Ideas for a movie or tv sitcoms

A dog like McGruff but is a real detective that wears the coat and hat and types at an old style typewriter and is named McGriff. He uses his sense of smell and doglike cunning to find animal criminals and has a cat for a sidekick named Cutter. They take cases from other animals like kidnapping, murders, embezzlement, crapping on the lawn, unrolling the toilet paper, chewing a hole in the couch, etc just like a human detective. Whenever they are out on a case McGriff pisses on fire hydrants in the area and Cutter chases squirrels who are the informants among the animals. Sometimes Cutter has to get tough with a squirrel to get him to talk. Sometimes he meets back up with McGriff with fur in his mouth.
A group of 23rd century space farers take off for adventure in their faster-than-light starship throughout the galaxy where all the women are sexy and wear only 3 inch skirts and the captain boinks all the female aliens.
The Big Bang Theory

Here's an idea. A group of four inhibited, backward nerds who never leave their apartment and can't do anything but play video games on their sofa somehow all find beautiful, talented, outgoing, successful women to marry and provide enough comedy and adventure to hold an audience's interest for eleven seasons! Except for the one token Indian astrophysicist who never gets any girls, never gets any good lines, until he finally storms off in disgust!

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