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I'd Rather Be A Gun Nut Than A Control Freak

So there are only the choices of being either a gun nut or a control freak?

Just Be a Baptist NRA member and be both ;)

Lol! No, I was just using the Gun nut reference to make my point. Atleast your reply made me chuckle though. The thread is not really about Gun control obviously, its for pointing out that the left is mostly made up of control Freaks.

Well now that depends on what you want to control.

Birth control?
Gay marriage?
Religion in govt? (both sides on this one, one for and the other against)
The environment?
Bare boobie
other nations?

Well I did post the Words "left wing control Freaks" a few times in there. I am not going to say that they do not exist on both sides of the polítical spectrum. I will say the left is much moreyo prone to it than the right. Especially in the realm of economics.
Granny all in favor of gun control - long as dey don't take her gun...
Report: White House mulls broader approach to gun control
6 Jan.`13 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is weighing a far broader approach to curbing U.S. gun violence than just reinstating a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, the Washington Post reported on Sunday.
A working group led by Vice President Joseph Biden is seriously considering measures that would require universal background checks for gun buyers and track the movement and sale of weapons through a national database, the newspaper said. The measures would also strengthen mental health checks and stiffen penalties for carrying guns near schools or giving them to minors, the Post said. The approach is backed by law enforcement leaders, it said.

President Barack Obama assigned Biden the job of designing the strategy after the massacre at a Newtown, Connecticut, elementary school last month that killed 20 children and six adults. To sell such changes, the White House is developing strategies to work around the National Rifle Association (NRA), the powerful gun lobby. They include rallying support from Wal-Mart Stores Inc and other gun retailers for measures that would benefit their businesses, the Post said.


The White House has been in contact with advisers to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a gun control advocate who could emerge as a surrogate for the administration's agenda, the paper said. The Post cited several people involved in the administration's talks on gun control for its story. They included Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, and Chuck Wexler, executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum.

The White House had no immediate comment on the Post story. A White House spokesman told the newspaper that Biden's group was in the middle of its review and had not decided on its final recommendations. The NRA has successfully lobbied federal lawmakers to stop major new gun restrictions since a 1994 assault weapons ban, which expired in 2004. The ban also prohibited ammunition magazines holding more than 10 rounds.

Well now that depends on what you want to control. Birth control?

Avail it to everyone with the ability to reproduce, no parental consent needed.

Gay marriage?

Let 'em.

Religion in govt? (both sides on this one, one for and the other against)

I don't get it. Government officials can or can't be religious? Who cares?

The environment?
Bare boobies?

What about 'em?

I recommend not controlling people or depriving them of their life, liberty or property unless by due process.
Granny says, "Dat's right - A true American an' patriot...
CO Sheriff: “I Will Protect Constitutional Rights…With My Dying Breath”
January 8, 2013 - Sheriff Ronald B. Bruce has been the Sheriff of Hinsdale County in Colorado since his election in 2007. He contacted Freedom Outpost to let us know that he stands with Sheriff Scott Berry of Georgia and will not take his business to others who will discriminate against law abiding citizens in selling semi-automatic rifles, but stated unashamedly that with his dying breath he will protect current and existing Constitutional rights of those who elected him.
Bruce has been the Sheriff of Hinsdale County for the past six years. Prior to that he served in the Arizona Department of Public Safety’s Highway Patrol. He retired as a State Trooper, having served 28 years. Sheriff Bruce wrote to me following the story on Sheriff Berry, “I’m on board with the Georgia Sheriff. If we learn of any of our suppliers that normally sold to civilians and are now discontinuing such sales, they too have lost our business.”

That’s not all, Bruce had already taken initiative by closing an account his office had with online retailer Cheaper Than Dirt. He wrote, “We cancelled our account with Cheaper Than Dirt after they quickly almost doubled their price for .223/5.56 and .308/7.62mm ammunition. They also suspended all “assault” type firearms sales to re-evaluate their position on this…read, figure how much they could get away with in the escalation of their prices for semi-auto carbines.”

Bruce was referencing the pull of the sell of all firearms following the Sandy Hook Shooting. Cheaper Than Dirt finally opened sales back up to handguns, including semi-automatics, and rifles, but are no longer offering the semi-automatic rifles such as the AR-15. Dick’s Sporting Goods, which are way over priced if you ask me, went all out of their way to hide a page which featured a Bushmaster AR-15 “out of respect for the victims and their families” and had even suspended sales of modern rifles. Out of respect for victims and families you hide a product on your website and stop selling certain ones for a period of time? That’s not respect, it’s trying to be politically correct.

