgences' with capitalism and power-commerce. There was a strange report on 9/11 that multiple cell phones in the area of the World Trade Center were short-circuiting because of inexplicable signal-interruptions; some wondered if this signal-interference was a 'secondary initiative' by terrorists prowling around America and scrambling wireless servers/signals to create 'more general pedestrian confusion/turbulence.'

What was clear to Iceman was that terrorism was the new 'blight' upon the face of modern globalization and commerce and peace-driven capitalism (e.g., Wall Street, European Union, OPEC). George W. Bush, son of George Bush was the new U.S. President, and he seemed at first a tad immature to deal with the gravity of this terrible terrorism-incident, however, his advisors and Cabinet helped him and America trudge through the 'mud.' Iceman now feared that the post-9/11 'climate' in global capitalism would engender a kind of 'philosophy malady' or 'governance-cynicism disease.' Iceman was correct; since the evil of 9/11 engendered a new underworld demon to ascend to Earth named Carnage, a being of flesh and mayhem and anarchy.

ICEMAN: Why are you here, evil spirit?
CARNAGE: I'm here to witness all the fun!
ICEMAN: Terrorism is not 'fun.'
CARNAGE: Oh, it's a great adventure...
ICEMAN: Capitalism shall prevail!
CARNAGE: We'll see...
ICEMAN: Americans care about finance-minded objectivity.
CARNAGE: Do they care about Third World debt?
ICEMAN: The United States works with the United Nations.
CARNAGE: Many feel that America simply 'dominates' as an 'empire.'
ICEMAN: America is not like Egypt, Rome, or the British Empire!
CARNAGE: Many critics believe Americans suffer from 'similar sins.'
ICEMAN: If you're referring to racism and exploitation, America will 'evolve.'
CARNAGE: We'll see...

Carnage was also present one decade later, in 2013, during the terrible Boston Marathon bombing, which was apparently not perpetrated by Muslim terrorists. If 9/11 was like Pearl Harbor, then the Boston Marathon bombing was like the Oklahoma City Bombing. Carnage mused that threats to pedestrian sanctity, lifestyle-related, would undermine basic idealism towards consumerism-gauged new age global peace. However, there was a Burger King in politically-troubled Afghanistan now, and Iceman retorted that America would see through all this 'modern post-9/11 anxiety' with careful and precise commercial governance. Iceman was confident that Carnage would someday return to the underworld and leave humanity in peace.


{Iceman & Carnage}

Interesting perspective

and i'd wager 10 yr old comic book readers will 'get it' before the partisans


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