Idaho Republican Bravely Calls Out Hershey's For Its Anti-White Racist Commercials

Are you really this stupid? I'm really thinking you are.
I've explained myself and my thoughts on this, and you keep trying to twist
what I'm saying into something you can whine about. Have at it dude, seems
you want whine, and it's your God given right to. :rolleyes-41:
No, you think she is too stupid to not know what words mean.....

I asked you....what is a "non racist" way to claim a commercial about baking cookies is ruined because black people are in it..and you can't...

But your old ass thinks this dumb bitch has a non-racist explanation??
Only if htey expand it to cover pro-sports too.

I want football to be 60% white. That sounds "Fair".
Campaign on it....advocate for it....

Most people who are true to their beliefs and principles campaign and advocate for what they believe...

Dic suckers like you, languish on messageboards -- because you are too cowardly to ever practice what you preach in the real world
If you saw a commercial marketing a product that you liked...would you not buy that product because it had one too many "darkies" in it??
I notice that you are fond of racially offensive language as s way of provoking a response from whites

The problem for you is that most whites tend to avoid such words and that denies you a favorite bloody shirt to wave
Black people are unquestionably over represented on
By last report, 17% of TV shows, 13% of the population.

Clearly you didn't discern this from watching TV. You just kinda sorta feel it's true.

And this is a rebound from decades of your generation and the prior generation shutting them out. So find a mirror and complain to it, or give yourself credit. Whatever suits your mood.
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"A local Republican “community leader” based in Idaho was blasted recently for a racist since-deleted Tweet complaining about a commercial showing a Black family enjoying the holidays. Lisa Leisy lost it on social media after seeing an old Hershey commercial depicting a Black family reveling in the holiday spirit. As of Sunday, Leisy no longer had her affiliation with Idaho Lt. Gov Janice McGeachin’s gubernatorial campaign -- however it is unclear if she is still affiliated with McGeachin’s campaign.

First reported by Boise State Public Radio, the outlet noted that Leisy had a similar meltdown on her Instagram account over Apple “promoting” Juneteenth. “Guess we’re on our way to be a black nation ahead,” she wrote. “Welcome to the ‘new’ America.”

Ask youyrself -- Why would Hershey make a commercial with only blacks in it?? What are they trying to say?? They are basically proving Ms. Leisy right -- Hersheys and the rest of the corporate globalists are turning America into a darker nation...this is literally what white replacement is all about.. Now the woke-mob are attacking her for her opinions?? Calling her racist?? How is what she said even remotely racist? She is just speaking truth to power.....there are far too many commercials with non-whites in it...why can't we just return our nation back to a more sensible and simpler time??

View attachment 572421
Just the other day I saw a commercial that had a black getting engaged to a was a commercial about insurance for God's sakes...Why do we have to know about their unanatural sexual habits if the commercial is just about insurance?? Just tell us about the insurance and stop forcing your racist anti-American agenda down our throats..This woke culture crap is getting far too out of hand and fortunately people are speaking up....

For those who didn't get a chance to see this hurtful commercial (FROM OVER A FUCKING YEAR AGO) it is....Trigger Warning....

Takes no bravery for her to say what she said. So what if there is a Hershey commercial showing a black family?! Are you all retarded? Pick your battles more carefully. What in the world are you even fighting to achieve?
Campaign on it....advocate for it....

Most people who are true to their beliefs and principles campaign and advocate for what they believe...

Dic suckers like you, languish on messageboards -- because you are too cowardly to ever practice what you preach in the real world

Says the man that started the thread we are both on.
Should Congress pass a law to make sure only 12% of commercials have blacks in it?

We saw the damage it causes racists when they saw just one commercial with blacks in it?

I mean, to be safe....we can always repeal Loving vs Virgina...that can help cut down on all of this interracial family stuff....
View attachment 572452

The more you morons talk the more you make it crystal clear what side you would have been on just 40 or 50 yrs ago.....and what you would do if you ever had an inkling of power to do anything now...
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your anger over mixed race marriage is out of date

Those laws were repealed long ago

"A local Republican “community leader” based in Idaho was blasted recently for a racist since-deleted Tweet complaining about a commercial showing a Black family enjoying the holidays. Lisa Leisy lost it on social media after seeing an old Hershey commercial depicting a Black family reveling in the holiday spirit. As of Sunday, Leisy no longer had her affiliation with Idaho Lt. Gov Janice McGeachin’s gubernatorial campaign -- however it is unclear if she is still affiliated with McGeachin’s campaign.

First reported by Boise State Public Radio, the outlet noted that Leisy had a similar meltdown on her Instagram account over Apple “promoting” Juneteenth. “Guess we’re on our way to be a black nation ahead,” she wrote. “Welcome to the ‘new’ America.”

Ask youyrself -- Why would Hershey make a commercial with only blacks in it?? What are they trying to say?? They are basically proving Ms. Leisy right -- Hersheys and the rest of the corporate globalists are turning America into a darker nation...this is literally what white replacement is all about.. Now the woke-mob are attacking her for her opinions?? Calling her racist?? How is what she said even remotely racist? She is just speaking truth to power.....there are far too many commercials with non-whites in it...why can't we just return our nation back to a more sensible and simpler time??

View attachment 572421
Just the other day I saw a commercial that had a black getting engaged to a was a commercial about insurance for God's sakes...Why do we have to know about their unanatural sexual habits if the commercial is just about insurance?? Just tell us about the insurance and stop forcing your racist anti-American agenda down our throats..This woke culture crap is getting far too out of hand and fortunately people are speaking up....

For those who didn't get a chance to see this hurtful commercial (FROM OVER A FUCKING YEAR AGO) it is....Trigger Warning....

I am also getting sick of seeing all these goddamn Negroes in every commercials and every TV show and movie made nowadays.

I understand her frustration.

We have some demented people in Hollywood nowadays.
Commercials are out there to attract customers to their product. Do you have objections to Black Americans buying products?
Hahaha…yeah go with that…that’s an easy sell.
Because everbody knows black folks buy Subarus fish and go camping.
You lose credibility every time you post shit that indicates your head is in your ass.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your anger over mixed race marriage is out of date

Those laws were repealed long ago
But being upset about seeing "mixed race" couples in commercials is totally not out of date??
Where was the outrage when "Jake" from State Farm transformed into a black guy..? LOL!
By last report, 17% of TV shows, 13% of the population.

Clearly you didn't discern this from watching TV. You just kinda sorta feel it's true.

And thus is a rebound from decades of your generation and the prior generation shutting them out. So find a mirror and complain to it, or give yourself credit. Whatever suits your mood.
TV SHOWS being 17% black may or may not be accurate

But If a visiter from mars knew about America only what he saw watching tv commercials he would think that America was majority black
I am also getting sick of seeing all these goddamn Negroes in every commercials and every TV show and movie made nowadays.

I understand her frustration.

We have some demented people in Hollywood nowadays.
I will excuse the first part of what you said as reactionary hyperbolic bullshit....because there are not "Negroes" in every TV show or movie.....

However.......since you understand her frustration.....what is demented about having black folks in movies and TV?

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