If a woman aborted my child, I would probably go ape shit. Why are the feelings of the father...

...never discussed, or even considered?

There must be all kinds of stories of fathers who wanted to keep their child, but the mother aborted and they could do nothing to stop it.

I am convinced the pro-abort media is censoring these stories, which must be in the millions by now.

I do have a story of a friend of mine, who was blackmailed into a very bad marriage.

She said, "Marry me, or I will abort your child."

So he married her, even though I told him the marriage would never last, even though his father told him he'd get an all-expenses paid trip through Europe if he didn't marry her.

Of course, none of us knew about the abortion threat, because he kept that a secret.

And, sure enough, the marriage was very unhappy, and as I predicted, ended in divorce.

Why doesn't the media cover a story like that?

I find the story very interesting, don't you?
What a lame question! You are saying that this was an unplanned pregnancy. This issue is totally the woman's decision whether to keep the baby or abort prior to the birth. Your involvement was one of lust, totally! That is especiailly evident since you used no birth control. You participated strictly for the fun; therefore you have no say in the matter.
I have no memory of anything before birth, do you?

So? I have no memory of being a baby or of being born either. That doesn't mean anything.

It means if you were aborted you'd have no real existence. No memories, no experiences...

That sounds like an argument that could be used to justify murdering two and three year olds.

Care to explain why it could NOT be?

2 and 3 year olds have memory and experiences obviously. They know pain and fear and happiness... is your question serious?

i have no memories from that young. Certainly not TWO.

My understanding is that unborn children learn the sounds of voices from outside, and will be reassured by hearing those voices when they are born.

Rocking a baby and humming to it in a low register is to recreate the sounds and feelings the infant remembers from being in the womb.
You certainly learned and experienced things at that age.

When does hearing develope?
Far less so now. More in the past I am sure.

Why do you say far less so now? With the rise of single motherhood, I would say probably more so now.

Because the woman has the legal recourse to force the man to support the child, whether he wants to or not.
Then fucking use birth control. This isn't rocket science.

My post was in response to a question on whether there is more pressure from some men to have abortions today or in the past. I posted why I thought LESS.

Try to be less bat shit crazy.
And my response was the remedy to a whiney loser, bitching again about how a woman can force a man to pay child support when he doesn't want to.

I was not making a judgement on the action, I was just referring to it.

I am not responsible for any assumptions you made about that.

Fuck off and die.
It means if you were aborted you'd have no real existence. No memories, no experiences...

Well, that does not make it "okay" in my mind. I don't really condone or support abortion or think of it as a "good" choice. I know that it's not my place in this world to tell other women that they have to bear a child or a pregnancy though. I don't think that women who do have an abortion are evil monsters either. I believe most of them probably feel that they don't have many other options.

I agree with you. Birth control the best option. But with no memory or experience there is no real existance.

I disagree. In that case, would you kill everyone with Alzheimer's too? WTH?

Completely different. They have lived and experienced.

So? They have no memories. Your argument is stupid.

I clearly said memory and experience. You are changing the argument obviously.
So, you don't claim that the law is right, you just claim that it is on your side.

Such a stance is morally and ethnically indefensible.

No, that's your overactive imagination running amok again.

No, your complete ignoring of the idea of genetic testing as a means of identifying a FATHER, and instead citing LAW, shows that you don't care whether the law is right or wrong, just that it is on your side.

I'm surprised more lawyers don't get shot by people who's lives get fucked up by thinking like that.

That still doesn't make a father.

Your anti-science stance is noted and held against you, lawyer.

According to idiots like you, you would be the "father" of this... :eusa_doh:


You would be the father of ^^^ that ^^^, right?

Hell fucking yes, and if something happened to it, it would matter to me, a lot.

You do know that we all looked like that, at some point, right?
So? I have no memory of being a baby or of being born either. That doesn't mean anything.

It means if you were aborted you'd have no real existence. No memories, no experiences...

That sounds like an argument that could be used to justify murdering two and three year olds.

Care to explain why it could NOT be?

2 and 3 year olds have memory and experiences obviously. They know pain and fear and happiness... is your question serious?

i have no memories from that young. Certainly not TWO.

My understanding is that unborn children learn the sounds of voices from outside, and will be reassured by hearing those voices when they are born.

Rocking a baby and humming to it in a low register is to recreate the sounds and feelings the infant remembers from being in the womb.
You certainly learned and experienced things at that age.

When does hearing develope?

I don't know. I was taught that the unborn child would be able to hear voices, and that talking to the new born would be reassuring to it.
It means if you were aborted you'd have no real existence. No memories, no experiences...

That sounds like an argument that could be used to justify murdering two and three year olds.

Care to explain why it could NOT be?

2 and 3 year olds have memory and experiences obviously. They know pain and fear and happiness... is your question serious?

i have no memories from that young. Certainly not TWO.

My understanding is that unborn children learn the sounds of voices from outside, and will be reassured by hearing those voices when they are born.