While Cheaper Than Dirt has brought back the sale of handguns and shotguns, even semi-automatics in both varieties, they have not brought back semi-automatic rifles such as the AR styles they carried before. They do carry accessories and ammunition for these weapons, but they are anything but “cheap.” Sheriff Bruce is a giving sheriff. He informed me that, “We are a very strong pro-2nd Amendment Sheriff’s Office. I and my staff are currently the only certified CHP instructors in the county and offer the classes free to any county resident.” Bruce told Freedom Outpost that approximately 50% of the legal adult citizens in his county have obtained their concealed carry permits.

Read more: CO Sheriff: “I Will Protect Constitutional Rights…With My Dying Breath”
Uncle Joe says Obama gonna use Executive Orders to act on guns if he has to...
Obama Will Act on Guns, Can Use Executive Orders
January 9, 2013 - Vice President Joe Biden told reporters at the White House on Wednesday that President Obama is going to take action on gun control and that he can do it through "executive orders."
“I want it clear to the American public that on behalf of the president we are reaching out to all parties, on whatever side of this debate you fall," said Biden. "But the president is going to act," he said.

"There are executive orders, executive action, that can be taken. We haven’t decided what that is yet. But we’re compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and all the rest of the cabinet members--as well as legislative action we believe is required.”

President Barack Obama appointed Biden to head a task force to put together options for the federal actions on firearms. Obama made the move following the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. The group is set to make recommendations to Obama by the end of January.


See also:

Anti-Gun Groups At White House: Question Isn’t Whether New Gun Laws Would Have Prevented Newtown
January 9, 2013 – After meeting with Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday, a leading gun- control activist said there was consensus on bringing back the assault weapons ban and beefing up background checks, but that the discussion over new restrictions was not about what would prevent another mass shooting.
“So, that’s not the question: Would the things we’re discussing have prevented Newtown? The question is: How many lives of the things we are discussing inevitably save?” Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, told CNSNews.com during a press conference. Gross, flanked by a group of people who either survived shootings or lost family members to gun violence, spoke to reporters Wednesday after the meeting with Biden. The vice president was charged with leading a task force to present gun-control proposals to President Obama before the State of the Union address. The Wednesday meeting included Attorney General Eric Holder. “They weren’t specific but they did talk about their willingness to use executive action,” Gross said.

On Thursday, Biden will meet with pro-Second Amendment advocates, including representatives of the National Rifle Association. A renewed call for gun-control measures ensued after the Newtown, Conn. elementary school shooting in which a gunman killed 20 children, mostly kindergarteners, with emphasis on a bill by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) to ban certain automatic weapons. CNSNews.com asked about the effectiveness of gun-control proposals. “One of the issues that have come up is whether the Feinstein assault weapons ban, for example, would have prevented the tragedies that have happened over the last few years.”

Gross said the administration was looking at all solutions. “To us, that’s one of really the great values of this task force,” Gross said. “In addition to really demonstrating the administration’s leadership on this, it takes all of the solutions that are being discussed and puts them in the context of what can we do to save the most possible lives, not just to prevent any one tragedy.”

“When you think about the historical arc on this issue, the fact that public sentiment, as powerful as it’s been around some of the tragedies as represented by the people you see here, its inevitably faded too quickly and I think one of the reasons it has faded too quickly is because the solutions discussed are discussed only in the context of what could have been done to prevent a single tragedy and a single tragedy that usually isn’t typical of the kind of gun violence that happens every day in our country,” Gross continued. “So, that’s not the question: Would the things we’re discussing have prevented Newtown? The question is: How many lives of the things we are discussing [more gun control] inevitably save?”

Yes leftists love to call anyone that believes our 2nd amendment rights are essential in preserving our rights & liberties "Gun Nuts". When you see these unreasonable and illogical, pathetic losers, who have nothing but lies and appeals to emotion to back their freedom-killing philosophy using that Word to describe your patriotic fellow countrymen and Women, let them know exactly what they are...Control Freaks.

And it's not just to have a catchy insult to hurl at the left, No it's a FACT that They're CONTROL FREAKS. We can see it in their thread titles throughout the day. They want" Gun Control, Birth Control, Even Controls on how much monetary success an individual can make ,and anything else in life that may cause them to have to take personal responsibility.. they want CONTROLS on it, they want to be taken care of. Why, because they are cowards and failures at life, and they feel they NEED to be told what
to do, they need to be taken Care of by the state, and you could give them all the evidence in the World that if they would apply themselves and stop thinking Theyre victims instead of slackers who aren't applying themselves, and if they did they could be successful without the government holding their hands.. they wont listen because it's never their faults that they suck at life. No, theyve been taught since grade school all the way through college the philosophy of victimhood, discontent, and blaming others for their lot in life.

