If Biden steps down from the Campaign, he should Also Step Down from the White House. But First, Kamal Harris should Resign.

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
For the good of the country. She stands in the way of Biden being able to be taken out by the 25th, or resigning on his own.

The White House staff should be negotiating on behalf of Biden with Congress to come up with a name who can get the majority of votes for confirmation from both the Dem Senate and the Rep House.

My recommendation would be Josh Shapiro (D), governor of Pennsylvania. He's a moderate Democrat and he got 15% of the votes of registered Republicans in his 2022 run for governor. Point would be to get someone in the VP slot that Biden could plausibly resign and have take his job as a temporary replacement.

That would leave Newsome, Whitmer, Harris and whoever else to fight for the delegates at the convention.
Like Vance said they are both too old.

At this point the democrats do not have enough time to put in place a new candidate nor to introduce anyone new to the party.
What is exactly is the OPs point? Makes no sense.
The point is that we have a crises in this country: A president who is mentally unfit to serve.

Democrats are finally admitting that he is mentally unfit, first that he was mentally unfit to be put on trial, and now that he is mentally unfirt to win an election.

I'm asking that Democrats take the most important step and admit that he is not mentally fit to be president of the United States, which is a much harder job than presidential candidate. If they can, then the question becomes how best to turn the country over to another leader.
For the good of the country. She stands in the way of Biden being able to be taken out by the 25th, or resigning on his own.

The White House staff should be negotiating on behalf of Biden with Congress to come up with a name who can get the majority of votes for confirmation from both the Dem Senate and the Rep House.

My recommendation would be Josh Shapiro (D), governor of Pennsylvania. He's a moderate Democrat and he got 15% of the votes of registered Republicans in his 2022 run for governor. Point would be to get someone in the VP slot that Biden could plausibly resign and have take his job as a temporary replacement.

That would leave Newsome, Whitmer, Harris and whoever else to fight for the delegates at the convention.
Are you for real?

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