Ideological Twins: Reid & Gosnell


Sep 23, 2010
Rather than a nation governed by laws, the United States is now a nation governed by a hate-filled president, media propaganda, questionable judicial rulings, tax dollar funded political agendas, executive orders, bureaucratic arrogance, and international pressures.

Irrespective of obvious governing factors media stooges repeatedly tell us that America is a nation of laws. The lie is told to cover for Democrats whenever they are openly violating every law except their favorites. So which laws do they have in mind when they tell us America is a nation of laws? Certainly not these four:

1. Tax law.

The IRS scandal pretty much shows what Democrats think of tax laws.

2. Immigration law.

Open-borders and flat-out refusing to enforce immigration laws shows what Democrats and Republicans think of immigration laws. Hell, they think so little they want to reward lawbreakers with amnesty.

3. Environmental law.

Democrat disdain for environmental law is implemented by the EPA.

4. Funding law.

Continued funding for ACORN et al. in spite of the law is well-documented. ACORN and the first three combined do not hold a candle to abortion funding.

It is against the law to use tax dollars to fund abortion. Click on the link and move the cursor to 1:46 to hear a variation of Planned Parenthood bookkeeping:

Limbaugh Claims Federal Employees Will Illegally Receive Abortions "Paid For By You"
October 1, 2013 1:18 PM EDT ››› MEDIA MATTERS STAFF

Limbaugh Claims Federal Employees Will Illegally Receive Abortions "Paid For By You" | Video | Media Matters for America

Planned Parenthood claims they do not use tax dollars to fund or advocate abortion, yet they fight tooth and nail against segregating its lucrative abortion business from the rest of their professed healthcare business:

[ame=]Laura Ingraham & Billy O'Reilly: Planned Parenthood "All About Abortion" (1.6.12) - YouTube[/ame]​

Planned Parenthood’s “legitimate” tax dollar business appears to be nothing more than providing referrals:

The Planned Parenthood abortion business put out a statement in response to this week’s pushback against President Barack Obama for his misleading statement in the Tuesday night debate claiming it does mammograms.

“There are millions of women all across the country who rely on Planned Parenthood for mammograms, for cervical cancer screenings,” Obama claimed during the debate.

The statement goes on at length to talk about the referrals Planned Parenthood makes for women — referrals that women can obtain at any legitimate medical health provider that does not also destroy lives in abortions.


“Women rely on Planned Parenthood for referrals,” the abortion business admits. “Planned Parenthood doctors and nurses refer patients to other facilities for mammograms.”

Planned Parenthood Admits It Does Not Do Mammograms for Women
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 10/19/12 12:22 PM

Planned Parenthood Admits It Does Not Do Mammograms for Women |

For years I’ve tried to define an ideology that advocates killing with kindness. Here are some of my updated conclusions.

The sickness permeating the Democrat party stems from the concept of humane killing. Socialists truly believe that killing babies in the womb is the same as killing animals humanely. Clearly, Democrats defending abortions see unborn children as animals being put down humanely.

Click on the link. The video begins in a few seconds. Listen and you’ll hear liberal ideology stated in plain English:

Harry Reid: Why would we save children with cancer when federal employees are hurting?
By: John Hayward
10/2/2013 04:41 PM

Harry Reid: Why would we save children with cancer when federal employees are hurting? | Human Events

Reid said nothing more than let kids with cancer die humanely. I’m sure if he could get away with it he would personally put down kids with cancer for the same reason wounded animals are destroyed. The only ideological difference between Reid and Kermit Gosnell is that Gosnell did his own butchering:

In an interview with Philadelphia magazine, the 72-year-old said that he was just being a soldier in a “war against poverty” when he and his clinic employees snipped the necks of three babies who were born alive in his grimy abortion clinic.

“In an ideal world,” he told magazine writer Steve Volk, “we’d have no need for abortion. But bringing a child into the world when it cannot be provided for, that there are not sufficient systems to support, is a greater sin. I considered myself to be in a war against poverty, and I feel comfortable with the things I did and the decisions I made.”

By Carol Kuruvilla / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Published: Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 7:15 PM Updated: Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 7:15 PM

Late-term abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell says he's 'spiritually innocent' and writes pro-abortion poetry from jail* - NY Daily News

And how’s this for torturing logic to fit the agenda:

For some, like Senate majority leader Harry Reid and national abortion-rights organizations, the Gosnell case highlighted the need for "clean and sterile" late-term abortion clinics.

The Lesson of Kermit Gosnell
Why the House is voting on a bill restricting post-viability abortions.

The Lesson of Kermit Gosnell | The Weekly Standard

Does Harry Reid not realize that Gosnell performed legal abortions! Even if Gosnell’s clinic had been "clean and sterile" he killed infants. And you can be sure that other abortion clinics like Gosnell’s hired a cleaning lady so they could continue performing "clean and sterile" late-term abortions.

