I'd like 1 republican

to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

Why on earth would you assume something underhanded about a boss having a one on one with an employee?

Last time I had a new boss, he had one on one interviews with all the employees. I don't think anyone found anything suspicious or odd about it.
THE difference is jackson Bill didn't kick anyone out so they couldn't hear what he was saying That in itself speaks volumes Poor jackson You gonna use the ignorance defense?
Are you kidding me? I don't know why I post to you except for amusement. Clinton made sure there WAS AN EMPTY PLANE FOR THEIR MEETING. HILLARY WAS UNDER INVESTIGATION AT THE TIME.

Ask you mom or dad about it. It was very selacious at the time. You may have been in Algebra class.
Hey dufus I was in the service when JFK was president and how did clinton empty that plane??
Links to the happening...


Comey says Lynch tarmac meeting, directive to downplay probe prompted him to go rogue on Clinton case

The moment Comey lost faith in DOJ's Clinton probe - CNNPolitics.com

Comey: Loretta Lynch's Tarmac Meeting With Bill Clinton Forced Me To Go Public About Clinton Investigation


I told you I was not egging you on. Read the stories of the Clinton-Lynch meeting yourself.
They had a meeting For how long I don't know It wasn't right But to think trump has clean hands is far far from the truth
So what has Trump done that is illegal?
Trying to get flynn off when flynn has the goods on trump and others
Are you kidding me? I don't know why I post to you except for amusement. Clinton made sure there WAS AN EMPTY PLANE FOR THEIR MEETING. HILLARY WAS UNDER INVESTIGATION AT THE TIME.

Ask you mom or dad about it. It was very selacious at the time. You may have been in Algebra class.
Hey dufus I was in the service when JFK was president and how did clinton empty that plane??
Links to the happening...


Comey says Lynch tarmac meeting, directive to downplay probe prompted him to go rogue on Clinton case

The moment Comey lost faith in DOJ's Clinton probe - CNNPolitics.com

Comey: Loretta Lynch's Tarmac Meeting With Bill Clinton Forced Me To Go Public About Clinton Investigation


I told you I was not egging you on. Read the stories of the Clinton-Lynch meeting yourself.
They had a meeting For how long I don't know It wasn't right But to think trump has clean hands is far far from the truth
So what has Trump done that is illegal?
Trying to get flynn off when flynn has the goods on trump and others
Give me a link that Flynn "has the goods on Trump."
THE difference is jackson Bill didn't kick anyone out so they couldn't hear what he was saying That in itself speaks volumes Poor jackson You gonna use the ignorance defense?
Are you kidding me? I don't know why I post to you except for amusement. Clinton made sure there WAS AN EMPTY PLANE FOR THEIR MEETING. HILLARY WAS UNDER INVESTIGATION AT THE TIME.

Ask you mom or dad about it. It was very selacious at the time. You may have been in Algebra class.
Hey dufus I was in the service when JFK was president and how did clinton empty that plane??
Links to the happening...


Comey says Lynch tarmac meeting, directive to downplay probe prompted him to go rogue on Clinton case

The moment Comey lost faith in DOJ's Clinton probe - CNNPolitics.com

Comey: Loretta Lynch's Tarmac Meeting With Bill Clinton Forced Me To Go Public About Clinton Investigation


I told you I was not egging you on. Read the stories of the Clinton-Lynch meeting yourself.
They had a meeting For how long I don't know It wasn't right But to think trump has clean hands is far far from the truth
It's one thing to support a candidate or politician. But recognize that sometimes you can be wrong, just as I have been on occasion. I merely accepted the fact that I was wrong or that the poster I was posting with had convinced me of their opinion. Actually that doesn't happen often on the board, but it gives a poster credibility when they admit that they were wrong about something.
Thank you, edward.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

Why on earth would you assume something underhanded about a boss having a one on one with an employee?

