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Zone1 If Biden Issued a Gun Control EO That Included Forced Confiscation, Would You Support This?

I have no doubt the "liberals" on here will support this by a wide margin but can you foresee any obvious consequences?
Keep in mind, a confiscation would require taking the guns from otherwise law abiding citizens protected by the 2A.

1-Do you support forced gun confiscation & why?

2-Do you feel every law abiding 2A supporter would hand in their guns willingly & why?

3-What do you feel would happen to the crime rate if the law abiding turned in their weapons & why?

4-What about other objects that can kill multiple people quickly (motor vehicles, planes, trains, explosive materials, swords, axes, knives, hammers, Hudson sprayer, gas & a lighter, etc), do you favor a ban on those as well & why?

5-Finally, would you still support it if you had to personally go out & confiscate the guns that some would refuse to surrender?
In other words, if it was your life on the line, would you walk the walk & why not?

I'll get it started-
1-I'm totally opposed to virtually all gun control except for in cases where there is an obvious mental illness involved.
Example- trannies

2-I know many of us will never hand in our guns & will defend our rights with our lives, so that means many people will end up dead.
Much more than the occasional mass shooting by the lunatic fringe.

3-I know crime rates have declined as the percentage of gun ownership increased. I also know most mass shooters seek gun free targets of opportunity & that's why they go after the schools all the time.
Crime rates will increase following any attempt at confiscation.

4-I don't want any other inanimate objects or tools banned either.

5-Obviously, I would never demand someone else do something dangerous on my behalf that I'd refuse to do myself.
I can't see how anyone justifies that attitude but you can give it a shot.

And yes, I personally would be willing to physically fight a fire/person or take down either a criminal or enemy soldier.
This ain't 1938 Germany, and we ain't in Germany. Fuck That!

Let them go face down alligators and grizzly bears with no gun and get back with us.

..If they survive.
I call Bullshit.

Amid the numerous murky and extrajudicial marching orders announced in often-confusing language by both local and state officials, on September 8th Police Superintendent Eddie Compass declared that:

“No one will be able to be armed… Guns will be taken. Only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns
” during the looming forced evictions about to unfold throughout New Orleans.
However, perhaps the larger victory was the court-ordered permanent injunction against the city of New Orleans ever confiscating legally owned firearms from its citizens again.

Additionally, George W. Bush signed the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act in September of 2006, which included language that bans:

“the confiscation of a firearm during an emergency or major disaster if the possession of such firearm is not prohibited under Federal or State law.”
That is one of the better articles, I have seen on what happened and the confiscation of personal weapons from civilian during the event. I have friends that were activated to Title 10 federal duty to go down there. It wasn't just lower and middle class, that had their weapons confiscated. There were confiscations in gated subdivision that were not torn up by the storm, but weapons confiscated from homeowners that simply had weapons for their own protection. The people I talked to said the Federally activated units from across the country, did not do the actual confiscation, but were used as armed backup, while the NOPD and state troopers did that, while guardsmen locked and loaded, overwatched onsite and then left those homeowners and went to other homes and neighborhoods. Used as overwatch backup is a fine distinction, that left a bad taste in their mouth on being involved, but they followed orders.
What was done once under emergency declaration can be done again, and you and I do not get a voice in it, when it comes down. I advise anybody, keep your weapons secure, but have some stashed, not easily accessible or easily found. You would literally have to tear my house and property apart to find everything. In the event of a major emergency when Law enforcement loses control and the normal society breaks down, you will not find me disarmed in my home, even if the government left with several weapons and significant ammo. You believe what you like and do what you like.
That is one of the better articles, I have seen on what happened and the confiscation of personal weapons from civilian during the event. I have friends that were activated to Title 10 federal duty to go down there. It wasn't just lower and middle class, that had their weapons confiscated. There were confiscations in gated subdivision that were not torn up by the storm, but weapons confiscated from homeowners that simply had weapons for their own protection. The people I talked to said the Federally activated units from across the country, did not do the actual confiscation, but were used as armed backup, while the NOPD and state troopers did that, while guardsmen locked and loaded, overwatched onsite and then left those homeowners and went to other homes and neighborhoods. Used as overwatch backup is a fine distinction, that left a bad taste in their mouth on being involved, but they followed orders.
What was done once under emergency declaration can be done again, and you and I do not get a voice in it, when it comes down. I advise anybody, keep your weapons secure, but have some stashed, not easily accessible or easily found. You would literally have to tear my house and property apart to find everything. In the event of a major emergency when Law enforcement loses control and the normal society breaks down, you will not find me disarmed in my home, even if the government left with several weapons and significant ammo. You believe what you like and do what you like.
I heard about that but never really studied it much. I do know a lot of cockroaches came here after Katrina and tried to do what they did there,

and they may or may not be out of FSP yet. I do know quite a few got some years..multiple..many.
I have no doubt the "liberals" on here will support this by a wide margin but can you foresee any obvious consequences?
Keep in mind, a confiscation would require taking the guns from otherwise law abiding citizens protected by the 2A.

1-Do you support forced gun confiscation & why?

