I'd like 1 republican

to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
My first impulse with this guy is to just assume that he lacks a fundamental understanding of protocol, and the capacity to stop and reason that doing certain things as President isn't a good idea.

But if he did this, it does indicate pretty clear intent. He must have known that what he was doing was, at least, shady.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROTOCOL , think thats just some made up rules , traditions and practices and a Concept with NO legal binding authority isn't it Mac ?? ------------------------ Also , whats improper about being in the Shadows , Just because lefties want info to crow about doesn't matter , imo Mac .
Many protocols exist for a perfectly good reason, including protecting yourself.

If he doesn't want to do that, okay. But the Dems aren't going to just sit there and let him do it.

If he wants to behave like this, that's up to him.
--------------------------------------------- yep , i agree and as i said , i don't think that there is any binding LEGAL authority regarding Protocol Mac .
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

because presidents "often" do that

but thanks for wondering retard
now jon was that necessary? no respect for an ol buddy? lol

that was being nice buddy --LOL

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