Ideas for fixing minimum wage.

For the life of me I can't figure out why we don't just tie minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index or something. Have it adjust yearly and leave it alone.

We COULD attach it to Gross Domestic Product, give everyone "skin in the game" so to say.

We COULD attach it to some measurement of Board of Directors pay/reimbursement packages for humorous effect.

Where would my first idea about the Consumer Price Index go wrong or is there a better measure?

For the life of me I can't figure out why we don't just tie minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index or something.

For the life of me I can't figure out why we don't just eliminate the minimum wage.
How about government pass a minimum wage requirement for government jobs and leave private business to set their own standards and compete? I’m open to setting standards on large corporations that control marketplaces and employ a large amount of citizens however I don’t think small businesses should be regulated in the same way.

That's interesting. Big business has a way of making us all pay for their continued success. Ask Amazon.

Where would you draw the lines? 50 employees? A million in revenue? I'll assume we have rules to get around the tricks of a company running itself as multiple corporations.

"Big business has a way of making us all pay for their continued success"

See, this is where you get it ass-backwards. They don't make us pay for anything, it's our choice for what we buy and at what price. We can choose to buy something at Amazon, or Walmart, or anywhere else, or not to buy it at all if we do not believe we are getting enough value for our money. Big business is successful if and only if they provide us with what we want at a price we are willing to pay. That is why competition is so important, we get more choices and better value for what we want.

Same deal with labor, as an employee I can decide whether or not to work for somebody or not at whatever wage they are offering. If necessary, I can work there and gain the experience needed to get a better paying job elsewhere and move up the income ladder. The M-Wage is supposed to be low-skill, entry-level jobs, it's not supposed to be a way of life and if you so choose not to make the effort to increase your the value of your skills and labor then that's on you. I see no reason to automatically increase your pay to keep up with inflation, that is also on you. Why is it that you and many other lib/dems will not take the personal responsibility for your decisions?

Its a trick of words. you already set minimum wage at this or that % of what it costs to live. Also during our lives they have revisited this several times always resetting it partially.

Really with big business making us pay, I was referencing how municipalities and states pay for corporate headquarters and this or that just like football stadiums.

You kinda skirted the argument there, nice evasion. The politicians set the M-Wage according to politics, none of them give a flying fuck about the people who will lose their jobs or benefits as a result. Do you realize that whenever you raise the M-Wage, whether it's done automatically or not, you are incentivizing businesses to automate jobs out of existence? Or they cut the hours worked, or they cut the benefits, or they move to another place where the labor is cheaper, or they raise their prices to cover the higher costs of labor. And if they can't do any of these things successfully then they go out of business, and everybody loses then. You get that, right?

This isn't a question of a study done somewhere, this is plain economics, supply and demand that everyone should understand. Our domestic companies have to compete with foreign businesses that can make stuff in their country, ship it here, and STILL sell it for less than what we can make it here. Even though the shipping costs are getting higher and higher, and people like you want to make the situation even worse. Reality is a bitch dude, there are consequences to raising the M-Wage that simply cannot be ignored.
For the life of me I can't figure out why we don't just tie minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index or something. Have it adjust yearly and leave it alone.

We COULD attach it to Gross Domestic Product, give everyone "skin in the game" so to say.

We COULD attach it to some measurement of Board of Directors pay/reimbursement packages for humorous effect.

Where would my first idea about the Consumer Price Index go wrong or is there a better measure?
seems like a good measure. the minimum wage should be indexed to something so it is more automatic than the whim of Congress.

And, we could be raising more tax revenue with a higher minimum wage.

And, higher paid labor creates more in demand.

Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed solves Labor's problem.

Means tested welfare can cover the rest.

And, higher paid labor creates more in demand.

Exactly! When the cost of labor is increased from $7.25 to $15.00, employers demand more of it....DERP!
How about government pass a minimum wage requirement for government jobs and leave private business to set their own standards and compete? I’m open to setting standards on large corporations that control marketplaces and employ a large amount of citizens however I don’t think small businesses should be regulated in the same way.

That's interesting. Big business has a way of making us all pay for their continued success. Ask Amazon.

