If Bernie endorses Clinton, he betrays his supporters

After all his rhetoric about her corrupt campaign financing, and the corrupt democratic party, to concede to her would be like joining the evil she is owned by. Bernie would be capitulating to the corporate greed that got her the nomination. It is Sanders obligation to endorse a third party instead of Shrill.

Yup, he won't. Hopefully he'll run Independent.
Most of Bernie's support is among young and poor people. Young and poor people don't vote.

Meet the Press - April 24, 2016

CHUCK TODD: We crunched some interesting numbers here. So 17 of the 25 states with the highest levels of income inequality have held primaries. Sixteen of those 17 states have been won by Hillary Clinton, not by you. Why?

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS: Well, because poor people don't vote. I mean, that's just a fact. That's a sad reality of American society.

Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote

yes i remember that now. That doesn't mean all of his supporters are either young or old or poor.

Thats a broad brush
Most of Bernie's support is among young and poor people. Young and poor people don't vote.

Meet the Press - April 24, 2016

CHUCK TODD: We crunched some interesting numbers here. So 17 of the 25 states with the highest levels of income inequality have held primaries. Sixteen of those 17 states have been won by Hillary Clinton, not by you. Why?

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS: Well, because poor people don't vote. I mean, that's just a fact. That's a sad reality of American society.

Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote

yes i remember that now. That doesn't mean all of his supporters are either young or old or poor.

Thats a broad brush
I said most, not all. :)

Most are young and/or poor.
After all his rhetoric about her corrupt campaign financing, and the corrupt democratic party, to concede to her would be like joining the evil she is owned by. Bernie would be capitulating to the corporate greed that got her the nomination. It is Sanders obligation to endorse a third party instead of Shrill.

Most of Bernie's support is among young and poor people. Young and poor people don't vote.

Meet the Press - April 24, 2016

CHUCK TODD: We crunched some interesting numbers here. So 17 of the 25 states with the highest levels of income inequality have held primaries. Sixteen of those 17 states have been won by Hillary Clinton, not by you. Why?

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS: Well, because poor people don't vote. I mean, that's just a fact. That's a sad reality of American society.

Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote

yes i remember that now. That doesn't mean all of his supporters are either young or old or poor.

Thats a broad brush

no. most of them are white college students whose moms and dads are paying for their education.
Most of Bernie's support is among young and poor people. Young and poor people don't vote.

Meet the Press - April 24, 2016

CHUCK TODD: We crunched some interesting numbers here. So 17 of the 25 states with the highest levels of income inequality have held primaries. Sixteen of those 17 states have been won by Hillary Clinton, not by you. Why?

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS: Well, because poor people don't vote. I mean, that's just a fact. That's a sad reality of American society.

Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote

yes i remember that now. That doesn't mean all of his supporters are either young or old or poor.

Thats a broad brush

no. most of them are white college students whose moms and dads are paying for their education.

Many are simply from the 60% who don't bother to vote, such as myself, in the rigged, two-party elections

You an Estasbl/Corporatist Dem?
Most of Bernie's support is among young and poor people. Young and poor people don't vote.

Meet the Press - April 24, 2016

CHUCK TODD: We crunched some interesting numbers here. So 17 of the 25 states with the highest levels of income inequality have held primaries. Sixteen of those 17 states have been won by Hillary Clinton, not by you. Why?

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS: Well, because poor people don't vote. I mean, that's just a fact. That's a sad reality of American society.

Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote

yes i remember that now. That doesn't mean all of his supporters are either young or old or poor.

Thats a broad brush

no. most of them are white college students whose moms and dads are paying for their education.

Many are simply from the 60% who don't bother to vote, such as myself, in the rigged, two-party elections

You an Estasbl/Corporatist Dem?


I know because that's his demographic and demographic seems to be destiny in this election.

as for establishment? that isn't a dirty word.

I'm a demiocrat. Bernie isn't and he doesn't give a damn if we win or if he brings down ballot races with him.

and that's the other problem with Bernie bros.... there is zero respect for anyone who doesn't buy their boy's line.
After all his rhetoric about her corrupt campaign financing, and the corrupt democratic party, to concede to her would be like joining the evil she is owned by. Bernie would be capitulating to the corporate greed that got her the nomination. It is Sanders obligation to endorse a third party instead of Shrill.

Knee Grow, Please!!