There are successful leftist Control Freaks, these would be your "Intellectuals", College Students, especially those in Ivy Leagues, College Professors, especially those in Ivy Leagues Other teachers, education administrators, and education policymakers Journalists and Media personalities.

These are THE BIG FISH of the Control Freak "community". These people are extremely arrogant, egotistical, and believe that the World should be controlled by them alone, for everything that looks good on paper and was concoted by them or Karl Marx and other proven failure Egg heads on the left, the socialist utopía can be achieved. Doesnt matter to these self-important Control Freaks that every time it is tried it's failed and failed miserably. These Control Freaks are usually responsible & well off and believe if ONLY everybody would just bow down and submit to their ideological will, the World could be made perfect, and the scourges of Human nature, such as greed and prejudice, can be eradicated. Never mind they have been tweaking their failed worldview since Marx and it still fails. They seek to socially experiment on our children and groups, they want to start early feeding the youth's minds with their nonsensical theories and will even go as far as encouraging bullying, peer pressure and shaming language to manipulate them into becoming a supporter of their collective. Like all totalitarians do.

They seek out the second Group of unwitting Control Freaks. The Victim Class Control Freaks.

The Victim Class Control Freaks are made up mostly by the following groups:
Blacks, Latinos, and other “minorities”, Senior Citizens, The poor and middle class, especially those who live in urban areas, Feminists, and Environmentalists.
Now I already know what you Intellectual Control Freaks are going to say in response to that list.- That's racist and sexist and ageist, whatever 'ist you can think of. Just keep that to yourself because nothing I am about to say could be labeled as such if Youre a reasonable person.

These are the people that vote for the Democratic Party. This Group is made up of people with the mindset that they have been wronged by world in some way and their voting habits are fueled by fear, anger, resentment, malcontent, envy, jealousy, and yes greed and revenge. In some cases, they may have legitimate complaints, such as Black Americans, I happen to be black, but I am definitely not a Victim Class Control Freak. Unfortunately the VCCF's blame conservatives, rich people who dont vote for the Democratic Party for their lot in life being what it is..instead of going after the ones who stoked the flames of discontent and the sense of being a second class citizens in the first place. The Intellectual Control Freaks.

The ICF's need to have a victim class to sew the seeds of discontent in order to gain votes, and thus get elected and try to "Bring It All Down Meeeyaaaaaaannnn!", meaning Bring down the capitalist system. So they point at the rich, or their favorite boogie Man, The Republicans.

It's quite hilarious when you think about it, The ICF's in the Democrat Party claimed Republicans are fear mongering using an actual threat, Terrorism... And claim they never use fear mongering tactics, what was the "war on Women" but a completly BOGUS fear mongering tactic and it worked. The ICF's tell the female VCCF's the Republicans wanted "war" on Women's reproductive rights. Obama claimed to the senior citizen VCCF'S that Romney woul"destroy" Social Security, Obama, being the ICF supreme overlord that he is told latino VCCF's that Republicans are their "enemies" and that they needed to vote to "punish your enemies"! Who is doing the fear mongering again?

And now on to the black VCCF's... Obama barely had to anything to say to them, my people vote so monolithically for the Democrats, why waste time addressing their concerns when 90% of you are in the bag no matter what for the Dems. Youve voted yourselves out of representation, Youre so predictable that youll vote Dem they dont Care to pay you any
Smarten up brothers and sisters, start voting anything BUT Democrat Party, because youve been duped and Youre being ignored. Have things truly gotten Better for blak folks economically or has the high incarceration rates went down for example, since blacks have been voting Democrat. Are we really that easy, just give us an Obama phone and food stamps maybe offer to steal rich folks money and give it to you and we are Fine? Pshhh, this is what Happens when we let our nation's young be influenced by left wing Intellectual Control Freaks.

And these ICF's in academia are the most racist and demeaning people on earth and brothers and sisters, they actually have the gall to tell black folks that theyre too stupid to learn how properly speak the english language and label ghetto uneducated and ignorant talk an official language called "Ebonics". I just plain do not see how my people do not get angry, but instead almost seem appreciative of being told the bar had to be lowered in order for them to succeed in school and they, rather than try to get black children up to par so they can get good jobs in the future, they say give them a name for their ignorant slang speak because we dont want to offend them! *spit*

So yeah, I'd rather be a Gun Nut than a Control Freak or a control freak's victim. Thank you very much!