Last time I had a new boss, he had one on one interviews with all the employees. I don't think anyone found anything suspicious or odd about it.
It's not the one on one ava It's the kicking out of the guys boss,,,the VP and his son in law It stinks
Trying to get flynn off when flynn has the goods on trump and others
Give me a link that Flynn "has the goods on Trump."
There is none yet but Flynn hasn't spoken yet Thats what trump is trying to prevent
There is none yet but Flynn hasn't spoken yet Thats what trump is trying to prevent
Why are you saying that when nothing in the news backs that up?
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

I am neither a repub or a dem....but there has been leaks left over from the Barrypuppet admin. Why would Bill "drop trou" sit on a plane with Loretta Lynch right in the middle of the server scandal of the Hildebeast and then Comey ( Clinton shill) shortly afterwards comes out and says "Yes, she did jepoardize national security by having a private unsecured server, yes, she did have e-mails that were marked as "sensitive" and yes, she had many of them on there....yes, she did delete 30,000 emails, etc, etc....then said that no (snicker) reasonable D.A would touch this because they couldn't prove what her intent was???? Are you fucking seriously? Trump asks Comey that he hopes that he will leave Flynn alone and not drag his name through the mud because he did nothing wrong and leftards scream "OBSTRUCTION!!!!"??????

It simply shows the hypocrisy of the left and how they are willing pawns of the Deep State along with the neocons that want to keep the status quo of feeding at the trough. This country gets exactly what it deserves and when the shit hits the fan (and you can bank on that one) you are gonna find out the hard way....spare me a thought because I warned everyone that had ears to listen.
Dale I guess you figure we got what we deserved in trump the worst garbage to ever cross the WH door?

The Deep State rules so the presidency doesn't matter...it's just a figurehead position...the face of the franchise that is USA.INC, a foreign owned corporation that has remained bankrupted since March of 1933. Any president that has sneak in to try and right the ship like JFK (and even Jimmy Carter to a certain extent) got the same character assassination put on them like Trump is getting now. Trump said "NO" to the TPP, he said "NO" to open borders" he said "NO" to un-vetted muslim refugees. Trump is being persecuted for keeping his word. Sorry that you can't see that, Edds but the reality of what we really face is coming at us at breakneck speed because that is always the end result when you have a debt based fiat curency system where the "controllers" that have the control over the printing press of Fed notes can buy up hard
assets for debt notes with no intrinsic value. I know a lot of things, Edds and the picture is very clear to me.

Example, tonight I am in Pittsburgh even though I was suppose to fly out early evening but traffic was backed up so bad for a fucking HOCKEY game pre-party that there was no way I could turn in my rental car, turn in my luggage and make my way through security in time. So, I found a hotel close to the airport and I decided to turn on the big screen TV and click through the channels to see what was being said about Comey's lame testimony today and as I was surfing channels? Here is what I found.......some fucking reality show about trophy wives bickering with each other, a show about some woman that posts videos of her breast feeding and the guy host that is interviewing her is wearing fake boobs, a nasty adult cartoon. a show about adult men playing with their cars to "drag race"....on and on it goes. The more awake I become, the more I see the shit being shoved on us. I finally came across CNN and it was just as pathetic as I imagined it would be...the spin, the lies, the conjectures and innuendos. It makes me ashamed to even acknowledge that I was born here because there is very little to be proud of.
They had a meeting For how long I don't know It wasn't right But to think trump has clean hands is far far from the truth
So what has Trump done that is illegal?
Trying to get flynn off when flynn has the goods on trump and others
Give me a link that Flynn "has the goods on Trump."
There is none yet but Flynn hasn't spoken yet Thats what trump is trying to prevent
Why are you saying that when nothing in the news backs that up?
Edward, do you see why I asked you that? You are a "dyed in the wool Democrat, just as there are Dyed in the wool Republicans. That just means that they have strong opinions that are and cannot support the opinion when asked. They are unwilling to be objective and evaluate what is being said.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???
I'd like one Democrat to raise the same questions about the Lynch/Clinton meeting which led to Lynch TRYING to interfere, create said thread.
What did Lynch say? How about Clinton? Anyone?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

I am neither a repub or a dem....but there has been leaks left over from the Barrypuppet admin. Why would Bill "drop trou" sit on a plane with Loretta Lynch right in the middle of the server scandal of the Hildebeast and then Comey ( Clinton shill) shortly afterwards comes out and says "Yes, she did jepoardize national security by having a private unsecured server, yes, she did have e-mails that were marked as "sensitive" and yes, she had many of them on there....yes, she did delete 30,000 emails, etc, etc....then said that no (snicker) reasonable D.A would touch this because they couldn't prove what her intent was???? Are you fucking seriously? Trump asks Comey that he hopes that he will leave Flynn alone and not drag his name through the mud because he did nothing wrong and leftards scream "OBSTRUCTION!!!!"??????

