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IDF cowards murder 12 year old boy

I recently read an article that the Palestinians are one of the fastest-growing peoples on the planet, so it's a very ineffective genocide.
That just means they fuck faster than Israel bombs them.
Don't you think that was being rather ridiculous of you to say that? There were articles in the newspaper around the time of the last Intifada, and one of the articles mentioned a Palestinian woman who was pregnant with her tenth child wondering how she was going to feed it. The worse thing actually happening these days is the population explosion, especially in poor countries where there is not enough food to feed everyone. Perhaps you missed the story of a few years ago where some Palestinian man had 54 children with several wives, and he was shooting for a hundred. I feel Israel is very generous giving benefits to these Muslim men with multiple wives and each wife having a slew of kids.
Appeals to moral equivalence aren’t going to help you here. Extremists in the Jewish religion are not causing a worldwide plague of death and destruction in the promotion of their religion.

The point is, innocents are being slaughtered each and every day under the banner of Islamic jihad. Sorry to derail your happy go lucky, "I can sit here and pretend I'm trying to make an intellectual point about the hypocrisy of criticizing any religious group for the actions of a minority" party, but the point above is one of importance. Islamic terrorism has the explicit support of over a quarter of muslims in the world, by some estimates, and has a large groundswell of tacit support in some parts of the world.
Holly, you little gafilda-twat, how the queef have you been?

I missed you baby!

Hey, what do you get, when a blonde stands on her hands?
A brunette with bad breath!

Still struggling with that walking-without-dragging-your-knuckles, thing.
agreed, angel

loins writes too much thro the wrong lower head

a god designed flaw in men but not excusable
Would you rather I be polite and PC as I defend the slow genocide of an entire population of people?

I recently read an article that the Palestinians are one of the fastest-growing peoples on the planet, so it's a very ineffective genocide.

I think they have the highest pop growth in the region, and something like 5th highest in the world.
agreed, angel

loins writes too much thro the wrong lower head

a god designed flaw in men but not excusable
Would you rather I be polite and PC as I defend the slow genocide of an entire population of people?

To what genocide do you refer? Please include substantiation. :D

This one?

Ending the West's Proxy War Against Israel - WSJ.com

The 'youth bulge' (horrible phrase) issue is going to result in problems for a long time to come, and they certainly aren't problems associated with 'genocide'.
This one?

Ending the West's Proxy War Against Israel - WSJ.com

The 'youth bulge' (horrible phrase) issue is going to result in problems for a long time to come, and they certainly aren't problems associated with 'genocide'.
And to think, the Journal used to be such a highly respected paper, that is until that Austrailian mugwump bought them and compromised their integrity. There are so many problems with Gunnar's little hit piece, I don't know where to start. I guess the beginning will do.

When Hamas routed Fatah in Gaza in 2007, it cost nearly 350 lives and 1,000 wounded. Fatah's surrender brought only a temporary stop to the type of violence and bloodshed that are commonly seen in lands where at least 30% of the male population is in the 15-to-29 age bracket.
It's pretty obvious to the reader, ole' Gunnar is deliberately trying to infer Hamas came into power in Gaza as a result of a military conflict with Fatah. I don't know who he's talking to, because the rest of the civilized world knows Hamas came to power in a democratic election, because they got more votes than Fatah. Gazan's were finally fed up with the corruption in the Fatah organization that basically made them Israeli puppets.

In Gaza, however, there has been no demographic disarmament.
So now Gazan children have been re-classified as "weapons"? I guess that won't bring as much heat, when Israeli snipers shoot them in the back while they're farming?

Hamas and their ilk certainly aim to kill as many Israelis as possible.
This is the big lie you people have been pushing, since Hamas refused to Israel's bitch. Hamas has stated many times publically, they're willing to accept a two-state solution, if Israel goes back to the '67 borders and ends the occupation.

nearly the entire population of Gaza lives in a kind of lowly but regularly paid dependence.
That's the situation Israel has caused as a result of operation Cast Lead and their illegal and immoral economic blockade of Gaza. Cast Lead destroyed their infrastructure and Israel will not allow any building materials (like cement), to go into Gaza to rebuild their damaged buildings and utility plants.

If we seriously want to avoid another generation of war in Gaza, we must have the courage to tell the Gazans that they will have to start looking after their children themselves, without UNRWA's help. This would force Palestinians to focus on building an economy instead of freeing them up to wage war.
Palestinian's cannot focus on their economy, because Israel won't let them.
How can you have a fishing industry, when the IDF constantly shoots at their fisherman?
How can you have a farming industry, when the IDF shoots at the farmers when they're harvesting their crops?
How can you export your products, when Israel controls 80% of what goes into (and out of) the area?
How can you have a business, when 90% of Gaza's electricity comes from the Israeli utility grid and they are constantly shutting off the power?
How can they concentrate on their economy, when IOF rountinely comes in and bulldozes down their farms, their olive trees and entire neighborhoods?​

Who would not want to get out of that strip of land but the international NGOs and social workers whose careers depend on perpetuating Gaza's misery?
The first part (in bold) is the reason for the situation in Gaza. Israel wants to make life so horrible for Palestinian's, that they'll leave an area they've been living in for the last 1000 years.

