Idaho wants MyPillow CEO to pay for costs to refute his false election fraud claim

Since we are exchanging advice... learn to accept responsibility.

Lindell is a nobody but he had the backing of your orange douche bag and hence his voice was heard. When he made a stink about the "fraudulent" elections and demanded recounts...people had to take him up on it.

But when they found bupkiss...they are demanding he pays for the audit. Only fair, right? Or, would you rather the taxpayers should be liable for Lindell's boneheaded statements? So, first advice...learn to accept responsibility.

Second...Next time, take your own advice and learn to read. Everything I have stated above, you could have found it yourself...if you had, you know, actually learned to read.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
Demand all you like. He'll give you squat.

I should get paid for reading your idiocies in this forum.
LOL, You Trumptards make tall claims and when people ignore you or laugh at you, you claim DEEP STATE.

If people take you seriously and launch an audit and it fails to validate your tall claim FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!

Just like your orange douche bag. Do you retards ever take responsibility for your actions?
Let us know when Lindell pays them a dime.
After MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely claimed election fraud occurred in Idaho, Secretary of State officials audited three counties to disprove that claim. Now, the state plans to send Lindell a bill.

Idaho Chief Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck confirmed to the Idaho Statesman that the office plans to bill the CEO for the costs associated with auditing the three counties, a total estimated at about $6,500. Houck announced the bill on CNN on Thursday.

In Idaho, former President Donald Trump handily won in the 2020 presidential election with 63.8% of the votes. But Lindell, in a widely circulated document titled “The Big Lie,” alleged that presidential election results in all 44 Idaho counties were electronically manipulated to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden.

Lindell is an absolute moron.

And he was advising Trump to declare martial law in January.

My God
After MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely claimed election fraud occurred in Idaho, Secretary of State officials audited three counties to disprove that claim. Now, the state plans to send Lindell a bill.

Idaho Chief Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck confirmed to the Idaho Statesman that the office plans to bill the CEO for the costs associated with auditing the three counties, a total estimated at about $6,500. Houck announced the bill on CNN on Thursday.

In Idaho, former President Donald Trump handily won in the 2020 presidential election with 63.8% of the votes. But Lindell, in a widely circulated document titled “The Big Lie,” alleged that presidential election results in all 44 Idaho counties were electronically manipulated to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden.

The Sec of State ordered the audits, not Lindell. So why should he have to pay for them?
And you retards vandalized and torched our Capitol building, tried to kidnap legislatures, and if you had caught the VP - a member of your own party, no less - you would have hanged him. All this because your orange douche bag lost the election and did not want to admit being a loser.

This is the Republican party that supposedly stands for law, order, and taking responsibility for one's actions. Thanks for calling me witty and I wish I could return the compliment but unfortunately, you are a moron. But, I will admit, that you along with the rest of your party, are hypocrites. Let me know if you are still confused.

They were going to hang Pence! It’s True! I saw a real gallows with a noose and everything on the interwebs!
The Deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein appointed Mueller due to overwhelming pressure from Chucky baby and the media, based on frabricated and nonexistent evidence. The DOJ, FBI, members of the Senate, and House assisted in obstructing justice in an attempted coup. But how does this stain have anything to do with the CEO of my pillow requesting validation of the vote in 2020 as it regarded legitimacy of the votes cast pursuant to the laws of the state of Idaho?
Bullshit. Rosenstein didn't answer to Schumer or the media. Just man up and admit you're full of shit when you post such obvious lies.

As far as pillow guy, whose symposium self-destruction on a national stage... I don't believe they have a case for listening to an idiot.
If I said a triangle has four sides, could I be sued? How about if I said you had a brain?

Fucking moron, you're a nobody so nobody cares when you lie. But if you were a somebody and lied, say about Dominion being an Argentinian company which switched votes from Trump to Biden, then yes, you could be sued for defamation.
Depends on the damage of what you said

Lindell caused extensive damage.
He will pay
No it doesn't, you witless turd. No one caused more damage than Biden. CNN has told more news than every Republican politician put together.

Fucking moron, you're a nobody so nobody cares when you lie. But if you were a somebody and lied, say about Dominion being an Argentinian company which switched votes from Trump to Biden, then yes, you could be sued for defamation.
So it only applies to the rich and powerful?

You keep on proving that you're just a sleazy lying piece of shit.
Lindell will just laugh if this happens; it's idiocy.
Maybe. But what is true is that, other than trumptards, everyone laughs at Lindell! That guy is a gift that keeps on giving!
No it doesn't, you witless turd. No one caused more damage than Biden. CNN has told more news than every Republican politician put together.
Oh….for crying out loud
Your posts are getting so childish
$500 should cover it. Furthermore, should I be reimbursed for the riots? Should i be forced to pay for them? Why?
What's with all these questions? Do some research instead of expecting to be spoonfed. Goodluck. :itsok:
Demand all you like. He'll give you squat.

I should get paid for reading your idiocies in this forum.
Awww...did I tax your itty-bitty brain with my words? My sympathies. Guess you are not used to intelligent responses. Go back to brightfart or wherever else you came from.
After MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely claimed election fraud occurred in Idaho, Secretary of State officials audited three counties to disprove that claim. Now, the state plans to send Lindell a bill.

Idaho Chief Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck confirmed to the Idaho Statesman that the office plans to bill the CEO for the costs associated with auditing the three counties, a total estimated at about $6,500. Houck announced the bill on CNN on Thursday.

In Idaho, former President Donald Trump handily won in the 2020 presidential election with 63.8% of the votes. But Lindell, in a widely circulated document titled “The Big Lie,” alleged that presidential election results in all 44 Idaho counties were electronically manipulated to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden.

Official audits are not to be trusted. GA. and AZ. have proven that. Next.

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