Where would you draw the lines? 50 employees? A million in revenue? I'll assume we have rules to get around the tricks of a company running itself as multiple corporations.
I could give you an answer but if I’m being honest, I would be pulling it out of my ass. If I was really part of molding a solution to this then I would have to analyze the finances and operations for many business in many industries from many different areas. There isn’t an easy solution. But big picture is to help promote the small business owner running a “mom and pop shop or start up while holding the larger corporations who make millions and control a larger share of the marketplace to a higher responsibility.

Thanks for the questions
The obvious fix is to get rid of the minimum wage altogether. Individuals should be free to set the the price for their labor.

Allow low skilled workers to be exploited because they can't do anything about it

Might makes right

Tiresome bilge water, bub.

Here's what you pea-green with envy progs fail to realize: minimum wage jobs have low economic value for a reason. Those who take them get more than money; they gain skills, experience and a work ethic. But you would rather deny people these benefits and turn them into wards of the state.

Employers make a profit off of every employee

If an employer is unable to remain in business without paying substandard wages, he does not belong in business
Its not ideal I would admit.

Our labor situation seems soo much more settled than during the Industrial Revolution. How would it be different this time around?
Nothing is ideal...Perfection cannot be an option.

It would be different this time around because information is much more readily available, as is personal mobility....Far too many of the MW arguments center around the fallacious argument that people are in low-level entry-level jobs as a career, and are deserving of remuneration that should set them up to support a family.
The obvious fix is to get rid of the minimum wage altogether. Individuals should be free to set the the price for their labor.

Allow low skilled workers to be exploited because they can't do anything about it

Might makes right

Tiresome bilge water, bub.

Here's what you pea-green with envy progs fail to realize: minimum wage jobs have low economic value for a reason. Those who take them get more than money; they gain skills, experience and a work ethic. But you would rather deny people these benefits and turn them into wards of the state.

Employers make a profit off of every employee

If an employer is unable to remain in business without paying substandard wages, he does not belong in business

There is no such thing as substandard wages. That is a Prog Concept used to pervert the marketplace for labor.
Small businesses shouldn't have a minimum wage, but government should pump it up to 15, while corporations should have a 15 hour wage because they can afford it.

Which small businesses can't afford a $15.00/hr minimum wage?

The concept of a minimum wage hurts small businesses much more than large corporations
That's fine. better to do it regular like instead of unpredictably every decade or so,

Their has to be a reason why you want I raised, it's obvious you don't make minimum wage


Efficiency is a thing. The debate is being made again about readjusting to it. If we had just fixed it to CPI or whatever last time America would be more efficient.

You are arguing to make it more efficient to do something that is really stupid. Should we make it more efficient to start a war? How about more efficient to raise your taxes, I'm guessing you might like that one.

Minimum wage is this or that ratio or percentage to CPI. Unemployment is 3%. Where is the harm in fixing minimum wage there? I think we are just as likely to screw it up too high or to low every ten or fifteen years and would just like to set it.

You will never admit the game is to prevent blue States from losing jobs

Admit it.


I don't under
Its not ideal I would admit.

Our labor situation seems soo much more settled than during the Industrial Revolution. How would it be different this time around?
Nothing is ideal...Perfection cannot be an option.

It would be different this time around because information is much more readily available, as is personal mobility....Far too many of the MW arguments center around the fallacious argument that people are in low-level entry-level jobs as a career, and are deserving of remuneration that should set them up to support a family.

I could care less about their careers. That is a debate for another topic. I just don't want to pay Congressmen to debate how much to raise it every 10 or 15 years, raise it, then it lowers itself, then raise it again.

Minimum wage is there as a redistribution tool. America has been down this road before when moving to the wild and braving the natives was better than conditions in the Industrial Revolution. Myself, I don' think the human condition has changed that much. When things get changed by more than 3% it disrupts the system.
For the life of me I can't figure out why we don't just tie minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index or something. Have it adjust yearly and leave it alone.

We COULD attach it to Gross Domestic Product, give everyone "skin in the game" so to say.

We COULD attach it to some measurement of Board of Directors pay/reimbursement packages for humorous effect.

