ID Card for Workers Is at Center of Immigration Plan

Graham should do us all a favor and officially change parties. What a tool.
I seem to recall that the rightwingnuts all liked this idea when it was tossed around under Bush.

Funny, that. :eusa_eh:
As I've been called one of those, for the record, I didn't because it is too easily abused.
Solve the immigration problem? What a red herring.....ostensibly this legislation would provide employers with the ability to check employees citizenship......but employers ALREADY have a way to check social security numbers...through the E-Verify system....why not just make that mandatory.....instead of requiring every worker in the U.S. to carry a biometric ID card?

Once these ID cards are in place you can bet they will be used for other purposes....such as health care, financial services, housing, etc.,'s the evolution of the policy called "internal enforcement"....i.e.....big time Big Brother....

Lawmakers working to craft a new comprehensive immigration bill have settled on a way to prevent employers from hiring illegal immigrants: a national biometric identification card all American workers would eventually be required to obtain.

Under the potentially controversial plan still taking shape in the Senate, all legal U.S. workers, including citizens and immigrants, would be issued an ID card with embedded information, such as fingerprints, to tie the card to the worker.

Worker ID Card at Center of Immigration Plan -

And the ACLU has gone wild... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
While I can see one side of this issue and may agree with parts of it. I really can't see myself with a National ID card. Kinda reminds me of WWII when folks had to have papers just to walk around in their own town or village or be jailed or shot.

Kinda creepy to me.

I'm all for it. 100%. It must be tamper proof though.
Most of us have photo IDs already for driver's licenses. Instead of fighting an entirely new "ID card" battle, the States need to form a database with everyones' driver's licenses and add a few biometrics, such as "face-print", "voice-print", fingerprint, etc. There is no new conspiracy, just an enhanced ID, that could have things on it like medical allergies, blood type, SS#, who to contact, etc.

They should just pass a law upgrading drivers licenses. You would need to present your ID to fly and get a job. The alternative is a temporary "green card" for those on visas.

Unfortunately, that is already in the works. Fortunately several states have refused to go along with the plan.

BTW, NAFTA has driven literally millions of Mexicans out of work and they are coming here. Why are all the immigration freaks ignoring this?

Ignoring what? and what is an "immigration freak"?
Most of us have photo IDs already for driver's licenses. Instead of fighting an entirely new "ID card" battle, the States need to form a database with everyones' driver's licenses and add a few biometrics, such as "face-print", "voice-print", fingerprint, etc. There is no new conspiracy, just an enhanced ID, that could have things on it like medical allergies, blood type, SS#, who to contact, etc.

They should just pass a law upgrading drivers licenses. You would need to present your ID to fly and get a job. The alternative is a temporary "green card" for those on visas.

Unfortunately, that is already in the works. Fortunately several states have refused to go along with the plan.

BTW, NAFTA has driven literally millions of Mexicans out of work and they are coming here. Why are all the immigration freaks ignoring this?

Ignoring what? and what is an "immigration freak"?

Illegal immigration is a political thing for some and they use it to justify things like the national ID. The immigration is merely the justification not the reason for the national ID. I just find it interesting that NAFTA is not mentioned by them.
Most of us have photo IDs already for driver's licenses. Instead of fighting an entirely new "ID card" battle, the States need to form a database with everyones' driver's licenses and add a few biometrics, such as "face-print", "voice-print", fingerprint, etc. There is no new conspiracy, just an enhanced ID, that could have things on it like medical allergies, blood type, SS#, who to contact, etc.

They should just pass a law upgrading drivers licenses. You would need to present your ID to fly and get a job. The alternative is a temporary "green card" for those on visas.

Unfortunately, that is already in the works. Fortunately several states have refused to go along with the plan.

BTW, NAFTA has driven literally millions of Mexicans out of work and they are coming here. Why are all the immigration freaks ignoring this?

Ignoring what? and what is an "immigration freak"?

How is NAFTA driving Mexicans out of work?

I thought the complaint of the wingnuts was that NAFTA was sending American jobs to Mexico?

So which is it?
Most of us have photo IDs already for driver's licenses. Instead of fighting an entirely new "ID card" battle, the States need to form a database with everyones' driver's licenses and add a few biometrics, such as "face-print", "voice-print", fingerprint, etc. There is no new conspiracy, just an enhanced ID, that could have things on it like medical allergies, blood type, SS#, who to contact, etc.

They should just pass a law upgrading drivers licenses. You would need to present your ID to fly and get a job. The alternative is a temporary "green card" for those on visas.