2-Do you feel every law abiding 2A supporter would hand in their guns willingly & why?

3-What do you feel would happen to the crime rate if the law abiding turned in their weapons & why?

4-What about other objects that can kill multiple people quickly (motor vehicles, planes, trains, explosive materials, swords, axes, knives, hammers, Hudson sprayer, gas & a lighter, etc), do you favor a ban on those as well & why?

5-Finally, would you still support it if you had to personally go out & confiscate the guns that some would refuse to surrender?
In other words, if it was your life on the line, would you walk the walk & why not?

I'll get it started-
1-I'm totally opposed to virtually all gun control except for in cases where there is an obvious mental illness involved.
Example- trannies

2-I know many of us will never hand in our guns & will defend our rights with our lives, so that means many people will end up dead.
Much more than the occasional mass shooting by the lunatic fringe.

3-I know crime rates have declined as the percentage of gun ownership increased. I also know most mass shooters seek gun free targets of opportunity & that's why they go after the schools all the time.
Crime rates will increase following any attempt at confiscation.

4-I don't want any other inanimate objects or tools banned either.

5-Obviously, I would never demand someone else do something dangerous on my behalf that I'd refuse to do myself.
I can't see how anyone justifies that attitude but you can give it a shot.

And yes, I personally would be willing to physically fight a fire/person or take down either a criminal or enemy soldier.

Biden may dream of doing this at night. He may salivate that he could do it. But the reality is the E.O. Would exist for a few hours before a Judge issued a stay and it didn’t have any effect.

So calm down. Take your meds. And put your fantasies of leading the army of the next civil war back in the drawer.
Biden may dream of doing this at night. He may salivate that he could do it. But the reality is the E.O. Would exist for a few hours before a Judge issued a stay and it didn’t have any effect.

So calm down. Take your meds. And put your fantasies of leading the army of the next civil war back in the drawer.
Pretty ironic a low-T lefty male with a Ukrainian flag avatar tells someone else to take some meds & calm down.
Did that little Zelensky clown tell you to say that?
Pretty ironic a low-T lefty male with a Ukrainian flag avatar tells someone else to take some meds & calm down.
Did that little Zelensky clown tell you to say that?

How many times has the Second been debated on this board? How many court cases have extended and expanded Second Amendment power? So any Executive Order would be ruled as unconstitutional in ten minutes wouldn’t it? But that isn’t what you want to read. You want to read that you have to prepare for some sort of civil war. It’s dumb.

So if you want to fight the Military, be my guest. But don’t scream it isn’t fair later. It’s what you wanted.

But back to the topic at hand. An Executive Order requiring turning in of firearms. Everyone knows it wouldn’t happen. Even a law passed by a majority Democrat congress and signed by the President wouldn’t stand up for ten minutes into the first court challenge. It would be ruled unconstitutional.

But you want people afraid of their Government, you want them hating. Fortunately the way to inoculate people agains this hatred and fear is with truth. And the truth is that what is described, just can’t happen.

But let’s pretend that it did. Ok, we are going to have to add massive steroids to the Suspend Disbelief requirement in fiction. But let’s go ahead. Do you think the best weapon is an AR15 or similar high capacity magazine fed medium caliber rifle is the way to go? You see, the Military and Police have similar weapons, and even better. You shoot at a bunch of soldiers, and they shoot back. Then they bring up the belt fed machine gun, and the mortars, and grenade launchers, and you are dead. They have Rocket Launchers, Missiles, and a ton of firepower you don’t.

So your best bet, in all honesty, is a long range rifle, and skills you probably don’t possess. Sniper stuff. Popping an enemy at eight hundred meters with a high powered rifle, one shot, slip away, and escape the area before they can fix your location. But a high powered bolt action rifle just isn’t sexy is it? It’s not nearly as heroic in your mind as standing there with a three thousand dollar AR clone and mowing down the enemy who is obligingly walking directly towards you without any cover or body armor.

Again, all of this isn’t even academic. It’s not fiction, it’s fantasy. Because again, if Biden did sign such an Executive Order the courts would quash it in moments. The various gun groups would trample little old ladies and orphans to be the first to file the motion before the court.

As for who told me to write that? Nobody. But I’ve been listening to you idiots for years now, the we have to be prepared for Civil War two point oh.

Want to know the most likely scenario where your rifle would come into play that way? Not the actions of the Government. But the collapse of the Government. And that scenario is about as likely as the idea that the Executive Order would somehow be accepted by the courts.
So your best bet, in all honesty, is a long range rifle, and skills you probably don’t possess.
All the millions of deer hunters in the US say HI!

You rubes still think we are playing by the old rules despite everything that is happening.
Sad & stupid but what I'd expect from the side that never sees the obvious consequences until they get smacked in the face.
All the millions of deer hunters in the US say HI!

You rubes still think we are playing by the old rules despite everything that is happening.
Sad & stupid but what I'd expect from the side that never sees the obvious consequences until they get smacked in the face.

