If Biden eliminates the U.S oil industry, where will you get your oil, Canada, Saudi Arabia, or Russia?

his evasiveness on this issue means he's gonna do what the radical left tell him to!

He's been spot on expressing his views. But you only hear what your handlers tell you to hear. But when you do screw up and actually have to sit through Biden speaking, all you hear is,

What would you say to eliminating oil for the purposes of ground transportation? Cars, trucks, trains and busses running on electricity would both assure oil for uses in plastics, fertilizers, cosmetics and other uses and cut pollution substantially.

Oil is a finite resource. It's time we thought about how best to use it.
What would you say to eliminating oil for the purposes of ground transportation? Cars, trucks, trains and busses running on electricity would both assure oil for uses in plastics, fertilizers, cosmetics and other uses and cut pollution substantially.

Oil is a finite resource. It's time we thought about how best to use it.

And you don't necessarily have to rely on crude for those other uses. Right around here we have a Hundred Trillion time X of Shale and Coal. Both can be used for making plastic. We would see a bigger hurt by completely stop mining Coal since it has actually more uses than Crude. To make crude into gasoline, you need to use Coal. In fact, Shale is one of the reasons that the Gas Prices are so low. They have found a way to make crude using Shale that is on par with drilling for it.
I'd get it at the same place that I would if Trump eliminates the US oil industry.
I'd get it at the same place that I would if Trump eliminates the US oil industry.

Let the cost of a barrel of Crude hit 80 bucks and look for a complete change in how fuels are made. Even shale won't be able to come up with the quantity needed. It's going to be coming from all angles at that time and look for more Oil Wells to be capped off. We don't worry about it around here. The Oil already busted at least a decade ago. And we can put those workers to work scooping up the Shale which we have many lifetimes or many hundreds of years supply of. Shale will out live Petro.
What would you say to eliminating oil for the purposes of ground transportation? Cars, trucks, trains and busses running on electricity would both assure oil for uses in plastics, fertilizers, cosmetics and other uses and cut pollution substantially.

Oil is a finite resource. It's time we thought about how best to use it.

And you don't necessarily have to rely on crude for those other uses. Right around here we have a Hundred Trillion time X of Shale and Coal. Both can be used for making plastic. We would see a bigger hurt by completely stop mining Coal since it has actually more uses than Crude. To make crude into gasoline, you need to use Coal. In fact, Shale is one of the reasons that the Gas Prices are so low. They have found a way to make crude using Shale that is on par with drilling for it.
The world's largest cracker plant is being built 14 miles from my house!
People screaming "Russia, Russia, Russia" may have a new reason to scream it. Canada needs some help, so we don't mind.

I can tell you, the "green revolution" in Ontario has bankrupted us and our costs of heating our homes has more than doubled in short order.
He never said he would eliminate the oil industry.

The Oil Industry is a generation away from where Coal is now... Coal is dying because of Fracking.

"According to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 121 U.S. coal-fired power plants were repurposed to burn other types of fuels between 2011 and 2019, 103 of which were converted to or replaced by natural gas-fired plants. ... Two different methods are used to switch coal-fired plants to natural gas?"

Biden is trying to soften the bang... Move new workers towards new from Oil towards renewables which are increasing and increasing...

Battery technology is improving vastly and Electricity is cheaper than Car, more than half the price...

Electricity is going to win over the next 20 years. By then all those Oil workers will be out of a job and have little to no skills that can be transferred to other industries.. Look at the Coal Workers...

Biden is saying lets prepare... Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail...

The opposition is just putting the head in the sand and hope it goes all away...
People screaming "Russia, Russia, Russia" may have a new reason to scream it. Canada needs some help, so we don't mind.

I can tell you, the "green revolution" in Ontario has bankrupted us and our costs of heating our homes has more than doubled in short order.
He never said he would eliminate the oil industry.

The Oil Industry is a generation away from where Coal is now... Coal is dying because of Fracking.

"According to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 121 U.S. coal-fired power plants were repurposed to burn other types of fuels between 2011 and 2019, 103 of which were converted to or replaced by natural gas-fired plants. ... Two different methods are used to switch coal-fired plants to natural gas?"

Biden is trying to soften the bang... Move new workers towards new from Oil towards renewables which are increasing and increasing...

Battery technology is improving vastly and Electricity is cheaper than Car, more than half the price...

Electricity is going to win over the next 20 years. By then all those Oil workers will be out of a job and have little to no skills that can be transferred to other industries.. Look at the Coal Workers...

Biden is saying lets prepare... Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail...

The opposition is just putting the head in the sand and hope it goes all away...

See Ontario.

The Green boondoggle is going to bankrupt your economy while increasing (and in fact, passing on the costs) to end users.

Try owning a home when heating triples. Try filling your gas tank.

Green Energy should be left to the private sector, but they won't allow it, as they can't compete with China, the same nation they ship everything out to.

God help us. We never learn from history. Go see Ontario. THAT is the fate for America if Green New Deal is the law of the land. You're screwed and you don't even know it.
People screaming "Russia, Russia, Russia" may have a new reason to scream it. Canada needs some help, so we don't mind.

