If a woman aborted my child, I would probably go ape shit. Why are the feelings of the father...

You don't get it. I DON'T CARE what the SC says. Its MY body. MY choice. Not yours. Not the courts. Not anybodys. PERIOD. And the laws can dictate whatever floats their boat but women who choose to NOT carry a fetus WILL find a way to remove it. So knock yourselves out trying to win control over a body that is not yours. Good luck with that.
You don't get it. I DON'T CARE what the SC says. Its MY body. MY choice. Not yours. Not the courts. Not anybodys. PERIOD. And the laws can dictate whatever floats their boat but women who choose to NOT carry a fetus WILL find a way to remove it. So knock yourselves out trying to win control over a body that is not yours. Good luck with that.

Thank you. That is exactly why it must be legal. It's part of human nature and Roe simply allows for it to be done safely.

Funny how those of you that say what a woman does with her body is her choice yet you want others to pay for things when the one making the choice can't afford to do so. If someone gets to make the sole choice, shouldn't the sole responsibility of paying for it be with the one making it?

Since most people don't entirely control our economic circumstances, it is in the public good to help the most economically vulnerable during difficult times.

I didn't cause the 2008 economic collapse either, but I did lose my job as a result of that collapse. Why should I have to suffer since I did nothing wrong and everything right? My bosses begged the firm not to let me go but it was a purely economic decision.

My neighbour's husband took a powder leaving her with 2 young children, no job and no prospects. She applied for welfare, went back to school, and became a teacher. My tax dollars helped her do that. I have no issue with helping her. She's s nice person and she's doing right by her family and her community.

You want people to do what you perceive to be the "right" thin
Aborting a baby you knew could be produced when you spread your legs isn't personal responsibility. Accepting the results of spreading your legs despite the results not being what you wanted is personal responsibility. Is it personally responsible to burn down your house if you can no longer pay for it?

Now for the rest of us. Since your argument is that the one letting go of the swimmers is the sole reason he is responsible for supporting the child, why are those of us that didn't let go of them with her responsible is she chooses to have a child she can't support? We didn't do the very thing for which you argue is the reason for the donor having to pay. Let me guess, you'll find some other excuse why a choice SHE made is not her responsibility to pay for.

She will be paying for that choice for the rest of her life. She will be raising that child, giving the baby her time, attention, and a goodly chunk of her worldly resources. If she needs some financial assistance to do this and the father isn't stepping up, you should be willing to help her through the rough patches since you think she did the right thing.

Americans think they're being patriotic by waving a flag. Canadians believe they're being patriotic by helping their fellow Canadians through rough patches. Love of country isn't something you wear on your lapel.

People are more important than things.
Progressives don't believe that.

They believe there are too many people, that animals and trees and dirt are every bit as valuable as human beings...and much, much more valuable than weak human beings..particularly inanimate objects and animals are more valuable than vulnerable women, babies, the elderly, and the disabled.

You haven't the vaguest clue what progressives believe. If not for progressives there would be no social assistance of any kind for the poor, the elderly, the disabled, or children. Conservatives have fought against all of these things at every step of the way, saying leave it up to the church's or personal charity.

You personally rail against ever food stamps, Medicare, and every tax dollar spent on social programs. What a hypocrite!

Do you realize that if you progressives that claim to care so much for others would actually do personally what you don't mind forcing the rest of us to do what you say should happen wouldn't involve the government?

Things like this should be left up to personal charity. Why should you get to say something should be in place then demand someone else be forced to fund it because you wo't personally do what you say should be done.

You are the reason most women choose abortion

I have nothing to do with her choice. You lefties have said I don't.
It absolutely has a bearing. Give them coat hangers.

The outcome is the same, dope. You've only suggested that the woman should suffer any consequence in silence and darkness.

Someone willing to kill the very thing her actions produced should suffer. In silence or darkness is irrelevant.

Careful, your misogyny is showing.

