I'd like 1 republican

Trumps and my generation where long before 'tell all tv shows' our parents emphasized privacy Edward .
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
It appears that wou;ld mean mind reading again. Maybe he dismissed everyone and asked Comey to come back and ask about his golf game and talk about his grand children...heard that somewhere.
Oh and sessions the vp and his son in law couldn't hear that?? Come on jackson get real Surely you're not as stupid as the rest of the repubs here ,,,,Are you?
Poor Edward. You just walked into that! That is certainly a stupid and unbelievable answer. Where did I come up with that? That was the reason Bill Clinton gave to the press after he waited for Loretta Lynch (Obama's DOJP) on the tarmac to see her. They met in an empty plane, to discuss HIS GOLF GAME AND HIS GRAND CHILDREN! SHORTLY THERE AFTERWARDS. LYNCH MET WITH COMEY TO SAY THERE WAS NO INVESTIGATION INTO HILLARY...IT WAS A "MATTER."
THE difference is jackson Bill didn't kick anyone out so they couldn't hear what he was saying That in itself speaks volumes Poor jackson You gonna use the ignorance defense?
Trumps and my generation where long before 'tell all tv shows' our parents emphasized privacy Edward .
Privacy is one thing but to kick out the AG and Comeys boss is quite another
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

Look, no one gives a shit. No laws were broken. Z-E-R-O. That said, never trumpers have great reason to rejoice. Team Trump took a hellacious broad side today. Trumps Lawyer came off as weak and Mrs. Huckaboo was clearly flusterd. Trumps presidency is officially nullified, at least for the first four years. Hopefully lots of republicans and democrats lose elections in 18. Then maybe we can have a government that actually does stuff.
HAHahahaha! Comey took the hit today.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

Look, no one gives a shit. No laws were broken. Z-E-R-O. That said, never trumpers have great reason to rejoice. Team Trump took a hellacious broad side today. Trumps Lawyer came off as weak and Mrs. Huckaboo was clearly flusterd. Trumps presidency is officially nullified, at least for the first four years. Hopefully lots of republicans and democrats lose elections in 18. Then maybe we can have a government that actually does stuff.
HAHahahaha! Comey took the hit today.
Wouldn't think you'd take it any other way You're a republican first and last America and truth means crap to republicans
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
It appears that wou;ld mean mind reading again. Maybe he dismissed everyone and asked Comey to come back and ask about his golf game and talk about his grand children...heard that somewhere.
Oh and sessions the vp and his son in law couldn't hear that?? Come on jackson get real Surely you're not as stupid as the rest of the repubs here ,,,,Are you?
Poor Edward. You just walked into that! That is certainly a stupid and unbelievable answer. Where did I come up with that? That was the reason Bill Clinton gave to the press after he waited for Loretta Lynch (Obama's DOJP) on the tarmac to see her. They met in an empty plane, to discuss HIS GOLF GAME AND HIS GRAND CHILDREN! SHORTLY THERE AFTERWARDS. LYNCH MET WITH COMEY TO SAY THERE WAS NO INVESTIGATION INTO HILLARY...IT WAS A "MATTER."
THE difference is jackson Bill didn't kick anyone out so they couldn't hear what he was saying That in itself speaks volumes Poor jackson You gonna use the ignorance defense?
Are you kidding me? I don't know why I post to you except for amusement. Clinton made sure there WAS AN EMPTY PLANE FOR THEIR MEETING. HILLARY WAS UNDER INVESTIGATION AT THE TIME.

Ask you mom or dad about it. It was very selacious at the time. You may have been in Algebra class.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

Look, no one gives a shit. No laws were broken. Z-E-R-O. That said, never trumpers have great reason to rejoice. Team Trump took a hellacious broad side today. Trumps Lawyer came off as weak and Mrs. Huckaboo was clearly flusterd. Trumps presidency is officially nullified, at least for the first four years. Hopefully lots of republicans and democrats lose elections in 18. Then maybe we can have a government that actually does stuff.
HAHahahaha! Comey took the hit today.

