I'd like 1 republican

to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
I'd like one Democrat to raise the same questions about the Lynch/Clinton meeting which led to Lynch TRYING to interfere create said thread.
Lynch or Clinton aren't president Wake up gramps or can I call you rip van winkle? We're talking about the pos stinking up our WH now

She was the AG, and clinton was known to be the next President according to everyone at the time....and she was under federal investigation.......wake up......we're talking hilary clinton...the biggest criminal this country has ever seen....

Clinton isn't under investigation here. She's been cleared by the FBI. The members of the Trump administration have not been cleared, and now there's also a criminal investigation.

The President had lied to the American people about matters related to the Russia investigation, and he fired Comey to put an end to it.

A Presidential advisor stood today before the press corps today and tried to say with a straight face that the President is not a liar, when the bald fact is the President can barely get through a sentence without lying about something.

Your President is neither capable nor interested in governing. He is both ill prepared and ill suited to the office. Either his physical or mental health will give out.

He is both isolated and paranoid. His every action makes him look guilty. Not the least of which had been his treatment of America's long standing allies - the unsmiling, unhappy man with May and Merkel, and the leaders of the free world, his fawning over despots and regimes with a history of financing terrorism and human rights violations, and the happy smiling face of Trump with the Russian Ambassador. From a meeting the American Press was barred from attending.

I say this as someone watching America smash everything you purport to stand for in defending this man who is not capable of doing the job you've given him.

Running the US government is a huge undertaking. Outsider Presidents aren't successful because they have no governmental experience.

Your government is being brought to an absolute standstill because everything one side proposes, the other side rejects out of hand. There is no compromise.

Not all liberal ideas are bad and not all conservatives ideas have been successful, chief among them, thinking that tax cuts grow the economy. When your expenditures are too high, you have to raise revenues.

Those of you who want to blow shit up should start by properly taking care of veterans. The VA was created to deal with WWII vets returning home, not a nation which is perpetually at war and returning wounded home on a regular basis. 15 years of perpetual warfare have strained the VA's resources past their limits but Republicans have no problem with cutting resources from vets.

They have no problem with cutting programs to benefit children and the elderly, all in an effort to spend more on weapons.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
I'd like one Democrat to raise the same questions about the Lynch/Clinton meeting which led to Lynch TRYING to interfere create said thread.
Lynch or Clinton aren't president Wake up gramps or can I call you rip van winkle? We're talking about the pos stinking up our WH now

She was the AG, and clinton was known to be the next President according to everyone at the time....and she was under federal investigation.......wake up......we're talking hilary clinton...the biggest criminal this country has ever seen....

Clinton isn't under investigation here. She's been cleared by the FBI. The members of the Trump administration have not been cleared, and now there's also a criminal investigation.

The President had lied to the American people about matters related to the Russia investigation, and he fired Comey to put an end to it.

A Presidential advisor stood today before the press corps today and tried to say with a straight face that the President is not a liar, when the bald fact is the President can barely get through a sentence without lying about something.

Your President is neither capable nor interested in governing. He is both ill prepared and ill suited to the office. Either his physical or mental health will give out.

He is both isolated and paranoid. His every action makes him look guilty. Not the least of which had been his treatment of America's long standing allies - the unsmiling, unhappy man with May and Merkel, and the leaders of the free world, his fawning over despots and regimes with a history of financing terrorism and human rights violations, and the happy smiling face of Trump with the Russian Ambassador. From a meeting the American Press was barred from attending.

I say this as someone watching America smash everything you purport to stand for in defending this man who is not capable of doing the job you've given him.

Running the US government is a huge undertaking. Outsider Presidents aren't successful because they have no governmental experience.

Your government is being brought to an absolute standstill because everything one side proposes, the other side rejects out of hand. There is no compromise.

Not all liberal ideas are bad and not all conservatives ideas have been successful, chief among them, thinking that tax cuts grow the economy. When your expenditures are too high, you have to raise revenues.

Those of you who want to blow shit up should start by properly taking care of veterans. The VA was created to deal with WWII vets returning home, not a nation which is perpetually at war and returning wounded home on a regular basis. 15 years of perpetual warfare have strained the VA's resources past their limits but Republicans have no problem with cutting resources from vets.

They have no problem with cutting programs to benefit children and the elderly, all in an effort to spend more on weapons.

85 percent of your post is total bullshit and the other 15 percent is only partially true........
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
I'd like one Democrat to raise the same questions about the Lynch/Clinton meeting which led to Lynch TRYING to interfere create said thread.
Lynch or Clinton aren't president Wake up gramps or can I call you rip van winkle? We're talking about the pos stinking up our WH now

She was the AG, and clinton was known to be the next President according to everyone at the time....and she was under federal investigation.......wake up......we're talking hilary clinton...the biggest criminal this country has ever seen....

