If a mother killing her own unborn child isn't wrong, then really, is anything wrong?

My objection to all of this is the dehumanization of human life
Humans are biologically separated from other mammals by our brain and our ability to contemplate the reality of our inevitable demise; going from existence to non/existence in one final heartbeat and itā€™s over.

We mortals have eaten from the Tree of Knowledge and here we are: a family of Human Beings sharing consciousness through the adaptive perfectiing of human sophisticated language sitting on one branch in a vast and mysterious forest.

So are those mistakes of nature that die in miscarriage; those who leave ā€˜never the experience of consciousness behind; are they the human being that we are?

Honestly Saint_Ding, are they?

My granddaughter just woke up! Grampa is the first human being she sees in the morning during the workweek, The happy to see me smiles through the bars of the crib are priceless. The one year anniversary of her birthday is tomorrow. Mommy and Daddy are both taking the day off to celebrate that joyous day, So I get the day off - the public celebration is on Saturday.

She may take her first steps today / she stood in place for twenty seconds on her own, I bet she would walk by her birthday / she just might.
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You need to focus Voter_Dragonlady on harm and chaos in civilized societies. Saint Ding cannot focus on harm and chaos. There is no conflict of rights prior to, as you say, ā€œwhen the fetus separates from its mother and is capable of living outside the womb.ā€

By acknowledging the fetus in all mammals is biologically ā€œaliveā€, the fifty year Catholic animated and agitated self-named ā€œpro-lifeā€ movement is exposed as a fraud.

Saint Ding is a master at manipulating language in order to ā€œpoliticallyā€ deceive others. Opposition to abortion is white Christian nationalist driven by zealots who control the Republican Party by the size of its voter base that hold a Biblicsl World View. That bloc is devoted to the Kingdom of Jesus before any fjawed earthly kingdom of the USA šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø under the Constitution,

The abortion conflict is purposely agitated by an agitated always angry minority of all Americans who are Christianā€™s.

On the record;

NotfooledbyW said: Judeo-Christian values are derived from belief that the God of Abraham has chosen people and nations to be ā€œHisā€ favorites. America was founded on a much more universal idea of GOD not being limited to one desert religion and its ā€œsin and salvationā€ update laid out in a book supposed to be the Word of God. Itā€™s Natures Godā€™ in the Declaration of Independence who is not the God of Abraham.


NotfooledbyW said:

Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion 230518 {postā€¢39}

NotfooledbyW Mayā€™24 Vpiwtt: That is pure wishful thinking and over generalizing on your part compared to a data based study on the topic:

America's Christian Heritage 170301 {postā€¢1} ding Marā€™17 Sachyz:ā€œAmerica's Christian Heritage is indisputableā€ dvng 170301 Sachyz00001

Frauds Tucker and Laura distance from T 201130 {postā€¢135} NotfooledbyW Churching of America : Membership In America Percentage of population that belongs to a church: 1776 17% 1850 34% 1860 37% 1870 35% 1890 45% 1906 51% 1916 53% 1926 56% 1952 59% 1980 62% 1995 65% * *Estimated. Source: "The Churching of America: 1776-1990" by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark and Gallup Organization dataā€œ ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ nfbw 201130 Vftald00135

Saint dingā€™s white Christian nationalism should be done with by this data.

Our first president was a Freemason

Our second president was a Unitarian who did not believe in original sin and that Jesus Christ was the savior for believers to escape the penalty of death for the Saints:

Our third president when he ran for his second term, and one was accused by his opponents of being an atheist, who is going to confiscate their Bibles.

That is why I have confidence that the data that about 20% of the rebellious population were not religious other than lipservice maybe to state religions. religions.nfbw 201130 Vftald00135 to Sachyz00001

nfbw 240518 Vpiwtt0039 to lvvnnn 240517 Spiwwr00038

The problem for Republicans is that their "brand" of Christianity, isn't based on the New Testament or the teachings of Jesus, or the Bible.

Jesus was really clear that that he was NOT interested in politics, and that people should obey the secular laws. His said to "render unto Cesaer that which is Cesaer's", and show respect for their leaders.

