If another country started firing rockets into your neighborhood...

Both side share fault. Both sides have let it get to this stage. Both sides are victims and murderers. Both sides need to look in the mirror.


Show me a time line where Israel has started shit.

I will wail.

Nope sorry but both sides continue to murder willingly. They both have legitimate complaints and concerns but neither side is sincere about resolving the situation or hearing the other side. Both sides want to win and that's that. It's not an insult to Israel for me to say this. I am simply acknowledging fact that neither side ever takes legitimate and sincere steps to make a real and lasting peace between each other. They both stubbornly stand by their wants and the only concessions either side ever make are concessions that are meaningless and have no chance of resolving their conflict. For every one sane peace making official that tries to make positive gains there are two war mongers that rule the day. This goes for both sides.
There is nothing resembling a good guy in this mess. I take no sides and barely pay any attention, if there was ever a time to make peace it is long past because now neither side will settle for less than genocide so fuckem both, have at it, we should tell all concerned to not count on the USA getting in the middle anymore.
Lakhota whines about ownership of Jerusalem and the land of Israel? How did the muslims acquire the land in the first place? Just how far must someone go back in time to claim ownership of a country? The fact that there have always been Jewish people living there has nothing to do about the facts? The Romans supposedly conquered and in 71 AD dispersed the Jews. Check it out. During the crusades there were Jews that fought alongside the Moors for the very land that is being diputed today. I urge Lakhota to read history about the land that Israel claims as it's own. I also urge Lakhota to read the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and UN Resolution 181 of 1947. Did you know that Jordan and Syria were also part of what was once Palestine? The whole area was once part of the Ottoman Empire until WWI. So should Turkey claim all of Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Iran as part of their country?
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What would you want your country to do?

I'd want my country to kick ass.
I'd call my brother in law's father in law and tell him to search and please eliminate the source of my displeasure. :muahaha:
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If another country came and bulldozed down my house and took my land to build their houses on I damn sure might fire rockets at them...

wouldn't you too?
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Why are they firing rockets?

Hamas mission is to wipe israel off the planet. End of story.

It's so sad that a beaten people would want revenge against those who stole their land.

When did Palestinians ever own or control Palestine?

Before Israel became a State in 1948, Palestine was controlled by the British. The British controlled this little area from the end of World War I until they gave control to the Jews in 1948. Before the British, the Ottaman Empire controlled Palestine for 400 years. Before them it was controlled by many different empires and factions. The Palestinians have never controlled this area, ever.
hamas mission is to wipe israel off the planet. End of story.

it's so sad that a beaten people would want revenge against those who stole their land.

when did palestinians ever own or control palestine?

Before israel became a state in 1948, palestine was controlled by the british. The british controlled this little area from the end of world war i until they gave control to the jews in 1948. Before the british, the ottaman empire controlled palestine for 400 years. Before them it was controlled by many different empires and factions. The palestinians have never controlled this area, ever.

so it was controlled by jews when ?
Vanishing the Palestinians


When the Zionists decided in 1897 to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews of Vienna despatched a delegation to examine the country for its suitability. The delegation reported back as follows: "the bride is beautiful but she is married to another man". They had found that Palestine to their dismay was already inhabited by another people. And this has been Zionism’s central problem ever since. How to "vanish the Palestinians" and get an empty land? The latest manifestation of this imperative is the barrier wall, which Israel is currently building to separate and enclose Palestinian towns and villages in the lands it occupied after 1967. There are those who rightly point to the wall’s illegality and infringement of human rights. And the International Court of Justice has just affirmed this view resoundingly in its ruling, passed on 9.7.04 by 14 of the 15 judges, that the wall was an illegal structure when in the occupied Palestinian territories and that Israel would have to tear it down and make restitution for the damage it has caused to thousands of Palestinians. This position is entirely valid, but critics, in my view, have missed one crucial aspect of the wall’s purpose, which is, to "vanish" the Palestinians, to make them so invisible that Israelis can go on pretending that there is no "other man".

