If Biden eliminates the U.S oil industry, where will you get your oil, Canada, Saudi Arabia, or Russia?

"Fill 'er up, Vlad

In the midst of a whirlwind visit to New York City, Russian President Vladimir Putin will preside tomorrow at a gala opening - of a West Side Manhattan gas station.

He cried as he laid a bouquet of red carnations at "the wall," a memorial to the 343 FDNY members killed Sept. 11. "I think that many people now have tears in their eyes when they look at this," Putin said."
Russia is second only to Saudi Arabia in daily production of oil!

People screaming "Russia, Russia, Russia" may have a new reason to scream it. Canada needs some help, so we don't mind.

I can tell you, the "green revolution" in Ontario has bankrupted us and our costs of heating our homes has more than doubled in short order.

He's not going to eliminate the US oil industry.

Oil is going to be with us for another 100 years.
Good gawd, you don't eliminate the oil industry that quickly. This is a PROCESS.

Are we really so naive and paranoid that we really think that?

Fer fuck's sake, seriously.
People screaming "Russia, Russia, Russia" may have a new reason to scream it. Canada needs some help, so we don't mind.

I can tell you, the "green revolution" in Ontario has bankrupted us and our costs of heating our homes has more than doubled in short order.
Yes, Biden said he would eliminate oil and gas industries in the 2nd debate with Trump.
The cornerstone of the US-Russia partnership, as well as the US-Saudi partnership...is OIL! we will lose ALLIES all over the world if we let Sleepy Joe destroy oil
what you folks don't realize, is that OPEC INTENTIONALLY hikes gas prices as retaliation for America's "egregious" involvement all over the Middle East
There's a lot of car companies, gas stations, power plants, plastic manufacturing plants, insurance companies and a couple hundred other occupations that will suffer too but hey, WTF, who needs a job when you have Democrats-communists? Stick with Trump
Russia has a honeypot of oil reserves in western Siberia, as well as vast untapped reserves off Russia's arctic shelf.


without the weird parallel soviet economic netherworld that channeled and shielded Russia's oil and gas bounty, Russia's future is in uncharted territory

that terrifies Putin. it scares him to death, my friends. that's why Trump has the upper hand! and Trump understands it well. Senile Joe doesn't know what Russia is!
"the oil industry is the most consequential, lucrative, powerful, and least well-governed industry in the history of mankind" - President Trump

wait..it was actually RACHEL MADDOW who said that quote. can you believe it? she's in the pocket of Exxon!
the oil industry is a big casino that produces triumphant gobs of cash, with little regard to merit. that equation invites gangsterism, extortion, thuggery, and the sorts of folks who enjoy those hobbies (Putin, MBS)
He did not say he would eliminated it he said he would transition from it.

The entire world is.

China is trying to do so as fast as they can, going heavy on nuclear for instance.

Much of Europe is mandating the end of fossil fuel powered cars in a few decades and going big on renewables.

Even the Gulf oil export states are preparing for post oil economies.

Biden is just talking about reality but America does not like reality anymore.
The 1st time oil was discovered, sorry Vlad, was in AMERICA. it's ALWAYS America.

the business of taking petroleum off the earth, piping the oil over great distances, distilling and refining it, and distributing it in tank streamers...originated in America, and was an American invention!

There's a reason John D Rockefeller was/is the richest person in the history of the world, according to Forbes

his peak net worth was 300 billion dollars

"Joe Biden on Monday clarified his oil industry "transition" comment in two separate interviews with TV stations in Pittsburgh and Dallas.⁣

"The oil industry is not going to go away, and the oil industry itself, if you notice what it's doing, it's branching out beyond oil," he said during an interview with NBC Dallas-Fort Worth."

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