The second part, is just a bullshit lie, because Israel will not allow the majority of independent NGO's to go in their and see for themselves what's going on. You can get a good idea of what is going on by seeing what the "boots on the ground" have to say about what they saw (and did) in Gaza. Here's few of their nuggets...

“Breaking the Silence:” Testimonies of Israeli Soldiers

Testimony 9 - Rules of Engagement
“Houses were demolished everywhere.” They were fired at “with tremendous power. We didn’t see a single house that remained intact….The entire infrastructure, tracks, fields, roads (were) in total ruin.” D-9 bulldozers demolished everything “in our designated area. It looked awful, like in those World War II films where nothing remained. A totally destroyed city.”

Testimony 10 – Briefings

Formal briefings covered “going off to war (and in war) no consideration of civilians was to be taken. Shoot anyone you see….this pretty much disgusted me. There was a clear feeling, and this was repeated whenever others spoke to us, that no humanitarian consideration played any role in the army at present.”

Testimony 38 – Rules of Engagement & House Demolitions

“The amount of destruction was incredible….Not one stone left standing over another. You see plenty of fields, hothouses, orchards, everything devastated. Totally ruined. It’s terrible. It’s surreal….in my own company there were plenty of people who fired just for the hell of it, at houses, water tanks. They love targeting water tanks.” D-9 operators also….”love to demolish, and when the commander sends them off, ‘Go take down that house,’ they’re happy.”
How can you possibly concentrate on an economy when everything an economy needs to grow, is destroyed?

The way Israel treats the Palestinian's is so inhuman, degrading and horrific, that you have to go back all the way to the 1930's and the way the nazis treated the jews, to find anything similar. The Israeli's treat the Palestinian's, like the nazis treated the jews. And in doing so, they have made all the lives of the victims of the Holocaust, to have now died in vain.
Last edited:
This one?

Ending the West's Proxy War Against Israel - WSJ.com

The 'youth bulge' (horrible phrase) issue is going to result in problems for a long time to come, and they certainly aren't problems associated with 'genocide'.
And to think, the Journal used to be such a highly respected paper, that is until that Austrailian mugwump bought them and compromised their integrity. There are so many problems with Gunnar's little hit piece, I don't know where to start. I guess the beginning will do.

When Hamas routed Fatah in Gaza in 2007, it cost nearly 350 lives and 1,000 wounded. Fatah's surrender brought only a temporary stop to the type of violence and bloodshed that are commonly seen in lands where at least 30% of the male population is in the 15-to-29 age bracket.
It's pretty obvious to the reader, ole' Gunnar is deliberately trying to infer Hamas came into power in Gaza as a result of a military conflict with Fatah. I don't know who he's talking to, because the rest of the civilized world knows Hamas came to power in a democratic election, because they got more votes than Fatah. Gazan's were finally fed up with the corruption in the Fatah organization that basically made them Israeli puppets.

So now Gazan children have been re-classified as "weapons"? I guess that won't bring as much heat, when Israeli snipers shoot them in the back while they're farming?

This is the big lie you people have been pushing, since Hamas refused to Israel's bitch. Hamas has stated many times publically, they're willing to accept a two-state solution, if Israel goes back to the '67 borders and ends the occupation.

That's the situation Israel has caused as a result of operation Cast Lead and their illegal and immoral economic blockade of Gaza. Cast Lead destroyed their infrastructure and Israel will not allow any building materials (like cement), to go into Gaza to rebuild their damaged buildings and utility plants.

Palestinian's cannot focus on their economy, because Israel won't let them.
How can you have a fishing industry, when the IDF constantly shoots at their fisherman?
How can you have a farming industry, when the IDF shoots at the farmers when they're harvesting their crops?
How can you export your products, when Israel controls 80% of what goes into (and out of) the area?
How can you have a business, when 90% of Gaza's electricity comes from the Israeli utility grid and they are constantly shutting off the power?
How can they concentrate on their economy, when IOF rountinely comes in and bulldozes down their farms, their olive trees and entire neighborhoods?​

Who would not want to get out of that strip of land but the international NGOs and social workers whose careers depend on perpetuating Gaza's misery?
The first part (in bold) is the reason for the situation in Gaza. Israel wants to make life so horrible for Palestinian's, that they'll leave an area they've been living in for the last 1000 years.

The second part, is just a bullshit lie, because Israel will not allow the majority of independent NGO's to go in their and see for themselves what's going on. You can get a good idea of what is going on by seeing what the "boots on the ground" have to say about what they saw (and did) in Gaza. Here's few of their nuggets...

“Breaking the Silence:” Testimonies of Israeli Soldiers

Testimony 9 - Rules of Engagement
“Houses were demolished everywhere.” They were fired at “with tremendous power. We didn’t see a single house that remained intact….The entire infrastructure, tracks, fields, roads (were) in total ruin.” D-9 bulldozers demolished everything “in our designated area. It looked awful, like in those World War II films where nothing remained. A totally destroyed city.”