Only those without shame defend and promote infanticide. To the shameless the act of killing is humane when it is done legally and/or collectively.

At the same time Socialists “humanely” slaughter tens of millions children they swear they want to save the poor along with saving every non-human life form in the universe. Could it be that Socialists, wallowing in a perverted orgy of self-righteous logic, are attacking the very existence of conscience-driven shame by removing sorrow from infanticide?

Is it any wonder that Socialists/Communists posing as Democrats insist on aligning themselves exclusively with economic issues when it comes right down to defining Socialism?

The entitlement mentality is the natural offspring of the tax collector’s morality. The entitlement mentality says “The government has to take care of me but not take care of babies in the womb.” For that sick piece of collectivism to fester and grow there had to be a widespread misunderstanding of the government’s role in a society of free people.

Finally, no Democrat ever said “Let’s physically torture infants until they die.” even though the tax on incomes in pursuit of “the common good” morphed into a moral duty to kill human beings, but only if it can be done humanely. Question: How many babies have been killed “humanely” because of income tax funding? Answer: 99.999 percent more than the number killed in illegal, back-ally, abortions.
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Had anybody but a Democrat said the following the media would have crucified them:

“But if you can help one child with cancer, why wouldn’t you do it?” Bash pressed.

“Why would we want to do that?” snarled Reid. ”I have 1,100 people at Nellis Air Force Base that are sitting home. They have a few problems of their own.”

Harry Reid: Why would we save children with cancer when federal employees are hurting? | Human Events

Yet the media ignored it completely. How do I know that? Because FOX ignored it. If FOX’s talking heads refused to touch it you can be sure the other networks gave Reid a pass, too.

The Internet is not much better. This morning I stumbled across one column that mentions it:

On Wednesday, CNN’s Ms. Dana Bash asked Senate Capo Harry Reid a few questions and he replied cancerously, pretty much biting her head off as he cast doubt on her intelligence. No one came to her defense, certainly not the feminist lobby nor the Justice Department and other enforcers of the Violence Against Women Act. We were hoping that at least her former husband, Mr. John King, would rush to Ms. Bash’s side, but no luck there either. Which leaves only us, evidently the last unabashed outpost of chivalry in Washington this side of the WWII Memorial.

During the shutdown, Harry said, there’s no absolutely reason why he or Chuck Schumer should want to help a child who’s suffering from cancer. It’s more important to defend Obamacare, he continued, slurringly, . . .

Town Without Pity
By Enemy Central on 10.4.13 @ 6:10AM
Washington brings out the worst in its rats.

The American Spectator : Town Without Pity

Reid & Schumer! Now there’s two sweethearts for you. Although Reid was the one that said it I have no doubt the rat from New York feels the same way.

NOTE: Nobody jumps to Israel’s defense faster than Schumer. He once described himself as Israel’s guardian in the Senate. Since Schumer does not care about helping American children with cancer why the hell should any American care when Muslim fundamentalists kill Jewish children in Israel? And please don’t respond with the anti-Semite BS. I’m simply pointing out that Schumer has always been a goddamned bum who thought more about Israel than he did about the U.S. of A.

Here’s the joker:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid delivered a striking mea culpa on the Senate floor Friday as he opened the chamber, saying he and his colleagues have simply gotten too personal and nasty in their floor debates.

A day earlier Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican, had scolded Mr. Reid for attacking Sen. Ted Cruz, another Texas Republican, by name as they debated the government shutdown. Mr. Cornyn read directly from the Senate Rules that prohibit members from impugning each other’s motives or conduct.

Mr. Reid on Friday said it was a lesson all senators, including himself, should learn.

“I’ll work harder and I hope my senators will work to their best to maintain these habits of civility and decorum,” he said.

Reid apologizes for nasty tone on Senate floor
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times Friday, October 4, 2013

Reid apologizes for nasty tone on Senate floor - Washington Times

Reid is asking his fellow senators to play nice, but I’ll wager that he and the rest of the Democrat scum in the Senate will continue to attack private sector Americans in word and deed.
How does this grab you:

On the first day of the "shutdown" of the federal government, when members of the U.S. Senate were going to the well of their house to point out that the shutdown would prevent the National Institutes of Health from starting clinical trials for cancer patients and others facing possibly terminal illnesses, the administration was giving $445,000,000 to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, according to the Daily Treasury Statement.

That means PBS NewsHour, National Public Radio and Sesame Street got a taxpayer subsidy during the shutdown, but not would-be cancer patients at the NIH.

October 9, 2013
Almost half a billion for public broadcasting, but nothing for families of fallen troops
Thomas Lifson

Blog: Almost half a billion for public broadcasting, but nothing for families of fallen troops

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