If a woman loses her show for calling someone an ape, then a woman should lose her show for...

You're acting like an online bully, defending a bully who called a woman a ****. You should be banned.

Yeah. I should be banned. You nailed it.

I’ve not defended anyone. All I’ve done is mock you for being a fucking crybaby. Just like your Orange hero.

Man up. Learn how shit works. If a WOMAN calling. WOMAN a **** was as socially unacceptable as a WHITE PERSON calling a BLACK PERSON an ape, then you’d get your wish. But it isn’t.

Stop whining and learn how shit works.

Besides. Don’t you hava an abortion to stop? Eyes on the prize, freak.

Absolutely you should be banned for that bullshit.

I see what you did there.
The show will be back on another channel and all will be forgiven...hopefully FOX picks it up
...calling someone a ****.

**** is a word that is offensive to all women, and offensive to all men who care about women.

That word should NEVER be used for any reason by anyone.
Howard Cosell lost his tv commentary show for refering to some football players as monkeys.
As Sean Davis tweets, “If the Turner non-reaction so far is any guide, Roseanne’s big mistake was putting her comments on Twitter instead of in her show’s script. The fact that a whole network reviewed, approved, promoted, and aired Bee’s scripted slur is the best protection Bee could ever buy,” adding that “The Roseanne and Samantha Bee scandals aren’t comparable. Roseanne wrote something on Twitter and her show was immediately cancelled. In the case of Samantha Bee, an entire network’s legal and editorial team knew exactly what Bee would say, approved it, and broadcast it.” Instapundit
Then the whole lot of them are guilty and people should stop watching the show.

By your logic Trump should be fired (impeached) for calling an NFL player a son of a bitch & calling Mexican's Rapists and Murderers.
Aw just stop the fooling around. Everyone just lay into one else every time a camera gets shoved in their faces.
You're acting like an online bully, defending a bully who called a woman a ****. You should be banned.

Yeah. I should be banned. You nailed it.

I’ve not defended anyone. All I’ve done is mock you for being a fucking crybaby. Just like your Orange hero.

Man up. Learn how shit works. If a WOMAN calling. WOMAN a **** was as socially unacceptable as a WHITE PERSON calling a BLACK PERSON an ape, then you’d get your wish. But it isn’t.

Stop whining and learn how shit works.

Besides. Don’t you hava an abortion to stop? Eyes on the prize, freak.

THEM are the rules? And you're the team of "civility" and non-offensive language? I'm confused. All this vulgarity is coming from folks who want to tell US what is civil and what is NOT??
...calling someone a ****.

**** is a word that is offensive to all women, and offensive to all men who care about women.

That word should NEVER be used for any reason by anyone.

There's a big difference between calling someone something offensive, and calling someone something offensive about the way they were born.
You're acting like an online bully, defending a bully who called a woman a ****. You should be banned.

Yeah. I should be banned. You nailed it.

I’ve not defended anyone. All I’ve done is mock you for being a fucking crybaby. Just like your Orange hero.

Man up. Learn how shit works. If a WOMAN calling. WOMAN a **** was as socially unacceptable as a WHITE PERSON calling a BLACK PERSON an ape, then you’d get your wish. But it isn’t.

Stop whining and learn how shit works.

Besides. Don’t you hava an abortion to stop? Eyes on the prize, freak.
You defend a woman bullying another woman by calling her a horrible, sexist word. You should be banned. I will start a petition.

You do that. While you are at it, eat a bag of dicks. You need a release.
You are creating a hostile environment for me with your sexually aggressive language. I will take it up with the political correctness league.

Take it up with the political correctness league? I figured you would just take it up the a55 like usual.
Cosby still on the air with many convictions and shes off over saying something once
...calling someone a ****.

**** is a word that is offensive to all women, and offensive to all men who care about women.

That word should NEVER be used for any reason by anyone.

I like the C word. My wife hated it though. It's just a WORD, jackass. Grow up and get over it. Has nothing to do with caring or not caring about women. Take your attitude and SHOVE IT. You're just another fragile, whining pussy snowflake.
...calling someone a ****.

**** is a word that is offensive to all women, and offensive to all men who care about women.

That word should NEVER be used for any reason by anyone.
Howard Cosell lost his tv commentary show for refering to some football players as monkeys.

I had never heard Monday Night Football referred to as a TV commentary show.

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