I can tell you, the "green revolution" in Ontario has bankrupted us and our costs of heating our homes has more than doubled in short order.
He never said he would eliminate the oil industry.

The Oil Industry is a generation away from where Coal is now... Coal is dying because of Fracking.

"According to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 121 U.S. coal-fired power plants were repurposed to burn other types of fuels between 2011 and 2019, 103 of which were converted to or replaced by natural gas-fired plants. ... Two different methods are used to switch coal-fired plants to natural gas?"

Biden is trying to soften the bang... Move new workers towards new from Oil towards renewables which are increasing and increasing...

Battery technology is improving vastly and Electricity is cheaper than Car, more than half the price...

Electricity is going to win over the next 20 years. By then all those Oil workers will be out of a job and have little to no skills that can be transferred to other industries.. Look at the Coal Workers...

Biden is saying lets prepare... Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail...

The opposition is just putting the head in the sand and hope it goes all away...

See Ontario.

The Green boondoggle is going to bankrupt your economy while increasing (and in fact, passing on the costs) to end users.

Try owning a home when heating triples. Try filling your gas tank.

Green Energy should be left to the private sector, but they won't allow it, as they can't compete with China, the same nation they ship everything out to.

God help us. We never learn from history. Go see Ontario. THAT is the fate for America if Green New Deal is the law of the land. You're screwed and you don't even know it.

Just like the check your boiler scam:

If you want to leave it to real competition... How about Big Oil
  • Pay for the Iraq War ($2.4 Trillion)
  • Pay for the pollution there products cause
  • Pay for Oil Spills
  • Stop getting cheap access to federal land.
  • Any other Oil subsidies and grants
Now after all those things are paid for how much to gas prices will be... Think Renewables can compete (without subsidies then)... Want market to decide, why don't you want it to be an equal playing field...

Conservative estimates put U.S. direct subsidies to the fossil fuel industry at roughly $20 billion per year; with 20 percent currently allocated to coal and 80 percent to natural gas and crude oil

Big Oil has its mouth well and truly stuck to the tit and uses a massive lobbying to stay there... We are talking trillions head start and renewables are catching up at an alarming rate...If you want a real conspiracy theory with legs, look at the history big oil hold on us political power...
People screaming "Russia, Russia, Russia" may have a new reason to scream it. Canada needs some help, so we don't mind.

I can tell you, the "green revolution" in Ontario has bankrupted us and our costs of heating our homes has more than doubled in short order.
He never said he would eliminate the oil industry.

The Oil Industry is a generation away from where Coal is now... Coal is dying because of Fracking.

"According to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 121 U.S. coal-fired power plants were repurposed to burn other types of fuels between 2011 and 2019, 103 of which were converted to or replaced by natural gas-fired plants. ... Two different methods are used to switch coal-fired plants to natural gas?"

Biden is trying to soften the bang... Move new workers towards new from Oil towards renewables which are increasing and increasing...

Battery technology is improving vastly and Electricity is cheaper than Car, more than half the price...

Electricity is going to win over the next 20 years. By then all those Oil workers will be out of a job and have little to no skills that can be transferred to other industries.. Look at the Coal Workers...

Biden is saying lets prepare... Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail...

The opposition is just putting the head in the sand and hope it goes all away...

See Ontario.

The Green boondoggle is going to bankrupt your economy while increasing (and in fact, passing on the costs) to end users.

Try owning a home when heating triples. Try filling your gas tank.

Green Energy should be left to the private sector, but they won't allow it, as they can't compete with China, the same nation they ship everything out to.

God help us. We never learn from history. Go see Ontario. THAT is the fate for America if Green New Deal is the law of the land. You're screwed and you don't even know it.

Been in Canada more than a few times. I think I will stay in the Good Ol' USof A. You should stay in Canada.

BTW, I thinned the gene pool once again until after the elections. Say goodnight Gracie.
People screaming "Russia, Russia, Russia" may have a new reason to scream it. Canada needs some help, so we don't mind.

I can tell you, the "green revolution" in Ontario has bankrupted us and our costs of heating our homes has more than doubled in short order.
He never said he would eliminate the oil industry.

The Oil Industry is a generation away from where Coal is now... Coal is dying because of Fracking.

"According to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 121 U.S. coal-fired power plants were repurposed to burn other types of fuels between 2011 and 2019, 103 of which were converted to or replaced by natural gas-fired plants. ... Two different methods are used to switch coal-fired plants to natural gas?"

Biden is trying to soften the bang... Move new workers towards new from Oil towards renewables which are increasing and increasing...

Battery technology is improving vastly and Electricity is cheaper than Car, more than half the price...

Electricity is going to win over the next 20 years. By then all those Oil workers will be out of a job and have little to no skills that can be transferred to other industries.. Look at the Coal Workers...

Biden is saying lets prepare... Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail...

