Idaho Governor signs HB71 into law

Great to know that the Republicans are there to save us from non existent problems. How about maybe dealing with issues that actually exist and affect kids like hunger, homelessness, and gun violence?
are you saying people across the country arent trying to castrate or mutilate the genitals of children??
they are just making sure you child abusing perverts dont come their with your sick shit,,,
There are already laws preventing that without consent and counseling.
And your last sentence just confirms the fact that you're a bigot and you have no real interest in protecting children.
It's about tamping down a lifestyle you don't agree with.
if thats true then why are you complaining??
They'd still have to wait till they are 18 to surgically alter their genitalia. Ouch. Now they probably won't be able to seek counsel for their type of dysphoria.

Anyone can seek psychiatric help for any reason they need and that's what their parents should be doing. There simply isn't that many children out there suffering from gender dysphoria. This massive amount of cases that have popped up over the past couple of years is due to influence.
Great to know that the Republicans are there to save us from non existent problems. How about maybe dealing with issues that actually exist and affect kids like hunger, homelessness, and gun violence?

Here's how you address your issues, and they are already out there:

It's called "Parents". It's called the "family" unit. The system is already in place and ready to be utilized.

2. 'Homelessness'
Most "homeless" are drug addicts. Don't start using illicit drugs, and the "crisis" of homelessness would never have happened in the first place.

3. 'Gun violence'
What would you suggest?
are you saying people across the country arent trying to castrate or mutilate the genitals of children??
they are just making sure you child abusing perverts dont come their with your sick shit,,,
Sure, newborn baby boys have their genitals mutilated in hospitals across America. Crazy old religious tradition called circumcision. Does this Idaho law prevent this horrible and unnecessary procedure?
Sure, newborn baby boys have their genitals mutilated in hospitals across America. Crazy old religious tradition called circumcision. Does this Idaho law prevent this horrible and unnecessary procedure?

There are health benefits to circumcision. There is no comparison to removing excess foreskin and completely removing a female's breasts, but you already knew that when you wrote it. You simply don't have the mental acumen to defend your position.
. This massive amount of cases that have popped up over the past couple of years is due to influence.
Which also explains why the authoritarian leftists here support it.

They only understand politics as a team sport and see the grooming of children as arising from their team.
Yeah. How dare someone want to protect kids from wanna-be Frankensteins. I wonder if you would be willing to take a knife and cut a young girl's breasts off or a little boy's private parts. Only a complete monster would even consider it.
I remember when all the lefties were up in arms about circumcising babies.

They sure changed their tune quick.
Here's how you address your issues, and they are already out there:

It's called "Parents". It's called the "family" unit. The system is already in place and ready to be utilized.

2. 'Homelessness'
Most "homeless" are drug addicts. Don't start using illicit drugs, and the "crisis" of homelessness would never have happened in the first place.

3. 'Gun violence'
What would you suggest?
But parents and family can’t be trusted to keep their kids genitalia safe and intact? A law must be passed even before any actual instance occurs?
There are health benefits to circumcision. There is no comparison to removing excess foreskin and completely removing a female's breasts, but you already knew that when you wrote it. You simply don't have the mental acumen to defend your position.
Except circumcision (genital mutilation the right approves of) occurs every day all over the country, but the bs you Republicans obsess over rarely if ever happens at all.
Except circumcision (genital mutilation the right approves of) occurs every day all over the country
Again, what part of "There is no comparison to removing excess foreskin and completely removing a female's breasts" did you not understand? Thank you for confirming my subsequent statement that you didn't have the mental acumen to make your point.

, but the bs you Republicans obsess over rarely if ever happens at all.
Oh, now I'm a Republican? For the past few weeks I've been called a leftist shill and Biden supporter by the MAGAt cult.

I really wish you guys could make up your minds.
In Idaho? :auiqs.jpg:Sure. You may get some from liberal states, but not that many I'd guess.
And it's not like kids are lining up at hospitals in Idaho for gender reassignment surgery.

I'll take, things that aren't major issues in a state for $500 Alex. :)
Isn't Idaho devoid of adequate hospital care?

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