Oh he did for sure. I'll bet he will have more questions to answer in the future. I stand by my statement about the republicans and democrat party. They are all corrupt. Getting all he career guys out is the only way anything will change.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
It appears that wou;ld mean mind reading again. Maybe he dismissed everyone and asked Comey to come back and ask about his golf game and talk about his grand children...heard that somewhere.
Oh and sessions the vp and his son in law couldn't hear that?? Come on jackson get real Surely you're not as stupid as the rest of the repubs here ,,,,Are you?
Poor Edward. You just walked into that! That is certainly a stupid and unbelievable answer. Where did I come up with that? That was the reason Bill Clinton gave to the press after he waited for Loretta Lynch (Obama's DOJP) on the tarmac to see her. They met in an empty plane, to discuss HIS GOLF GAME AND HIS GRAND CHILDREN! SHORTLY THERE AFTERWARDS. LYNCH MET WITH COMEY TO SAY THERE WAS NO INVESTIGATION INTO HILLARY...IT WAS A "MATTER."
THE difference is jackson Bill didn't kick anyone out so they couldn't hear what he was saying That in itself speaks volumes Poor jackson You gonna use the ignorance defense?
Are you kidding me? I don't know why I post to you except for amusement. Clinton made sure there WAS AN EMPTY PLANE FOR THEIR MEETING. HILLARY WAS UNDER INVESTIGATION AT THE TIME.

Ask you mom or dad about it. It was very selacious at the time. You may have been in Algebra class.
Hey dufus I was in the service when JFK was president and how did clinton empty that plane??
Edward... the person being investigated never is allowed to see the one who has the ability to determine the progress of an investigation. Not a witness, judge or jury person. That goes for their family members as well. Trust me on this dear. I am not egging you on.
Last edited:
He wanted to have a private conversation last I heard that was not a crime. It might be bad optics much like when Loretta Lynch had a private conversation with Bill Clinton at the airport while Hillary was being investigated by the FBI but it also was not illegal.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

I am neither a repub or a dem....but there has been leaks left over from the Barrypuppet admin. Why would Bill "drop trou" sit on a plane with Loretta Lynch right in the middle of the server scandal of the Hildebeast and then Comey ( Clinton shill) shortly afterwards comes out and says "Yes, she did jepoardize national security by having a private unsecured server, yes, she did have e-mails that were marked as "sensitive" and yes, she had many of them on there....yes, she did delete 30,000 emails, etc, etc....then said that no (snicker) reasonable D.A would touch this because they couldn't prove what her intent was???? Are you fucking seriously? Trump asks Comey that he hopes that he will leave Flynn alone and not drag his name through the mud because he did nothing wrong and leftards scream "OBSTRUCTION!!!!"??????

It simply shows the hypocrisy of the left and how they are willing pawns of the Deep State along with the neocons that want to keep the status quo of feeding at the trough. This country gets exactly what it deserves and when the shit hits the fan (and you can bank on that one) you are gonna find out the hard way....spare me a thought because I warned everyone that had ears to listen.
Edward... the person being investigated never is allowed to see the one who has the ability to determine the progress of an investigation. Not a witness, judge or jury person. That goes for their family members as well. Trust me on tgis dear. I am not egging you on.
Jackson I'm through for this evening I refuse to keep banging my head up against cement walls Tomorrow is another day...good evening
It appears that wou;ld mean mind reading again. Maybe he dismissed everyone and asked Comey to come back and ask about his golf game and talk about his grand children...heard that somewhere.
Oh and sessions the vp and his son in law couldn't hear that?? Come on jackson get real Surely you're not as stupid as the rest of the repubs here ,,,,Are you?
Poor Edward. You just walked into that! That is certainly a stupid and unbelievable answer. Where did I come up with that? That was the reason Bill Clinton gave to the press after he waited for Loretta Lynch (Obama's DOJP) on the tarmac to see her. They met in an empty plane, to discuss HIS GOLF GAME AND HIS GRAND CHILDREN! SHORTLY THERE AFTERWARDS. LYNCH MET WITH COMEY TO SAY THERE WAS NO INVESTIGATION INTO HILLARY...IT WAS A "MATTER."
THE difference is jackson Bill didn't kick anyone out so they couldn't hear what he was saying That in itself speaks volumes Poor jackson You gonna use the ignorance defense?
Are you kidding me? I don't know why I post to you except for amusement. Clinton made sure there WAS AN EMPTY PLANE FOR THEIR MEETING. HILLARY WAS UNDER INVESTIGATION AT THE TIME.

