Idaho Governor signs HB71 into law

OH! Yes, of course, and surely those in school need to not be protected from insane gun-crazy idiots.
Thank you for your concern.
Ironically ... the "insane, gun-crazy idiots" of which you speak are almost always Democrats or some other form of left-wing lunatic. The last one was a mentally deranged trannie.
Again, what part of "There is no comparison to removing excess foreskin and completely removing a female's breasts" did you not understand? Thank you for confirming my subsequent statement that you didn't have the mental acumen to make your point.

Oh, now I'm a Republican? For the past few weeks I've been called a leftist shill and Biden supporter by the MAGAt cult.

I really wish you guys could make up your minds.
You’re the one defending this do nothing law. Sorry if I pegged you as a Republican. I realize that can be very offensive.
People who partake in or support the sex changes of a children will burn in Hell next to the worst of the worst.

God judges sin by damage to innocents.

Stay away from democrats because any support of the democrat pedophile party in this Era will be held against you in the court of God.

Sure, newborn baby boys have their genitals mutilated in hospitals across America. Crazy old religious tradition called circumcision. Does this Idaho law prevent this horrible and unnecessary procedure?
youre dodging the topic,,

is it because youre one of those sick perverts that get off on castrating and mutilating childrens genitals??

circumcision doesnt mutilate or castrate the child,, and its proven to be more hygienic and beneficial
Can a parent choose to cut off a child's legs because they think they are too skinny or too fat?

If someone want to have body altering surgery they should at least be old enough to trusted to legally drink a beer.


What part of that do you not understand????? You cannot have gender changing surgery, until you are an adult. But you need counselling and hormone therapy.
Causing every problem that does exist and doing nothing about them... 2023 mainstream dems.

There are no mainstream dems, today.

Here in NC, just today a state house member from Charlotte! switched parties to become a republican.
Stated that the current Democrat party was unrecognizable to her.
Yes, a her!

Now the Republicans have a Supermajority House and Senate to override any veto our POS governor does.

Pre-Obama: the Democrats controlled State Government for 100 years.
Today Republicans control with a Supermajority.
Normal decent Folks are going to make Democrats a regional party.
I’m not concerned, I’m amused. Waiting for Idaho to ban hunting plesiosaurs in Lake Coeur D’Alene next.
your pethetic deflection is just that,, plesiosaurs arent being hunted in any state,, but children are being castrated and mutilated in other states,,,
Provide your own answer. You're the one talking about how beneficial it is to mutilate newborn baby boys. Do foreskins taste good with a little olive oil and garlic?
it doesnt mutilate them and make them sterile you sick fucking pervert,,
might be why so many non christians are doing it,,
Watch the suicide toll mount. You clowns sure do love killing children. Shooting them, denying them care, refusing to fund their education.

I love how ignorant assholes who never took a medical course in their lives, now know what's best for children they've never met. Better than their doctors and better than their parents.

Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to deny their children life saving blood transfusions, but parents cannot choose gender affirming care for their child.

Your country has gone mad.
How many of these children need gender affirming care?


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