The opposition is just putting the head in the sand and hope it goes all away...
Biden doesn't control the oil industry and can't move workers around because they are private corporations.
People screaming "Russia, Russia, Russia" may have a new reason to scream it. Canada needs some help, so we don't mind.

I can tell you, the "green revolution" in Ontario has bankrupted us and our costs of heating our homes has more than doubled in short order.
He never said he would eliminate the oil industry.

The Oil Industry is a generation away from where Coal is now... Coal is dying because of Fracking.

"According to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 121 U.S. coal-fired power plants were repurposed to burn other types of fuels between 2011 and 2019, 103 of which were converted to or replaced by natural gas-fired plants. ... Two different methods are used to switch coal-fired plants to natural gas?"

Biden is trying to soften the bang... Move new workers towards new from Oil towards renewables which are increasing and increasing...

Battery technology is improving vastly and Electricity is cheaper than Car, more than half the price...

Electricity is going to win over the next 20 years. By then all those Oil workers will be out of a job and have little to no skills that can be transferred to other industries.. Look at the Coal Workers...

Biden is saying lets prepare... Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail...

The opposition is just putting the head in the sand and hope it goes all away...
Biden doesn't control the oil industry and can't move workers around because they are private corporations.

But Rump made that promise with the Coal Industry. And he's claiming that Biden would control the Oil Industry. Ever try to wash a cat?
Lunacy, oil isn't going anywhere

Oil is on its last leg.

REMEMBER . . . the Stone Age did not come to its end because of a shortage of stones !

Yeah but stones didn't have the power to weight ratio that hydrocarbons do.

Cheap energy has been a boon for mankind.

Of course mankinds' boon has not been great for the rest of the species on the planet. I asked mother nature about that and she said she'd get back with me, whatever that means......
Damn you still stuck in the 19th century. My neighborhood is filled with electric cars. Try it they are clean...no emissions, very efficient, smart and very fast.
Lunacy, oil isn't going anywhere

Oil is on its last leg.

REMEMBER . . . the Stone Age did not come to its end because of a shortage of stones !

Yeah but stones didn't have the power to weight ratio that hydrocarbons do.

Cheap energy has been a boon for mankind.

Of course mankinds' boon has not been great for the rest of the species on the planet. I asked mother nature about that and she said she'd get back with me, whatever that means......
Damn you still stuck in the 19th century. My neighborhood is filled with electric cars. Try it they are clean...no emissions, very efficient, smart and very fast.

We are starting to see them a bit here as well. And more and more are asking about my little trike. With the change in weather, the asking about my trike will come to a screeching halt unless I go the Velocycle body with a heater.

Then there is the argument that the Electricity is Petro Based. Not here. We use Hydro Electric Power and have a huge surplus we sell to out of state customers. We don't have rolling blackouts and our power is cheap. Almost anywhere you have a canyon with a River you can set up a Hydro Electric Plant in the Mountains. The last Coal fired plant was shut down early this year. Those that don't have Hydro Power use a mixture of NG, Solar and Wind. When the Sun is out or the Wind blows at least 4 mph, wind and solar cost 20% less than even NG for the same KW. Considering the Sun shines 14 to 18 hours a day and the wind blows at least 4 mph all the time, do the math.
Lunacy, oil isn't going anywhere

Oil is on its last leg.

REMEMBER . . . the Stone Age did not come to its end because of a shortage of stones !

Yeah but stones didn't have the power to weight ratio that hydrocarbons do.

Cheap energy has been a boon for mankind.

Of course mankinds' boon has not been great for the rest of the species on the planet. I asked mother nature about that and she said she'd get back with me, whatever that means......
Damn you still stuck in the 19th century. My neighborhood is filled with electric cars. Try it they are clean...no emissions, very efficient, smart and very fast.

Horse shit! That was the major pollutant in the 19th century. Cities must have really stunk in the summers. I'm not opposed to fast electric vehicles. I think Biden should have said "We're going to build the best Green Grid in the world. And we're gonna pay for it with fossil fuels, Abe!"
Lunacy, oil isn't going anywhere

Oil is on its last leg.

REMEMBER . . . the Stone Age did not come to its end because of a shortage of stones !

Yeah but stones didn't have the power to weight ratio that hydrocarbons do.

Cheap energy has been a boon for mankind.

Of course mankinds' boon has not been great for the rest of the species on the planet. I asked mother nature about that and she said she'd get back with me, whatever that means......
Damn you still stuck in the 19th century. My neighborhood is filled with electric cars. Try it they are clean...no emissions, very efficient, smart and very fast.

Horse shit! That was the major pollutant in the 19th century. Cities must have really stunk in the summers. I'm not opposed to fast electric vehicles. I think Biden should have said "We're going to build the best Green Grid in the world. And we're gonna pay for it with fossil fuels, Abe!"

And we ended up trading one pollutant for another. Okay, more people died from slipping horse Shit than gets hit by cars in NYC today and the odor of it piling up in the empty lots between building was terrible. But if cars and trucks were left to their own devices with no regulation then people in the Cities would have to all wear Hazmat Suits.

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