Careful, your support of irresponsibility is showing, again.

What irresponsibility? I spent half of the thread saying that a man ought not impregnate a woman if he can't handle his obligation.

You're all over the place.

You also said that those men that didn't impregnate the woman should have to help fund the child if the woman chooses to have it and can't afford it.
Whoop! There it is!

You don't see a 75% bastard birth rate as a problem?
You don't see a 75% bastard birth rate as a problem?

If only there were a national organization whose mission it was to help women with reproductive health and family planning.

If people only made personally responsible decisions to take care of what they produced.

No doubt. Wishful thinking and in no way reality.

It's people like you that keep it from becoming reality by enabling those that do the wrong thing.

WTF are you talking about?
You don't get it. I DON'T CARE what the SC says. Its MY body. MY choice. Not yours. Not the courts. Not anybodys. PERIOD. And the laws can dictate whatever floats their boat but women who choose to NOT carry a fetus WILL find a way to remove it. So knock yourselves out trying to win control over a body that is not yours. Good luck with that.
You don't get it. I DON'T CARE what the SC says. Its MY body. MY choice. Not yours. Not the courts. Not anybodys. PERIOD. And the laws can dictate whatever floats their boat but women who choose to NOT carry a fetus WILL find a way to remove it. So knock yourselves out trying to win control over a body that is not yours. Good luck with that.

Thank you. That is exactly why it must be legal. It's part of human nature and Roe simply allows for it to be done safely.

Funny how those of you that say what a woman does with her body is her choice yet you want others to pay for things when the one making the choice can't afford to do so. If someone gets to make the sole choice, shouldn't the sole responsibility of paying for it be with the one making it?

Since most people don't entirely control our economic circumstances, it is in the public good to help the most economically vulnerable during difficult times.

I didn't cause the 2008 economic collapse either, but I did lose my job as a result of that collapse. Why should I have to suffer since I did nothing wrong and everything right? My bosses begged the firm not to let me go but it was a purely economic decision.

My neighbour's husband took a powder leaving her with 2 young children, no job and no prospects. She applied for welfare, went back to school, and became a teacher. My tax dollars helped her do that. I have no issue with helping her. She's s nice person and she's doing right by her family and her community.

You want people to do what you perceive to be the "right" thin
Aborting a baby you knew could be produced when you spread your legs isn't personal responsibility. Accepting the results of spreading your legs despite the results not being what you wanted is personal responsibility. Is it personally responsible to burn down your house if you can no longer pay for it?

Now for the rest of us. Since your argument is that the one letting go of the swimmers is the sole reason he is responsible for supporting the child, why are those of us that didn't let go of them with her responsible is she chooses to have a child she can't support? We didn't do the very thing for which you argue is the reason for the donor having to pay. Let me guess, you'll find some other excuse why a choice SHE made is not her responsibility to pay for.

She will be paying for that choice for the rest of her life. She will be raising that child, giving the baby her time, attention, and a goodly chunk of her worldly resources. If she needs some financial assistance to do this and the father isn't stepping up, you should be willing to help her through the rough patches since you think she did the right thing.

Americans think they're being patriotic by waving a flag. Canadians believe they're being patriotic by helping their fellow Canadians through rough patches. Love of country isn't something you wear on your lapel.

People are more important than things.
Progressives don't believe that.

They believe there are too many people, that animals and trees and dirt are every bit as valuable as human beings...and much, much more valuable than weak human beings..particularly inanimate objects and animals are more valuable than vulnerable women, babies, the elderly, and the disabled.

You haven't the vaguest clue what progressives believe. If not for progressives there would be no social assistance of any kind for the poor, the elderly, the disabled, or children. Conservatives have fought against all of these things at every step of the way, saying leave it up to the church's or personal charity.

You personally rail against ever food stamps, Medicare, and every tax dollar spent on social programs. What a hypocrite!

Do you realize that if you progressives that claim to care so much for others would actually do personally what you don't mind forcing the rest of us to do what you say should happen wouldn't involve the government?