Good idea...but not realistic as Driver's licenses don't have a citizenship requirement.
I seem to recall that the rightwingnuts all liked this idea when it was tossed around under Bush.

Funny, that. :eusa_eh:
As I've been called one of those, for the record, I didn't because it is too easily abused.

I find the "abused" line of thought too frequently used. Pass the National I.D. law with a "sunset" clause. If it works...keep it...if there are evidences of abuse...shit can it.
Unfortunately, that is already in the works. Fortunately several states have refused to go along with the plan.

BTW, NAFTA has driven literally millions of Mexicans out of work and they are coming here. Why are all the immigration freaks ignoring this?

Ignoring what? and what is an "immigration freak"?

How is NAFTA driving Mexicans out of work?

I thought the complaint of the wingnuts was that NAFTA was sending American jobs to Mexico?

So which is it?

Since NAFTA took effect, Mexico's overall exports shot up from 60.9 billion dollars in 1994 to 158.4 billion dollars in 2001. In that same period, imports jumped from 79.3 billion dollars to 168.4 billion dollars annually.

More than 85 percent of Mexican trade is currently concentrated in exchange with the United States.

But for Mexico's rural areas, where 75 percent of the population living in extreme poverty is concentrated, the three- country treaty has meant the loss of more than 10 million hectares of cultivated land.

And the decline of the rural sector has pushed 15 million peasants -- and mostly young people -- to move to the cities, either in Mexico or in the United States, according to a study by the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM).

Over the last 10 years, the participation of the farming sector in Mexico's gross domestic product (GDP) has fallen from 7.3 percent to less than 5.0 percent.

NAFTA Equals Death, Say Peasant Farmers
If there's a simple way to do something and a more complicated, expensive, bureaucratic way to do it, Washington will always find the latter.
A positive means to identify whether someone is a citizen would put an end to illegal immigration. Having a biometric proof of identity (retinal scan, DNA, facial recognition) would prevent fake IDs.

Once you have a way of positively identifying eligible workers....JAIL any employer who hires illegals

First....who's to say that biometric IDs will be scam proof?

There are bound to be ways to fake the biometric IDs as well.....nobody is going to stop the scammers...they will just get better at it...

Second....many small employers will not pay for the $900+ scanner to scan their 2 or 3 employees' IDs which means they would have to get in some long line with them somewhere at a government office...probably for a fat fee...

They probably would rather just hire under the many already do today....a national ID will not stop the incoming immigrants unless there is serious enforcement at all levels....and we already know the Dems are NOT going to do that....

The real reason for national IDs is to monitor and control detail...on a federal level...progressives could care less about the poor.....they are targeting the middle class....the ID noose is just another tool toward that end....that's how socialism/communism/totalitarianism works....there exists only the elite and the underclass....

It's about time we elect someone like Ron Paul....who today spoke up against this....and kick out all RINOs like Lindsay Graham...

btw it seems the White House is remaining a bit neutral on this legislation....maybe BO would have some problems proving his citizenship for his national ID card...? :lol:
A positive means to identify whether someone is a citizen would put an end to illegal immigration. Having a biometric proof of identity (retinal scan, DNA, facial recognition) would prevent fake IDs.

Once you have a way of positively identifying eligible workers....JAIL any employer who hires illegals

First....who's to say that biometric IDs will be scam proof?

There are bound to be ways to fake the biometric IDs as well.....nobody is going to stop the scammers...they will just get better at it...

Second....many small employers will not pay for the $900+ scanner to scan their 2 or 3 employees' IDs which means they would have to get in some long line with them somewhere at a government office...probably for a fat fee...

They probably would rather just hire under the many already do today....a national ID will not stop the incoming immigrants unless there is serious enforcement at all levels....and we already know the Dems are NOT going to do that....

The real reason for national IDs is to monitor and control detail...on a federal level...progressives could care less about the poor.....they are targeting the middle class....the ID noose is just another tool toward that end....that's how socialism/communism/totalitarianism works....there exists only the elite and the underclass....

It's about time we elect someone like Ron Paul....who today spoke up against this....and kick out all RINOs like Lindsay Graham...

btw it seems the White House is remaining a bit neutral on this legislation....maybe BO would have some problems proving his citizenship for his national ID card...? :lol:

You are right about progressives targeting the Middle class. They do love the poor, The State of Ohio even went so far as to allow a park bench as a legal address for voting last election. I doubt they want a positive ID card for those voters.
A positive means to identify whether someone is a citizen would put an end to illegal immigration. Having a biometric proof of identity (retinal scan, DNA, facial recognition) would prevent fake IDs.