Clinton isn't under investigation here. She's been cleared by the FBI. The members of the Trump administration have not been cleared, and now there's also a criminal investigation.

The President had lied to the American people about matters related to the Russia investigation, and he fired Comey to put an end to it.

A Presidential advisor stood today before the press corps today and tried to say with a straight face that the President is not a liar, when the bald fact is the President can barely get through a sentence without lying about something.

Your President is neither capable nor interested in governing. He is both ill prepared and ill suited to the office. Either his physical or mental health will give out.

He is both isolated and paranoid. His every action makes him look guilty. Not the least of which had been his treatment of America's long standing allies - the unsmiling, unhappy man with May and Merkel, and the leaders of the free world, his fawning over despots and regimes with a history of financing terrorism and human rights violations, and the happy smiling face of Trump with the Russian Ambassador. From a meeting the American Press was barred from attending.

I say this as someone watching America smash everything you purport to stand for in defending this man who is not capable of doing the job you've given him.

Running the US government is a huge undertaking. Outsider Presidents aren't successful because they have no governmental experience.

Your government is being brought to an absolute standstill because everything one side proposes, the other side rejects out of hand. There is no compromise.

Not all liberal ideas are bad and not all conservatives ideas have been successful, chief among them, thinking that tax cuts grow the economy. When your expenditures are too high, you have to raise revenues.

Those of you who want to blow shit up should start by properly taking care of veterans. The VA was created to deal with WWII vets returning home, not a nation which is perpetually at war and returning wounded home on a regular basis. 15 years of perpetual warfare have strained the VA's resources past their limits but Republicans have no problem with cutting resources from vets.

They have no problem with cutting programs to benefit children and the elderly, all in an effort to spend more on weapons.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
I'd like one Democrat to raise the same questions about the Lynch/Clinton meeting which led to Lynch TRYING to interfere create said thread.
Lynch or Clinton aren't president Wake up gramps or can I call you rip van winkle? We're talking about the pos stinking up our WH now

What you really mean is "they aren't Republicans." Dims have two sets of rules: one for Republicans and one for them.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
I'd like one Democrat to raise the same questions about the Lynch/Clinton meeting which led to Lynch TRYING to interfere create said thread.
Lynch or Clinton aren't president Wake up gramps or can I call you rip van winkle? We're talking about the pos stinking up our WH now

She was the AG, and clinton was known to be the next President according to everyone at the time....and she was under federal investigation.......wake up......we're talking hilary clinton...the biggest criminal this country has ever seen....

Clinton isn't under investigation here. She's been cleared by the FBI. The members of the Trump administration have not been cleared, and now there's also a criminal investigation.

The President had lied to the American people about matters related to the Russia investigation, and he fired Comey to put an end to it.

A Presidential advisor stood today before the press corps today and tried to say with a straight face that the President is not a liar, when the bald fact is the President can barely get through a sentence without lying about something.

Your President is neither capable nor interested in governing. He is both ill prepared and ill suited to the office. Either his physical or mental health will give out.

He is both isolated and paranoid. His every action makes him look guilty. Not the least of which had been his treatment of America's long standing allies - the unsmiling, unhappy man with May and Merkel, and the leaders of the free world, his fawning over despots and regimes with a history of financing terrorism and human rights violations, and the happy smiling face of Trump with the Russian Ambassador. From a meeting the American Press was barred from attending.

I say this as someone watching America smash everything you purport to stand for in defending this man who is not capable of doing the job you've given him.

Running the US government is a huge undertaking. Outsider Presidents aren't successful because they have no governmental experience.

Your government is being brought to an absolute standstill because everything one side proposes, the other side rejects out of hand. There is no compromise.

Not all liberal ideas are bad and not all conservatives ideas have been successful, chief among them, thinking that tax cuts grow the economy. When your expenditures are too high, you have to raise revenues.

Those of you who want to blow shit up should start by properly taking care of veterans. The VA was created to deal with WWII vets returning home, not a nation which is perpetually at war and returning wounded home on a regular basis. 15 years of perpetual warfare have strained the VA's resources past their limits but Republicans have no problem with cutting resources from vets.

They have no problem with cutting programs to benefit children and the elderly, all in an effort to spend more on weapons.

Obviously you believe that if you keep repeating the same already discredited lies that someone will come to believe them at some point.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
It appears that wou;ld mean mind reading again. Maybe he dismissed everyone and asked Comey to come back and ask about his golf game and talk about his grand children...heard that somewhere.
Oh and sessions the vp and his son in law couldn't hear that?? Come on jackson get real Surely you're not as stupid as the rest of the repubs here ,,,,Are you?
Poor Edward. You just walked into that! That is certainly a stupid and unbelievable answer. Where did I come up with that? That was the reason Bill Clinton gave to the press after he waited for Loretta Lynch (Obama's DOJP) on the tarmac to see her. They met in an empty plane, to discuss HIS GOLF GAME AND HIS GRAND CHILDREN! SHORTLY THERE AFTERWARDS. LYNCH MET WITH COMEY TO SAY THERE WAS NO INVESTIGATION INTO HILLARY...IT WAS A "MATTER."
THE difference is jackson Bill didn't kick anyone out so they couldn't hear what he was saying That in itself speaks volumes Poor jackson You gonna use the ignorance defense?
He met Lynch on the tarmac specifically so he could have a conversation with Lynch that no one would hear.