Testimony 10 – Briefings

Formal briefings covered “going off to war (and in war) no consideration of civilians was to be taken. Shoot anyone you see….this pretty much disgusted me. There was a clear feeling, and this was repeated whenever others spoke to us, that no humanitarian consideration played any role in the army at present.”

Testimony 38 – Rules of Engagement & House Demolitions

“The amount of destruction was incredible….Not one stone left standing over another. You see plenty of fields, hothouses, orchards, everything devastated. Totally ruined. It’s terrible. It’s surreal….in my own company there were plenty of people who fired just for the hell of it, at houses, water tanks. They love targeting water tanks.” D-9 operators also….”love to demolish, and when the commander sends them off, ‘Go take down that house,’ they’re happy.”
How can you possibly concentrate on an economy when everything an economy needs to grow, is destroyed?

The way Israel treats the Palestinian's is so inhuman, degrading and horrific, that you have to go back all the way to the 1930's and the way the nazis treated the jews, to find anything similar. The Israeli's treat the Palestinian's, like the nazis treated the jews. And in doing so, they have made all the lives of the victims of the Holocaust, to have now died in vain.
Another gigantic load of crap filled with falsehoods and lies provided by crotch 'n groin boy.
This one?

Ending the West's Proxy War Against Israel - WSJ.com

The 'youth bulge' (horrible phrase) issue is going to result in problems for a long time to come, and they certainly aren't problems associated with 'genocide'.
And to think, the Journal used to be such a highly respected paper, that is until that Austrailian mugwump bought them and compromised their integrity. There are so many problems with Gunnar's little hit piece, I don't know where to start. I guess the beginning will do.

When Hamas routed Fatah in Gaza in 2007, it cost nearly 350 lives and 1,000 wounded. Fatah's surrender brought only a temporary stop to the type of violence and bloodshed that are commonly seen in lands where at least 30% of the male population is in the 15-to-29 age bracket.
It's pretty obvious to the reader, ole' Gunnar is deliberately trying to infer Hamas came into power in Gaza as a result of a military conflict with Fatah. I don't know who he's talking to, because the rest of the civilized world knows Hamas came to power in a democratic election...

You must have missed the election run-off:
The Fatah–Hamas conflict (Arabic: النزاع بين فتح وحماس* an-Nizāʿ bayna Fataḥ wa-Ḥamās), also referred to as the Palestinian Civil War (Arabic: الحرب الأهلية الفلسطينية al-Ḥarb al-ʾAhliyyah al-Filisṭīnīyyah), and the Conflict of Brothers (Arabic: صراع الإخوة Ṣirāʿ al-ʾIkhwah), i.e., fratricidal war (The conflict is called Wakseh among Palestinians, meaning humiliation, ruin, and collapse as a result of self-inflicted damage.), began in 2006, after Hamas's legislative victories and has continued, politically and sometimes militarily up to this day. The conflict, which erupted between the two main Palestinian parties, Fatah and Hamas, resulted in the split of Palestinian Authority into two polities, both seeing themselves the true representatives of the Palestinian people – the Fatah ruled Palestinian National Authority and the Hamas Government in Gaza.
98 civilians killed
1,000+ wounded on both sides, at least 600 killed in factional fighting including 98 civilians.

This one?

Ending the West's Proxy War Against Israel - WSJ.com

The 'youth bulge' (horrible phrase) issue is going to result in problems for a long time to come, and they certainly aren't problems associated with 'genocide'.
And to think, the Journal used to be such a highly respected paper, that is until that Austrailian mugwump bought them and compromised their integrity. There are so many problems with Gunnar's little hit piece, I don't know where to start. I guess the beginning will do.

When Hamas routed Fatah in Gaza in 2007, it cost nearly 350 lives and 1,000 wounded. Fatah's surrender brought only a temporary stop to the type of violence and bloodshed that are commonly seen in lands where at least 30% of the male population is in the 15-to-29 age bracket.
It's pretty obvious to the reader, ole' Gunnar is deliberately trying to infer Hamas came into power in Gaza as a result of a military conflict with Fatah. I don't know who he's talking to, because the rest of the civilized world knows Hamas came to power in a democratic election...

You must have missed the election run-off:
The Fatah–Hamas conflict (Arabic: النزاع بين فتح وحماس* an-Nizāʿ bayna Fataḥ wa-Ḥamās), also referred to as the Palestinian Civil War (Arabic: الحرب الأهلية الفلسطينية al-Ḥarb al-ʾAhliyyah al-Filisṭīnīyyah), and the Conflict of Brothers (Arabic: صراع الإخوة Ṣirāʿ al-ʾIkhwah), i.e., fratricidal war (The conflict is called Wakseh among Palestinians, meaning humiliation, ruin, and collapse as a result of self-inflicted damage.), began in 2006, after Hamas's legislative victories and has continued, politically and sometimes militarily up to this day. The conflict, which erupted between the two main Palestinian parties, Fatah and Hamas, resulted in the split of Palestinian Authority into two polities, both seeing themselves the true representatives of the Palestinian people – the Fatah ruled Palestinian National Authority and the Hamas Government in Gaza.
98 civilians killed
1,000+ wounded on both sides, at least 600 killed in factional fighting including 98 civilians.