Ask you mom or dad about it. It was very selacious at the time. You may have been in Algebra class.
Hey dufus I was in the service when JFK was president and how did clinton empty that plane??
Links to the happening...


Comey says Lynch tarmac meeting, directive to downplay probe prompted him to go rogue on Clinton case

The moment Comey lost faith in DOJ's Clinton probe - CNNPolitics.com

Comey: Loretta Lynch's Tarmac Meeting With Bill Clinton Forced Me To Go Public About Clinton Investigation


I told you I was not egging you on. Read the stories of the Clinton-Lynch meeting yourself.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

I am neither a repub or a dem....but there has been leaks left over from the Barrypuppet admin. Why would Bill "drop trou" sit on a plane with Loretta Lynch right in the middle of the server scandal of the Hildebeast and then Comey ( Clinton shill) shortly afterwards comes out and says "Yes, she did jepoardize national security by having a private unsecured server, yes, she did have e-mails that were marked as "sensitive" and yes, she had many of them on there....yes, she did delete 30,000 emails, etc, etc....then said that no (snicker) reasonable D.A would touch this because they couldn't prove what her intent was???? Are you fucking seriously? Trump asks Comey that he hopes that he will leave Flynn alone and not drag his name through the mud because he did nothing wrong and leftards scream "OBSTRUCTION!!!!"??????

It simply shows the hypocrisy of the left and how they are willing pawns of the Deep State along with the neocons that want to keep the status quo of feeding at the trough. This country gets exactly what it deserves and when the shit hits the fan (and you can bank on that one) you are gonna find out the hard way....spare me a thought because I warned everyone that had ears to listen.
Dale I guess you figure we got what we deserved in trump the worst garbage to ever cross the WH door?
Oh and sessions the vp and his son in law couldn't hear that?? Come on jackson get real Surely you're not as stupid as the rest of the repubs here ,,,,Are you?
Poor Edward. You just walked into that! That is certainly a stupid and unbelievable answer. Where did I come up with that? That was the reason Bill Clinton gave to the press after he waited for Loretta Lynch (Obama's DOJP) on the tarmac to see her. They met in an empty plane, to discuss HIS GOLF GAME AND HIS GRAND CHILDREN! SHORTLY THERE AFTERWARDS. LYNCH MET WITH COMEY TO SAY THERE WAS NO INVESTIGATION INTO HILLARY...IT WAS A "MATTER."
THE difference is jackson Bill didn't kick anyone out so they couldn't hear what he was saying That in itself speaks volumes Poor jackson You gonna use the ignorance defense?
Are you kidding me? I don't know why I post to you except for amusement. Clinton made sure there WAS AN EMPTY PLANE FOR THEIR MEETING. HILLARY WAS UNDER INVESTIGATION AT THE TIME.

Ask you mom or dad about it. It was very selacious at the time. You may have been in Algebra class.
Hey dufus I was in the service when JFK was president and how did clinton empty that plane??
Links to the happening...