Things like this should be left up to personal charity. Why should you get to say something should be in place then demand someone else be forced to fund it because you wo't personally do what you say should be done.

For starters, because private charity doesn't work. There's not enough of it, you have to know the right people to access it and it's not evenly or equally distributed.

What is worse is that in times of economic downturns, when it's needed most, charitable giving declines because fewer people are working and have the resources to give.

Government programs are the most effective and efficient method of assisting those in need. It is also the only resource which can continue to provide that reliable assistance in times of economic downturns.

Sadly, the conservatives have so overburdened the social safety net with means testing, drug testing, and and other wasteful administration costs that programs are not as efficient as they could be.

You have local, state and federal programs. Each program has a separate application and administration process, separate means testing, separate fraud oversight, all adding to the overall costs of providing the assistance.

Millions have been spent drug testing welfare recipients which have in turns has saved thousand of dollars. Spending millions to save thousands is fiscally irresponsible but conservatives are all for it. My boss used to call that "Picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants".

Truer words were never spoken.

In other words because people don't give what is theirs to a level and in a manner you agree with you think it's OK to force them to do so? I've offered a solution if you don't think I give enough and you refused.

Why don't just fucking say you're not going to help others with your money but you'll take credit for thinking the government should take mine.

If someone chooses to have a child and can't support that child, it's not the place of anyone to be forced to do it. If she can't fund HER choices, tough shit.
You don't see a 75% bastard birth rate as a problem?
You don't see a 75% bastard birth rate as a problem?

If only there were a national organization whose mission it was to help women with reproductive health and family planning.

If people only made personally responsible decisions to take care of what they produced.

No doubt. Wishful thinking and in no way reality.

It's people like you that keep it from becoming reality by enabling those that do the wrong thing.

WTF are you talking about?

Try to keep up, coward.
The outcome is the same, dope. You've only suggested that the woman should suffer any consequence in silence and darkness.

Someone willing to kill the very thing her actions produced should suffer. In silence or darkness is irrelevant.

Careful, your misogyny is showing.

Careful, your support of irresponsibility is showing, again.

What irresponsibility? I spent half of the thread saying that a man ought not impregnate a woman if he can't handle his obligation.

You're all over the place.

You also said that those men that didn't impregnate the woman should have to help fund the child if the woman chooses to have it and can't afford it.

I did? Hmm...who knew?
Can you show me where I stated that?
Someone willing to kill the very thing her actions produced should suffer. In silence or darkness is irrelevant.

Careful, your misogyny is showing.

Careful, your support of irresponsibility is showing, again.

What irresponsibility? I spent half of the thread saying that a man ought not impregnate a woman if he can't handle his obligation.

You're all over the place.

You also said that those men that didn't impregnate the woman should have to help fund the child if the woman chooses to have it and can't afford it.

I did? Hmm...who knew?
Can you show me where I stated that?

So you oppose mandated taxes used to support the children that a person didn't help produce?
If only there were a national organization whose mission it was to help women with reproductive health and family planning.

If people only made personally responsible decisions to take care of what they produced.

No doubt. Wishful thinking and in no way reality.

It's people like you that keep it from becoming reality by enabling those that do the wrong thing.

WTF are you talking about?

Try to keep up, coward.

Coward? I'm right here addressing you, dope.
It's not my fault you aren't making yourself clear.
Thank you. That is exactly why it must be legal. It's part of human nature and Roe simply allows for it to be done safely.

Funny how those of you that say what a woman does with her body is her choice yet you want others to pay for things when the one making the choice can't afford to do so. If someone gets to make the sole choice, shouldn't the sole responsibility of paying for it be with the one making it?

Since most people don't entirely control our economic circumstances, it is in the public good to help the most economically vulnerable during difficult times.