More: Vanishing the Palestinians » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

A Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict


Israel/Palestine: Refugees and Ethnic Cleansing

Jewish State: What it means & why all the controversy

Terrorism in Israel and Palestine

Religion in the Holy Land

The History of US-Israel Relations

The New Fusion: The Likud And The GOP - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast

Jordan is not Palestine - Focus - Al Jazeera English

True Torah Jews Against Zionism

A Website for Seekers of Truth

Book review: "Married to Another Man" | The Electronic Intifada

who knew... not only are you an idiot.... you are an anti semit to boot.

now wonder you coped out of the rep system.
1#These people should ask for peace and they will likely get it as israel doesn't want war.
2# Ask for books on farming, engineering, ect...
3# Build schools and colleges
4# Build up their wealth and build a military
5# 50 years from now then attack Israel

That would make more sense!

Really? While Israel continues to gobble up their land with settlements? Get real...

You are such an ignorant swine.

Put up the details of Israels land grabs you pig.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1fYDBib39s]Pink Floyd - Song for Palestine - YouTube[/ame]
Hamas mission is to wipe israel off the planet. End of story.

It's so sad that a beaten people would want revenge against those who stole their land.

When did Palestinians ever own or control Palestine?

Before Israel became a State in 1948, Palestine was controlled by the British. The British controlled this little area from the end of World War I until they gave control to the Jews in 1948. Before the British, the Ottaman Empire controlled Palestine for 400 years. Before them it was controlled by many different empires and factions. The Palestinians have never controlled this area, ever.

and that is the problem.... they THINK they did. Besides.... palestinian sounds a whole lot better then gypsy.
What would you want your country to do?

I'd want my country to kick ass.
Didn't read the whole thread... So.. If I am saying the same as someone else... *shrugs*

But yes... I would want to try diplomatic channels, and failing that... War. If someone else isn't going to take care of it, then I will. And I wouldn't do it piddle ass either. I'd be doing it to overthrow the government and let it be known that life won't be better for anyone in that country until it stops.

That works both for Palestine or Israel.

This also goes into a bit where I think that every country within the United Nations should have a free to watch news channel. That way everybody in BOTH countries understand why they are about to fight.
Vanishing the Palestinians


When the Zionists decided in 1897 to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews of Vienna despatched a delegation to examine the country for its suitability. The delegation reported back as follows: "the bride is beautiful but she is married to another man". They had found that Palestine to their dismay was already inhabited by another people. And this has been Zionism’s central problem ever since. How to "vanish the Palestinians" and get an empty land? The latest manifestation of this imperative is the barrier wall, which Israel is currently building to separate and enclose Palestinian towns and villages in the lands it occupied after 1967. There are those who rightly point to the wall’s illegality and infringement of human rights. And the International Court of Justice has just affirmed this view resoundingly in its ruling, passed on 9.7.04 by 14 of the 15 judges, that the wall was an illegal structure when in the occupied Palestinian territories and that Israel would have to tear it down and make restitution for the damage it has caused to thousands of Palestinians. This position is entirely valid, but critics, in my view, have missed one crucial aspect of the wall’s purpose, which is, to "vanish" the Palestinians, to make them so invisible that Israelis can go on pretending that there is no "other man".

More: Vanishing the Palestinians » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

A Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict


Israel/Palestine: Refugees and Ethnic Cleansing

Jewish State: What it means & why all the controversy

Terrorism in Israel and Palestine

Religion in the Holy Land

The History of US-Israel Relations

The New Fusion: The Likud And The GOP - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast

Jordan is not Palestine - Focus - Al Jazeera English

True Torah Jews Against Zionism

A Website for Seekers of Truth

Book review: "Married to Another Man" | The Electronic Intifada

electronic intifada? al jazeera?

no wonder no one takes you seriously.
Hamas mission is to wipe israel off the planet. End of story.

It's so sad that a beaten people would want revenge against those who stole their land.

When did Palestinians ever own or control Palestine?

Before Israel became a State in 1948, Palestine was controlled by the British. The British controlled this little area from the end of World War I until they gave control to the Jews in 1948. Before the British, the Ottaman Empire controlled Palestine for 400 years. Before them it was controlled by many different empires and factions. The Palestinians have never controlled this area, ever.

Against whom Jewish militants launched terrorist attacks.

It's the same sad, tedious story of the oppressed becoming the oppressors.

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