Idle Hands Have Plenty of Time to Riot: Solution? Jobs & UHC..

I'd rather have...

  • Private healthcare and meds.

  • A thriving nation.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
How do we create more jobs? Universal healthcare. (UHC) I will never tire of pointing this out.

UHC would:

1. Instantly free up the equivalent of a second mortgage paid out when you total monthly premiums, deductables and all real co-pays, for all family members, of the typical family. Even with Obamacare, the costs are still prohibitive.
2. That freed money immediately is poured into consuming.
3. Consuming creates more jobs.
4. Universal healthcare takes over the responsibilities for employers to provide health coverage, = instant higher profits for them and the ability to hire more workers.
5. More people working = bigger tax income for the country and more people able to buy new homes. The housing market begins a rapid recovery.
6. With some tort reform, small business starts are no longer afraid of the liabilities of employing people.
7. Manufacturing and world trade increases in the US and our debt goes down.
8. Program would more than pay for itself in peripheral benefits of 1-7. In addition, we institute a nationwide sales tax on main American killers: tobacco, heavy sugared products and booze.

More people working, more self esteem. Freedom from fears of getting sick and losing everything gone + higher self esteem means people get sick less and produce more. More people being productive and well = more people happy. More happy people with less idle time = less rioting and civil unrest.

Or, we can just keep catering to this one industry's wishes to keep its services private and expensive. A handful of people vs our entire country's future. Your choice.
At last something you and I can agree on. :)

(Only I won't vote in your poll because the choices are skewed.)

People who don't know their history don't realize that the main reason for outreach to the poor in the 19th century (free clinics, settlement houses, etc.) was not out of pity or concern for the poor themselves, but because the wealthy feared riots and being murdered in their beds by thieves.
At last something you and I can agree on. :)

(Only I won't vote in your poll because the choices are skewed.)

People who don't know their history don't realize that the main reason for outreach to the poor in the 19th century (free clinics, settlement houses, etc.) was not out of pity or concern for the poor themselves, but because the wealthy feared riots and being murdered in their beds by thieves.
Well, I think back then we had morality in much larger measures in the general population. So while your observations might be true about the wealthy, there was a real, actual large measure of concern for the plight of the underpriveleged classes.

Today morality is like the Dodo bird: once known in the fairly recent past to have been alive, but now extinct.
How do we create more jobs? Universal healthcare. (UHC) I will never tire of pointing this out.

UHC would:

1. Instantly free up the equivalent of a second mortgage paid out when you total monthly premiums, deductables and all real co-pays, for all family members, of the typical family. Even with Obamacare, the costs are still prohibitive.
2. That freed money immediately is poured into consuming.
3. Consuming creates more jobs.
4. Universal healthcare takes over the responsibilities for employers to provide health coverage, = instant higher profits for them and the ability to hire more workers.
5. More people working = bigger tax income for the country and more people able to buy new homes. The housing market begins a rapid recovery.
6. With some tort reform, small business starts are no longer afraid of the liabilities of employing people.
7. Manufacturing and world trade increases in the US and our debt goes down.
8. Program would more than pay for itself in peripheral benefits of 1-7. In addition, we institute a nationwide sales tax on main American killers: tobacco, heavy sugared products and booze.

More people working, more self esteem. Freedom from fears of getting sick and losing everything gone + higher self esteem means people get sick less and produce more. More people being productive and well = more people happy. More happy people with less idle time = less rioting and civil unrest.

Or, we can just keep catering to this one industry's wishes to keep its services private and expensive. A handful of people vs our entire country's future. Your choice.

The tax increases required to fund such a program would negate most of the benefits you are describing.

Plus, we get to DMV'ize our healthcare system. Wonderful.

Finally, your nanny-state crap at the bottom shows your membership in the 'no fun, anywhere by everyone" crowd.
The tax increases required to fund such a program would negate most of the benefits you are describing.

Plus, we get to DMV'ize our healthcare system. Wonderful.

Finally, your nanny-state crap at the bottom shows your membership in the 'no fun, anywhere by everyone" crowd.

1. The taxes would be sales taxes on booze, tobacco and sugared crap...maybe gambling too. I know you read the tax revenue source propose in the OP and are just using the phrase "raising taxes!" to get a visceral reaction from people to shut down the conversation.

2. We are already standing in line at health clinics. For tens of millions of Americans there will be no change in their perception of getting care.

3. I have no membership in a crowd. I do have membership in common sense and the ability to see and postulate based on what my five senses are telling me..

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