Start at 6:40

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNJud3yXsqg&feature=related]Laila El-Haddad reporting on Gaza violence - YouTube[/ame]
It is clear that there are issues regarding PROPER RESPONSE For the current episode the issue has been bombardment of southern Israel with poison nail bombs to which Israel responded----in the opinion of some "INAPPROPRIATELY" I do not believe that anyone would suggest that Israel simply NOT RESPOND----but the question is "HOW"? The death of a boy playing soccer near a terrorist tunnel and caught in crossfire has been called a "MURDER" with the added accusation "cowardly IDF" I am fascinated with the "cowardly" throw in----since it implies that the persons launching poison nail bombs on the Israeli population are somehow "brave" I fail to see the logic'
Getting back to proper response---it is clear that some people OBJECT to incursion by Israel tanks into Gaza in response to bomb launchings. What is the alternative? OBVIOUSLY -----RETURN BOMBS -----land to land missiles launched from Israel to Gaza seems to me what the objectors to Israel's actions DEMAND

I am all for it Israel should never make incursions into Gaza in response to missiles launched into Gaza------FAIR IS FAIR------SURFACE MISSILES are the proper response on a ONE TO ONE basis-------sadly such a response will probably result in hundreds if not thousands of gazan deaths-------but if that is what TINNIE and 'because' et al. DEMAND------their wishes should be considered
You must have missed the election run-off:
The Fatah–Hamas conflict (Arabic: النزاع بين فتح وحماس* an-Nizāʿ bayna Fataḥ wa-Ḥamās), also referred to as the Palestinian Civil War (Arabic: الحرب الأهلية الفلسطينية al-Ḥarb al-ʾAhliyyah al-Filisṭīnīyyah), and the Conflict of Brothers (Arabic: صراع الإخوة Ṣirāʿ al-ʾIkhwah), i.e., fratricidal war (The conflict is called Wakseh among Palestinians, meaning humiliation, ruin, and collapse as a result of self-inflicted damage.), began in 2006, after Hamas's legislative victories and has continued, politically and sometimes militarily up to this day. The conflict, which erupted between the two main Palestinian parties, Fatah and Hamas, resulted in the split of Palestinian Authority into two polities, both seeing themselves the true representatives of the Palestinian people – the Fatah ruled Palestinian National Authority and the Hamas Government in Gaza.
98 civilians killed
1,000+ wounded on both sides, at least 600 killed in factional fighting including 98 civilians.

You're right, I forgot about that.

Thanks for the reminder!
I recently read an article that the Palestinians are one of the fastest-growing peoples on the planet, so it's a very ineffective genocide.
That just means they fuck faster than Israel bombs them.

its a serious problem arab over breeding but not as bad as it was

arab fertility rates have halved from 6 per woman to under 3

gaza is still slightly over 3 and yemen is over 4

but arabs are paying a huge price for breedin too fast before,
in the last 60 years, they have quadrupled

so lots of young men who cant get jobs
easy meat for the jihadists

its one of the main causes of the arab spring
too much arab springing on unprotected battery arab hens

and yes; futile for israel to think they can murder them fast enough!

they need ECONDOMY to save their economy

same with orthodox jews
they are deadly parasites sponging on the israeli taxpayer; do no work
breed like rabbits and will soon turn israel into a jewish taliban theocracy
Another gigantic load of crap filled with falsehoods and lies provided by crotch 'n groin boy.
Which ones "crotch" and which ones "groin"?

What falsehoods and lies are your referring to?

Are you saying members of IDF's Operation Cast Lead, are not credible sources?
I recently read an article that the Palestinians are one of the fastest-growing peoples on the planet, so it's a very ineffective genocide.
That just means they fuck faster than Israel bombs them.
Don't you think that was being rather ridiculous of you to say that? There were articles in the newspaper around the time of the last Intifada, and one of the articles mentioned a Palestinian woman who was pregnant with her tenth child wondering how she was going to feed it. The worse thing actually happening these days is the population explosion, especially in poor countries where there is not enough food to feed everyone. Perhaps you missed the story of a few years ago where some Palestinian man had 54 children with several wives, and he was shooting for a hundred. I feel Israel is very generous giving benefits to these Muslim men with multiple wives and each wife having a slew of kids.

Housefly, I bet you voted for the mormon, and guess what? A lot of mormons have several wives and tons of kids. So you voted for that.:clap2:
It is clear that there are issues regarding PROPER RESPONSE For the current episode the issue has been bombardment of southern Israel with poison nail bombs to which Israel responded----in the opinion of some "INAPPROPRIATELY" I do not believe that anyone would suggest that Israel simply NOT RESPOND----but the question is "HOW"? The death of a boy playing soccer near a terrorist tunnel and caught in crossfire has been called a "MURDER" with the added accusation "cowardly IDF" I am fascinated with the "cowardly" throw in----since it implies that the persons launching poison nail bombs on the Israeli population are somehow "brave" I fail to see the logic'
Getting back to proper response---it is clear that some people OBJECT to incursion by Israel tanks into Gaza in response to bomb launchings. What is the alternative? OBVIOUSLY -----RETURN BOMBS -----land to land missiles launched from Israel to Gaza seems to me what the objectors to Israel's actions DEMAND