It simply shows the hypocrisy of the left and how they are willing pawns of the Deep State along with the neocons that want to keep the status quo of feeding at the trough. This country gets exactly what it deserves and when the shit hits the fan (and you can bank on that one) you are gonna find out the hard way....spare me a thought because I warned everyone that had ears to listen.
Dale I guess you figure we got what we deserved in trump the worst garbage to ever cross the WH door?

The Deep State rules so the presidency doesn't matter...it's just a figurehead position...the face of the franchise that is USA.INC, a foreign owned corporation that has remained bankrupted since March of 1933. Any president that has sneak in to try and right the ship like JFK (and even Jimmy Carter to a certain extent) got the same character assassination put on them like Trump is getting now. Trump said "NO" to the TPP, he said "NO" to open borders" he said "NO" to un-vetted muslim refugees. Trump is being persecuted for keeping his word. Sorry that you can't see that, Edds but the reality of what we really face is coming at us at breakneck speed because that is always the end result when you have a debt based fiat curency system where the "controllers" that have the control over the printing press of Fed notes can buy up hard
assets for debt notes with no intrinsic value. I know a lot of things, Edds and the picture is very clear to me.

Example, tonight I am in Pittsburgh even though I was suppose to fly out early evening but traffic was backed up so bad for a fucking HOCKEY game pre-party that there was no way I could turn in my rental car, turn in my luggage and make my way through security in time. So, I found a hotel close to the airport and I decided to turn on the big screen TV and click through the channels to see what was being said about Comey's lame testimony today and as I was surfing channels? Here is what I found.......some fucking reality show about trophy wives bickering with each other, a show about some woman that posts videos of her breast feeding and the guy host that is interviewing her is wearing fake boobs, a nasty adult cartoon. a show about adult men playing with their cars to "drag race"....on and on it goes. The more awake I become, the more I see the shit being shoved on us. I finally came across CNN and it was just as pathetic as I imagined it would be...the spin, the lies, the conjectures and innuendos. It makes me ashamed to even acknowledge that I was born here because there is very little to be proud of.
Sorry about your bad night. I agree with much you say.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

He wanted a private conversation with his employee......

He wanted to have a private conversation last I heard that was not a crime. It might be bad optics much like when Loretta Lynch had a private conversation with Bill Clinton at the airport while Hillary was being investigated by the FBI but it also was not illegal.
All Republicans were screaming and moaning how wrong and illegal it was though. Remember?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

I am neither a repub or a dem....but there has been leaks left over from the Barrypuppet admin. Why would Bill "drop trou" sit on a plane with Loretta Lynch right in the middle of the server scandal of the Hildebeast and then Comey ( Clinton shill) shortly afterwards comes out and says "Yes, she did jepoardize national security by having a private unsecured server, yes, she did have e-mails that were marked as "sensitive" and yes, she had many of them on there....yes, she did delete 30,000 emails, etc, etc....then said that no (snicker) reasonable D.A would touch this because they couldn't prove what her intent was???? Are you fucking seriously? Trump asks Comey that he hopes that he will leave Flynn alone and not drag his name through the mud because he did nothing wrong and leftards scream "OBSTRUCTION!!!!"??????

It simply shows the hypocrisy of the left and how they are willing pawns of the Deep State along with the neocons that want to keep the status quo of feeding at the trough. This country gets exactly what it deserves and when the shit hits the fan (and you can bank on that one) you are gonna find out the hard way....spare me a thought because I warned everyone that had ears to listen.
Dale I guess you figure we got what we deserved in trump the worst garbage to ever cross the WH door?