Once you have a way of positively identifying eligible workers....JAIL any employer who hires illegals

First....who's to say that biometric IDs will be scam proof?

There are bound to be ways to fake the biometric IDs as well.....nobody is going to stop the scammers...they will just get better at it...

Second....many small employers will not pay for the $900+ scanner to scan their 2 or 3 employees' IDs which means they would have to get in some long line with them somewhere at a government office...probably for a fat fee...

They probably would rather just hire under the many already do today....a national ID will not stop the incoming immigrants unless there is serious enforcement at all levels....and we already know the Dems are NOT going to do that....

The real reason for national IDs is to monitor and control detail...on a federal level...progressives could care less about the poor.....they are targeting the middle class....the ID noose is just another tool toward that end....that's how socialism/communism/totalitarianism works....there exists only the elite and the underclass....

It's about time we elect someone like Ron Paul....who today spoke up against this....and kick out all RINOs like Lindsay Graham...

btw it seems the White House is remaining a bit neutral on this legislation....maybe BO would have some problems proving his citizenship for his national ID card...? :lol:

Rather than a Social Security Card that has "Juan Gonzales" and a Social Security number, the ID card would have some biometric link to the REAL Juan Gonzales. You encrypt the data to prevent forgery.
When Juan Gonzales applies for a job, he goes to the county employment office who has a scanner and certifies that Juan, is in fact, a US Citizen. If Juan does not want to wait in line at the county office, he does not have to take the job.
Get caught "hiring under the table" ....go to JAIL
It will only take one or two for employers to get the message. Jobs dry up......Illegals go home
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But people in Washington do not give a crap about illegals....They mostly would prefer to simply make them all legal and be done with it.

And that's on any side of the fence. You give me a viable candidate who is willing to start shipping illegals home and he/she will get my vote.
But people in Washington do not give a crap about illegals....They mostly would prefer to simply make them all legal and be done with it.

And that's on any side of the fence. You give me a viable candidate who is willing to start shipping illegals home and he/she will get my vote.

The reality of the situation is that it is not the people in Washington but the tens of thousands of employers who make billions of dollars off of illegal labor. Too much money is made off of undocumented labor to ever stop it.
Washington would just as soon document them so they can collect taxes off of them.
Rounding up illegals is like herding cats..they will all come back. If we were serious about the problem we would document everyone and let the jobs dry up. Then they will stream across the border in the other direction
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But people in Washington do not give a crap about illegals....They mostly would prefer to simply make them all legal and be done with it.

And that's on any side of the fence. You give me a viable candidate who is willing to start shipping illegals home and he/she will get my vote.

The reality of the situation is that it is not the people in Washington but the tens of thousands of employers who make billions of dollars off of illegal labor. Too much money is made off of undocumented labor to ever stop it.
Washington would just as soon document them so they can collect taxes off of them.
Rounding up illegals is like herding cats..they will all come back. If we were serious about the problem we would document everyone and let the jobs dry up. Then they will stream across the border in the other direction

No, if they were serious about the problem they would seal the border, and then as they pick up the illegals they would run a background on them to find the criminals who are here hiding from the law in their home country. And ship them back in chains. Then we could discuss what to do with the other law breakers. Remember each of them has broken our laws.
Most of us have photo IDs already for driver's licenses. Instead of fighting an entirely new "ID card" battle, the States need to form a database with everyones' driver's licenses and add a few biometrics, such as "face-print", "voice-print", fingerprint, etc. There is no new conspiracy, just an enhanced ID, that could have things on it like medical allergies, blood type, SS#, who to contact, etc.

They should just pass a law upgrading drivers licenses. You would need to present your ID to fly and get a job. The alternative is a temporary "green card" for those on visas.

I like your idea but aren't there some states that give illegals driver's licenses? They've been pushing for it in a NJ for a few years.
Unfortunately, that is already in the works. Fortunately several states have refused to go along with the plan.

BTW, NAFTA has driven literally millions of Mexicans out of work and they are coming here. Why are all the immigration freaks ignoring this?

Ignoring what? and what is an "immigration freak"?

How is NAFTA driving Mexicans out of work?

I thought the complaint of the wingnuts was that NAFTA was sending American jobs to Mexico?

So which is it?

I don't like NAFTA. Didn't like it when Clinton signed it. I'm all for tamper proof national ID for all. Then there will be no more excuses for illegals or for not deporting them. And, it will finally give employers a means of validating citizenship. I guess that makes me a wingnut. Just think with a National ID there would be no reason for having other cards except maybe for a drivers license.

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