I didn't cause the 2008 economic collapse either, but I did lose my job as a result of that collapse. Why should I have to suffer since I did nothing wrong and everything right? My bosses begged the firm not to let me go but it was a purely economic decision.

My neighbour's husband took a powder leaving her with 2 young children, no job and no prospects. She applied for welfare, went back to school, and became a teacher. My tax dollars helped her do that. I have no issue with helping her. She's s nice person and she's doing right by her family and her community.

You want people to do what you perceive to be the "right" thin
She will be paying for that choice for the rest of her life. She will be raising that child, giving the baby her time, attention, and a goodly chunk of her worldly resources. If she needs some financial assistance to do this and the father isn't stepping up, you should be willing to help her through the rough patches since you think she did the right thing.

Americans think they're being patriotic by waving a flag. Canadians believe they're being patriotic by helping their fellow Canadians through rough patches. Love of country isn't something you wear on your lapel.

People are more important than things.
Progressives don't believe that.

They believe there are too many people, that animals and trees and dirt are every bit as valuable as human beings...and much, much more valuable than weak human beings..particularly inanimate objects and animals are more valuable than vulnerable women, babies, the elderly, and the disabled.

You haven't the vaguest clue what progressives believe. If not for progressives there would be no social assistance of any kind for the poor, the elderly, the disabled, or children. Conservatives have fought against all of these things at every step of the way, saying leave it up to the church's or personal charity.

You personally rail against ever food stamps, Medicare, and every tax dollar spent on social programs. What a hypocrite!

Do you realize that if you progressives that claim to care so much for others would actually do personally what you don't mind forcing the rest of us to do what you say should happen wouldn't involve the government?

Things like this should be left up to personal charity. Why should you get to say something should be in place then demand someone else be forced to fund it because you wo't personally do what you say should be done.

For starters, because private charity doesn't work. There's not enough of it, you have to know the right people to access it and it's not evenly or equally distributed.

What is worse is that in times of economic downturns, when it's needed most, charitable giving declines because fewer people are working and have the resources to give.

Government programs are the most effective and efficient method of assisting those in need. It is also the only resource which can continue to provide that reliable assistance in times of economic downturns.

Sadly, the conservatives have so overburdened the social safety net with means testing, drug testing, and and other wasteful administration costs that programs are not as efficient as they could be.

You have local, state and federal programs. Each program has a separate application and administration process, separate means testing, separate fraud oversight, all adding to the overall costs of providing the assistance.

Millions have been spent drug testing welfare recipients which have in turns has saved thousand of dollars. Spending millions to save thousands is fiscally irresponsible but conservatives are all for it. My boss used to call that "Picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants".

Truer words were never spoken.

In other words because people don't give what is theirs to a level and in a manner you agree with you think it's OK to force them to do so? I've offered a solution if you don't think I give enough and you refused.

Why don't just fucking say you're not going to help others with your money but you'll take credit for thinking the government should take mine.

If someone chooses to have a child and can't support that child, it's not the place of anyone to be forced to do it. If she can't fund HER choices, tough shit.

Well put but commies don't give a shit.

They're criminal minded, brainwashed, mentally ill fools. Often compounded by drug and alcohol abuse issues.
It is so weird at how conservatives resist abortion, so want to force a woman to have the baby, but then say the baby has no rights once born (to food, healthcare, clothing etc). Nope, at that point its on its own with a mama who doesn't love it and a dad who has made a dash for it. Why be more concerned with embryos' rights than children living on the streets?
I am a mom of three and if anyone had forced me to go through carrying, birthing and raising those little angels I would have wiped that smile off his sodden face in a second flat.
Can you provide a link to a site or quote or ANY fucking thing to a Conservative saying that children have NO RIGHTS to food or clothing once they are fucking born, fucktard?


I didn't think you could.

Yet, Conservatives consistently cut funding to programs that help young children

The fucking claim wss that conservatives DENY RIGHTS to food and clothing to children once they are fucking born.

Show me where the Constitution says public funding and fucking CHARITY is a RIGHT.