He'll give her a glowing endorsement and his dumb free shit base will line up to blow her
I think Bernie's been good for the party, and the election. I have to say that imo the dems primary process is a hell of a lot fairer than the gop's. And, I'm a goper. Sure there are the superdelegates, but absent something crazy, they'll go with whomever won the most pledged delegates, and those are awarded in each state proportionally. So, any Bernie supporter complaining the election is rigged ... it's just bs. If a state has a closed primary, gtfo it. I think primaries should be open, but only because that way it's pretty impossible to primary anyone out with a small fraction of the party electorate. That's not what happened to Bernie. The fact is he's not a democrat, so don't be surprised if that hurt him in a democratic primary. He lost because the blacks don't care for him.

Both he and Trump are concerned with flat wages, the very wealthy getting very much wealthier and middle class entitlements. Neither Hillary nor the gop party bosses paid much attention to this.
bernie's emo fringe is just going to have to get over their candidate's loss.

those are the people who will be flipping out in cleveland, and in the end, they will vote for anyone but trump.
After all his rhetoric about her corrupt campaign financing, and the corrupt democratic party, to concede to her would be like joining the evil she is owned by. Bernie would be capitulating to the corporate greed that got her the nomination. It is Sanders obligation to endorse a third party instead of Shrill.

So then you expect him to endorse Mr. Wall Street himself--Donald Trump?

You know Bernie Sanders not releasing his income tax returns like every other candidate before him has done, has got to whisper something in your ear. Like WHY HASN'T he.

Sanders has some Wall Street donations also, and I imagine him voting against the Brady Bill 5 times, he probably has some big donations coming in from the NRA--that he may not have wanted to expose by releasing his tax returns. Did you ever think of that? Of course not.
Sanders’s Record, Filings Show Benefits From Super PACs, Links to Wall Street Donors

Meet the Press - April 24, 2016

CHUCK TODD: We crunched some interesting numbers here. So 17 of the 25 states with the highest levels of income inequality have held primaries. Sixteen of those 17 states have been won by Hillary Clinton, not by you. Why?

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS: Well, because poor people don't vote. I mean, that's just a fact. That's a sad reality of American society.

Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote

yes i remember that now. That doesn't mean all of his supporters are either young or old or poor.

Thats a broad brush

no. most of them are white college students whose moms and dads are paying for their education.

Many are simply from the 60% who don't bother to vote, such as myself, in the rigged, two-party elections

You an Estasbl/Corporatist Dem?


I know because that's his demographic and demographic seems to be destiny in this election.

as for establishment? that isn't a dirty word.

I'm a demiocrat. Bernie isn't and he doesn't give a damn if we win or if he brings down ballot races with him.

and that's the other problem with Bernie bros.... there is zero respect for anyone who doesn't buy their boy's line.
that would explain why he has been caucusing w/ them for the past 20+ years and hasn't blown them up :eusa_whistle: you Corporatist Dem. you, or are you voting for her based on her anatomy only?

You're not very good at this
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hillary had the integrity to do the right thing for the sake of the party and the country, and bernie should too.

in 2008 she actually got more votes than obama but "the establishment" shoved her aside for the opportunity to nominate obama.


Meet the Press - April 24, 2016

CHUCK TODD: We crunched some interesting numbers here. So 17 of the 25 states with the highest levels of income inequality have held primaries. Sixteen of those 17 states have been won by Hillary Clinton, not by you. Why?

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS: Well, because poor people don't vote. I mean, that's just a fact. That's a sad reality of American society.

Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote

yes i remember that now. That doesn't mean all of his supporters are either young or old or poor.

Thats a broad brush

no. most of them are white college students whose moms and dads are paying for their education.

Many are simply from the 60% who don't bother to vote, such as myself, in the rigged, two-party elections

You an Estasbl/Corporatist Dem?


I know because that's his demographic and demographic seems to be destiny in this election.

as for establishment? that isn't a dirty word.

I'm a demiocrat. Bernie isn't and he doesn't give a damn if we win or if he brings down ballot races with him.

and that's the other problem with Bernie bros.... there is zero respect for anyone who doesn't buy their boy's line.
does "yah ok" mean you accept the fact that 60% of the electorate sits-out elections because they don't want to legitimize the two-party, corrupt-to-the-core, system Sugar Shorts?
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After all his rhetoric about her corrupt campaign financing, and the corrupt democratic party, to concede to her would be like joining the evil she is owned by. Bernie would be capitulating to the corporate greed that got her the nomination. It is Sanders obligation to endorse a third party instead of Shrill.

Knee Grow, Please!!

