ID law found discriminatory

So do they not have the ability to get an id? I would think if voting was important and/or they were planning to vote they would be able to get one within a year.

Why should they have to?

Voter fraud is practically non existent.

But this isn't the only thing Republicans are doing to keep people from voting.

They are reducing the number of days that the polls are open.

Ask yourself this question, Why would they do that?

That has nothing to do with voter fraud. It's just an attempt to suppress the vote.

Repeating the lie doesnt make it true.

Did you want some tissue?

You didn't answer the question.

Why reduce the number of days people have to vote?
According to a 2005 study by UW Milwaukee Driver License Status of Voting Age Population those without state-issued photo ID who would need to obtain one to vote include:

■23% of elderly Wisconsinites over the age of 65
■17% of white men and women
■55% of African American males and 49% of African American women
■46% of Hispanic men and 59% of Hispanic women
■78% of African American males age 18-24 and 66% of African American women age 18-24

Wisconsin Gov. Walker acts to suppress vote | The Stand

So do they not have the ability to get an id? I would think if voting was important and/or they were planning to vote they would be able to get one within a year.

Why should they have to?

Voter fraud is practically non existent.

But this isn't the only thing Republicans are doing to keep people from voting.

They are reducing the number of days that the polls are open.

Ask yourself this question, Why would they do that?

That has nothing to do with voter fraud. It's just an attempt to suppress the vote.

This is about id, and there is absolutely nothing stopping even the most useless from getting one with a year to go, nothing.
Why should they have to?

Voter fraud is practically non existent.

But this isn't the only thing Republicans are doing to keep people from voting.

They are reducing the number of days that the polls are open.

Ask yourself this question, Why would they do that?

That has nothing to do with voter fraud. It's just an attempt to suppress the vote.

Repeating the lie doesnt make it true.

Did you want some tissue?

You didn't answer the question.

Why reduce the number of days people have to vote?

Fraud. That was easy, But I am communicating with the side that said Blacks are too stupid to know how to vote without a D being on the ticket. Fact and True story
According to a 2005 study by UW Milwaukee Driver License Status of Voting Age Population those without state-issued photo ID who would need to obtain one to vote include:

■23% of elderly Wisconsinites over the age of 65
■17% of white men and women
■55% of African American males and 49% of African American women
■46% of Hispanic men and 59% of Hispanic women
■78% of African American males age 18-24 and 66% of African American women age 18-24

Wisconsin Gov. Walker acts to suppress vote | The Stand
Always the Group/Herd mentailty with Statists. When are you going to treat folks as individuals rather than zeroing in on useless disingenuous demographics?

Just can't help yourself, can you?

Yes, those pesky facts.

Always getting in the way of your worldview.
My worldview is treating individuals as such, moron.

your own teams study on voting took five years to study the problem and found next to nothing of this type of fraud.

Keep lying it gets you nowhere with the facts in place.
Since when do you care about facts? Fact is dimwits hate voter ID because illegals wouldn't be able to vote for them.

your own teams study on voting took five years to study the problem and found next to nothing of this type of fraud.

Keep lying it gets you nowhere with the facts in place.
Since when do you care about facts? Fact is dimwits hate voter ID because illegals wouldn't be able to vote for them.

Its all about the ability to cheat, nothing more.
According to a 2005 study by UW Milwaukee Driver License Status of Voting Age Population those without state-issued photo ID who would need to obtain one to vote include:

■23% of elderly Wisconsinites over the age of 65
■17% of white men and women
■55% of African American males and 49% of African American women
■46% of Hispanic men and 59% of Hispanic women
■78% of African American males age 18-24 and 66% of African American women age 18-24

Wisconsin Gov. Walker acts to suppress vote | The Stand

55% of black males don't have a driver's license? Even illegal aliens can get a driver's license.

Who do you think you're fooling?

your own teams study on voting took five years to study the problem and found next to nothing of this type of fraud.

Keep lying it gets you nowhere with the facts in place.
Since when do you care about facts? Fact is dimwits hate voter ID because illegals wouldn't be able to vote for them.

And they won't be able to vote 2, 3, or 4 times like a good democrat should.
Voters in Maine struck down another Republican voter suppression law.

The Republican governors are really helping the Democratic Party with their extremist tactics.

Maineiacs are free to corrupt the sanctity of their voting process, just as North Carolina residents are free to ensure the sanctity of theirs.
Voters in Maine struck down another Republican voter suppression law.

The Republican governors are really helping the Democratic Party with their extremist tactics.

You guys have made it very clear you have a compulsory need to cheat.

Voter fraud is virtually non-existent.

The voter ID thing is just a tactic to keep African Americans from voting.

The conviction rate for voter fraud is virtually non existent. If you go and vote for a dead person, just how could you be caught. You either gave fraudulent ID, or none at all and the dead guy is unlikely to complain.
By your logic, since a very insignificant number of drivers are convicted of DWI each year, we shouldn't do what we can to keep people from operating under the influence.
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You guys have made it very clear you have a compulsory need to cheat.

Voter fraud is virtually non-existent.

The voter ID thing is just a tactic to keep African Americans from voting.

Complete BS but it is a cute story, Unfortunately for you the history books are not rewritten when one side takes the white house.

At least not yet. As I remember, the soviets wrote leaders out of their history books fairly often. They even renamed cities named for former despots.
It's only a matter of time before the seat of government is called obamagrad.
According to a 2005 study by UW Milwaukee Driver License Status of Voting Age Population those without state-issued photo ID who would need to obtain one to vote include:

■23% of elderly Wisconsinites over the age of 65
■17% of white men and women
■55% of African American males and 49% of African American women
■46% of Hispanic men and 59% of Hispanic women
■78% of African American males age 18-24 and 66% of African American women age 18-24

Wisconsin Gov. Walker acts to suppress vote | The Stand
So you think all those people are incapable of getting an ID?

Why don't you just come out and say "We should just add all those numbers to the Democrat candidates' vote tally. We know they'd all vote Dem anyway"?
South Carolina voter ID law rejected by Justice Department -

Reporting from Washington— The Obama administration's civil rights office is stepping up its fight with the Southern states over voting rights, announcing it will block a new South Carolina law that would require voters to show a government-issued photo identification before casting a ballot.

The Justice Department invoked the Voting Rights Act on Friday and said the new photo-identification rule could deny the right to vote for tens of thousands of blacks and other minorities.

"According to the state's statistics, there are 81,938 minority citizens who are already registered to vote and who lack DMV-issued identification," Thomas E. Perez, the chief of the department's civil rights division, said in a letter to South Carolina officials. He referred to a driver's license issued by the state Department of Motor Vehicles, the most common form of photo identification.

This statement is racist. It assumes that blacks can't afford to get a driver's license.

If they can afford a damned cell phone they can afford a driver's license.

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