I am all for it Israel should never make incursions into Gaza in response to missiles launched into Gaza------FAIR IS FAIR------SURFACE MISSILES are the proper response on a ONE TO ONE basis-------sadly such a response will probably result in hundreds if not thousands of gazan deaths-------but if that is what TINNIE and 'because' et al. DEMAND------their wishes should be considered
The alternative is to end the occupation and illegal blockade, open up the border crossings and allow the Palestinian's to rebuild their lives without the threat of air strikes, IDF snipers and Catapiller bulldozers coming to raze their neighborhoods to the ground.

Here's a few things that are not being reported, but are at the root of most of the Pals hostility towards Israel.

The Blame Game in Gaza: Covering for Israel, Concealing War Crimes

– all Israeli aggression is collaboratively planned months in advance with Washington;

– six months of preparation preceded Israel’s terror bombings followed by invasion, occupation, and repeated war crimes on the ground;

– Hamas “rockets” were pretext (not cause) to abet Israel’s overall strategy – with initial measures planned years ago and implemented in steps; Gaza 2008 – 09 is the latest with much more to come unless stopped;

– grievous international law violations are being willfully committed;

– innocent men, women and children are slaughtered;

– civilians and legitimate resistance are called “terrorists;”

– basic infrastructure unrelated to defense is destroyed – government buildings, police stations, schools, mosques, private dwellings, TV stations, commercial structures, water mains, power facilities, fishing boats, vehicles, ambulances, medical facilities, UN relief ones, and visible civilian targets, even young children coming from and going to school;

– refugee camps, women, doctors and journalists are attacked;

– terror bombing and shelling continues round-the-clock; from 50 to 100 or more sorties a day but fire from naval vessels, tanks, and troops on the ground;

– illegal terror weapons are used;

– as of January 14, around 5500 have been killed or wounded; hundreds still alive are “clinically dead,” according to medical officials; a handful of Israelis have died; small numbers have been injured as well unknown true numbers of military casualties since Israel controls the reporting; Hamas claims over 30;

– Gaza remains under siege; beyond token amounts, no outside aid gets in; electricity, fuel, medical supplies and clean water are nearly exhausted; medical workers can’t reach the wounded; foreign journalists can’t report on the scene; volunteer doctors can’t enter through Rafah; no remnants of normal life exist; Gaza is totally dysfunctional
With all the crap Israel is doing, people who constantly blame the Pals for the violence, are just fucked human beings, who are going to get their ass kicked come judgement, when they're face-to-face with the Creator.
This one?

Ending the West's Proxy War Against Israel - WSJ.com

The 'youth bulge' (horrible phrase) issue is going to result in problems for a long time to come, and they certainly aren't problems associated with 'genocide'.

And to think, the Journal used to be such a highly respected paper, that is until that Austrailian mugwump bought them and compromised their integrity. There are so many problems with Gunnar's little hit piece, I don't know where to start. I guess the beginning will do.

When Hamas routed Fatah in Gaza in 2007, it cost nearly 350 lives and 1,000 wounded. Fatah's surrender brought only a temporary stop to the type of violence and bloodshed that are commonly seen in lands where at least 30% of the male population is in the 15-to-29 age bracket.

It's pretty obvious to the reader, ole' Gunnar is deliberately trying to infer Hamas came into power in Gaza as a result of a military conflict with Fatah. I don't know who he's talking to, because the rest of the civilized world knows Hamas came to power in a democratic election, because they got more votes than Fatah. Gazan's were finally fed up with the corruption in the Fatah organization that basically made them Israeli puppets.

How could he be desperately inferring anything of the sort? Do you have comprehension problems or is it simply that you are clearly in such a desperate hurry to slur the author that you seem to have overlooked that the election was in early 2006?

So now Gazan children have been re-classified as "weapons"? I guess that won't bring as much heat, when Israeli snipers shoot them in the back while they're farming?

Again, Gunner is not referring to re-classifying children as weapons, he is talking about the violence and bloodshed that is 'commonly seen in lands where at least 30% of the male population is aged between 15-29.' It isn't a difficult concept to grasp, loinboy and is a well documented issue IN LANDS WHERE THE POPULATION OF MALES AGED BETWEEN 15 - 29 IS OBSERVED.

This is the big lie you people have been pushing, since Hamas refused to Israel's bitch. Hamas has stated many times publically, they're willing to accept a two-state solution, if Israel goes back to the '67 borders and ends the occupation.

Maybe they would be taken more seriously if they took all that murderous crap about obliterating Israel out of their Charter, but they haven't and only an idiot would trust someone who has as their manifesto a pledge to kill you.

That's the situation Israel has caused as a result of operation Cast Lead and their illegal and immoral economic blockade of Gaza. Cast Lead destroyed their infrastructure and Israel will not allow any building materials (like cement), to go into Gaza to rebuild their damaged buildings and utility plants.