The Bible teaches that debts be forgiven, but these people oppose forgiving student debt.

The Bible teaches that we should welcome strangers in need, and yet Republicans want all refugees deported.

The list is endless. The Old Testament is all about God punishing those who don't obey His commands, but Jesus teachings are all about "loving one another as I have loved you". The so-called "Christian right" isn't about the love of Jesus taught us to share. The religious right is all about FORCING others to live as they believe.

But their idea of "morality" is all about sex. Who you have sex with, when you have sex, what about the "results" of sex? And the Bible really doesn't mention sex at all, and when it does, it is cringeworthy. Other than adultery, there are no prohibitions on sex. In fact, you can justify incest and rape using the Bible. But the so-called "Christian right" is obsessed with sex and especially with controlling women who have sex.

Wash, rinse, repeat for the Catholic Church and their deification of the "VIRGIN Mary", not the deification of Mary, Mother of Jesus, while at the same time being involved with massive child sex abuse scandals throughout the world in the past Century. The clergy are expected to lives free of sex, which is goes against our second prime directive of life - to reproduce. Go forth and multiply was the command. The Catholic Church says you can't truly serve Jesus or God unless you eschew all sexual contact.

The Mormon Church says that you can't have sex with your spouse UNLESS it's for procreation. And you can't get into heaven if you aren't a virgin when you marry - male or female.

The Roman Catholic Church has been directly involved in, and even actively promoted the worst excesses of man - the Crusades, the genocide of native peoples in North and South America, Africa, and Asia, the burning of "witches" in Europe, the Spanish Inquisition, the violence of the Reformation, the child sex abuse scandals throughout the world in the past Century. The Church heirarchy have been completely political and very corrupt since they first teamed up with the Roman Emperors to spread Christianity throughout the known world.
People aren't aborting a healthy fetus at 38 weeks, and such a fetus does have rights, if it's healthy and viable.
I believe the statistics agree. Six states and Washington, D.C., do not impose any term restrictions. That has not changed since the overturning of Roe.

I believe the statistics agree. Six states and Washington, D.C., do not impose any term restrictions. That has not changed since the overturning of Roe.

Given that amnio-centisis (genetic testing) cannot be done until 19 weeks at the earliest, and takes 4 - 5 weeks to complete, if there are serious problems, you're not going to know until the third trimester.

I had to sweat out the results of that amnio and am eternally grateful my news was all good news. I've never prayed so hard for anything in my life. I had already had one miscarriage trying to have this baby.

"only 1.0% of abortions take place at or after 21 weeks"


The inherent limits of medical knowledge and the infeasibility of ensuring early pregnancy recognition in all cases illustrate the impossibility of eliminating the need for thirdā€trimester abortion. The similarities between respondents' experiences and that of people seeking abortion at other gestations, particularly regarding the impact of barriers to abortion, point to the value of a social conceptualization of need for abortion that eschews a trimester or gestationā€based framework and instead conceptualizes abortion as an option throughout pregnancy."

If a mother killing her own unborn child isn't wrong, then really, is anything wrong? 240610 {postā€¢403}. ding Junā€™24 Siamkh: If you deny all rights to life in the womb then it's property. dvng 240610 Siamkh00403

If a mother killing her own unborn child isn't wrong, then really, is anything wrong? 240611 {postā€¢446}. NotfooledbyW Junā€™24 Viamkh: No. It is not property. It is not necessarily property because it is progeny, In biology, offspring are the young creations of living organisms.

In civil society it is not property to the drunk driver who crosses and hits in a head-on collision another vehicle with a pregnant woman on board. He kills two lives; the woman and the progeny. The fetus is not property. Saint_Ding is a liar.

If a woman decides to terminate her own pregnancy it is still taking a life, however being that she is that developing and creationā€™s unintended creator and must assume certain risks involved with gestating a fetus to full term and delivery she have the autonomous right to terminate that progeny.

Itā€™s not property in any case. nfbw 240611 Viamh00446
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You are free to believe what you want. I don't believe that a fertilized egg is a person, but I do believe that a healthy 38 week old fetus should have rights.
Ok, but the science says otherwise. I believe all human beings should have rights.

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