Idaho Governor signs HB71 into law

In addendum : Parents report WORSE mental health in post transition children

That's what happens when parents let their kids spend all their time with a phone in their hand on social media and get convinced by the perverts of the world they are some freak of nature.

Then parents see typical idiot kids that don't know shit about shit and see them trying to create this ridiculous identity phase that all kids normally go through. Now instead of saying "oh stop it. You'll grow out of it" or smacking them on the head and trying to teach them how to be a decent normal kid, they instead encourage this new persona and praise them and tell them "this is who you really are".

Then they dress boys as girls, girls as boys, tell them they are these fictitious pronouns, give them hormone therapy, cut off their dicks and tits and so on.

And act surprised when the kids end up depressed.

God damn this country really needs mr rogers, John Wayne, Lee Marvin, Jesus in it again.
How many genital gender-bender surgeries have been performed on transgender youths in Idaho? Any?
I, too, have been curious to know just how many kids have had their penises or breasts chopped off.

I would be VERY surprised if there have been any.

Nevertheless, giving them hormonal treatments is almost as bad, in my opinion.
How many genital gender-bender surgeries have been performed on transgender youths in Idaho? Any?
This is to get ahead of the potential issue. We are getting an influx of people from liberal
states. Idaho wants to protect its children, not sure anyone should have an issue with that,
unless they had other ideas.
Of all the things you could be concerned about, you chose this. Imagine that.
Sounds like you need a boat ride with a millstone chained around your neck.

"1Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! 2It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. "

OH! Yes, of course, and surely those in school need to not be protected from insane gun-crazy idiots.
Thank you for your concern.

Yeah. How dare someone want to protect kids from wanna-be Frankensteins. I wonder if you would be willing to take a knife and cut a young girl's breasts off or a little boy's private parts. Only a complete monster would even consider it.

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