The Deep State rules so the presidency doesn't matter...it's just a figurehead position...the face of the franchise that is USA.INC, a foreign owned corporation that has remained bankrupted since March of 1933. Any president that has sneak in to try and right the ship like JFK (and even Jimmy Carter to a certain extent) got the same character assassination put on them like Trump is getting now. Trump said "NO" to the TPP, he said "NO" to open borders" he said "NO" to un-vetted muslim refugees. Trump is being persecuted for keeping his word. Sorry that you can't see that, Edds but the reality of what we really face is coming at us at breakneck speed because that is always the end result when you have a debt based fiat curency system where the "controllers" that have the control over the printing press of Fed notes can buy up hard
assets for debt notes with no intrinsic value. I know a lot of things, Edds and the picture is very clear to me.

Example, tonight I am in Pittsburgh even though I was suppose to fly out early evening but traffic was backed up so bad for a fucking HOCKEY game pre-party that there was no way I could turn in my rental car, turn in my luggage and make my way through security in time. So, I found a hotel close to the airport and I decided to turn on the big screen TV and click through the channels to see what was being said about Comey's lame testimony today and as I was surfing channels? Here is what I found.......some fucking reality show about trophy wives bickering with each other, a show about some woman that posts videos of her breast feeding and the guy host that is interviewing her is wearing fake boobs, a nasty adult cartoon. a show about adult men playing with their cars to "drag race"....on and on it goes. The more awake I become, the more I see the shit being shoved on us. I finally came across CNN and it was just as pathetic as I imagined it would be...the spin, the lies, the conjectures and innuendos. It makes me ashamed to even acknowledge that I was born here because there is very little to be proud of.
LOL Want to get really sick ?? Check out FOX
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

I am neither a repub or a dem....but there has been leaks left over from the Barrypuppet admin. Why would Bill "drop trou" sit on a plane with Loretta Lynch right in the middle of the server scandal of the Hildebeast and then Comey ( Clinton shill) shortly afterwards comes out and says "Yes, she did jepoardize national security by having a private unsecured server, yes, she did have e-mails that were marked as "sensitive" and yes, she had many of them on there....yes, she did delete 30,000 emails, etc, etc....then said that no (snicker) reasonable D.A would touch this because they couldn't prove what her intent was???? Are you fucking seriously? Trump asks Comey that he hopes that he will leave Flynn alone and not drag his name through the mud because he did nothing wrong and leftards scream "OBSTRUCTION!!!!"??????

It simply shows the hypocrisy of the left and how they are willing pawns of the Deep State along with the neocons that want to keep the status quo of feeding at the trough. This country gets exactly what it deserves and when the shit hits the fan (and you can bank on that one) you are gonna find out the hard way....spare me a thought because I warned everyone that had ears to listen.
Dale I guess you figure we got what we deserved in trump the worst garbage to ever cross the WH door?

The Deep State rules so the presidency doesn't matter...it's just a figurehead position...the face of the franchise that is USA.INC, a foreign owned corporation that has remained bankrupted since March of 1933. Any president that has sneak in to try and right the ship like JFK (and even Jimmy Carter to a certain extent) got the same character assassination put on them like Trump is getting now. Trump said "NO" to the TPP, he said "NO" to open borders" he said "NO" to un-vetted muslim refugees. Trump is being persecuted for keeping his word. Sorry that you can't see that, Edds but the reality of what we really face is coming at us at breakneck speed because that is always the end result when you have a debt based fiat curency system where the "controllers" that have the control over the printing press of Fed notes can buy up hard
assets for debt notes with no intrinsic value. I know a lot of things, Edds and the picture is very clear to me.