Fact remains, however, that answering extremism with extremism is never the solution. Instead, be a rational person. THAT is always the best option.
Yes leftists love to call anyone that believes our 2nd amendment rights are essential in preserving our rights & liberties "Gun Nuts". When you see these unreasonable and illogical, pathetic losers, who have nothing but lies and appeals to emotion to back their freedom-killing philosophy using that Word to describe your patriotic fellow countrymen and Women, let them know exactly what they are...Control Freaks.
They have nothing but mindless, reactionary, irrational, emotion-based arguments, designed to appeal to those who cannot think for themselves.

This is why none of them stick around very long in a debate regarding gun control.
You couldnt have read it, I just barely posted it. But thanks Lone Laughter.. im sure Youre just being snarky but Ill still take the compliment. So are you going to rebutt or just do the cowardly Drive-by reply
I really want to see what youve got to say seriously about what I said. Because I believe it to be true.

You must be joking. You made no sense with that shit. Trying to plod through your childlike writing style is not something you'll get me to do.
I made plenty of sense. Youre taking the coward Route I see... Kind of disappointing because I saw your postings in the david Gregory thread. Apparently youre not the exception to the rule.

I wouldn't worry whether it makes sense to one of the VCCF's at this juncture. Nothing that even nears the truth, or might make them wake up and smell the powder ever makes sense to them. If it hasn't been issued in 3d grade cartoon form, in small words and simple sentences by their ICF masters, they won't get it.
This is a rational solution, thanks to our founding fathers.


Except that never actually happens.

For instance, Arizona is a Concealed Carry State, but no one pulled out a gun to stop Loughner's rampage.

As a matter of fact, by the time someone had shown up with a gun to help, unarmed people had disarmed Loughner when he stopped to reload, and the person who showed up ALMOST shot one of the good Samaritans.

Joe Zamudio and the Gabrielle Giffords shooting: How an armed hero nearly shot the wrong man. - Slate Magazine

But before we embrace Zamudio's brave intervention as proof of the value of being armed, let's hear the whole story. "I came out of that store, I clicked the safety off, and I was ready," he explained on Fox and Friends. "I had my hand on my gun. I had it in my jacket pocket here. And I came around the corner like this." Zamudio demonstrated how his shooting hand was wrapped around the weapon, poised to draw and fire. As he rounded the corner, he saw a man holding a gun. "And that's who I at first thought was the shooter," Zamudio recalled. "I told him to 'Drop it, drop it!' "

But the man with the gun wasn't the shooter. He had wrested the gun away from the shooter. "Had you shot that guy, it would have been a big, fat mess," the interviewer pointed out.

Zamudio agreed:
I was very lucky. Honestly, it was a matter of seconds. Two, maybe three seconds between when I came through the doorway and when I was laying on top of [the real shooter], holding him down. So, I mean, in that short amount of time I made a lot of really big decisions really fast. … I was really lucky.
Talk about restricting ABORTION THOUGH

those same gun control freaks FREAKS OUT..

scratch a liberal find a fascist
Talk about restricting ABORTION THOUGH

those same gun control freaks FREAKS OUT..

scratch a liberal find a fascist

Guns can be outlawed. And they probably should be.

Abortions can't be. And it would never be a good idea to.

Again, Abortion is completely illegal in the Philippines, and Filipinas have more abortions than American women.

If you guys were really serious about reducing the numbers of abortions, you'd put your money where your mouths are and support universal health care and paid family leave.
Talk about restricting ABORTION THOUGH

those same gun control freaks FREAKS OUT..

scratch a liberal find a fascist

Guns can be outlawed. And they probably should be.

Abortions can't be. And it would never be a good idea to.

Again, Abortion is completely illegal in the Philippines, and Filipinas have more abortions than American women.

If you guys were really serious about reducing the numbers of abortions, you'd put your money where your mouths are and support universal health care and paid family leave.

Yes, I know you really don't care about actually stopping abortions.

You just want to lord your stupid religious beliefs over people.

and the same for you with guns..

You don't fool anyone

My thoughts on Gun Control aren't religious.

It's just a practical matter that I don't think you need them. And frankly, since the Gun Nuts sided with the Plutocrats, they deserve to get spanked.

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