What consequences. Nobody is coming for your guns. Tell your Doctor to up your dosage. You are still not quite in balance.
Whatever you say progponcey. Take your testosterone supplements & quit tucking your junk

Ok. Educate me. Explain how you can fight the Government and expect to survive even a single week. I’ll give you a leg up. If you hear the Brrrt from an A-10. It wasn’t pointed at you.
Well, both South Korea & Japan have very strict gun regs with few in private hands & have very high suicide rates.

The USSR had had extremely strictly enforced gun ownership laws & the highest murder rates of any developed country. So did most of the other ex-Soviet nations.

Australia & Britain also took away most guns & saw violent crime rates like rape, assault & robbery increase.
The causes and conditions that lead to suicide attempts are many and varied. A nation by nation comparison has very little meaning in this debate. The point about guns and suicides in the US is the very large propotion of suicides committed with firearms here and their extreme fatality. If guns were not available to people attempting suicide, a significant number would either back down (lacking the painless instantaneousness of a bullet to the brain) or would fail in the attempt.
The Taliban says HI too!

The Taliban had the support of the people and a religious connection. Do you really imagine that the people are going to trade what they have for an uncertain future, to put it mildly, under an extremist RW insanity? The problem is that the majority oppose your ideals.

Wisconsin just held an election for their Supreme Court. For decades we’ve been told that the majority support banning abortion. The only problem is that every time it is on the ballot the majority seem to vote to support Abortion. In this case the trend continued and the Liberal who promised to protect Abortion was elected.

Wisconsin is a swing state. One of them. So if you want to be the next Taliban you’ll need to adapt to the majority idealism, or start lying to the people about what you believe. If you do try lying the question comes up what are you fighting about?

But it isn’t about guns. It’s about food. Beans and bullets. Let’s say you gather thirty people around to follow you. You now need to provide ninety meals a day to feed your troops. That is a lot of food. And unless you live on a farm that produces a ton of food, you ain’t gonna be able to do it.

Thirty people. One platoon. One lousy platoon. If you don’t feed them they won’t stay. What are you going to do? Raid some Government warehouse full of MRE’s? Those are on Military Bases. The Military probably won’t take too kindly to you showing to get the food. Back to overwhelming firepower wiping out your rebellion.

The people you may say. They’re armed too, and the odds of them giving up their food for your cause is pretty slim. Not many are going to say here take the chow me and my family are thrilled to starve for you.

They’re going to shoot you.

And as for getting shot. Have you considered medical? Have a Trauma Surgeon handy? You’ll need one. You will need medics trained and equipped for battlefield injuries. You’ll need a way to care for your people. Otherwise a minor wound will become fatal. Your followers won’t follow you if you stand over a guy who died from blood poisoning and declare it was Gawd’s Will.

So go ahead. Have your dreams. Write some dystopian fiction. Because that is the only place where you can possibly achieve success. On the pages of a bad novel.
All the millions of deer hunters in the US say HI!

You rubes still think we are playing by the old rules despite everything that is happening.
Sad & stupid but what I'd expect from the side that never sees the obvious consequences until they get smacked in the face.
Forget deer hunters-think Varmint Hunter Association. There are at least a few THOUSAND members of the Thousand Yard Club-that is, a verified hit on a prairie dog (about the size of a soda can) at one thousand yards. (More than half a mile.)
Well, both South Korea & Japan have very strict gun regs with few in private hands & have very high suicide rates.

The USSR had had extremely strictly enforced gun ownership laws & the highest murder rates of any developed country. So did most of the other ex-Soviet nations.

Australia & Britain also took away most guns & saw violent crime rates like rape, assault & robbery increase.

Most of those aren't the most impartial or reliable of sources, but you've got the National Review in there backing up your point, so we'll mentally mark that "Under Discussion" and suspend the words "and suicide" from my post.

I assume you're all right with the rest of it, then.
- Cases in which a judge has determined a specific person to be a risk to themselves or others;

plenty of evidence to support that violent crime and suicide rates would both plummet.
Other than those 2 points, I would agree.
Trannies shouldn't have guns because they are actively suffering from a delusional psychosis.
The same goes for any seriously mentally ill person.

I would never agree to let a judge be the sole determinate of 2A rights since it is well established out judiciary system has been radicalized & politicized.
There has to be stricter & contestable standards before rights can be stripped.

And I don't believe either suicide or violent crime rates would decline because of gun confiscation & would absolutely challenge the veracity of any claim to the contrary with proof to back up my point.
The US had a declining rate of violent crime even as gun ownership grew exponentially.
We have about 400 million private guns & had the lowest violent crime rates in decades.
Forget deer hunters-think Varmint Hunter Association. There are at least a few THOUSAND members of the Thousand Yard Club-that is, a verified hit on a prairie dog (about the size of a soda can) at one thousand yards. (More than half a mile.)
Ahhh.....a BMG 50, when you really want to reach out and touch someone.
Well, both South Korea & Japan have very strict gun regs with few in private hands & have very high suicide rates.
That pretty much proves when there are no guns, humans are very clever coming up with 'other' methods of self destruction. Notice knife crimes are in vogue in many heavily gun restricted countries.

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