Comey says Lynch tarmac meeting, directive to downplay probe prompted him to go rogue on Clinton case

The moment Comey lost faith in DOJ's Clinton probe - CNNPolitics.com

Comey: Loretta Lynch's Tarmac Meeting With Bill Clinton Forced Me To Go Public About Clinton Investigation


I told you I was not egging you on. Read the stories of the Clinton-Lynch meeting yourself.
They had a meeting For how long I don't know It wasn't right But to think trump has clean hands is far far from the truth
If you are going to convict someone on the mere appearance of impropriety Hillary would be doing 99 year to life.
I don't want to convict him or impeach him I want him driven even more crazy for the next 3+ years He can't even take advantage of his big majority in congress He's a nothing burger lol
Poor Edward. You just walked into that! That is certainly a stupid and unbelievable answer. Where did I come up with that? That was the reason Bill Clinton gave to the press after he waited for Loretta Lynch (Obama's DOJP) on the tarmac to see her. They met in an empty plane, to discuss HIS GOLF GAME AND HIS GRAND CHILDREN! SHORTLY THERE AFTERWARDS. LYNCH MET WITH COMEY TO SAY THERE WAS NO INVESTIGATION INTO HILLARY...IT WAS A "MATTER."
THE difference is jackson Bill didn't kick anyone out so they couldn't hear what he was saying That in itself speaks volumes Poor jackson You gonna use the ignorance defense?
Are you kidding me? I don't know why I post to you except for amusement. Clinton made sure there WAS AN EMPTY PLANE FOR THEIR MEETING. HILLARY WAS UNDER INVESTIGATION AT THE TIME.

Ask you mom or dad about it. It was very selacious at the time. You may have been in Algebra class.
Hey dufus I was in the service when JFK was president and how did clinton empty that plane??
Links to the happening...


Comey says Lynch tarmac meeting, directive to downplay probe prompted him to go rogue on Clinton case

The moment Comey lost faith in DOJ's Clinton probe - CNNPolitics.com

Comey: Loretta Lynch's Tarmac Meeting With Bill Clinton Forced Me To Go Public About Clinton Investigation


I told you I was not egging you on. Read the stories of the Clinton-Lynch meeting yourself.
They had a meeting For how long I don't know It wasn't right But to think trump has clean hands is far far from the truth
It's one thing to support a candidate or politician. But recognize that sometimes you can be wrong, just as I have been on occasion. I merely accepted the fact that I was wrong or that the poster I was posting with had convinced me of their opinion. Actually that doesn't happen often on the board, but it gives a poster credibility when they admit that they were wrong about something.
Poor Edward. You just walked into that! That is certainly a stupid and unbelievable answer. Where did I come up with that? That was the reason Bill Clinton gave to the press after he waited for Loretta Lynch (Obama's DOJP) on the tarmac to see her. They met in an empty plane, to discuss HIS GOLF GAME AND HIS GRAND CHILDREN! SHORTLY THERE AFTERWARDS. LYNCH MET WITH COMEY TO SAY THERE WAS NO INVESTIGATION INTO HILLARY...IT WAS A "MATTER."
THE difference is jackson Bill didn't kick anyone out so they couldn't hear what he was saying That in itself speaks volumes Poor jackson You gonna use the ignorance defense?
Are you kidding me? I don't know why I post to you except for amusement. Clinton made sure there WAS AN EMPTY PLANE FOR THEIR MEETING. HILLARY WAS UNDER INVESTIGATION AT THE TIME.

Ask you mom or dad about it. It was very selacious at the time. You may have been in Algebra class.
Hey dufus I was in the service when JFK was president and how did clinton empty that plane??
Links to the happening...


Comey says Lynch tarmac meeting, directive to downplay probe prompted him to go rogue on Clinton case

The moment Comey lost faith in DOJ's Clinton probe - CNNPolitics.com

Comey: Loretta Lynch's Tarmac Meeting With Bill Clinton Forced Me To Go Public About Clinton Investigation


I told you I was not egging you on. Read the stories of the Clinton-Lynch meeting yourself.
They had a meeting For how long I don't know It wasn't right But to think trump has clean hands is far far from the truth
So what has Trump done that is illegal?

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