You can't fucking do it because it's not fucking in there.

This is a perfect example of why you fucktarded morons deserve no respect. You can't even differentiate between an act of charity and a fucking RIGHT.

Show me where the Constitution says public funding and fucking CHARITY is a RIGHT.

Attitudes like this are a reason women feel they have little choice but to get an abortion. If you really opposed abortion like your screen persona indicates......you would support free birth control, free prenatal care, free childcare, welfare and food stamps

Those are the programs that give a woman an option other than abortion
If people only made personally responsible decisions to take care of what they produced.

No doubt. Wishful thinking and in no way reality.

It's people like you that keep it from becoming reality by enabling those that do the wrong thing.

WTF are you talking about?

Try to keep up, coward.

Coward? I'm right here addressing you, dope.
It's not my fault you aren't making yourself clear.

Because you don't understand doesn't make it my fault. It's your fault if you're too stupid to grasp things.
I didnt say anything about marriage. You can have children regardless of being married. I said you had children with a woman that wanted to have children. Thats a good decision you made. People who have sex with a woman that doesnt want children or you havent discussed it has no responsibility (moral or legal) to carry the child for you at all.
My guess is that you don't believe in God, so you are wandering in darkness and don't know the difference between right and wrong.
Why are we required to believe in your god in the way you do?

Why are we required to do things the way you think we should. Funny how those that demand people should push their beliefs on others do just that when it comes to all sorts of things.
I'm not pushing you and yours to get an abortion...however, you are pushing to prevent me and mine from being able to get an abortion.

So who exactly is pushing their their beliefs on whom? :eusa_eh:

I'm working on preventing innocent lives from being taken because irresponsible women don't like the results of spreading their legs then refusing to accept that the act they did caused the result. You're working on enabling them to be killers.

If the woman that you say should have the sole choice with her body can't afford birth control, do you support taxpayers funding it? If a woman chooses to have a child she can't afford to support, do you support those that didn't make the choice or get her pregnant funding it?

Yet you oppose programs that would support those lives once they are born
Careful, your misogyny is showing.

Careful, your support of irresponsibility is showing, again.

What irresponsibility? I spent half of the thread saying that a man ought not impregnate a woman if he can't handle his obligation.

You're all over the place.

You also said that those men that didn't impregnate the woman should have to help fund the child if the woman chooses to have it and can't afford it.

I did? Hmm...who knew?
Can you show me where I stated that?

So you oppose mandated taxes used to support the children that a person didn't help produce?

Mandated taxes? What are you saying?
It is so weird at how conservatives resist abortion, so want to force a woman to have the baby, but then say the baby has no rights once born (to food, healthcare, clothing etc). Nope, at that point its on its own with a mama who doesn't love it and a dad who has made a dash for it. Why be more concerned with embryos' rights than children living on the streets?
I am a mom of three and if anyone had forced me to go through carrying, birthing and raising those little angels I would have wiped that smile off his sodden face in a second flat.
Can you provide a link to a site or quote or ANY fucking thing to a Conservative saying that children have NO RIGHTS to food or clothing once they are fucking born, fucktard?


I didn't think you could.

Yet, Conservatives consistently cut funding to programs that help young children

The fucking claim wss that conservatives DENY RIGHTS to food and clothing to children once they are fucking born.

Show me where the Constitution says public funding and fucking CHARITY is a RIGHT.

You can't fucking do it because it's not fucking in there.

This is a perfect example of why you fucktarded morons deserve no respect. You can't even differentiate between an act of charity and a fucking RIGHT.

Show me where the Constitution says public funding and fucking CHARITY is a RIGHT.

Attitudes like this are a reason women feel they have little choice but to get an abortion. If you really opposed abortion like your screen persona indicates......you would support free birth control, free prenatal care, free childcare, welfare and food stamps

Those are the programs that give a woman an option other than abortion

If you supported personal responsibility, you'd support the one making the choice to have children feed their own or you'd do it yourself voluntarily.