They have been allowing building material back into Gaza for a while now even though it has been appropriated in order to use it to line weapon smuggling tunnels.

Palestinian's cannot focus on their economy, because Israel won't let them.
How can you have a fishing industry, when the IDF constantly shoots at their fisherman?
How can you have a farming industry, when the IDF shoots at the farmers when they're harvesting their crops?
How can you export your products, when Israel controls 80% of what goes into (and out of) the area?
How can you have a business, when 90% of Gaza's electricity comes from the Israeli utility grid and they are constantly shutting off the power?
How can they concentrate on their economy, when IOF rountinely comes in and bulldozes down their farms, their olive trees and entire neighborhoods?

Who, if they genuinely wanted the above. would continue to have a Charter stating they intend to obliterate their neighbours and who, if they wanted the above, would continue to bombard their neigbour with rockets and missiles? First class eejists, thats who.
Who would not want to get out of that strip of land but the international NGOs and social workers whose careers depend on perpetuating Gaza's misery?

Loinboy: The first part (in bold) is the reason for the situation in Gaza. Israel wants to make life so horrible for Palestinian's, that they'll leave an area they've been living in for the last 1000 years.

If that were the case, how come Egypt, other neighbouring Arab countries, the mega rich Saudis don't thwart Israel's plans? It would be simple enough. How come neighbouring arab countries keep pals in refugee camps? The reason they don't is that it is THEY who want to keep the pals as pawns in order to keep this situation festering.

The second part, is just a bullshit lie, because Israel will not allow the majority of independent NGO's to go in their and see for themselves what's going on. You can get a good idea of what is going on by seeing what the "boots on the ground" have to say about what they saw (and did) in Gaza. Here's few of their nuggets...

Here you contradict yourself. You need more NGO's to go in to know what is going on, then you say YOU CAN GET A GOOD IDEA of whats going on from the boots on the ground. Lol. Listen, loinboy, there is no need for yet more NGO's, they have the massive antisemitic UNRWA all to themselves and huge amounts of aid per capita, and there is certainly no shortage of news and propaganda coming out of Gaza. What planet are you living on?

“Breaking the Silence:” Testimonies of Israeli Soldiers

Testimony 9 - Rules of Engagement
“Houses were demolished everywhere.” They were fired at “with tremendous power. We didn’t see a single house that remained intact….The entire infrastructure, tracks, fields, roads (were) in total ruin.” D-9 bulldozers demolished everything “in our designated area. It looked awful, like in those World War II films where nothing remained. A totally destroyed city.”

Testimony 10 – Briefings

Formal briefings covered “going off to war (and in war) no consideration of civilians was to be taken. Shoot anyone you see….this pretty much disgusted me. There was a clear feeling, and this was repeated whenever others spoke to us, that no humanitarian consideration played any role in the army at present.”

Testimony 38 – Rules of Engagement & House Demolitions

“The amount of destruction was incredible….Not one stone left standing over another. You see plenty of fields, hothouses, orchards, everything devastated. Totally ruined. It’s terrible. It’s surreal….in my own company there were plenty of people who fired just for the hell of it, at houses, water tanks. They love targeting water tanks.” D-9 operators also….”love to demolish, and when the commander sends them off, ‘Go take down that house,’ they’re happy.”
How can you possibly concentrate on an economy when everything an economy needs to grow, is destroyed?

The way Israel treats the Palestinian's is so inhuman, degrading and horrific, that you have to go back all the way to the 1930's and the way the nazis treated the jews, to find anything similar. The Israeli's treat the Palestinian's, like the nazis treated the jews. And in doing so, they have made all the lives of the victims of the Holocaust, to have now died in vain.

What a humongous pile of BS, loinboy. People who are being treated how the Jews were treated by the nazis do not increase their population tenfold in a matter of decades, nor to they have the lowest infant mortality rates in a region, nor do they have the best literacy rates, nor do they have the highest obesity rates. You are full of poisonous nonsense. OH and btw, where are the ovens? Your use of highly emotive and disgraceful propaganda does you no service whatsoever.
This one?

Ending the West's Proxy War Against Israel - WSJ.com

The 'youth bulge' (horrible phrase) issue is going to result in problems for a long time to come, and they certainly aren't problems associated with 'genocide'.

And to think, the Journal used to be such a highly respected paper, that is until that Austrailian mugwump bought them and compromised their integrity. There are so many problems with Gunnar's little hit piece, I don't know where to start. I guess the beginning will do.

It's pretty obvious to the reader, ole' Gunnar is deliberately trying to infer Hamas came into power in Gaza as a result of a military conflict with Fatah. I don't know who he's talking to, because the rest of the civilized world knows Hamas came to power in a democratic election, because they got more votes than Fatah. Gazan's were finally fed up with the corruption in the Fatah organization that basically made them Israeli puppets.

How could he be desperately inferring anything of the sort? Do you have comprehension problems or is it simply that you are clearly in such a desperate hurry to slur the author that you seem to have overlooked that the election was in early 2006?

So now Gazan children have been re-classified as "weapons"? I guess that won't bring as much heat, when Israeli snipers shoot them in the back while they're farming?

