Idaho Moves Forwards to Ban Woke Cancel Culture Racism in American Society

My brother currently resides in Idaho. I used to. Surrounded by Oregon, Washington, Nevada & California it is an island in a sea of dysfunctional idiocy.
It is what America used to be when it wasn't inundated by leftist bullshit.
Yes all white states frown on civil rights for all.
Critical Race Theory is to civil rights what anorexia is to dieting.
It's a harmful destructive extremist form of something that should be good for one but winds up harming and eventually killing whoever gets hooked on the poison of the dogma.

But you're way too stupid to understand.
I don't see why we can't discuss identity politics, as this phenomenon existed in past times and exists in this day. There are and have been white males who have practiced identity politics and continue to do so. PLEASE NOTE: my comment is not an insult to all people who are white and male, people of my family and my friends, who I love every day.
Whatever happened to smaller, less intrusive government?

Or does that only apply when taxes are collected?
That is being less intrusive.

Who the fuck do you think is trying to teach that communist shit? Government schools!!!!

If we could just excute every motherfucking commie, there would be peace in the world.

Tell me about it.

March 3 2020
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.
“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters. › article › us-trump-china-idUSKCN1GG015

Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2019

October 15 2020
At the rally, Trump said of the world leaders: ‘One thing I’ve learnt, President Xi of China’s 100%. Putin of Russia, 100%. Kim Jong-un – by the way what happened to that war we were supposed to be in? – Kim Jong-un of North Korea, 100%.’
'These people are sharp and they are smart". › news › trump-claims-kim-jong-un
Holy non-sequitur TDS rant, Batman.


A conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement

' If we could just excute every motherfucking commie, there would be peace in the world".
"“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

So, your fat, orange, dear leader embraces communist, even wants to be just like them and his cult applaud and cheer.

Comments hit too close to home?

You hate communist, turns out your dear leader is one.
We’re running out of red states as leftist scum flood into new states and illegal thugs invade
Or people are sick of being talked to only about who to fear and hate.

Such ideologies are like a flame that throw great heat, but no light.

People are also sick of conservatives propagating the lie that to oppose rightwing racism is itself somehow ‘racist.’
I get it. Use state government to ban free speech. Why is it that the GOP always wants to ban speech? They did it with discussions about abortion. and now go on with racial issues. Is there anything else that the GOP doesn't want us to talk about?
Telling our kids they are racist and the country is evil and must be changed at every level is hardly what I call appropriate for our children or our country.

The Idaho State Legislature has become the first in the nation to put a bill on a governor's desk that would ban Marxist-based critical race theory from being taught in public schools.

Resistance begins: State bans Marxist critical race theory in public schools
More cancel culture from those white people in power.
Someone got cancelled in Idaho by republicans? Im sure many people have been cancelled there by left, but not by the right.

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