I support if she makes the choice to have a child, she supports the child or do without.
No doubt. Wishful thinking and in no way reality.

It's people like you that keep it from becoming reality by enabling those that do the wrong thing.

WTF are you talking about?

Try to keep up, coward.

Coward? I'm right here addressing you, dope.
It's not my fault you aren't making yourself clear.

Because you don't understand doesn't make it my fault. It's your fault if you're too stupid to grasp things.

Apparently just not stupid enough to function at your level.
It is so weird at how conservatives resist abortion, so want to force a woman to have the baby, but then say the baby has no rights once born (to food, healthcare, clothing etc). Nope, at that point its on its own with a mama who doesn't love it and a dad who has made a dash for it. Why be more concerned with embryos' rights than children living on the streets?
I am a mom of three and if anyone had forced me to go through carrying, birthing and raising those little angels I would have wiped that smile off his sodden face in a second flat.
Can you provide a link to a site or quote or ANY fucking thing to a Conservative saying that children have NO RIGHTS to food or clothing once they are fucking born, fucktard?


I didn't think you could.

Yet, Conservatives consistently cut funding to programs that help young children

The fucking claim wss that conservatives DENY RIGHTS to food and clothing to children once they are fucking born.

Show me where the Constitution says public funding and fucking CHARITY is a RIGHT.

You can't fucking do it because it's not fucking in there.

This is a perfect example of why you fucktarded morons deserve no respect. You can't even differentiate between an act of charity and a fucking RIGHT.

Show me where the Constitution says public funding and fucking CHARITY is a RIGHT.

Attitudes like this are a reason women feel they have little choice but to get an abortion. If you really opposed abortion like your screen persona indicates......you would support free birth control, free prenatal care, free childcare, welfare and food stamps

Those are the programs that give a woman an option other than abortion
Women feel they don't have a choice because men tell them they don't.

#1 cause of death among pregnant women = murder by babydaddies who want them to abort.
My guess is that you don't believe in God, so you are wandering in darkness and don't know the difference between right and wrong.
Why are we required to believe in your god in the way you do?

Why are we required to do things the way you think we should. Funny how those that demand people should push their beliefs on others do just that when it comes to all sorts of things.
I'm not pushing you and yours to get an abortion...however, you are pushing to prevent me and mine from being able to get an abortion.

So who exactly is pushing their their beliefs on whom? :eusa_eh:

I'm working on preventing innocent lives from being taken because irresponsible women don't like the results of spreading their legs then refusing to accept that the act they did caused the result. You're working on enabling them to be killers.

If the woman that you say should have the sole choice with her body can't afford birth control, do you support taxpayers funding it? If a woman chooses to have a child she can't afford to support, do you support those that didn't make the choice or get her pregnant funding it?

Yet you oppose programs that would support those lives once they are born

That's because I didn't make the choice for it to be born. She did. That's why I support HER funding it or getting those like you to do it voluntarily.
It's people like you that keep it from becoming reality by enabling those that do the wrong thing.

WTF are you talking about?

Try to keep up, coward.

Coward? I'm right here addressing you, dope.
It's not my fault you aren't making yourself clear.

Because you don't understand doesn't make it my fault. It's your fault if you're too stupid to grasp things.

Apparently just not stupid enough to function at your level.

Typical Liberal that can't understand blaming the one that tries to educate him.
Careful, your support of irresponsibility is showing, again.

What irresponsibility? I spent half of the thread saying that a man ought not impregnate a woman if he can't handle his obligation.

You're all over the place.

You also said that those men that didn't impregnate the woman should have to help fund the child if the woman chooses to have it and can't afford it.

I did? Hmm...who knew?
Can you show me where I stated that?

So you oppose mandated taxes used to support the children that a person didn't help produce?

Mandated taxes? What are you saying?

Like I said, you're a coward too afraid to answer a simple question.

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