If affordable health care act is defeated


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

It will be a sad day for millions of American men, women and children who will be without medical care and it a death sentence for million of them. Sad because there are people who hate Obama more than they love the lives of millions of men, women and children. It does not hurt Obama because he can afford medical care for his family and can afford to use it, but there are millions that have medical care and cannot afford to use it and millions that cannot afford it. Many Americans with existing medical problem that cannot get healthcare and many which have a capout, unlike Cheney who could afford his heart transplant. Millions of 18-26 year old students will be without medical care. Santorum’s daughter will never be without medical care because he can afford it.
Obama was trying to help you village idiots but you are too stupid to know it. He is trying you give you all affordable healthcare.
This opposition to affordable health care is more about Obama than about a mandate. No one is suing Romney that has a mandate. State government can require a mandate but federal government cannot?
I don't think being told what to do is essential to a life goal. Not too long ago employers weren't giving out healthcare. or they offered it at a lower wage amount. Meaning you could earn 18 / hr without insurance or 15 with insurance.
That worked.
What the hell is going on with people , they are mostly the old hippies of the 60's and think socialism and communism is the best thing since sliced bread. Didn't they see what happens in communistic countries?
They think they will be immune to the death panels b/c they are in favor of them? Well to those who think being without obamacare will kill everyone let me say ; forget you. There is no getting a point across that I was without healthcare in my teens/twenties and even now I have healthcare but I go to my endo every 6 mos and my GP each year. That's it! I go bare minimum.

Are you supporters of socialism/healthcare for all some kind of hypochondriacs? You have a pain in the earlobe and you are off to the ER? I mean , really? You need a Dr 24/7?
What's the real deal? What's in it for you? You got charity care....you could save up for a rainy day?
So what is the real deal here? I don't think, anymore, it's about healthcare per se.
I think there is a bigger agenda behind this.

Remember, all, the HR bill for affordable healthcare has a lot of hidden goodies for communists like Pelosi, Reed and all......and it has NOTHING to do with healthcare for Americans.
I urge ya to bing the HR bill and take an hour a day to read it all. You'll be so heartbroken what is really in there.
I am. I don't want to have my insulin rationed or be told by a panel of strangers when I can have my medicine.
I hardly go to Dr's I am not a hypochondriac ; I will go when I really feel dumpy. But I take care of myself. I eat in moderation, I take my med's when needed......I get up and go.
I'll be DAMNED if that man in DC is going to dictate when I die. That's MURDER. And they are doing it now with old folks. I am glad my aunt lived to 95. But if this HC goes thru , will most see 80. I mean the Democraps are trashing Cheney for his new heart at 71...well they are cruddy creep subhuman inhumane bugs. With modern medical technology 71 is the new 55.
To look at someone 71 you'd never know they were. yet they are going to die at the hands of Obamacare.
Read that bill! then talk about it. just don't make assumptions. Anyone can get healthcare. But they will have to buy a more affordable cell phone NOT an iphone and no ipod or ipad.
Ditch the new blinged out care, ditch the 200 dollar sneakers. Any kid can get healthcare if they give up the stupid stuff.

It will be a sad day for millions of American men, women and children who will be without medical care and it a death sentence for million of them. Sad because there are people who hate Obama more than they love the lives of millions of men, women and children. It does not hurt Obama because he can afford medical care for his family and can afford to use it, but there are millions that have medical care and cannot afford to use it and millions that cannot afford it. Many Americans with existing medical problem that cannot get healthcare and many which have a capout, unlike Cheney who could afford his heart transplant. Millions of 18-26 year old students will be without medical care. Santorum’s daughter will never be without medical care because he can afford it.
Obama was trying to help you village idiots but you are too stupid to know it. He is trying you give you all affordable healthcare.
This opposition to affordable health care is more about Obama than about a mandate. No one is suing Romney that has a mandate. State government can require a mandate but federal government cannot?

Sorry that you are so dull. Allow me to help.

Individual States have the ability to do things that the Federal government cannot do. Read the Constitution. Pay close attention to Article I, section 8. Then read the 10th Amendment which states that "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

It will be a sad day for millions of American men, women and children who will be without medical care and it a death sentence for million of them. Sad because there are people who hate Obama more than they love the lives of millions of men, women and children. It does not hurt Obama because he can afford medical care for his family and can afford to use it, but there are millions that have medical care and cannot afford to use it and millions that cannot afford it. Many Americans with existing medical problem that cannot get healthcare and many which have a capout, unlike Cheney who could afford his heart transplant. Millions of 18-26 year old students will be without medical care. Santorum’s daughter will never be without medical care because he can afford it.
Obama was trying to help you village idiots but you are too stupid to know it. He is trying you give you all affordable healthcare.
This opposition to affordable health care is more about Obama than about a mandate. No one is suing Romney that has a mandate. State government can require a mandate but federal government cannot?

If Obama was actually trying to help he would have made sure it was done right.
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State government can require a mandate but federal government cannot?

yes we have freedom from big liberal monopoplistic federal government. It was the purpose of the Revolution. States have unlimited police power, but you can move or change state laws.
Funny thing is its called the affordable act, yet all it's done so far is raise cost !

so far? don't forget it was predicated on a cost lie. They used 10 years of revenue and 7 years of health care to say it did not raise costs. A lie like that ought to make him impeachable.

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