How are you trying to kid?
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
My first impulse with this guy is to just assume that he lacks a fundamental understanding of protocol, and the capacity to stop and reason that doing certain things as President isn't a good idea.

But if he did this, it does indicate pretty clear intent. He must have known that what he was doing was, at least, shady.
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He also knows that the room has a recorder, and everything in the offices are taped The BS is that anyone NOW believes that they have ANYTHING on the Trump administration. The FACT is when he said I HOPE YOU CAN, and I EXPECT LOYALTY, he was NOT giving the FBI director an order, because he is NOT the FBI directors boss. If comey had any idea that he was being ordered to do something he should not do he should have made it clear that he worked for the people, as Trump has stated many times. ALL of the dimshitscum work for the people too but they are not doing the peoples business they are working for illegals, thugs, and communist. As far as the firing of comey, he was fired for not doing his job. The DOJ felt that he did not even try to find out who hacked the dnc because he did subpoena all of the hacked emails from the dirty-nazi-committee. The fact that he did as lynch asked and changed wording in public statements, and would not exonerate Trump proves he also was in COLLUSION with the clinton camp. REALTY, EVIDENCE, TRUTH, LAW, and TESTIMONY by all parties have proved Trump to be exonerated. REALITY, EVIDENCE, TRUTH, LAW, and TEESTIMONY by all parties have proved the dnc, clinton, oshitass, and every dimshit pile of scum to be the most disgusting, most corrupt, criminals to ever inhabit our Capitol. It is high time we cleared them out and tried them for THEIR crimes.
Well, gee, there's lots of reasons I can think of when one is operating in the viper pit that is DC, that there would be times you'd want to have a private conversation, and doubly so if you know you're dealing with leaks.

Give me a break. The left is full on unhinged, not to mention desperate, if this is now 'evidence'.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

because presidents "often" do that

but thanks for wondering retard
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
I'd like one Democrat to raise the same questions about the Lynch/Clinton meeting which led to Lynch TRYING to interfere, create said thread.

You imbecile. That act has been condemned by just about every Dem who's been asked. Do some fucking research.

And Lynch didn't try to interfere.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

because presidents "often" do that

but thanks for wondering retard
now jon was that necessary? no respect for an ol buddy? lol
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
I'm not a party member but I know single pole single throw toggle switches don't have a lot of options. BUT, presidents, and humans in general, often prefer private conversationsto get at the heart of the matter. Comey was/is more of a politician than a director. It's obvious he chose the wrong profession. sounds like Trump was trying to make it work, like your employee that keeps flirting with the homeowner instead of painting the walls.
Trump likes his privacy same as i do , he was probably raised that way Edward !!

If Trump liked his privacy, he wouldn't tweet as much as he does.
--------------------------------- privacy that HE ./ Trump controls and privacy that he controls and uses at his discretion to pizz off lefties . We have a FREE Country here and TRUMP is showing lefties how a Free Country works Nia . [lefties can whine and cry some more] [chuckle]
I'd like one lefty here to tell me how you'd like it if you had an employee in your office for a private meeting and the next day the conversation was all over the internet. You'd keep him on huh?
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
My first impulse with this guy is to just assume that he lacks a fundamental understanding of protocol, and the capacity to stop and reason that doing certain things as President isn't a good idea.

But if he did this, it does indicate pretty clear intent. He must have known that what he was doing was, at least, shady.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROTOCOL , think thats just some made up rules , traditions and practices and a Concept with NO legal binding authority isn't it Mac ?? ------------------------ Also , whats improper about being in the Shadows , Just because lefties want info to crow about doesn't matter , imo Mac .
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
My first impulse with this guy is to just assume that he lacks a fundamental understanding of protocol, and the capacity to stop and reason that doing certain things as President isn't a good idea.

But if he did this, it does indicate pretty clear intent. He must have known that what he was doing was, at least, shady.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROTOCOL , think thats just some made up rules , traditions and practices and a Concept with NO legal binding authority isn't it Mac ?? ------------------------ Also , whats improper about being in the Shadows , Just because lefties want info to crow about doesn't matter , imo Mac .
Many protocols exist for a perfectly good reason, including protecting yourself.

If he doesn't want to do that, okay. But the Dems aren't going to just sit there and let him do it.

If he wants to behave like this, that's up to him.

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