Rocking a baby and humming to it in a low register is to recreate the sounds and feelings the infant remembers from being in the womb.
You certainly learned and experienced things at that age.

When does hearing develope?

I don't know. I was taught that the unborn child would be able to hear voices, and that talking to the new born would be reassuring to it.

They don't develope hearing till many weeks in. It would be fair to say no abortions after then.
So, you don't claim that the law is right, you just claim that it is on your side.

Such a stance is morally and ethnically indefensible.

No, that's your overactive imagination running amok again.

No, your complete ignoring of the idea of genetic testing as a means of identifying a FATHER, and instead citing LAW, shows that you don't care whether the law is right or wrong, just that it is on your side.

I'm surprised more lawyers don't get shot by people who's lives get fucked up by thinking like that.

That still doesn't make a father.

Your anti-science stance is noted and held against you, lawyer.

According to idiots like you, you would be the "father" of this... :eusa_doh:


You would be the father of ^^^ that ^^^, right?

One of the oldest tricks in your playbook.

Lame really.
ONLY the mother can assign a value to the unborn she is carrying.

Can a husband value his wife? (regardless of age or location)

If you say yes, then, why can he not also value his child? (regardless of age or location)

No, that's your overactive imagination running amok again.

No, your complete ignoring of the idea of genetic testing as a means of identifying a FATHER, and instead citing LAW, shows that you don't care whether the law is right or wrong, just that it is on your side.

I'm surprised more lawyers don't get shot by people who's lives get fucked up by thinking like that.

That still doesn't make a father.

Your anti-science stance is noted and held against you, lawyer.

According to idiots like you, you would be the "father" of this... :eusa_doh:


You would be the father of ^^^ that ^^^, right?

Hell fucking yes, and if something happened to it, it would matter to me, a lot.
You fucking moron .... "Hell fucking yes??" ... that's an elephant embryo, ya dumbfuck.


Which is the point .... you think you would be the father of something you can't even recognize as human.

That is not a father.

You do know that we all looked like that, at some point, right?
Well, maybe you did. :lmao:

No, that's your overactive imagination running amok again.

No, your complete ignoring of the idea of genetic testing as a means of identifying a FATHER, and instead citing LAW, shows that you don't care whether the law is right or wrong, just that it is on your side.

I'm surprised more lawyers don't get shot by people who's lives get fucked up by thinking like that.

That still doesn't make a father.

Your anti-science stance is noted and held against you, lawyer.

According to idiots like you, you would be the "father" of this... :eusa_doh:


You would be the father of ^^^ that ^^^, right?

One of the oldest tricks in your playbook.

Lame really.
Hey, Correll was dumb enough to fall for it.

I would support a law, I think, that any woman who gets an abortion must be sterilized afterwards so she cannot get pregnant again, and have the need for any further abortions.

Fair is fair.

That is retarded. Lol.
But it is fair. Once a woman has proven herself unworthy to be a mother, she should be sterlized for the good of humanity.

What about the women who keep getting pregnant and become irresponsible single mothers? Sterilization based on behavior should never be an option...nix that idea.
Yes ideally mentally stable women and men who have their lives together would stop using ( or never use) protection as a joint decision and welcome a pregnancy. Its not going to happen.
Takes 2 to make a baby, both have responsibility toward the child. I think the final say should be with the mother, but the father should know if she decides on abortion.
ONLY the mother can assign a value to the unborn she is carrying.

Can a husband value his wife? (regardless of age or location)

If you say yes, then, why can he not also value his child? (regardless of age or location)

Well because of the biological circumstances, if the mother doesn't place any value on the unborn, then it is kind of a done deal. The bottom line here is that you cannot force people to do things they don't want to do, and that especially includes going through a pregnancy and becoming a parent. But I'm sure the father (if he even knows and cares) does assign some value to his unborn child, and I do feel sorry that the fathers sometimes are left out of these decisions.
No, your complete ignoring of the idea of genetic testing as a means of identifying a FATHER, and instead citing LAW, shows that you don't care whether the law is right or wrong, just that it is on your side.

I'm surprised more lawyers don't get shot by people who's lives get fucked up by thinking like that.

That still doesn't make a father.

Your anti-science stance is noted and held against you, lawyer.

According to idiots like you, you would be the "father" of this... :eusa_doh:


You would be the father of ^^^ that ^^^, right?

Hell fucking yes, and if something happened to it, it would matter to me, a lot.
You fucking moron .... "Hell fucking yes??" ... that's an elephant embryo, ya dumbfuck.


Which is the point .... you think you would be the father of something you can't even recognize as human.

That is not a father.

You do know that we all looked like that, at some point, right?
Well, maybe you did. :lmao:

Actually that is exactly what a father means.

Every father, and mother, were fathers and mothers to something wasn't recognizable as human, during much of the pregnancy.


Tell you what, lawyer, next time some woman tells you she is two months pregnant, tell her that her child is not even recognizable as a human. Especially if her husband is there.

See how that works out for you.

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