Again, Gunner is not referring to re-classifying children as weapons, he is talking about the violence and bloodshed that is 'commonly seen in lands where at least 30% of the male population is aged between 15-29.' It isn't a difficult concept to grasp, loinboy and is a well documented issue IN LANDS WHERE THE POPULATION OF MALES AGED BETWEEN 15 - 29 IS OBSERVED.

This is the big lie you people have been pushing, since Hamas refused to Israel's bitch. Hamas has stated many times publically, they're willing to accept a two-state solution, if Israel goes back to the '67 borders and ends the occupation.

Maybe they would be taken more seriously if they took all that murderous crap about obliterating Israel out of their Charter, but they haven't and only an idiot would trust someone who has as their manifesto a pledge to kill you.

That's the situation Israel has caused as a result of operation Cast Lead and their illegal and immoral economic blockade of Gaza. Cast Lead destroyed their infrastructure and Israel will not allow any building materials (like cement), to go into Gaza to rebuild their damaged buildings and utility plants.

They have been allowing building material back into Gaza for a while now even though it has been appropriated in order to use it to line weapon smuggling tunnels.

Palestinian's cannot focus on their economy, because Israel won't let them.
How can you have a fishing industry, when the IDF constantly shoots at their fisherman?
How can you have a farming industry, when the IDF shoots at the farmers when they're harvesting their crops?
How can you export your products, when Israel controls 80% of what goes into (and out of) the area?
How can you have a business, when 90% of Gaza's electricity comes from the Israeli utility grid and they are constantly shutting off the power?
How can they concentrate on their economy, when IOF rountinely comes in and bulldozes down their farms, their olive trees and entire neighborhoods?

Who, if they genuinely wanted the above. would continue to have a Charter stating they intend to obliterate their neighbours and who, if they wanted the above, would continue to bombard their neigbour with rockets and missiles? First class eejists, thats who.

Loinboy: The first part (in bold) is the reason for the situation in Gaza. Israel wants to make life so horrible for Palestinian's, that they'll leave an area they've been living in for the last 1000 years.

If that were the case, how come Egypt, other neighbouring Arab countries, the mega rich Saudis don't thwart Israel's plans? It would be simple enough. How come neighbouring arab countries keep pals in refugee camps? The reason they don't is that it is THEY who want to keep the pals as pawns in order to keep this situation festering.

The second part, is just a bullshit lie, because Israel will not allow the majority of independent NGO's to go in their and see for themselves what's going on. You can get a good idea of what is going on by seeing what the "boots on the ground" have to say about what they saw (and did) in Gaza. Here's few of their nuggets...

Here you contradict yourself. You need more NGO's to go in to know what is going on, then you say YOU CAN GET A GOOD IDEA of whats going on from the boots on the ground. Lol. Listen, loinboy, there is no need for yet more NGO's, they have the massive antisemitic UNRWA all to themselves and huge amounts of aid per capita, and there is certainly no shortage of news and propaganda coming out of Gaza. What planet are you living on?

“Breaking the Silence:” Testimonies of Israeli Soldiers

Testimony 9 - Rules of Engagement
“Houses were demolished everywhere.” They were fired at “with tremendous power. We didn’t see a single house that remained intact….The entire infrastructure, tracks, fields, roads (were) in total ruin.” D-9 bulldozers demolished everything “in our designated area. It looked awful, like in those World War II films where nothing remained. A totally destroyed city.”

Testimony 10 – Briefings

Formal briefings covered “going off to war (and in war) no consideration of civilians was to be taken. Shoot anyone you see….this pretty much disgusted me. There was a clear feeling, and this was repeated whenever others spoke to us, that no humanitarian consideration played any role in the army at present.”

Testimony 38 – Rules of Engagement & House Demolitions

“The amount of destruction was incredible….Not one stone left standing over another. You see plenty of fields, hothouses, orchards, everything devastated. Totally ruined. It’s terrible. It’s surreal….in my own company there were plenty of people who fired just for the hell of it, at houses, water tanks. They love targeting water tanks.” D-9 operators also….”love to demolish, and when the commander sends them off, ‘Go take down that house,’ they’re happy.”
How can you possibly concentrate on an economy when everything an economy needs to grow, is destroyed?

The way Israel treats the Palestinian's is so inhuman, degrading and horrific, that you have to go back all the way to the 1930's and the way the nazis treated the jews, to find anything similar. The Israeli's treat the Palestinian's, like the nazis treated the jews. And in doing so, they have made all the lives of the victims of the Holocaust, to have now died in vain.

What a humongous pile of BS, loinboy. People who are being treated how the Jews were treated by the nazis do not increase their population tenfold in a matter of decades, nor to they have the lowest infant mortality rates in a region, nor do they have the best literacy rates, nor do they have the highest obesity rates. You are full of poisonous nonsense. OH and btw, where are the ovens? Your use of highly emotive and disgraceful propaganda does you no service whatsoever.
best of luck with pelvic chops angel

he thinx with the wrong "lower head" tho he's on my anti zio side!

still he deserved your rebuke for calling israel nazi

i have dedicated my mad cow thread to you..who inspired me to dream it up!!

see you there also I hope!

love k xx
And to think, the Journal used to be such a highly respected paper, that is until that Austrailian mugwump bought them and compromised their integrity. There are so many problems with Gunnar's little hit piece, I don't know where to start. I guess the beginning will do.