Example, tonight I am in Pittsburgh even though I was suppose to fly out early evening but traffic was backed up so bad for a fucking HOCKEY game pre-party that there was no way I could turn in my rental car, turn in my luggage and make my way through security in time. So, I found a hotel close to the airport and I decided to turn on the big screen TV and click through the channels to see what was being said about Comey's lame testimony today and as I was surfing channels? Here is what I found.......some fucking reality show about trophy wives bickering with each other, a show about some woman that posts videos of her breast feeding and the guy host that is interviewing her is wearing fake boobs, a nasty adult cartoon. a show about adult men playing with their cars to "drag race"....on and on it goes. The more awake I become, the more I see the shit being shoved on us. I finally came across CNN and it was just as pathetic as I imagined it would be...the spin, the lies, the conjectures and innuendos. It makes me ashamed to even acknowledge that I was born here because there is very little to be proud of.
Sorry about your bad night. I agree with much you say.
Know Dale for many years on other boards Always writes great posts Told him he should write a book
He wanted to have a private conversation last I heard that was not a crime. It might be bad optics much like when Loretta Lynch had a private conversation with Bill Clinton at the airport while Hillary was being investigated by the FBI but it also was not illegal.
All Republicans were screaming and moaning how wrong and illegal it was though. Remember?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
Yes they were the blind partisan Republicans acting just like the blind partisan Democrats are now. I have never pretended there aren't blind partisans on the right they were wrong then just as the Democrats are now.
to tell us why Trump emptied the room What could his motivation have been to kick out Sessions the VP and Kushner ,,,,,,and then close the door when priebus was checking it out?? Does this appear to be the actions of a man who believed he was on legal grounds or does it appear to be the actions of one wanting to be in the shadows???

I am neither a repub or a dem....but there has been leaks left over from the Barrypuppet admin. Why would Bill "drop trou" sit on a plane with Loretta Lynch right in the middle of the server scandal of the Hildebeast and then Comey ( Clinton shill) shortly afterwards comes out and says "Yes, she did jepoardize national security by having a private unsecured server, yes, she did have e-mails that were marked as "sensitive" and yes, she had many of them on there....yes, she did delete 30,000 emails, etc, etc....then said that no (snicker) reasonable D.A would touch this because they couldn't prove what her intent was???? Are you fucking seriously? Trump asks Comey that he hopes that he will leave Flynn alone and not drag his name through the mud because he did nothing wrong and leftards scream "OBSTRUCTION!!!!"??????

It simply shows the hypocrisy of the left and how they are willing pawns of the Deep State along with the neocons that want to keep the status quo of feeding at the trough. This country gets exactly what it deserves and when the shit hits the fan (and you can bank on that one) you are gonna find out the hard way....spare me a thought because I warned everyone that had ears to listen.
Dale I guess you figure we got what we deserved in trump the worst garbage to ever cross the WH door?

The Deep State rules so the presidency doesn't matter...it's just a figurehead position...the face of the franchise that is USA.INC, a foreign owned corporation that has remained bankrupted since March of 1933. Any president that has sneak in to try and right the ship like JFK (and even Jimmy Carter to a certain extent) got the same character assassination put on them like Trump is getting now. Trump said "NO" to the TPP, he said "NO" to open borders" he said "NO" to un-vetted muslim refugees. Trump is being persecuted for keeping his word. Sorry that you can't see that, Edds but the reality of what we really face is coming at us at breakneck speed because that is always the end result when you have a debt based fiat curency system where the "controllers" that have the control over the printing press of Fed notes can buy up hard
assets for debt notes with no intrinsic value. I know a lot of things, Edds and the picture is very clear to me.

Example, tonight I am in Pittsburgh even though I was suppose to fly out early evening but traffic was backed up so bad for a fucking HOCKEY game pre-party that there was no way I could turn in my rental car, turn in my luggage and make my way through security in time. So, I found a hotel close to the airport and I decided to turn on the big screen TV and click through the channels to see what was being said about Comey's lame testimony today and as I was surfing channels? Here is what I found.......some fucking reality show about trophy wives bickering with each other, a show about some woman that posts videos of her breast feeding and the guy host that is interviewing her is wearing fake boobs, a nasty adult cartoon. a show about adult men playing with their cars to "drag race"....on and on it goes. The more awake I become, the more I see the shit being shoved on us. I finally came across CNN and it was just as pathetic as I imagined it would be...the spin, the lies, the conjectures and innuendos. It makes me ashamed to even acknowledge that I was born here because there is very little to be proud of.
LOL Want to get really sick ?? Check out FOX
I watched both CNN and Fox. Fox, except Shepard Smith gave opinion on both sides from Democrats to Conservative opinion. Not CNN...all Liberal although I only saw a couple of hours. Shepard Smith was all liberal talking points.

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