He'll give her a glowing endorsement and his dumb free shit base will line up to blow her
I don't think so Frank57 unless she accepts his "saving/rebuilding the middle-class" platform into her crony corporatist elite platform
hillary had the integrity to do the right thing for the sake of the party and the country, and bernie should too.

in 2008 she actually got more votes than obama but "the establishment" shoved her aside for the opportunity to nominate obama.

bernie's emo fringe is just going to have to get over their candidate's loss.

those are the people who will be flipping out in cleveland, and in the end, they will vote for anyone but trump.
whatevs you corporatist/Clinton Foundation (slush fund) drone or are you voting for her based solely on her anatomy. Thats almost as bad as supporting the corrupt two-party system Sugar Tits
I think Bernie's been good for the party, and the election. I have to say that imo the dems primary process is a hell of a lot fairer than the gop's. And, I'm a goper. Sure there are the superdelegates, but absent something crazy, they'll go with whomever won the most pledged delegates, and those are awarded in each state proportionally. So, any Bernie supporter complaining the election is rigged ... it's just bs. If a state has a closed primary, gtfo it. I think primaries should be open, but only because that way it's pretty impossible to primary anyone out with a small fraction of the party electorate. That's not what happened to Bernie. The fact is he's not a democrat, so don't be surprised if that hurt him in a democratic primary. He lost because the blacks don't care for him.

Both he and Trump are concerned with flat wages, the very wealthy getting very much wealthier and middle class entitlements. Neither Hillary nor the gop party bosses paid much attention to this.

The problem with Bernie Sanders, is he has been a yay, nay and present voter in the Senate for years. He went out gung ho--campaigning on "breaking up the big banks" and failed to realize that neither he nor the Federal Government has the authority to do that--LOL The Federal Reserve Banks, and the Federal Government operate separately and independent of one another. That's the way it's always been.

Now I don't know how many Senators wouldn't know that, but I'll bet my last dime there was only one, and his name was Bernie Sanders
Inside The Bernie Sanders ‘Disaster’ Interview Clinton Is Using To Fundraise

Sanders is the epitome of a candidate that has no accomplishment or real record to run on. He blasts out of the gate making all kinds of promises, that he knows with 100% certainty don't have a snowballs chance in hell of getting passed through congress. Not even the most liberal democrat in Washington D.C would ever vote for free college tuition, and adding an additional 29 trillion in Federal Government spending when we're already 19 trillion in red ink, let alone any Republican. He's a JOKE.

This country is not Europe. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It is founded on a hard work, pay your own way ethic. It's in our genetics. It will not elect far left or far right candidates, much less a recognized and confirmed socialize, and one that praised one of the most brutal, murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century, Fidel Castro. Republicans would have used that to steam roll and bury Sanders on election night.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

Here is what a Sanders nominee would have done for the Democrat Party. Just move the blue over to the USSR of Vermont and New Hampshire and color the rest of this country RED. Reagan v Mondale--1984


So be glad Sanders is gone, and you better hope he endorses Hillary Clinton, otherwise the crap is going to hit the fan with Bernie Sanders. Democrats would ignore and ridicule his policies for generations to come. They'll see the next Bernie Sanders coming, and will not allow any of them to run on their ticket, ever again. The Democrat party has voted, and they have spoken. They have soundly rejected Bernie Sanders and his fruitcake policies.

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After all his rhetoric about her corrupt campaign financing, and the corrupt democratic party, to concede to her would be like joining the evil she is owned by. Bernie would be capitulating to the corporate greed that got her the nomination. It is Sanders obligation to endorse a third party instead of Shrill.

Knee Grow, Please!!

He'll give her a glowing endorsement and his dumb free shit base will line up to blow her
I don't think so Frank57 unless she accepts his "saving/rebuilding the middle-class" platform into her crony corporatist elite platform
After all his rhetoric about her corrupt campaign financing, and the corrupt democratic party, to concede to her would be like joining the evil she is owned by. Bernie would be capitulating to the corporate greed that got her the nomination. It is Sanders obligation to endorse a third party instead of Shrill.

Knee Grow, Please!!

He'll give her a glowing endorsement and his dumb free shit base will line up to blow her
I don't think so Frank57 unless she accepts his "saving/rebuilding the middle-class" platform into her crony corporatist elite platform
Look at Jilly, she doesn't care how corrupt Hillary is or that Goldman Sachs lists her as an asset in their financial statements.

Party> Principles
in 2008 she actually got more votes than obama but "the establishment" shoved her aside for the opportunity to nominate obama.
Nope. While she had more popular votes, she was crushed in the delegate count. No one shoved her aside.

If you need the math explained to you, let me know.

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