It's pretty obvious to the reader, ole' Gunnar is deliberately trying to infer Hamas came into power in Gaza as a result of a military conflict with Fatah. I don't know who he's talking to, because the rest of the civilized world knows Hamas came to power in a democratic election, because they got more votes than Fatah. Gazan's were finally fed up with the corruption in the Fatah organization that basically made them Israeli puppets.

How could he be desperately inferring anything of the sort? Do you have comprehension problems or is it simply that you are clearly in such a desperate hurry to slur the author that you seem to have overlooked that the election was in early 2006?

So now Gazan children have been re-classified as "weapons"? I guess that won't bring as much heat, when Israeli snipers shoot them in the back while they're farming?

Again, Gunner is not referring to re-classifying children as weapons, he is talking about the violence and bloodshed that is 'commonly seen in lands where at least 30% of the male population is aged between 15-29.' It isn't a difficult concept to grasp, loinboy and is a well documented issue IN LANDS WHERE THE POPULATION OF MALES AGED BETWEEN 15 - 29 IS OBSERVED.

This is the big lie you people have been pushing, since Hamas refused to Israel's bitch. Hamas has stated many times publically, they're willing to accept a two-state solution, if Israel goes back to the '67 borders and ends the occupation.

Maybe they would be taken more seriously if they took all that murderous crap about obliterating Israel out of their Charter, but they haven't and only an idiot would trust someone who has as their manifesto a pledge to kill you.

That's the situation Israel has caused as a result of operation Cast Lead and their illegal and immoral economic blockade of Gaza. Cast Lead destroyed their infrastructure and Israel will not allow any building materials (like cement), to go into Gaza to rebuild their damaged buildings and utility plants.

They have been allowing building material back into Gaza for a while now even though it has been appropriated in order to use it to line weapon smuggling tunnels.

Palestinian's cannot focus on their economy, because Israel won't let them.
How can you have a fishing industry, when the IDF constantly shoots at their fisherman?
How can you have a farming industry, when the IDF shoots at the farmers when they're harvesting their crops?
How can you export your products, when Israel controls 80% of what goes into (and out of) the area?
How can you have a business, when 90% of Gaza's electricity comes from the Israeli utility grid and they are constantly shutting off the power?
How can they concentrate on their economy, when IOF rountinely comes in and bulldozes down their farms, their olive trees and entire neighborhoods?

Who, if they genuinely wanted the above. would continue to have a Charter stating they intend to obliterate their neighbours and who, if they wanted the above, would continue to bombard their neigbour with rockets and missiles? First class eejists, thats who.
Loinboy: The first part (in bold) is the reason for the situation in Gaza. Israel wants to make life so horrible for Palestinian's, that they'll leave an area they've been living in for the last 1000 years.

If that were the case, how come Egypt, other neighbouring Arab countries, the mega rich Saudis don't thwart Israel's plans? It would be simple enough. How come neighbouring arab countries keep pals in refugee camps? The reason they don't is that it is THEY who want to keep the pals as pawns in order to keep this situation festering.

The second part, is just a bullshit lie, because Israel will not allow the majority of independent NGO's to go in their and see for themselves what's going on. You can get a good idea of what is going on by seeing what the "boots on the ground" have to say about what they saw (and did) in Gaza. Here's few of their nuggets...

Here you contradict yourself. You need more NGO's to go in to know what is going on, then you say YOU CAN GET A GOOD IDEA of whats going on from the boots on the ground. Lol. Listen, loinboy, there is no need for yet more NGO's, they have the massive antisemitic UNRWA all to themselves and huge amounts of aid per capita, and there is certainly no shortage of news and propaganda coming out of Gaza. What planet are you living on?

How can you possibly concentrate on an economy when everything an economy needs to grow, is destroyed?

The way Israel treats the Palestinian's is so inhuman, degrading and horrific, that you have to go back all the way to the 1930's and the way the nazis treated the jews, to find anything similar. The Israeli's treat the Palestinian's, like the nazis treated the jews. And in doing so, they have made all the lives of the victims of the Holocaust, to have now died in vain.

What a humongous pile of BS, loinboy. People who are being treated how the Jews were treated by the nazis do not increase their population tenfold in a matter of decades, nor to they have the lowest infant mortality rates in a region, nor do they have the best literacy rates, nor do they have the highest obesity rates. You are full of poisonous nonsense. OH and btw, where are the ovens? Your use of highly emotive and disgraceful propaganda does you no service whatsoever.
best of luck with pelvic chops angel

he thinx with the wrong "lower head" tho he's on my anti zio side!

still he deserved your rebuke for calling israel nazi

i have dedicated my mad cow thread to you..who inspired me to dream it up!!

see you there also I hope!

love k xx

Why thankyou, Mr Kvetch. I'm ....uuuhhhhmmmmm.....flattered :eusa_eh:.

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