Where would my first idea about the Consumer Price Index go wrong or is there a better measure?
A minimum wage would for the most part only effect low skilled workers, and in the age of AI, a large number of these jobs could be eliminated by smart machines. The only reason these jobs exist at all now is that they cost less than the machines. A minimum wage of any significance would cost low skilled workers their jobs and create new jobs for higher skilled workers that design and build smart machines. The lesson here is forget about these political slogans about a minimum wage and encourage each worker to create his own minimum wage by acquiring higher paying skills.

Eliminate the economic advantage of smart machines by eliminating tax incentives.
Small businesses shouldn't have a minimum wage, but government should pump it up to 15, while corporations should have a 15 hour wage because they can afford it.

Which small businesses can't afford a $15.00/hr minimum wage?

The concept of a minimum wage hurts small businesses much more than large corporations

That doesn't answer the question.

30% of small business owners make no salary, but they owe 1/3rd more to workers???

Big Boss, Small Salary: Study Finds Most Business Owners Earn Less
The obvious fix is to get rid of the minimum wage altogether. Individuals should be free to set the the price for their labor.

Allow low skilled workers to be exploited because they can't do anything about it

Might makes right

Tiresome bilge water, bub.

Here's what you pea-green with envy progs fail to realize: minimum wage jobs have low economic value for a reason. Those who take them get more than money; they gain skills, experience and a work ethic. But you would rather deny people these benefits and turn them into wards of the state.

Employers make a profit off of every employee

If an employer is unable to remain in business without paying substandard wages, he does not belong in business

Your ideals on minimum wage will hurt small businesses, not big businesses.
For the life of me I can't figure out why we don't just tie minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index or something. Have it adjust yearly and leave it alone.

We COULD attach it to Gross Domestic Product, give everyone "skin in the game" so to say.

We COULD attach it to some measurement of Board of Directors pay/reimbursement packages for humorous effect.

Where would my first idea about the Consumer Price Index go wrong or is there a better measure?
A minimum wage would for the most part only effect low skilled workers, and in the age of AI, a large number of these jobs could be eliminated by smart machines. The only reason these jobs exist at all now is that they cost less than the machines. A minimum wage of any significance would cost low skilled workers their jobs and create new jobs for higher skilled workers that design and build smart machines. The lesson here is forget about these political slogans about a minimum wage and encourage each worker to create his own minimum wage by acquiring higher paying skills.

Eliminate the economic advantage of smart machines by eliminating tax incentives.
There is no tax incentive to replace low skilled workers with smart machines.
I could care less about their careers. That is a debate for another topic. I just don't want to pay Congressmen to debate how much to raise it every 10 or 15 years, raise it, then it lowers itself, then raise it again.

Minimum wage is there as a redistribution tool. America has been down this road before when moving to the wild and braving the natives was better than conditions in the Industrial Revolution. Myself, I don' think the human condition has changed that much. When things get changed by more than 3% it disrupts the system.
Tell me how price fixing -the kind that would get me sued if it were done in the private sector- is supposed to help the situation.
For the life of me I can't figure out why we don't just tie minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index or something. Have it adjust yearly and leave it alone.

We COULD attach it to Gross Domestic Product, give everyone "skin in the game" so to say.

We COULD attach it to some measurement of Board of Directors pay/reimbursement packages for humorous effect.

Where would my first idea about the Consumer Price Index go wrong or is there a better measure?
seems like a good measure. the minimum wage should be indexed to something so it is more automatic than the whim of Congress.

And, we could be raising more tax revenue with a higher minimum wage.

And, higher paid labor creates more in demand.

Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed solves Labor's problem.

Means tested welfare can cover the rest.

And, higher paid labor creates more in demand.

Exactly! When the cost of labor is increased from $7.25 to $15.00, employers demand more of it....DERP!
Eventually. The Minimum wage is still the Minimum wage. And, higher paid labor pays more in payroll tax.
Which small businesses can't afford a $15.00/hr minimum wage?
Only the ones that were forced to close their doors in Seattle, when they foolishly mandated it.
nobody cried when corporate raiders were raiding pension funds.

We have a First World economy. Cheap labor is not an option. We can't compete on Labor with the less developed world.

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